Monday, July 28, 2008

Capture Memories From The Baby To Preschool Stage For Ever

Writen by Corinna Moffitt

Is there anything more beautiful than babies and toddlers?
The pure beautiful essence of a new born baby or the child like innocence and delight of a toddler. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not totally forgetting how magic can turn to mayhem with these mini monsters at a moments notice. However if you put that aside for just a moment, is it even possible to measure how much joy and love you receive from these little treasures at this age.

Now what most of us realize after the fact, is this pre-school period goes very very quickly. Your new born turns to baby, your baby turns to toddler and before you know it people are saying "he or she really is a little boy or girl now aren't they". And that's it the baby stage has gone, what seemed like an eternity on those exhausting unsettled nights has in fact flown by so fast it could almost make you giddy.

So now you are left with only two things from that stage of life, memories and hopefully a healthy helping of baby photos. For those of you that still have your child at baby stage or you have more babies to come you can take advantage now and photograph as many events as possible, but of course very few parents need this advise.

Next, what to do with the exceptional photos that we manage to capture. All the photos that are recognisable are all treasured of course, however every now and then you, family or friends take a classic picture that represents a moment in time that you will treasure forever. These are the pictures that you may wish to transform into other forms of art for the older child themselves, friends and family or you the parents for yourselves or your home. There are also many products available where photos are used to create personalised gifts. Things like black and white photo reproductions printed onto canvas and framed in a modern box frame style can turn a photo into modern day décor and symbolise the significance of the event in a stylish and elegant way. Other products that will turn heads are things like photos reproduced onto cushions or carry bags. Another fantastic and affordable idea for a gift or to find a way to display that exclusive picture is to have your photo treated by a graphic artist to create a painted effect that can be printed onto canvas and presented as if you had commissioned an artist to paint the occasion.

The baby stage may not last very long at all, however the memories of that wonderful period can be captured to last a lifetime.

For a great selection of reproduction products available from photographs Visit:

Author- Corinna works in Real Estate, she is a free lance writer, professional gift giver and most importantly, mother of two.