Thursday, July 31, 2008

Coming Up With The Right Baby Shower Theme

Writen by Shaunta Pleasant

Those whose task it is to plan a baby shower certainly have a number of important jobs to do.

It is the host or hostess' responsibility to order and send the invitations, to prepare the guest list, to settle on a menu, to buy the decorations and the party favors and maybe even to whip up the perfect punch for the baby shower. Before any of this can occur, however, it is important to settle on the perfect baby shower theme.

==Settle On The Theme As Early As Possible==

Without the right baby shower theme, it can be difficult to know what kinds of invitations to buy, what type of food to serve, what kind of party favors to order and even what sort of games to play.

It is on the overall theme that the rest of the elements hinge, and it is important to settle on that theme as early in the planning as possible.

==Matching The Baby shower Theme To The Taste Of The Mother To Be==

Of course if you have been tasked with planning a baby shower, chances are that you know the mother to be quite well already. Using this knowledge is the key to choosing the perfect baby shower theme.

If she has a favorite sports team, a favorite hobby, a favorite band or a favorite TV show, you can use this knowledge and incorporate it into the baby shower theme you choose.

==Finding A Baby Shower Theme For Just About Any Subject==

The good news is that there are baby shower themes for just about every taste, from the simplest to the most elegant. It is possible to find a baby shower theme for just about every subject, from teddy bears to race cars.

==Make Sure That All The Supplies You Choose Fit Well Into The Theme==

After you have chosen the baby shower theme that best suits your guest of honor, the next step is to make sure that all the supplies you choose fit well into that theme.

One approach is to buy all the baby shower supplies as a package, but it may not be necessary to do that. As long as all the elements work well together, you can buy your baby shower supplies just about anywhere and still have a baby shower theme you can be proud of.

Shaunta Pleasant is a professional writer and editor on baby shower topics. Visit my site to learn more about planning the perfect wedding at

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Eight Sleep Tips For Every Child

Writen by Elizabeth Pantley

Up to 70% of children under age five have sleep problems. Sleep issues are complicated and have many causes. They're hard to deal with because when children aren't sleeping, parents aren't sleeping, and that lack of sleep affects every minute of every day for every person in the family because lack of sleep isn't just about being tired. Sleep has a role in everything -- dawdling, temper tantrums, hyperactivity, growth, health, and even learning to tie his shoes and recite the ABCs. Sleep affects everything.

The following ideas are of value to almost any sleeper, of any age. These tips can bring improvement not only in your child's sleep, but also in her daytime mood and last, but not least – improvements in your own sleep and outlook as well.

# 1 Maintain a consistent bedtime and awaking time.

Your child's biological clock has a strong influence on her wakefulness and sleepiness. When you establish a set time for bedtime and wake up time you "set" your child's clock so that it functions smoothly.

Aim for an early bedtime. Young children respond best with a bedtime between 6:30 and 7:30 P.M. Most children will sleep better and longer when they go to bed early.

# 2 Encourage regular daily naps.

Daily naps are important. An energetic child can find it difficult to go through the day without a rest break. A nap-less child will often wake up cheerful and become progressively fussier or hyper-alert as the day goes on. Also, the length and quality of naps affects night sleep – good naps equal better night sleep.

# 3 Set your child's biological clock.

Take advantage of your child's biology so that he's actually tired when bedtime arrives. Darkness causes an increase in the release of the body's sleep hormone -- the biological "stop" button. You can align your child's sleepiness with bedtime by dimming the lights during the hour before bedtime.

Exposing your child to morning light is pushing the "go" button in her brain — one that says, "Time to wake up and be active." So keep your mornings bright!

# 4 Develop a consistent bedtime routine.

Routines create security. A consistent, peaceful bedtime routine allows your child to transition from the motion of the day to the tranquil state of sleep.

An organized routine helps you coordinate the specifics: bath, pajamas, tooth-brushing. It helps you to function on auto-pilot at the time when you are most tired and least creative.

# 5 Create a cozy sleep environment.

Where your child sleeps can be a key to quality sleep. Make certain the mattress is comfortable, the blankets are warm, the room temperature is right, pajamas are comfy, and the bedroom is welcoming.

