Sunday, August 31, 2008

Baby Shower For Second Baby

Writen by Randy Wilson

Having a shower for second baby used to be considered greedy and unacceptable. But now it is not only acceptable, but it is actually necessary for some families to have a baby shower for second baby. Though mom-to-be may already have a lot of the major items from her first baby. Crib, stroller, high chair - she will need many other items.

Moms-to-be always need things like diapers and wipes, undershirts, bath accessories, and feeding supplies. Second baby showers could actually be a "sprinkle" shower. A "sprinkle" shower is where guests buy only the necessities rather than having a full-blown shower.

You could also consider finding out from mom-to-be what she wished she had but didn't get the first time around. Then add those items to the suggested gifts. It could also be a "Bear Necessities" theme decorated with all sorts of bears for the shower for second baby.

You could have baby showers for second baby for a caboose baby, or a baby born much later than other babies. Might be very similar to a first time baby shower. Most likely, if there are many years between babies, these parents no longer have any baby items and will be in need of all types of gifts for the second baby showers.

For moms-to-be who already have enough for the baby, you might consider having a "mom" baby shower where everyone brings a baby shower gift for mom-to-be instead of for the baby. These can be items with which she can pamper herself, or items that she may need while she is in labor.

Sometimes the mom-to-be doesn't need anything for the baby or for herself, but she wants to have a get together with friends. For this type of party, you may want to ask guests to bring unwrapped baby gifts. You can all wrap these gifts at the party, label them, and then donate them to a charity in mom-to-be's (or baby's) name.

Baby showers for second babies can be directed towards helping out a new mom after the baby is born. If you hold the shower close enough to the baby's birth you can have a "Freezer Party." This is where baby shower guests bring assorted dishes that can be frozen and heated up so mom-to-be doesn't have to worry about cooking. At least for the first week or so that she is home from the hospital.

"Helping Hands" are great for baby showers for second child. Ask guests not to buy gifts, coming instead with a homemade coupon redeemable for their services. These services can include babysitting an older child making dinner, or cleaning the house while mom and baby are still in the hospital.

You may even want to throw a baby shower to remind the mom-to-be that she won't always be pregnant. Suggest buying gifts like sexy lingerie, sinful chocolates, and exotic beverages. All those things she has to keep away from while pregnant. Keep in mind that if you give alcoholic beverages to a nursing mother make sure she also has a breast pump and knows how to use it!

A gift certificate for a massage, dinner, or even a pre-natal class is a great idea as well. And don't forget that mom-to-be will probably need nursing bras plus post-natal support garments as well (these might be fun as gag gifts).

© Copyright Randy Wilson, All Rights Reserved.

Randy has dozens more baby shower related articles such as Baby Shower Invitations and Baby Shower Games. Also has a blog: Baby Shower Planning.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

My First Experience With Infinite Intelligence

Writen by Vikki Mungre

The Birth of my son in Dec - 2001 in the back seat of a car, outside the hospital gates, delivered by my own hands!

Kissed my wife goodbye in the morning and left for work. She was due in about a week or two and had complained of some pain in the morning. Inspite of this she insisted that she was OK and that there was no concern.

Called her from work at 10.00 am and she was in terrible pain, that was coming every 20 minutes. Asked her to call the doctor - she already did and he mentioned that all was well. I was a bit concerned so after some time I left for home without informing her. On reaching, I found her screaming and yelling in pain. It was about 12.00 noon. Called up my friend, who rushed with his car.

Unfortunately we had to go to a hospital that was downtown and 45 mins from where we were. My friend and his wife were in front and I was in the back with my wife. She was really screaming loud and my friend who was driving was zipping past red lights. By now my wife is yelling " Something is coming out" and my response being " Don't worry - our first kid took almost 12 hours".

We reached the gates of the hospital and the car broke down - started smoking, coolant leaking, etc. My friend and his wife rushed into the hospital to get help. In the meanwhile, I heard a shriek that did not sound like my wife, so I picked up the gown and there was a kid's head.

Instinctively, I grabbed the kid as he was coming out(being born) - my wife was in a sitting position still. By then a paramedic had seen me frantically waving and had rushed to help. The baby was in my hands, completely soaked in blood - messy!! The hospital had declared an emergency on the public address system and our car was surrounded by about 100 people. A doctor entered through the front door of the car and cut the cord. An emerg Nurse came in and draped her sweater around the newborn - God bless her!

My wife was then picked up and put on a stretcher. Walking into the hospital, hundreds of people were tapping me on the shoulder - " CONGRATULATIONS DAD - YOU DID A WONDERFUL JOB" and I am wondering why? My wife carried the kid for 9 months, went through this ordeal and people were congratulating me.

Everything went well - both mother and son were and are fine.

It has to be the intervention of a Superpower that could make this happen.

Gratitude and Faith is all I have in return.

Vikki Mungre is better known as The Immigrant Coach by those he has helped, not only in their careers, but in their lives. He is passionate about helping people succeed, especially Immigrants from across the world.

A seasoned Management professional with over 20 years of extensive international experience in diverse industries like Logistics, Office Automation, Hospitality, Car rentals, Retail and Staffing. Specific areas he likes and enjoys working with are Success Coaching, Career Counseling, Motivation and Recruitment.

On the personal front – he loves to spend time with his family and whatever is left, he likes investing in reading/listening to self development literature written by the likes of Deepak Chopra, Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar, Harv Eker, etc.

Vikki Mungre
Immigrant Coach

Friday, August 29, 2008

Giving Flax To Your Baby The Facts On Flax For Baby Toddler Amp The Whole Family

Writen by Margaret Meade

When can I introduce Flax and Flax Seed to my baby? Is Flax Good for Babies? What exactly is Flax and Flax Seeds and how will Flax benefit my baby?

Flax and Flax Seed is something that most of us have heard of either in passing or mentioned in an article somewhere. We know Flax is "good for us" and contains Omega 3's. Many people however have no idea where to buy flax, how to serve it and most importantly, when it may be introduce to baby and toddler. Our topic for October 2006 will introduce you to Flax. We'll show you how and when you may introduce Flax and Flax Seed to your baby!

As always, we recommend that you consult your pediatrician whenever you introduce your baby to a new food; generalities may not apply to your baby!

What is Flax?

Flax has been cultivated for centuries, it's cultivation can be traced back to the Stone Age even. The American Colonists grew flax to use it's fiber for making (linen) cloth and cultivated Flax for commercial production as far back as the 1700's!

Flax is a flowering perennial. It's flowers are plentiful and are amazing to see! Flax blooms from May through September. Flax is mostly grown in Canada and in the Northern Mid-West areas of the United States. Flax has amazing health properties and is a good source of healthy oils, fiber, and other essential nutrients for baby's (and adult's) health, growth and development. The three essential components of Flax that are wonderful for our bodies are:

  • Omega-3 oils - You may recognize them as "alpha-linolenic acid" or ALA
  • Lignans
  • Fiber, both soluble and insoluble When Can My Baby Begin To Eat Flax?
Most often pediatricians will say that incorporating Flax into your baby's diet is safe around 7-8 months old. Ideally, you would begin offering you baby Flax in the form of either Flax meal (finely ground Flax Seeds) or Flax Oil.

How Much Flax Should I Offer my Baby?

We would recommend offering your younger baby no more than 1 tablespoon of Flax per day. Note that 3 teaspoons are equivalent to 1 tablespoon so you may add up to 3 teaspoons in several "meals" during a day. While one cannot really "overdose" on Flax, it is important to keep the dosage relatively low as Flax is a natural laxative. It is possible that very loose stools and/or diarrhea will occur with eating too much Flax. Many parents who give their babies Flax increase the amount once baby has turned 1 or 2 years old.

As with any new food, it is important that you watch out for any possible reactions. While Flax is not considered a high allergen, you still want to watch for any digestive upsets!

How Can I Add Flax to my Baby's Meals?

Many people add whole Flax Seeds directly to their baked goods and cereals. It has been found that the seeds may not prove to be as healthful as using the Flax Oil, Ground Flax or Flax Meal. The whole seeds may not break down enough in the digestive system to completely release all the wholesome and healthy goodness of the Flax.

Flax Oil, Ground Flax or Flax Meal may be added to your Baby's food in a variety of ways! (ensure your choice of foods is age appropriate for your baby!!)

  • Add Flax Oil, Flax Meal or ground Flax Seeds to your baby's infant cereals
  • Sprinkle Flax Meal or ground Flax Seeds in your baby's yogurt, mixed in or over baby's fruit purées, add it to veggie purees and meat/rice/veggie meals too!
  • Flax Meal or Ground Flax is great in J&J's Baby Meatballs, meatloaf, fish cakes and homemade chicken nuggets too!
  • Baked goods with added Flax Meal give your teething biscuits and rusks an extra nutritional boost too! Try Flax Meal or Ground Flax in Baby Cereal Pancakes too!
  • Flax oil may be added to porridge, yogurt and anything else you may wish to add it to!
Can I Use Flax Oil as a Substitute for Other Oils in Cooking?

