Sunday, July 27, 2008

Baby And Toddler Daycare Advice

Writen by Michael Russell

Making the decision to put your child in daycare can be a very tough choice. There are always stories on the news about horrible things that happen there. The most important thing with daycare is to make sure you find a good center.

Many parents like childcare centers because they have a very structured, regulated environment. Most daycares have a pickup time, drop off time and also make the children do everything on a schedule. This is great because all kids need to be on a very rigid schedule.

People usually don't want to put their kids in daycare because they don't want them exposed to all the sicknesses of the other children. It is true that kids in childcare centers have more infections than kids that stay at home. However, these children will probably get much fewer infections later on in their life. People need to be exposed to viruses and bacteria at a young age so that their body learns how to fight them off. Children that are exposed to these viruses and bacteria early on are much less likely to develop allergies than other children.

If you send your children to daycare, they will be taught many different skills, such as storytelling, dancing and singing. Your child will spend the day doing projects and learning many new things. A recent study has found that kids that go to good quality childcare centers do better on tests than other kids. When you start looking for a daycare, make sure the one you choose has a good mix of activities.

If you decide to get a nanny, it will be much more expensive than daycare. You will also be relying on only one person. If your nanny gets sick, you will have to find other arrangements. With daycare, you know that people are always there to look after your children. Toddlers especially benefit from daycare because they get to spend time with other kids and learn important socialization skills. If you get a nanny, your child won't be developing these skills as quickly.

At a good quality childcare center, the staff members are usually trained in child education and child development. Because of this, the staff knows what to expect and knows how to take care of the children properly. When you start looking for a daycare, make sure the employees are knowledgeable.

A disadvantage of daycare is that your child won't get the one-on-one care that you or a nanny could provide. Babies especially need constant attention and love to be happy and healthy. At a childcare center, one person will have to look after several babies at the same time. This can be very difficult for them.

If you choose daycare, you will have to find other arrangements for your child when they are closed on holidays. If your child gets sick, you also will have to stay at home. You have to remember that your child will most probably be getting sick more often with things such as colds and pinkeye than other children.

Overall, daycare is great if you pick a good center. The most important thing is to make sure there aren't too many children for the amount of caregivers. For babies there should be one caregiver to every three babies. For children aged 25 to 30 months there should be one caregiver to every four kids. For children aged 31 to 35 months there should be one caregiver to every five kids. For three year olds there should be one caregiver to every seven kids. For children aged four and five there should be one caregiver to every eight kids.

Michael Russell Your Independent Baby and Toddler guide.