# 6 Provide the right nutrition.

Foods can affect energy level and sleepiness. Carbohydrates can have a calming effect on the body, while foods high in protein or sugar generate alertness, particularly when eaten alone. A few ideas for pre-bed snacks are: whole wheat toast and cheese, bagel and peanut butter, oatmeal with bananas, or yogurt and low-sugar granola.

Vitamin deficiencies due to unhealthy food choices can affect a child's sleep. Provide your child with a daily assortment of healthy foods.

# 7 Help your child to be healthy and fit.

Many children don't get enough daily physical activity. Too much TV watching and a lack of activity prevents good sleep. Children who get ample daily exercise fall asleep more quickly, sleep better, stay asleep longer, and wake up feeling refreshed.

Avoid activity in the hour before bedtime though, since exercise is stimulating – they'll be jumping on the bed instead of sleeping in it!

# 8 Teach your child how to relax.

Many children get in bed but aren't sure what to do when they get there! It can help to follow a soothing pre-bed routine that creates sleepiness. A good pre-bed ritual is story time. A child who is listening to a parent read a book or tell a tale will tend to lie still and listen. This quiet stillness allows him to become sleepy.

Work with these eight ideas and you'll see improvements in your child's sleep, and yours too.


Elizabeth Pantley has redefined stress-free parenting with her classic books The No-Cry Sleep Solution, The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Toddlers & Preschoolers, No-Cry Potty Training and Gentle Baby Care. She is the president of Better Beginnings, Inc. and the author of seven books for parents that are available in eighteen languages.

What Type Of A Nurser Is Your Baby

Writen by Carolyn Joana

Just as every baby has a unique personality, so does each baby have a unique nursing style. Your baby may fall into one of these categories classified by researchers. Or you may find your baby has developed a nursing persona all his or her own.

Barracuda: Your baby's nursing style is barracuda-like if he or she latches on to the breast tenaciously and suckles voraciously for ten to twenty minutes. A barracuda baby doesn't dawdle - feeding time is no nonsense for him or her. Occasionally, a barracuda baby's suck is so vigorous that it actually hurts at first. If your nipples fall victim to your barracuda baby's strong suck. Don't worry — they'll toughen up quickly as they acclimate to nursing with the sharks.

Excited Ineffective: If your baby becomes so wound up with excitement when presented with a breast that he or she often loses grasp of it - and then screams and cries in frustration - it's likely you have an excited ineffective on your hands. Mothers of this type of nurser have to practise extra patience; you'll need to get your baby nice and calm before pulling him or her back on the job. Usually, excited ineffectives become less excited and more effective as they get the hang of nursing, at which point they'll be able to hold on to the prize without incident.

Procrastinator: Procrastinators do just that procrastinate. These slowpoke babies show no particular interest or ability in sucking until the fourth or fifth day, when the milk comes in. Forcing a procrastinator to feed before he or she's game will do no good (as forcing one to do homework before the last minute will surely backfire, but you'll find that out later on ). Instead, waiting it out seems to be the best bet; procrastinators tend to get down to the business of nursing when they're good and ready.

Gourmet: If your baby likes to play with your nipple, mouth it, taste a little milk, smack his or her lips, and then slowly savour each mouthful of milk as though composing a restaurant review, he or she is likely a gourmet. As far as the gourmet is concerned, breast milk is not fast food. Try to rush gourmets through their meal and they'll become thoroughly furious - so let them take their time enjoying the feeding experience.

Rester: Resters like to nurse a few minutes and then rest a few minutes. Some even prefer the nip-and-nap approach: nurse for fifteen minutes, fall asleep for fifteen minutes, then wake to continue the feeding. Nursing this type of baby will take time and it will take patience, but hurrying a rester through his or her course, like hurrying a gourmet, will do no good.

Caroline Joana is the owner of where she shares her knowledge on baby massage, home remedies for baby baby needs, baby health, breastfeeding, baby care etc.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Babysitting The Parents

Writen by Richard C Myers

Going out for the evening is a fun time – or it should be. However, for many parents (especially new parents) the experience is fraught with guilt, worry and anxiety.

In order to appreciate how they are feeling, try and view it from their point of view for a moment. Let's take new parents as an example.

For the past few months, these people have devoted themselves to this new infant suddenly living in their home. Before junior's arrival, going out was a breeze. They would just go - wherever and whenever they pleased. She would just grab her purse and they were out of that door.