You cannot cook with Flax Oil as you do with Olive Oil! Flax oil will burn and go rancid when heated.

How do I store Flax?

Flax must be stored properly as it is very delicate. Whether you are using Flax Oil or Ground Flax, store your Flax in the refrigerator! Flax can go rancid very quickly and then it will be unhealthy to eat! Whole Flax Seeds are not as delicate and may be kept for up to 2 years in a dry cool sealed container.

How Will Flax Benefit My Baby's Health and My Family's Health?

One tablespoon of ground Flax Seed has about 40 calories, 2.3 grams of fiber and 2.8 grams of fat, 1.5 grams of which are omega-3s. Flax Seeds also contain Iron, some Calcium, Vitamins B-1, B-2, Vitamin C and E and some Vitamin E and carotene too! WOW! That's a lot of healthy nutrients packed into seeds!

Flax Oil is not as nutritious en masse as Ground Flax Seeds or Flax Meal. Your baby will still obtain all the Essential Omega 3 when using the Flax Oil however the protein and other nutrients decline when Flax Seeds are pressed into Flax Oil. It is worth grinding your own Flax Seeds or purchasing Ground Flax Seeds so that you can obtain all the healthy goodness of Flax!

Due to it's high soluble fiber content, Flax Seed or Flax Oil is a great natural laxative! Use Flax Seed Oil to help your baby with Constipation and to help keep the whole family "on schedule"!

Flax Resources & Learning More

Margaret Meade is the Editor of and is the mother of 3 boys. The boys were raised on all Homemade Baby Food; and since Mommy had been studying nutrition for many years, she knew homemade was best! Visit and find out how easy it is to make your own baby food. Once you begin, good healthy eating habits will automatically flow!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Encouraging Prewriting Skills In Toddlers

Writen by Ai Lian Lim

Most parents are generous and encouraging when it comes to providing their toddlers with toys. They enjoy watching their child play with soft toys, toys that light up, noisy toys, toys that move, etc.... Basically, parents are always keen on things that can enhance their toddler's coordination, movement and thinking abilities. However, an important "toy" that is often overlooked is that of a pen or pencil.

Many parents are apprehensive when it comes to arming their toddler with a pen or pencil. Below are some of their concerns: 1. It's dangerous. What if he pokes his eye out? 2. She will just draw everywhere. It's so troublesome to clean off her scribbling on my wall, floor and tables. 3. He can't even control his movements yet. He just scribbles. I'll let him have a pen when he is older.

It is better to find solutions to your concerns then to deprive your child of a wonderful learning experience. A toddler that is not given ample opportunities to scribble is at a disadvantage.

Now, you may ask, when do I start? The answer is simple, start when they are ready. Every child develops at a different rate. For example, younger siblings may pick up the skill earlier and quicker because they have an older sibling to model after. You know your child best. Provide the opportunities and observe their readiness. Once they are ready, have pencils and paper readily available and easily accessible to encourage the learning

Another question would be, how to start? Children learn best through modeling. You can start by having drawing sessions with your toddler on your lap. Even better if you illustrate while telling a story. Don't worry if your dinosaur looks like a dog. You do not need to be Van Gogh to teach your child what a pencil can do. Later, give them a pencil and see what they do with it. Some toddlers may need to be taught how to hold it. Some are naturals and will take it like fish to water.

It is important that you do not rush your toddler into drawing shapes and writing alphabets. Allow the free expression of scribbling as it is a crucial stage to their development. You disrupt their learning process when you ignore their scribbling and push them to learn how to "draw properly".

Another important factor is to make writing fun. Writing doesn't just have to be paper and pencil. Children love to experiment with blackboards and chalks, and white boards and markers. Kindergartens these days can dish out really boring work. Kids come home copying the strokes over and over again. Where is the excitement? How about blowing up a balloon and then scribbling on it? How about pretending you're a policeman scribbling a summon?

Prewriting skills starts from the home and not in kindergartens. So parents, provide the opportunities, be creative and be encouraging. Your child's potential is waiting to be discovered.

Article written by Lim Ai Lian, owner of, a premier specialty bookshop for parents and children in Malaysia and Singapore. She blogs at

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Start Making Homemade Baby Wipes Today

Writen by Heather Owens

Having a baby can be very expensive, and so if you can find ways to cut corners, it's worth doing. That's where homemade baby wipes can be of great benefit. Not only do you save money, you can also be more confident what it is that you're using on your baby's precious skin. You can be reassured there's nothing that might cause irritation.

Like baby wipes you purchase in a store, homemade baby wipes are portable and convenient. To make them, start with a roll of paper towels, such as Viva or Bounty. You will also need baby bath liquid, water, and a sturdy plastic container with a lid. I'm sure you can already see how you're saving money - buying baby wipes costs from $3 to $5 a package. You're paying for chemicals, fragrance, alcohol or other ingredients that dry the skin, and water. The ingredients listed for homemade baby wipes make two batches of wipes, so you're only paying around 60 cent per package. Even better, you choose the baby bath liquid, and can therefore use organic or all natural if you wish to.

Firstly, choose a cylindrical plastic container, slightly bigger than a quart container. It needs to be tall enough to hold a roll of paper towels cut in half (so a bit bigger than a roll of toilet paper). Make sure the container's lid fits tightly. Use a sharp blade to cut an "x" slit in middle of the lid.

Now, cut your roll of paper towel in half using a sharp knife. You will end up with two smaller rolls that look quite similar to rolls of toilet paper. Put one half of the paper towel roll into the container.

Grab a bowl, and mix together 2 cups of water and 2 tablespoons of the baby bath liquid. Pour this mixture into your homemade baby wipes container. Now you can go and make yourself a coffee, as you'll need to wait about five minutes while the paper towels soak up the bath liquid mixture. Once the five minutes has passed, gently pull the cardboard core out of the middle of the paper towel roll. As you pull the core out, the innermost piece of paper towel should follow it up. Pull the piece of paper towel through the slit you cut in the container's lid, and put the lid back on.

Now, when you're ready to use a wipe, just pull the paper towel up through the lid of the container. The paper towel is perforated, so it will tear off easily at the perforation, leaving the next wipe poking through the lid, ready to use when you need it.

The container works well when you're at home, but homemade baby wipes can also be used when you're out and about. Pull out the number of baby wipes you'll need and put them in a zip lock plastic bag. You can then just unzip the bag and take out a wipe when you need one, or you can cut a small hole in the bag to pull through one end of the first wipe, ready for use. In that case you may want to put the whole zip lock bag inside a plastic portable wipes box, both to stop them leaking and protect them from drying out in the air. Now you have portable homemade baby wipes!

Homemade baby wipes are very simple to make, cheap, convenient and much better for your baby's skin - so make your own today!

Find heaps more great money saving baby ideas at Info About Baby You can sign up for a FREE Baby Tips newsletter at Baby Tips Newsletter. The author's book about babies is available at Baby's First Year

Moses Baby Baskets

Writen by Randy Wilson

Moses Baby Baskets are a traditional, convenient place for babies especially for one who cannot sit up or cannot push itself up on its hands and knees. Modern moses baby baskets are distinct improvements over conventional ones. The fabric is made of 100 percent cotton, designed for the perfect safety and comfort of the baby. Ideally the mattress is designed in such a way that it is convenient to remove it before giving it to the laundry. The same goes for the moses basket bumper inserts also. The mattress and bumper inserts could be made of polyesters. Wash the moses basket mattress by hand in mild detergent and warm water.

Normally healthy babies should sleep on their backs. To avoid overheating use blanket till it reaches the baby's chest. Remove all toys while the baby sleeps comfortably in its Moses basket. Place the feet of the baby towards the end of the mattress to prevent the baby from wiggling under the bed covers.

Let us look at some handy tips related to moses baby baskets. Keep a firm grip on both the handles. If the baby moses bassinet is on a stand, ensure that the moses basket stand is of the correct size and quality. If any part is broken or protruding unnecessarily or missing, it makes sense get it replaced from the manufacturer.

Check the locking devices regularly, particularly after cleaning. The locking nut should be securely tightened. Also the handles and the bottom of the basket should be inspected regularly to check for any wear or tear or damage. Keep it away from extreme conditions like heat or moisture since it is a natural product.

© Copyright Randy Wilson, All Rights Reserved.

Randy has dozens more baby shower related articles such as Baby Shower Games and Baby Diaper Cakes.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Eczema In Babies How To Treat Them

Writen by Claire Bowes

Very little of the literature for new mothers addresses eczema in babies. Afterall, eczema doesn't fit in with the picture of the dewey, glowing baby all new parents imagine. Eczema in babies is fairly common though, and not too difficult to understand and treat.

Eczema is dry, scaly, itchy skin that appears irritated. Although not contagious, eczema can become infected if scratched. Infants can develop eczema almost anywhere, but behind the knees and elbows, and on the face, neck and belly are the most common sites. Eczema in infants tends to become crusty and weepy.

