Saturday, August 16, 2008

Screamin Demon

Writen by T.S. Johnson

That child of mine is turning into demon baby bit by bit everyday. Recently she has reverted back to her newborn self and doesn't want to sleep through the night. First of all the child has never ever liked to go to bed. Ever. As a three month old she would stay awake all night, not crying, just laughing, playing, hanging out while I quietly prayed to God asking him what did I do to deserve the non-sleeping baby. I've pulled many a twenty-four hour night because she wouldn't sleep and refused to lay down.

So, last night she wakes up around four in the morning and starts a hollering. I go and get her, thinking that if I lay her down with me she'll go to sleep and then I can put her back in bed. No. Little Ms. Insomniac wants to play. So I let her no that that's not an option and put her little butt back to bed. Of course that doesn't go over well and she starts screaming bloody murder. I mean you'd think I was beating the child senseless.

Well this screaming match wakes my mother up and she just knows I'm abusing the baby or something. I say no, Little Ms. Insomniac just doesn't want to go to bed. She insists that I stop her from hollering since she knows someone is going to call the cops since it sounds like I'm killing the baby. I politely remind her that said baby only cries like that 'cause grandma would go and pick her up when she cried saying, "Oh that baby isn't sleepy. That's not right to make her cry. Go and pick her up." So grandma would go and pick the baby up...creating our current little monster.

Well of course mom doesn't like that bit of information so she promptly marches in the room to tell little baby to "Hush right now. Stop all that screaming and go to bed." Of course my little angel starts to scream more. So I relent. Go and pick her up and once again lay her down with me. Except my little munchkin decides that she wants to get up and walk around. This ticks grandma off who insists, "Oh no. She will not walk around. You're going to bed little girl." So she grabs her grandbaby and puts her to bed, closes the door and lets her precious grandbaby cry herself to sleep. At which point she refers to her as the Screamin' Demon. Of course if she would have just let her do that in the beginning we wouldn't have had all that drama and I would have been able to actually get some sleep.

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