A few months down the line, they are totally enchanted with the baby but their world has shrunk to catering for its' every whim. They're probably punchy with sleep depravation and can't remember the last time they even made it through a TV movie without falling asleep. Going out with the baby has to be planned like a military operation. Checklist: diapers, bottles, blanket, changing mat, wipes…Mom is exhausted before she leaves the house!

As the weeks go by, they realize that they really need some quality time alone together – but that involves leaving their precious child. It becomes a huge and difficult decision. They need those few hours away to recharge their batteries and to re-connect with each other…but what if? What if the house burns down, or the baby gets sick, or the babysitter turns out to be more 'Psycho' than 'Mary Poppins'?

How you can make a difference

New parents are always going to worry the first time they go out and leave their child. But there is a lot that you can do, as a babysitter, to lessen that worry and to encourage them to be brave enough to try it again.

Looking and sounding professional will begin to win their trust. Behaving in a respectful manner in their home will help to build their confidence in you. Asking them all the right questions (baby's routine, their contact info etc) will build on that confidence. These may seem like small details but if you add them all together they present a picture of someone who is dependable and capable of keeping their child safe.

If the parents still seem shaky about the prospect of a night out, try suggesting a 'trial run'. This could be a daytime event. It's widely recognized that everything feels 'safer' and more manageable during the day.

Encourage them to take just a couple hours away from the home, maybe a visit to a Coffee Shop. If it means that you spend some of your Saturday doing this – just think of the rewards it may reap. It may well lead to you getting a regular, enjoyable, paid job.

Building on your foundations

Once you land the job – do it to the best of your ability. Always be well groomed and sensibly dressed. Always be polite and respectful. Always leave the home as you found it. And always remember that for those few hours, the kids are your priority.

If the kids are safe and happy, the parents will be too. Just remember that they come as a package. You may have entertained the kids extremely well but if Mom and Dad return to find the house like a bomb site – you may not get asked back.

If all of this sounds a little excessive, just bear in mind that however well you get on with the kids, it is the parents who will decide whether to employ you or not. So it literally does pay to keep them happy!

Want to make sure you get asked to babysit again and again? Then visit Super Babysitting - the quick and easy place to get babysitting advice and tips. To get your free babysitters handbook and first aid book visit the Super Babysitting web site right now!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Capture Memories From The Baby To Preschool Stage For Ever

Writen by Corinna Moffitt

Is there anything more beautiful than babies and toddlers?
The pure beautiful essence of a new born baby or the child like innocence and delight of a toddler. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not totally forgetting how magic can turn to mayhem with these mini monsters at a moments notice. However if you put that aside for just a moment, is it even possible to measure how much joy and love you receive from these little treasures at this age.

Now what most of us realize after the fact, is this pre-school period goes very very quickly. Your new born turns to baby, your baby turns to toddler and before you know it people are saying "he or she really is a little boy or girl now aren't they". And that's it the baby stage has gone, what seemed like an eternity on those exhausting unsettled nights has in fact flown by so fast it could almost make you giddy.

So now you are left with only two things from that stage of life, memories and hopefully a healthy helping of baby photos. For those of you that still have your child at baby stage or you have more babies to come you can take advantage now and photograph as many events as possible, but of course very few parents need this advise.

Next, what to do with the exceptional photos that we manage to capture. All the photos that are recognisable are all treasured of course, however every now and then you, family or friends take a classic picture that represents a moment in time that you will treasure forever. These are the pictures that you may wish to transform into other forms of art for the older child themselves, friends and family or you the parents for yourselves or your home. There are also many products available where photos are used to create personalised gifts. Things like black and white photo reproductions printed onto canvas and framed in a modern box frame style can turn a photo into modern day décor and symbolise the significance of the event in a stylish and elegant way. Other products that will turn heads are things like photos reproduced onto cushions or carry bags. Another fantastic and affordable idea for a gift or to find a way to display that exclusive picture is to have your photo treated by a graphic artist to create a painted effect that can be printed onto canvas and presented as if you had commissioned an artist to paint the occasion.

The baby stage may not last very long at all, however the memories of that wonderful period can be captured to last a lifetime.