Treating your baby's eczema can be relatively simple. Since eczema tends to rob the affected skin of moisture, keeping the skin adequately moisturized is the most important aspect of treatment. Limiting baths to two to three a week helps to keep the skin moist, and using a very mild soap like Aveeno, Dove or Cetaphil is important. Avoid anything with perfumes or dyes. Pat the skin dry, never rub, and immediately apply a thick moisturizer. Aquaphor and Eucerin are often recommended, but any mild, unscented, thick lotion will work. Many doctors recommend that lotions be applied four or five times daily to help keep the skin moist.

If the skin is irritated and red, a mild topical steroid like 1% hydrocortisone cream may be prescribed by your doctor to reduce inflammation. Many doctors and parents advocate putting socks or mittens over a baby's hands to keep them from scratching affected skin.

Eczema should be carefully monitored for signs of infection. Any open, weeping or warm areas should be immediately treated, and your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic to keep the infection under control.

Although often very frightening for new parents, eczema in babies can be managed with careful monitoring and constant moisturizing. Fortunately, many babies grow out of eczema by age five with no long lasting effects.

Claire Bowes is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Eczema Causes & Cures. Claire provides more information on her site about Eczema in Babies that you can research at home.

Protecting Your Baby And Toddler From The Sun

Writen by Graham Nicoll

Babies and young children have thinner and more delicate skin than adults. Afterall, our skin has had a lot more years of conditioning to the outside world. Due to this, the risk of young children getting sunburnt is significantly higher.

The most important thing to highlight whan discussing protection from the sun is that sunburn is only the short term result of over exposure to the sun. We need to think longer term in order to protect out children from developing more serious over exposure conditions such as skin cancer.

Some fundamental rules to follow are as follows:

+ Stay in the shade during the hottest time of day – 11.00 – 15.00

+ Always apply factor 50 or above for your baby or toddler

+ If going for a long walk always take a parasol for the buggy, sun hat and eye protection such as baby sunglasses

+ Brimmed hats are ideal for your little one to protect both their face and the back of their neck from the sun. This is area most prone to sunburn as it is often forgotten about!

As mentioned above, don't forget to protect your children's eyes as well as yours. Wear good quality, wrap around sunglasses. Look for the sticker on the lenses that tells you that the sunglasses provide proper UV protection.

Think about the clothes that your little one is wearing. You need to consider whether they will get too hot, as well as considering whether their arms or legs will be exposed.

Skin types do play a part in how quickly you will burn. They are divided into 5 categories. Individuals with skin type 1 will be pale skinned, have freckles, light coloured eyes and fair or red hair. These people will burn easily in the sun and never tan. Individuals with skin type 5, have dark brown or black skin, dark eye colour and dark hair. They almost never burn in the sun. Even though they don't burn over exposure to the sun's rays will still cause the premature aging of the skin and increase the risk of skin cancer.

Taking precautions in the sun is vital for everyone, but particularly for children.

The summer time is a great time of year, you just need to remember to take the necessary precautions to protect yourself and your little one from the sun.

Have a fun summer!

For parasols or baby sunglasses visit

If you are travelling during the summer months and are looking for activities to take your little one too then visit

Graham Nicoll is a father of one, Toby, a keen entrepreneur and fitness enthusiast.

He enjoys writing and working with people to help them achieve greater success in their life. Whether this be overcoming mental roadblocks or helping them improve their health and wellbeing.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Ideas And Theme For Your Baby Shower

Writen by Vincent C

It is always a great joy to have someone added to your family, especially if it is a cute little baby. And how would you celebrate the joy of having one? By planning the most fun and unique baby shower of course!

Preparing for a baby shower should be fun and exciting. You can be as creative as you want. Go simple or go real extravagant. As long as you will make your party special and unforgettable, you can go ahead and experiment on the different themes you can have.

You can go the traditional way, or, get a little creative and make your baby shower a lot more unique. You can spice up the party with different themes that can either be serious, adorable or humorous.

Below are some popular themes ideas that would surely be a hit in any baby showers.

1. Color Themes
The usual color themes for girls are pink and blue for the boys. These are simple themes that can be just as fun as other themes. Decorate your venue with your chosen color theme. In putting up colored ribbons, intertwine them with a white ribbon too. This would give the room an elegant look. If you are unsure whether your baby would be a boy or a girl, settle for neutral colors like green or yellow.

2. Baby Bottles Theme
You can have a baby bottle as your centerpiece in this particular theme. Use them as cute containers for game prizes. You can make fun of them too by using baby bottles as cups or mugs.

3. Teddy Bear Theme
Everyone loves these cuddly teddies. They are perfect for decorations. You don't have to buy teddy bears though to fill up the room. Old but presentable ones will do. It would be memorable to have the guest of honor's favorite teddy as a centerpiece.

4. Diaper Theme
Begin with sending cute diaper cut- out invitation. Guests should bring their own diaper gifts with a particular size. This way, you can save on diapers even up to three months!

5. Nursery Rhyme Theme
It's a good idea to make nursery rhymes as theme for your party. You can make use of famous character like Humpty Dumpty, Little Bo Peep, or the famous Mother Goose. Pictures could be nice as decorations but it would really look nice if you have some kind of a replica. You can also add on some of the line to your invitations.

6. Fairytale Themes
There are thousands of fairytale characters that have been a tradition throughout baby shower parties. Cinderella and Snow White are the most common ones for girl. Peter Pan is the most suitable character for boys. This kind of theme can be made interesting with colorful decorations and creates a fantasy- like atmosphere.

Having a theme in your baby shower can add a little more coordination in the things you need to prepare. A theme would dictate which kind of food you need to prepare, the look of the invitations and how you would decorate your chosen venue. With a theme, you would have to be groping in the dark on how you would create that perfect baby shower.

© Copyright Vincent.C, All Rights Reserved.

Vincent has dozens more baby shower related articles and tips at his site: baby shower theme, check them out today!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Five Common Illnesses In Newborns Symptoms And Treatment

Writen by Rebecca Lee

Every new parent hopes that their child's health will be free of all health complications, but a number of illnesses have been shown to afflict many newborns on a regular basis. This article will discuss five common illnesses in newborns, giving causes, symptoms and treatment options for each.

The rotovirus is a viral infection found in babies and young children. Symptoms of the illness include diarrhea, vomiting, nausea and fever. The virus acts by attacking the lining of the small intestine. This results in dehydration from excessive loss of fluids and electrolytes. Often these symptoms will last from three to ten days. Children infected with the rotavirus can be contagious for ten to twelve days following the first signs of diarrhea. Home treatment consists of rest and administration of specially made electrolyte replacement products. Examples of these include gastrolyte, pedialyte and plamalyte.

Oral thrush is an infection caused by the yeast fungus known as Candida albicans. It is also called candidosis or moniliasis, but usually these terms describe the appearance of infection in adults (candida albicans). Oral thrush often finds its way into the human body when the immune system is in a weakened state. Newborn babies are especially at risk from infections such as oral thrush. Two specific causes of oral thrush are a reaction to antibiotics and transmission from a mother with a yeast infection. The main symptom of oral thrush is evidence of painful white lesions on the inside of the mouth. When oral thrush or a yeast infection has been diagnosed, both the mother and her baby should be treated simultaneously. The infection is usually treated with Nystatin.

Cradle cap is a common scalp and skin condition caused by excess oil production from the scalp. Symptoms include flaky, scaly or greasy crusts on the scalp, ears or eyebrows of an infant. Cradle cap can be treated by first loosening the crusts. Using baby, mineral or olive oil, gently rub the the crusts for ten minutes followed shortly by shampooing. Comb the hair in one direction with a baby comb, carefully removing crust remnants as you go. You should then shampoo your child's hair three times a week during the first three weeks following the treatment. Afterwards, use the anti-dandruff shampoo once a week until the cradle cap is completely gone. If the condition worsens or begins to look infected you should immediately contact your pediatrician.

Cat scratch fever is a bacterial infection caused by the microorganism Bartonella henselae. It is most often caused from a scratch or bite from a cat or kitten. Symptoms of a cat scratch infection include small pimples forming around the wound as it heals. These pimples can last up to a month. Your baby's lymph nodes may become swollen and tender. Other symptoms include headache, fever, poor appetite and fatigue. If you suspect that your child has developed cat scratch fever, you should contact your pediatrician immediately. You can take preventative measures by carefully cleaning scratches and bites from cats with soap and water.

Like oral thrush, ringworm is a fungal infection of the skin. It generally affects the scalp in a condition called tinea capitis. When the fungal infection is present on the body it is referred to as tinea coporis. Symptoms of a ringworm infection in infants include coin-sized scaly patches. These rashes may be dry or moist and generally stop growing once they are an inch in diameter. Ringworm on the scalp may look like bald spots or scaly patches with hair broken off in the center. Sometimes ringworm is inappropriately confused with cradle cap. Treatment for ringworm should begin by consulting with your pediatrician. He or she will most likely suggest an over-the-counter anti-fungus cream. Further prevention of reinfection includes carefully washing your baby's bedding until the infection is completely cleared up.

