Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Babysitting The Parents

Writen by Richard C Myers

Going out for the evening is a fun time – or it should be. However, for many parents (especially new parents) the experience is fraught with guilt, worry and anxiety.

In order to appreciate how they are feeling, try and view it from their point of view for a moment. Let's take new parents as an example.

For the past few months, these people have devoted themselves to this new infant suddenly living in their home. Before junior's arrival, going out was a breeze. They would just go - wherever and whenever they pleased. She would just grab her purse and they were out of that door.

A few months down the line, they are totally enchanted with the baby but their world has shrunk to catering for its' every whim. They're probably punchy with sleep depravation and can't remember the last time they even made it through a TV movie without falling asleep. Going out with the baby has to be planned like a military operation. Checklist: diapers, bottles, blanket, changing mat, wipes…Mom is exhausted before she leaves the house!

As the weeks go by, they realize that they really need some quality time alone together – but that involves leaving their precious child. It becomes a huge and difficult decision. They need those few hours away to recharge their batteries and to re-connect with each other…but what if? What if the house burns down, or the baby gets sick, or the babysitter turns out to be more 'Psycho' than 'Mary Poppins'?

How you can make a difference

New parents are always going to worry the first time they go out and leave their child. But there is a lot that you can do, as a babysitter, to lessen that worry and to encourage them to be brave enough to try it again.

Looking and sounding professional will begin to win their trust. Behaving in a respectful manner in their home will help to build their confidence in you. Asking them all the right questions (baby's routine, their contact info etc) will build on that confidence. These may seem like small details but if you add them all together they present a picture of someone who is dependable and capable of keeping their child safe.

If the parents still seem shaky about the prospect of a night out, try suggesting a 'trial run'. This could be a daytime event. It's widely recognized that everything feels 'safer' and more manageable during the day.

Encourage them to take just a couple hours away from the home, maybe a visit to a Coffee Shop. If it means that you spend some of your Saturday doing this – just think of the rewards it may reap. It may well lead to you getting a regular, enjoyable, paid job.

Building on your foundations

Once you land the job – do it to the best of your ability. Always be well groomed and sensibly dressed. Always be polite and respectful. Always leave the home as you found it. And always remember that for those few hours, the kids are your priority.

If the kids are safe and happy, the parents will be too. Just remember that they come as a package. You may have entertained the kids extremely well but if Mom and Dad return to find the house like a bomb site – you may not get asked back.

If all of this sounds a little excessive, just bear in mind that however well you get on with the kids, it is the parents who will decide whether to employ you or not. So it literally does pay to keep them happy!

Want to make sure you get asked to babysit again and again? Then visit Super Babysitting - the quick and easy place to get babysitting advice and tips. To get your free babysitters handbook and first aid book visit the Super Babysitting web site right now!