For a great selection of reproduction products available from photographs Visit:

Author- Corinna works in Real Estate, she is a free lance writer, professional gift giver and most importantly, mother of two.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Baby And Toddler Daycare Advice

Writen by Michael Russell

Making the decision to put your child in daycare can be a very tough choice. There are always stories on the news about horrible things that happen there. The most important thing with daycare is to make sure you find a good center.

Many parents like childcare centers because they have a very structured, regulated environment. Most daycares have a pickup time, drop off time and also make the children do everything on a schedule. This is great because all kids need to be on a very rigid schedule.

People usually don't want to put their kids in daycare because they don't want them exposed to all the sicknesses of the other children. It is true that kids in childcare centers have more infections than kids that stay at home. However, these children will probably get much fewer infections later on in their life. People need to be exposed to viruses and bacteria at a young age so that their body learns how to fight them off. Children that are exposed to these viruses and bacteria early on are much less likely to develop allergies than other children.

If you send your children to daycare, they will be taught many different skills, such as storytelling, dancing and singing. Your child will spend the day doing projects and learning many new things. A recent study has found that kids that go to good quality childcare centers do better on tests than other kids. When you start looking for a daycare, make sure the one you choose has a good mix of activities.

If you decide to get a nanny, it will be much more expensive than daycare. You will also be relying on only one person. If your nanny gets sick, you will have to find other arrangements. With daycare, you know that people are always there to look after your children. Toddlers especially benefit from daycare because they get to spend time with other kids and learn important socialization skills. If you get a nanny, your child won't be developing these skills as quickly.

At a good quality childcare center, the staff members are usually trained in child education and child development. Because of this, the staff knows what to expect and knows how to take care of the children properly. When you start looking for a daycare, make sure the employees are knowledgeable.

A disadvantage of daycare is that your child won't get the one-on-one care that you or a nanny could provide. Babies especially need constant attention and love to be happy and healthy. At a childcare center, one person will have to look after several babies at the same time. This can be very difficult for them.

If you choose daycare, you will have to find other arrangements for your child when they are closed on holidays. If your child gets sick, you also will have to stay at home. You have to remember that your child will most probably be getting sick more often with things such as colds and pinkeye than other children.

Overall, daycare is great if you pick a good center. The most important thing is to make sure there aren't too many children for the amount of caregivers. For babies there should be one caregiver to every three babies. For children aged 25 to 30 months there should be one caregiver to every four kids. For children aged 31 to 35 months there should be one caregiver to every five kids. For three year olds there should be one caregiver to every seven kids. For children aged four and five there should be one caregiver to every eight kids.

Michael Russell Your Independent Baby and Toddler guide.

Personalize Any Occasion With Unusual Custom Cameras

Writen by Chris Robertson

Whether it's a wedding reception, a sports gathering, an anniversary party, or even a baby shower, these special occasions and others can be even more meaningful with custom cameras. Photos are necessary to capture these once-in-a-lifetime moments. Why not let your guests capture them for you with unique custom cameras? These types of cameras are both decorative and useful. Here are some ways to make the most of every event with custom cameras.

Wedding Day Moments

There can be many meaningful, sad, happy, and even funny moments during a wedding reception. One wedding photographer can't possibly capture all of them. But with disposable wedding cameras, many of these moments can be captured on film by your guests. Here's how. Order customized wedding cameras in advance and place one or two cameras on each guest table. Invite your guests to take the photos as they fellowship. Be sure they get photos of all the children and grown-ups at the wedding. Ask them to capture special moments for you! They'll be glad to do it - and it's something fun for everyone.

You can even order special wedding cameras with your names and wedding date printed on the cameras to add that personal touch. Disposable wedding cameras are decorative, and there are many styles to choose from, so you can easily find custom cameras to match your wedding decor.

Don't Miss the Action at Parties

If you're busy serving food and drinks, cleaning, answering questions, etc. - all while trying to enjoy talking with your party guests - you probably won't have time to snap pictures! This is when custom cameras really come in handy. Order several custom cameras to spread among guests and have your party guests take pictures for you. Each guest will capture unique moments that you probably would have missed.

Custom cameras come in many themes so you can include them at almost any type of party. There are disposable sports-themed cameras as well as custom disposable cameras for birthdays, holidays, baby showers, proms, graduations, Bar Mitzvahs, and many other events. They are great for almost any special occasion where pictures are a must!