The presence of any one of these illnesses would be cause for concern by any parent. Thankfully, with proper attention to symptoms, consultation with a pediatrician and careful treatment each of them can be addressed and cured. With patience and care you will be able to return to the joy of nourishing your healthy newborn child.
Copyright © 2006.

Rebecca Lee is a mother of four children. She is a retired midwife and author of articles about childbirth and newborn care. provides information on common baby illnesses.

Copyright © 2006.

A Baby Is Born With Certain Reflexes

Writen by Tony Luck

A Baby's Reflexes..

A baby is born with certain reflexes to protect them during the first few weeks. These reflexes will disappear after a few weeks and be replaced with voluntary movement during baby's development.

Doctors will check these reflexes to ensure his central nervous system is working correctly.

Walking Reflex
If you hold baby in an upright position with his feet touching the floor, his legs will seem to be trying to walk. This reflex will last for about 3-4 weeks, and he won't actually walk until he is around 12 months.

Crawling Reflex
Place baby on his stomach and he will take up a crawling position with his bottom in the air and his legs bent. This lasts for about two months when he will then be able to lie flat.

Search Reflex
Touch baby's cheek with your finger or breast and he will turn towards the source and open his mouth in search of food. This reflex will last for about 12 weeks.

Grasp Reflex
Place your finger in the palm of baby's hand and he will grasp it. This involuntary movement will persist for about 3 months.

Sucking Reflex
Put your (clean) finger in baby's mouth and he will suck on it. This reflex ensures he will be able to feed.

Diving Reflex
If baby is placed in water - either during a water birth or in a swimming pool - his throat will close so that he does not swallow the water. This means that baby will not drown if born in water, and he will also be a natural swimmer. This reflex will last for about 2 months, or longer if you take him swimming.

Babinski's Reflex
Stroke the sole of baby's foot and his big toe will curl up and the other toes will spread out. This lasts for about two years.

Author: Tony Luck who runs a site with advice for moms-to-be and new moms. Included are the fascinating chinese pregnancy calendar which is supposed to let you know whether the baby you are expecting will be a girl or boy, and a conception chart to tell you when baby is expected.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Do You Know When Your Child Becomes A Toddler

Writen by William E. Petersen

Most experts define a toddler as a child from 13 months old to the age of 24 months. This seems to be a generally accepted rule of thumb, since, according to, three-fourths of toddlers are walking on their own by then. For simplicity, we say children are toddlers at 13 months, even if they are not walking. If your child still hasn't stopped crawling, it just means walking on his/her own is going to take a little longer.

While my son, Carlos, was walking by 13 months, my daughter, Angelina, did not start walking until she was 18 months old. Since she was not learning to walk, Angelina was learning other things like finger dexterity and good hand/eye coordination. When I compared her to other children her age who were walking, I thought she seemed to have better hand-eye coordination and greater finger dexterity. For example, she could pick up Cheerios with two fingers while the other child could not.

We did not realize how different our daughter and our son would be. My daughter liked to sit still and play with all the toys within her reach. While she crawled around a lot, she could be content in a single spot for 20 minutes at a time.

My son, Carlos, definitely toddled when he was first walking. I used to tell people that he trips over the cracks in the ground, because he was constantly falling over things and tripping on anything in his path. He is different from Angelina, because he will not stay in one place for longer than about 5 minutes.

Soon after he started walking, he would also push things around the room. Chairs and baskets, boxes and toys--if they moved, he would move them around the room. Once his sister, Angelina, showed him how chairs could be used as stools to climb to higher locations, nothing is safe any more. Carlos and Angelina both move chairs over and then climb up on them to reach anything they want off tables or countertops. Since Carlos learned some of this from his sister, he is displaying the same behavior despite being 2 years younger.

But often Carlos will climb just because he can. He has many scrapes and bruises from his climbing adventures. In addition to climbing, now that he is approaching his 2nd birthday, he has moved on to running. This does not mean he has mastered turning in time, but instead corners by running into walls to help change directions quickly.

In April (2006) I will no longer have a toddler in the house, as my toddler will turn 2 years old, and four days later his sister will become 4 years old. Now that both children can run, they spend a lot of time doing exactly that. In fact this desire to always be moving and playing is what makes "time-out" so effective. Both children hate to be put in "time-out" when they are bad.

Written by William E. Petersen, author of the e-zine called Daddy Resource and the website - A Practical Resource to Help Dads Grow. William is a father of two children, Angelina who is four and Carlos who is two. He lives with his wife and children in Texas.

7 Things You Should Know When Planning A Babyshower

Writen by Austin Akalanze


Babyshowers have their origin in ancient time. Like other things, the way and manner in which they are planned and celebrated have changed over time. Here are somethings that you should bear in mind when planning a babyshower today.

1. Know the culture of the would be parents.

Because babyshowers are steeped in tradition and customs, it is important to have a good idea of what is culturally acceptable by the would be parents and what is not. People do not necessarily throw away their culture because they live in modern times. Knowing the cultural limitations, makes the celebration more memorable and worthwile.

2. Know the needs of the parents to be

It is pointless giving gifts that recepients can not use. Would be parents need things for the new baby and are probably stretched to their limits. It would be only worth their while if the gifts they get help to alleviate this burden. Where the gender of the baby is known in advance, give gifts that are gender appropriate.

3. Know the best time to schedule your shower

As the hostess, it behooves you to know when to schedule the babyshower for maximum benefit and impact. Do not schedule your shower too early or too late. Expecting couples need all the financial help they can get. Scheduling a shower too late may mean that the couple had already bought all the things they need for the baby.

4. Know the physical needs of the expecting mother

Pregnancy puts enormous physical challenges and demand on the expecting mother, especially if it is their first pregnancy. It is a good idea to locate the shower closer to home to avoid putting additional strain on an already over challenged mother to be.

5. Know who is on your guest list

The success and failure of a babyshower to a certain extent depends on the attendace. How responsive is your list. Did you consult the couple when compiling your guest list. Remember this is their babyshower not your. You are only a vessel in the actualization of this event.

6. Know your refreshment plan

Preparing for and feeding even the smallest group of poeple can quickly turn into a nightmare if no adequate plans are made for that. Set up a plan about what to serve and how to serve it and work your plan. Make room for emergencies that may arise.

7. Know your plan for entertainment

What is your plan for entertainment? Do you have games that your guests can play? Board games and puzzles make for easy and entertaining games that your guests can play. You might want to organize some kind of poetry reading, depending on the mix of your guests. You can have guests come with their own poems written for the occassion to share with others.

About The Author
Austin Akalanze is an Educator, a poet, a Freelance writer and webmaster at He has been published on several article directories across the net.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Baby And Toddler Dealing With Tantrums

Writen by Michael Russell

Don't you wish there was a miracle elixir to give your toddler when they are having a tantrum? While it isn't possible to make tantrums disappear altogether, there are ways to moderate or minimize them.

First of all stay calm. You will be adding fuel to the fire if you lose your cool. A parental blow up can also terrify your child. Your child will already be off balance with their tantrum, they will be in balance with your calming influence and reassurance and love. This calm approach will not work immediately and will not be easy to pull off but you will eventually see that your efforts are being mirrored in your child's increasing self control.

Speak softly. Try to fight the temptation to scream over your child. It will only encourage them to scream louder as they try to recapture the center stage. A gentle and soft tone of your voice will show that you are in control and it will help your child to regain composure. Also being unable to hear what you are saying, they may quiet down out of curiosity about what you are saying to them.

Never resort to physical punishment. This is a bad idea at any time. You would be punishing the child for something that they cannot control and because you too could lose control and cause serious injury. Don't try to reason with your child during a tantrum. Your out of control toddler is well beyond reason. Logic will be lost on them, so save the rational explanation for rational times.

Try to protect your toddler while they are having a tantrum. A toddler who is kicking and screaming will not be aware of their surroundings and could hurt themselves. Make sure there are no objects in the way that could possible injure your child. Also make sure that will not be any damage to the store or their property.

Attempt to express some empathy. Not sympathy. Say something like, "I know it is hard not to get something you want, I too get upset sometimes when I can't get what I want". This is empathy. Saying you're sorry is sympathy, don't go there, that could make it worse.

Holding your child tight, don't squeeze too hard, but a firm hold may help your child to hold it together, a firm hold can also dissolve anger in them and in you and often will turn into a hug when the tantrum passes.

One of the best methods to help control a tantrum is to ignore it. They may get it out of their system faster. This approach is especially effective if the toddler's demands are outrageous and you suspect that they know that as well as you do. Go about your business and make it obvious that you are not paying any attention. When you begin to systematically ignore their tantrums, they may increase for a while and then eventually your toddler will discover that it is not worth getting all worked up when there is no audience and then the tantrums should become less frequent.

Michael Russell

Your Independent Baby and Toddler guide.

Should You Raise Your Baby In A Large City

Writen by Grant Carroll

Raising a baby in a large city like New York or L.A. provides a culturally rich environment yet presents many challenges as well. One could see it as a trade off from rural or suburban life. On the other hand, your infant will be exposed to wonderful cultures, languages and people that are not available elsewhere, but there are issues such as space management, clutter control and a lack of nature. The best way to meet these challenges is with innovation and a good attitude.

One of the pillars of city life is living in an apartment. Living in such a small space, especially with a baby, carries unique challenges. The biggest problem is the one that can cause the most trouble, noise. Many a fight between neighbors has been started over this one issue, and the problem can be exacerbated when you add infants into the equation. The best solution is to do as your lease most likely suggests and make sure that carpet or rugs cover 80% of your floor. It's impossible to stop your baby from being a baby, but if there are particular neighbors that have a problem, try to insulate the area of the apartment closest to them. If the person lives adjacent to you, put most of your furniture on the wall you share with their apartment. Space management is necessary to save your sanity. The key is to make every square foot multitask, and a good rule of thumb is to make sure that every room can function in at least three ways (i.e. dining room/living room/game room). You can also find ways of innovative storage to save space. Seasonal items like winter baby clothes and baby summer clothes can be stored in a separate facility. Bins and baskets are useful for items that need to be easily accessed like baby toys. Also, remember to carefully select what items are out in the open as these will cause the most clutter.

Another big issue of city life is the never ending war on germs. It's easier to stay away from dirty places when you're out with baby, but you would be unpleasantly surprised at what your shoes bring in from the outside. Asian cultures have the right idea of taking off shoes upon entering a home. Research has shown that your shoes can have such nasty things as dog feces, pigeon droppings, human saliva, urine from animals and humans, sweat and even human feces. Imagine your baby crawling around on the floor with that. So, the best thing to do is clean. Invest in some good antibacterial wipes, and be sure to clean regularly. If you take your dog for a walk, clean his feet before letting him run free around the apartment. Clean your shoes occasionally as well, and don't wear them around the house.

City life doesn't provide as much nature as suburban or rural life does, but there are ways to remedy this. You can bring nature indoors by buying plants. Kids love taking care of plants even from 3 to 4 years of age. The best plants to get are spider plants, bulbs, and beans (not castor beans – they're poisonous). This will nurture and educate your child about nature and life in general.

Grant Carroll proud father and co-owner of with Baby Clothes and Baby T-Shirts Also visit Little Pampered Pets where you can find boutique quality Dog Clothes and Small Dog Sweaters

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

How To Save Money On Wedding And Baby Shower Favors

Writen by Criss White

Planning on having a wedding or baby shower soon? Getting favors is a nice way of saying thank you to your guests for coming. Here are some tips for saving money when purchasing baby shower or wedding favors.

1) Buy extras off other people - Oftentimes, people get too many favors for their occasion. After all, it is better to be safe than sorry. Once the celebration is over, however, these people may be willing to sell you their leftover favors at a sharp discount. If you don't know anyone personally, then look in the classifieds in both local and national papers as well as online auction sites like ebay.

2) Buy in bulk and sell the leftovers - Sometimes you will be able to save money by buying in bulk. You can sell the extras to other people. If you know other people that are having weddings or baby showers, then you can combine your orders and benefit from lower costs and possibly bulk purchase incentives like free shipping.

3) Make your own favors - If you are crafty, then you can make your own favors. Purchase all the materials at your local craft shop or online. Since you are making them from scratch, you can customize and personalize as well. People will appreciate the effort that went into making your own favors.

4) Find a craftsman - If you find a local craftsman or artist, then there is a chance that you can get a great price from them for your favors. Another possibility is an art student that is still in school. They will usually work for less money than a full time professional.

5) Flea markets and thrift shops - Flea markets and thrift shops are great places to locate bargain items. Also check out closeouts, store sales, garage sales, and live auctions. Oftentimes, you can also negotiate prices with these vendors.

As you can see, there are many ways to save money when shopping for gifts for your guests. Follow these tips and you are sure to save money or favors and supplies for your wedding, baby shower, or any other special occasion.

Criss White is a professional web writer on baby and new mother topics for baby and pregnancy websites. See Cheap baby shower favors and Inexpensive baby shower favors for affordable baby shower supplies.

Note: If you find this article useful, you may reprint it on your website, e-zine, or in your newsletter as long as the credits and resource box remain in tact and the hyperlinks are active.

Top Tips For Potty Training Accidents

Writen by Diane Ball

It is inevitable that your child will have accidents when he or she is being potty trained. Be supportive, even when your child has not successfully used the toilet. With time, the accidents should become fewer and fewer until your child is completely potty trained and accidents are few and far between.

It's been a long time since you were in diapers. Parents often do not realize that their children have accidents simply because they think differently. A child cannot plan ahead the way adults do every day —how many times, for example, do you jump in the car for a long trip with an older child and he or she needs to stop for a restroom less then ten minutes into the trip? Toddlers have an even shorter planning ability. They may hold it, thinking they can wait to use the potty when their television program or game is finished. Often, this is not the case, and the result is an accident.

Your child may also simply not realize he or she needs to use the potty. Even if your child has previously voiced the need to go to the restroom, other activities, such as being engrossed in play, can take your child's mind off bodily needs. Ask you child often if he or she needs to use the potty, just as you would ask him or her to drink water on a hot day.

Be consistent with potty training rules as well to prevent these accidents. Your child may be doing this on purpose to gauge your reaction. Accidents should never result in punishment, but be firm as to what your child can and cannot do until he or she is potty trained. Regular accidents are not OK if your child knows better and had previously been able to control his or her bathroom actions.

However, if your child is having regular accidents and is upset at this, consult your doctor. There may be medical reason as to when potty training is becoming more difficult, and sometimes, simple dietary changes can help you fix these problems. Most children have accidents up to 6 months after successful toilet training. If accidents continue, speak with your child about the situation. If he or she is deliberately causing accidents, you may wish to postpone potty training until he or she is more mature. Punishment in these situations rarely works, but don't let your child use potty training as a way of getting attention.

Accidents are normal. Although undesirable, remember to be supportive of your child as he or she is trying to learn to use the potty, even when they're unsuccessful. Join an online support group if you find this process especially stressful. This, along with the multiple articles and tools for parents, can help you learn more techniques for potty training more quickly and avoiding accidents. Use accidents as a learning tool. As your child progresses in the potty training process, he or she will have fewer accidents. Don't be surprised if your child regresses after having made significant progress—potty training takes time and support and is often a case of two steps forward and one step back.

Diane Ball has an interest in Potty Training. For further information on Potty Training please visit Potty Training or Potty Training Tips

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tips For Decorating Your Babys Nursery

Writen by Kathy Burns-Millyard

Decorating your child's nursery is an exciting experience. Your little bundle of joy will finally be in your arms soon, and you want to make sure his or her new home is absolutely perfect. The biggest shock for a child is coming from the warmth and comfort of your stomach into the vastness of the world. Creating a home that is both safe and comfortable is your top priority when decorating your nursery.

Colors are especially important in designing a nursery. Although babies are said to see in black and white at first, bright colors will soon attract their attention and become quite important to their overall development. Having cozy, relaxing colors like peach, green, and blue in the room may help your baby to rest easier, and sleep better.

Using primary colors around the room will help stimulate your baby's interest, but be careful about using too much. This can over stimulate your baby and cause them to have problems sleeping - something that will affect both you and the baby badly!

Diverse patterns and textures should be used in fabric and decorations around the room. The diversity will help stimulate and interest your child. Each time they touch fabrics with different textures, they're learning something new about their world... and their own senses. The bumpers on the sides of the crib should be made of soft fabrics, but incorporating different textures should work fine.

Finally, you want to be sure that the decorations in the room can grow with your child. Although fish or Winnie the Pooh may be really cute for a nursery, your child may not like those decorations once they get past the toddler stages. If you're like me, you'll find yourself changing the decorative touches every several years as your child becomes fascinated by one cartoon charactor, puppet, or TV show after another. Because of this, it helps to consider from the start how the wall color and basic decor can be used in the future to give your child a space they will enjoy.

© 2005, Kathy Burns-Millyard.

This article is provided courtesy of The Do It Yourself Home Decorating Network - - a large home decorating website featuring articles, tips, advice, and popular decor shopping. This article may be freely published on any website, as long as the author, copyright, website address and link, and this notice are left intact.

Baby Weight Scales

Writen by Eric Morris

Babies grow quickly and parents love to keep track of height and weight of their growing baby. Baby weight scales of many brands are available in the market. The qualities to consider in the case of baby weight scales are safety, precision and durability.

One type of Baby weight scales come in the form of hanging dials with a seat hung from the hook of the balance. The seat secures the safety of the baby. A typical baby weighing scale (hanging dial type) has baby-hanging trousers attached at its end.

Another range of baby weight scales consist of basin type weighing platforms above a weight scale in which baby can be safely placed while taking a reading. Examples: The MyWeigh MBS 2010 digital baby scale offers 40 pounds weighing capacity and increments in ½ oz graduations. The SECA 334 baby scales weighing tray is spacious and comfortable for a baby and its Liquid Crystal Display makes weighing easier.

Health-o-Meter has come out with an innovation. It has a sanitary child seat for safety and comfort. It has a physician balance beam with die cast, easy reading, and rotating kilo/pound beam. It has a heavy-duty steel and lever system. It reads in Pounds and Kilograms.

Another popular model is the SECA Medical 728 neonatal scale. It has a PC interface (RS 232) and is suitable for the needs of the pediatric and neo natal wards. It is one of the

best baby weighing scales to be used where the smallest fluctuations in the weight of the infant are crucial to its life and health.

Baby weight is of great worry for new parents. Usually a chubby baby is considered synonymous with healthy baby. But doctors know better- babies vary in weight and height greatly and their measurements till age two are not predictive of their weight and height as adults.

But a baby's weight may be of concern under two conditions. First, a baby weighing less than 5.5 pounds at birth maybe considered a low birth-weight baby. It may have a higher risk of developmental problems than a normal baby. It may be caused by poor maternal nutrition during pregnancy. Second condition is when baby grows at a slower rate than normal. It may be a physical problem or due to emotional neglect.

But a baby's health is determined not only by its weight and height but also other features like skin tone, muscle tone, energy level and activities like rolling, sitting up and grasping.

Baby weight scales are required for babies who are sick, premature at birth and also to enjoy their growing stages.

Weight Scales provides detailed information on Baby Weight Scales, Best Weight Scales, Body Weight Scales, Digital Weight Scales and more. Weight Scales is affiliated with Digital Bathroom Scales.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Blood Pressure Monitoring For Premature Babies

Writen by Sjona Lindquist

A "Blood Pressure Monitor" is a small blood pressure cuff placed around your premature baby's arm or leg and it is attached to a machine. The machine monitors the premature baby's blood pressure at regular intervals by tightening the cuff to measure the pressure exerted by the blood against the vessel, vein, and artery walls. The information is then displayed on a screen on the blood pressure monitor.

The purpose of the blood pressure monitor is to make sure your premature baby's blood pressure does not fall too low. Low blood pressure is very common in premature babies right after they are born, and can be caused by infection, blood loss, fluid loss, some medications, and sometimes reasons that are unknown. Respiratory distress has also been linked to low blood pressure in premature babies.

Low blood pressure (hypotension) does not allow the blood to circulate properly and must be treated because it can cause serious problems for your premature baby. Organs such as the heart, brain, kidneys, and etc. cannot function properly and may be permanently damaged due to the lack of oxygen and important nutrients vital to sustaining organ function. It is essential to raise your premature baby's blood pressure immediately to return good blood flow throughout your baby's body.

Raising your premature baby's blood pressure can be as simple as giving your baby extra fluid by IV, but sometimes it takes a little bit more. Medications called pressors can increase your premature baby's blood pressure. If the cause for low blood pressure is blood loss, then a blood transfusion will be performed with donor blood from a blood bank.

Sjona Lindquist is a mom of 6 (1 angel) and she owns and operates Preemie Store. Preemie Store is a resource site and specialty shop for parents of premature babies. Lindquist's daughter was stillborn from a Strep B infection due to PROM (Premature Rupture of Membranes). In honor of her daughter, Michaela, she offers preemie support, bereavement support, and preemie clothes. Some of the products include micro preemie clothes, preemie bereavement gowns, and Preemie dresses. If a new preemie has entered your life or someone you love, drop by and visit us! Preemie Store

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Baby Expense What To Do When Baby

Writen by Adriana Copaceanu

As you probably know, baby expense should be high on your list of things to plan for, before the baby comes. There is no cheap way to have and raise a baby: it takes sweat, work, lots of cash, patience, and more to have a happy, healthy baby. Some studies suggest that you will spend anywhere between $150,000 and $200,000 for your kids by the time they are 18 years old, not including private schools, special lessons, or college.

But if you waited until you had enough money, time and energy to have your baby, you would probably end up without any children. Here you*ll find a few ways to ease the finances, so that you can enjoy your new bundle of joy.

1. Get health assistance - if you don*t have health insurance, and can*t afford it, doctor*s bills can ad up really easy. But there are options out there for people just like you. This baby expense will probably be one of your biggest, so don*t be afraid to ask for assistance if your family needs it.

2. Breastfeed your baby, if possible. It*s free, it*s convenient, and it might help against breast cancer. It*s recommended as being the best form of nutrition for baby.

If you can*t breastfeed, don*t feel guilty. Try to apply for WIC (Women , Infants, and Children): , a program designed to help middle and low income families with educational resources and food. You can also save money by buying formula in bulk, clipping coupons, and accepting free samples whenever they are offered. This is a baby expense you can*t do without.

3. Diapers - Some diapers are better than others, but most are basically the same. Store brand disposable diapers can be just as good as the name brand, for several dollars less than their name brand counterparts. You can save even more, if you use cloth diapers instead of disposable. As with breastfeeding, it*s a little more work involved, but well worth it.

4. Diaper Rash Prevention - instead of taking action after your baby got a diaper rash, prevent it with a drop of olive oil applied to their bottom every time you change their diaper: it works wonders (you should check with your doctor first).

5. Baby food - When it comes to baby food, a blender is your best friend: it will help you keep this baby expense at its lowest. Not only is it much cheaper, but it*s so much healthier! Save the little baby food jars for quick trips, or special occasions, and give your baby pureed food made by you. You can cook a week*s supply on the weekend, put the blended vegetables in the ice cube tray, for a few hours, and then place them in a freezer bag. Depending on your baby*s appetite and age, you can microwave one, two or three cubes before meal time. It*s quick, healthy and inexpensive.

6. Clothing - There is no need to buy expensive designer clothing for you little one. Do you think anyone will really notice that your baby is wearing Tommy Hilfiger? Babies look cute in anything: don*t waste your money! You can get most of your baby clothing at yard sales or second-hand stores.

7. Toys - they are big business, but you don*t have to feel pressured to get the latest and most expensive models. My kids were happy with everyday items as their toys: empty shampoo bottles (make sure they are cleaned and rinsed very well before handing them to your baby), plastic bowls, plastic containers from food products (margarine, sour cream , etc.) that they could stack up, etc. Also, buy some toys that will help with your baby*s development, are durable, and are age appropriate: a baby expense worth the money.

8. Wills - Get a will or update your old will. Name a guardian for your child and the trustee of your child*s inheritance (often but not always the same person). Without a will, the court will name these individuals and also split up your assets in accordance with state law which may not be the way you would wish. Please don*t try to avoid this baby expense: your kid*s future might depend on it. A simple will that includes a trust for minor children costs between $150 and $250.

Here are links to some great baby resources:

- generic brand wholesale diapers

( )

- baby formula: free samples and coupons

( )

About The Author

Adriana Copaceanu is a work at home mom of 2, and the publisher of Baby*s First Year Companion, an online resource for new parents.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Screamin Demon

Writen by T.S. Johnson

That child of mine is turning into demon baby bit by bit everyday. Recently she has reverted back to her newborn self and doesn't want to sleep through the night. First of all the child has never ever liked to go to bed. Ever. As a three month old she would stay awake all night, not crying, just laughing, playing, hanging out while I quietly prayed to God asking him what did I do to deserve the non-sleeping baby. I've pulled many a twenty-four hour night because she wouldn't sleep and refused to lay down.

So, last night she wakes up around four in the morning and starts a hollering. I go and get her, thinking that if I lay her down with me she'll go to sleep and then I can put her back in bed. No. Little Ms. Insomniac wants to play. So I let her no that that's not an option and put her little butt back to bed. Of course that doesn't go over well and she starts screaming bloody murder. I mean you'd think I was beating the child senseless.

Well this screaming match wakes my mother up and she just knows I'm abusing the baby or something. I say no, Little Ms. Insomniac just doesn't want to go to bed. She insists that I stop her from hollering since she knows someone is going to call the cops since it sounds like I'm killing the baby. I politely remind her that said baby only cries like that 'cause grandma would go and pick her up when she cried saying, "Oh that baby isn't sleepy. That's not right to make her cry. Go and pick her up." So grandma would go and pick the baby up...creating our current little monster.

Well of course mom doesn't like that bit of information so she promptly marches in the room to tell little baby to "Hush right now. Stop all that screaming and go to bed." Of course my little angel starts to scream more. So I relent. Go and pick her up and once again lay her down with me. Except my little munchkin decides that she wants to get up and walk around. This ticks grandma off who insists, "Oh no. She will not walk around. You're going to bed little girl." So she grabs her grandbaby and puts her to bed, closes the door and lets her precious grandbaby cry herself to sleep. At which point she refers to her as the Screamin' Demon. Of course if she would have just let her do that in the beginning we wouldn't have had all that drama and I would have been able to actually get some sleep.

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Friday, August 15, 2008

Choosing Unique Christening Favors 3 Ideas To Bring A Special Touch To The Day

Writen by Cheryl Salto

Your child's Christening is not only the first official step in his or her spiritual life, it is a meaningful day for you as a parent. There are details from big to small to be thought through from who will be the Godparents, to what Christening favors you'll select for the celebration. You can add a special touch to all aspects with some creative thought and in some cases, even asking for some help. To help you with one area that although small can bring a lovely touch to the day, consider these three ideas for Christening favors or use them for inspiration to select something just right for your special event.

Traditional Reflections of the Day Since a Christening is a religious occasion, the traditional theme for a favor is something symbolic of your faith. Depending on budget and the type of celebration you are having there are many possibilities such as an edible cross shaped cookie, a dove candle, or an elegant rosary. All of these could be personalized with a photo or the baby's name and date of the Christening. If you are going to choose a knick-knack that will be a keepsake however, consider the possibility that not everyone who will be attending may share your same religion before using a traditional symbol such as a crucifix or rosary when selecting your Christening favors. However, if you know that all of your guests are of your faith, then this can be a very meaningful gesture to send people home with something that will have that significance for them, or even be useful, as well as being a memento of this special event.

The Godparents Ask the Godparents if they would be willing to participate in the celebration by choosing something that represents this special event to them. Perhaps they are from Italian descent and would like to send guests home with a traditional Italian bomboniere of Jordan almonds and will say a few words about the significance of the favor and thank everyone for coming. This is not only a great way to take one item off of your planning list and delegate it, but it gets the Godparents more intimately involved in this special day in a personal way for them as well. Of course you would not expect them to pay for the Christening favors, but you would give them a budget to work within when suggesting ideas so that something too expensive is not chosen unexpectedly.

A Personal Touch You can bring your family's personality into the day by using the Christening favor as a way to send people home with something that will remind them very specifically of not just the day, but of your family personally. If you and your family have a particular hobby or collect something special that people associate with you, this is something that might be nice to use when choosing your favor. For example, if you are a family that loves boating, giving guests a nautical themed favor will not only remind them of this time they spent with you, but of something important to your family life. Another variation of this is to use the theme you've selected for the baby's room décor to draw the connection of your guests to the child outside of just the event. All of these can again be personalized with the Christening date or a photo of your child to tie them in with the special day.

The important thing to remember is that when you send someone home with something from the Christening, you want it to be something to have them feel appreciated by your family for having spent this time with you on your special day. That is the true purpose of not only the Christening favor but of all event favors. With a little careful thought, your Christening favor can be more than just another trinket for guests to take home, but can be something meaningful for not only the family, but the guests as well.

Copyright 2006

Cheryl Salto loves helping to make celebrations personal and meaningful as the owner of specializing in providing an extensive online selection of Christening and other event favors at ) for life's special celebrations.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Dont Risk Your Babys Life Get The Right Car Safety Seat

Writen by Terry Ross

Start looking at baby car seats well before your baby is born. You don't want to get caught out if your baby is born preterm. You'll need a baby car seat before you leave hospital.

Every year thousands of young children loose their lives or sustain serious injuries which could have been prevented if through the correct use of car seats and safety belts.

When choosing a baby car seat don't make your decision based on price alone, all seats available to purchase in the USA meet very strict safety standards but added features in higher price baby car seats may make them easier to use (thus avoiding fitting errors) or even safer than the cheaper options.

Always use a car safety seat that is the right size for your baby, infant or child. You will need to change your car safety seat as they grow.

The safest place for your baby / child to ride is in the back and you must never place your baby in a rear facing baby seat in the front of a vehicle with a passenger air bag.

For all car safety seats make sure you follow the manufacturer's instructions to the letter. Ensuring your baby's safety while traveling is an essential part of baby care and it is not something over which you should become complacent.

For newborn babies and babies up to around 15 months use a rear-facing car safety seat. You can get rear-facing seats that are convertible which means you can use them as front facing seats once your infant is big enough to travel forward facing safely. Rear-facing seats which are safe up to 22 pounds are suitable for babies up to 6-9 months and rear-facing seats which are safe up to 29 pounds are suitable for babies up to 12-15 months.

Once your infant has reached 12 months of age and weighs at least 20 pounds he can safely travel in a forward facing seat. If you have a convertible seat you can just switch to using it as a forward facing seat. Otherwise you can look at a built in, combination or forward facing seats which are usually suitable for infants up to 40 pounds (4 years).

Many states now have booster seat laws with children between 4 – 6 or 4 - 8 years (depending on the state) having to use booster seats by law.

There are many booster seats available with some suitable for infants weighing just 20 pounds (9 months) but are generally geared towards children from 4 years old ( 33 pounds or more) up to 11 years.

Booster cushions are suitable for children weighing 48 pounds or more (6 – 11 years of age).

Visits my website to learn more about pregnancy, babies and baby care.

Is Your Baby Allergic To Your Breastmilk

Writen by Robin OBrien

An increasing number of children suffer from severe food allergy. Children don't just develop food allergy when they begin to eat solid food: some develop food allergy right from the start, when they're being breastfeed.

If a mother is allergic to any food the chances are her child may also be allergic to those foods. Many mothers don't realise that they are allergic as they display little or no symptoms. However, the allergic reaction can be much more pronounced in their suckling child. What mother eats; baby eats.

There are eight types of food that account for all but 10 percent of food-allergy; these are eggs, wheat, dairy, soy and peanuts, tree nuts, fish and shellfish.

One in every 17 children under the age of 3 -- that's 5.8 percent -- has a food allergy, according to The Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN), a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating the public about food allergies. But identifying that your baby is suffering from food-allergy can be difficult as the symptoms displayed are attributable to other factors.

A number of children eventually outgrow food allergies. Peanut allergies, however, tend to be lifelong. If you know that you suffered from food allergy as a child you should avoid those foods whilst you are breastfeeding. Even if you have never suffered from any food-allergy you can cut down the risks of your baby developing a food-allergy by avoiding the eight main allergy causing foods. Also, when you wean your child you should avoid feeding your child these foods until they are at least one year of age. Introduce these foods one-by-one and observe your child's reaction after feeding.

If you suspect that your child is suffering from food-allergy you should consult with your pediatrician. Unfortunately many pediatricians are reluctant to conclude that a child is allergic to food. Your may have to fight your corner. Also many are hesitant to tell a mother to drop things from her diet, because they're concerned about her nutrition. Stand your ground and if your pediatrician refuses to listen to your concerns, you can ask to be referred to an allergist.

The following are common symptoms of food allergy or intolerance: Chronic eczema: Long periods of scaly and itchy skin rashes. Hives: Often-itchy red welts on the surface of the skin. Chronic unexplained digestive or respiratory problems. Colic: chronic, unexplained, excessive crying. Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that can be fatal. Call the emergency services immediately if you see signs of anaphylaxis. Symptoms include: Severe hives or hives in conjunction with another reaction, facial swelling, swelling of mouth and throat (the constriction of the throat is especially dangerous because as the throat swells shut, the child will stop breathing -- child turns blue with lack of oxygen), vomiting, diarrhea, cramping, drop in blood pressure, fainting, death.

The following organizations provide help and support for food-allergy sufferers.

Kids with food allergies: The Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN): Food Allergy Initiative: American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology:

Robin O'Brien is found of a website that offers advice on breastfeeding problems such as breastfeeding and alcohol and breastfeeding myths.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Bottle Feeding

Writen by Terry Ross

Don't feel guilty if you have decided to go down the route of bottle feeding. Making the decision to bottle feed is never taken lightly and if you have decided that bottle feeding is the right decision for you and your child than follow your instincts and go for it, don't worry what other people have to say.

In some instances bottle feeding can be better for your newborn than breastfeeding particularly if you are a smoker, drink alcohol of take unprescribed drugs (certain drugs, alcohol and nicotine can be transmitted to your baby through your breast milk). Also, it is better to bottle feed if you are HIV positive or have other serious illnesses such as severe anaemia, turberculosis or kidney disease. If you are taking certain medications you may be advised not to breastfeed your baby.

Bottle feeding formula milk provides all the vitamins a minerals that your baby needs, it's nutritional qualities are close to breast milk and, in most cases, is made from cows milk which has been specially treated to ease digestion.

There are now alternatives to regular formula's (usually soya) specifically designed for lactose intolerant babies or for those babies where there is family history of allergies. If you are bottle feeding only use standard formula unless your doctor has advised otherwise.

It is important to follow all manufacturers' instruction when making up the formula milk. Bottle feeding can cause colic if you make up the formula milk either too weak or too strong or feed your baby milk that is at the wrong temperature.

Buying ready made milk in cartons or bottles is really useful if you are out and about but is a far more expensive way to bottle feed your baby.

You can prepare 24 hours worth of formula in one go and store it in the fridge until required. Dispose of any unused formula after the 24 hour period and never re-use and milk left over after bottle feeding, bacteria love it!

The temperature at which a bottle should be offered to your baby varies from child to child with some babies preferring their milk at room temperature and others preferring their bottle feed warm. To warm the milk just drop the full bottle into a jug of boiling water and then test the temperature against your wrist before bottle feeding your baby.

Some babies need to be persuaded to take the teat and feed so try stroking the teat across your baby's lips which should encourage him to open his mouth and grab hold of the teat.

If you find that your baby is gulping his milk down too fast then you probably need a smaller teat and likewise if your baby is finding bottle feeding really hard work then a larger teat may be required.

One thing that shouldn't need to be said but I will say it anyway is never leave your baby alone to bottle feed, if you need to leave your baby even for a split second take the bottle away. A baby left alone to feed could end up vomiting and choking.

When bottle feeding always tilt the bottle as this will make sure that the teat remains full to prevent air from getting into the teat which can cause wind. If your baby is prone to suffering from wind then try winding half way through feeding and then again at the end of the feed. To wind your baby, lay him across your shoulder of on your lap and rub his back.

It is quite normal for babies to sometimes bring back up small amounts of milk during or after feeding (called possetting) and sometimes babies will bring up the entire content of their stomach in a forceful way which is called projectile vomiting. Possetting is not unusual neither should occasional projectile vomiting be cause for concern but if your baby is throwing up too frequently or forceful vomiting is occurring too often consult your doctor.

Terry Ross is the author for and the creator of: 1st-4-baby, a site dedicated to pregnancy, babies and baby care.

Baby Book Gift Baskets

Writen by Ken Marlborough

Baby book gift baskets are ideal gifts to delight the baby and to instill a love for reading in the little one. These are exciting gifts for the new parents because they will also enjoy stimulating a love of reading in the newborn baby.

Baby book gift baskets feature some of the best known classics including nursery rhymes, fairy tales, and well-known stories. Besides books, these come filled with choice items such as plush toys, dolls, hats, teddy bears, themed goodies, wrist rattles, and other useful and desirable items. Special gift baskets containing block books with alphabets, pictures, words, illustrations, heartwarming messages, and introduction of farm animals, are also available. Book gift baskets are also offered for those kids who are active in sports. You can also create a baby book gift basket by packing it with practical and pretty things, including cloth books or story books, and then presenting this gift for infants and toddlers.

A good selection of baby book gift baskets for boys, girls, and twins are offered for sale in almost all the gift stores. Usually, they come in a wide variety of styles, sizes, shapes, and colors. These are available in different price ranges to suit everyone's budget and taste. Some of the baby book gift baskets are of deluxe quality and contain special books such as those on baby care. Prices can range from $30 to $200. Customized baby book gift baskets are available according to the choice of the customer.

Almost all gift stores offer nationwide delivery services. Baby book gift baskets can also be purchased online.

Baby Baskets provides detailed information on Baby Baskets, Baby Shower Gift Baskets, Newborn Baby Gift Baskets, Unique Baby Gift Baskets and more. Baby Baskets is affiliated with Baby Dream Furniture.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Your Babys Interaction With Others

Writen by Lisa Lee

The first year of your baby's life will be filled with different experiences, joys and challenges – one thing that she will ultimately have (and want) to do is interact with other humans.

The process of developing social skills starts here – first within your own family and friends, but ultimately you should try and let your baby be around others outside of your own family.

This is important for her to be able to learn communication skills and be able to interact with others right from the very start.

The reason that it is good to expose your baby to different playmates and people is that these are the foundations to providing her with good social skills as she develops into childhood, and eventually adulthood. Try and get out with your baby a few times every week, preferably so that she is interacting with other babies

At such a young age, babies do not play in the traditional sense, but by seeing other babies, parents, people and places your baby is beginning to construct an idea of what the world is like.

It can also be fascinating for babies to see other babies – they may well interact by touching, hitting or grabbing each other in a gentle way. Just remember that if your baby is not well, do not expose her to other babies – babies are very open to catching colds etc so bare this in mind.

Having said this, get out and about with your baby in several different settings. Take her to the supermarket, to parent-baby exercise sessions, to play-parks and so on. The more places you go the better for your child.

You can even take your baby to a playgroup or to the swimming pool.

Ultimately, getting out and about with your baby is good for her for so many reasons – it also breaks up the usual routine.

For more helpful and essential information about best baby toys, baby teething process and more baby care tips please visit

Read Together With Your Baby

Writen by Anil Vij

Imagine sitting your baby in your lap and reading a book to him for the first time.How different from just talking! Now you're showing him pictures. You point to them.

In a lively way, you explain what the pictures are. You've just helped your child take the next step beyond talking. You've shown him that words and pictures connect. And you've started him on his way to understanding and enjoying books.

While your child is still a baby, reading aloud to him should become part your daily routine. Pick a quiet time, such as just before you put him to bed. This will give him a chance to rest between play and sleep. If you can, read with him in your lap or snuggled next to you so that he feels close and safe.

As he gets older, he may need to move around some as you read to him. If he gets tired or restless, stop reading. Make reading aloud a quiet and comfortable time that your child looks forward to. Chances are very good that he will like reading all the more because of it.

Try to spend at least 30 minutes each day reading to and with your child. At first, read for no more than a few minutes at a time, several times a day. As your child grows older, you should be able to tell if he wants you to read for longer periods. Don't be discouraged if you have to skip a day or don't always keep to your schedule. Just get back to your daily routine as soon as you can. Most of all, make sure that reading stays fun for both of you!

Reading books with their children is one of the most important things that parents can do to help their children become readers.

What Does It Mean?

From the earliest days, talk with your child about what you are reading. You might point to pictures and name what is in them. When he is ready, have him do the same. Ask him, for example, if he can find the little mouse in the picture, or do whatever is fun and right for the book. Later on, as you read stories, read slowly and stop now and then to think aloud about what you've read. From the time your child is able to talk, ask him such questions about the story as, "What do you think will happen next?" or "Do you know what a palace is?" Answer his questions and, if you think he doesn't understand

Don't worry if you occasionally break the flow of a story to make clear something that is important. However, don't stop so often that the child loses track of what is happening in the story.

Anil Vij is the creator of the ultimate parenting toolbox, which has helped parents all over the world raise smarter, healthier and happier children ==>

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Monday, August 11, 2008

Choosing The Right Baby Crib

Writen by Glenda Erceg

With a new baby on the way, you'll want the perfect crib to coordinate with your nursery and provide a safe sleep environment for your little one.

Not only are there different styles of baby cribs, but there is now a wide selection of convertible cribs. Many baby cribs are designed to convert to toddler beds, children's benches, and even adult daybeds for later use elsewhere in the home.

There are so many different types and sizes of kids bedding and baby bedding for children that it can sometimes be baffling to try and determine which bed size is best, and there is really no correct answer to this. It is all based on the individual child and other considerations.

The crib must meet all recommended safety standards. Most new cribs on the market today comply with both mandatory and voluntary safety standards.

For example, the bars or slats of the crib railing should be no more than 2 3/8 inches apart so a baby can't wedge his head between them. A mattress should fit snugly into the baby crib. There should not be any room that allows your baby to get his or her hands (or any other body parts) caught between the mattress and the baby crib.

Carefully choose the location for your baby's crib, in particular don't place the crib against a window, near drapery fixtures, or near furniture which could help your baby climb out.

This article may be used without permission as long as it is shown in its entirety with links intact.

Because a baby crib is the only children's product manufactured with the intention that a child will be left unattended, parents should be extremely careful in the selection process. You might find this link very handy with your selection process

Copyright Glenda Erceg.

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Sunday, August 10, 2008

How To Choose A Baby Swing

Writen by Jackie G. Maxwell

According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, 1,000 American infants are taken to emergency rooms every year for injuries sustained while using swings. This is generally a result of the infant's head or neck becoming trapped between the back rest and the bars the swing is suspended from. If figures like this concern you as a parent, then knowing how to choose a baby swing that is safe and durable, will be one of your first priorities.

Even with an infant of six weeks, you'll want a wide, solid base to make sure there is no tipping. An adjustable seat is necessary, particularly for the infant who can't sit by themselves yet. But do make sure that it can't be accidentally released so that the seat lays down flat while the baby is in motion, allowing them to slide or fall out, backwards.

Every seat should have a combination waist and crotch safety belt. Older models had only the waist belt, which allowed babies to slide down, and out the bottom of the chair/seat.

While there are many "bells and whistles" to entertain babies, the main concern when you choose a baby swing, should be their comfort level. Providing extra safety features such as rolled towels to either side of an infant's head for stability, will avoid the type of accidents mentioned above.

Battery operated or crank models should have quiet operation, so a baby is not frightened or startled awake as they begin to doze. Swings that have variable speeds are the wisest choice, to provide gentle motion for infants, and higher speeds for larger, more active babies.

As always, a baby should never be left alone in a swing, nor should the swing be placed near any hot object, or in a position where the baby could grab something that could be pulled over onto the swing and child.

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