At a sports party, for instance, you might order custom disposable cameras with the team's logo to show team spirit and to match your sports decor. There are licensed custom cameras with NFL, NBA and MLB team logos for the choosing.

Where to Buy Custom Cameras

You can find a variety of custom camera choices by shopping online or perhaps at a local specialty printing company. Buying online is easy because you can order any time of the day, search through many custom camera themes, and have them delivered to your doorstep.

If you feel that you can use a little help getting photos of your next big event or party, choose custom cameras and let your guests do all the work. It's the easiest way to capture those special moments!

Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web. Learn more about Custom Cameras Guide or Majon's Family and Children directory.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

How To Make Your Own Baby Boy Gift Baskets

Writen by Tim Bock

Baby boy gift baskets are great baby shower presents for mothers who are expecting a baby boy. By combining a number of small gifts into one present, baby boy gift baskets allow the gift giver to tailor the present to the parents' needs and desires. While it is possible to order baby boy gift baskets either from local florists or specialty shops or through online merchants, those who are looking to save a little money or would rather add their own personal touch to the gift can consider making their own baby boy gift baskets.

Baby boy gift baskets can contain a number of different kinds of items, from the whimsical (a musical toy or a silly baby hat) to the practical (baby boy night clothes, baby teething rings) to the downright necessary (diapers, baby wipes, etc.). Baby boy gift baskets can be as large or as small as the gift giver desires and, since they always contain an assortment of small gift items, are sure to be a hit with the parent and perhaps the baby as well. Be sure to remember that the gifts are for an infant, so please do not include anything that could constitute a choking hazard. The parent will be busy enough the first few weeks--the last thing she needs is to have to inspect all of the gifts to look for potential hazards.

By taking some time to consider the situation of the mother-to-be, it is easy to create your own baby boy gift baskets that are sure to be the hit of the shower.

For more information concerning baby showers, please visit: The Baby Shower Zone a website that specializes in baby showers and How to Make your Own Baby Boy Gift Baskets

Friday, July 25, 2008

What A Mother Should Eat During Breast Feeding

Writen by Lisa Lee

It is very important for a breastfeeding mother to have a healthy and balanced diet. A variety of foods are required during this period including:

Get lots of vegetables and fruits – try and have an intake of 5 portions a day of fruit and vegetables.

For additional energy try and take in starch rich foods such as bread, pasta, potatoes, pulses and rice – this will provide a good source of energy.

Foods such as whole meal bread, vegetables, pulses, cereals and pastas will provide fibre – women occasionally experience bowel problems after childbirth and an intake of fibre on a daily basis will help with this.

Proteins such as lean meat, fish, eggs and poultry.

Try and get two portions of fish per week (including some oily fish). Do not exceed 2 portions of oily fish per week.

Dairies such as cheese, milk and yoghurt are an excellent source of calcium and should be included in a breast feeding mother's diet.

Some doctors advise taking vitamin supplements such as Vitamin D (10 mcg per day). Your doctor will be able to advise which supplements will be right for you.

In addition to the foods that you should eat above there are certain food types that you should steer clear of at this time.

As above you should restrict your intake of oily fish to two portions per week but you should also avoid eating more than one portion of swordfish, marlin or shark per week as these fish contain high levels of mercury.

You should also be careful with your intake of caffeine and alcohol. It is true that some breast feeding babies react to the foods that their mother has consumed.

Some doctors believe that it is wise to lay off peanuts during this stage as well – approximately 2% of the population is allergic to peanuts – however your baby may have a higher chance of being allergic if the mother/father/brothers/sisters have problems such as asthma, eczema or hay fever. If you believe your baby may be at risk due to these factors it is worth consulting your doctor.

For more baby care information include breastfeeding, baby bathing and more baby care tips please visit

Kids Toys Think Before You Buy

Writen by Sherry Frewerd

There is a chore in my home that brings out the procrastinator in me. This particular chore is so big and so difficult, that I create new tasks just to avoid starting the dreaded job. What could be so bad: My toddler's bedroom – a.k.a. fighting the battle of 'too many toys!'

The problem doesn't arrive from a lack of organization or space to put things, but from just too many toys in the first place. His room, when tidy, looks like a little toy store gone mad. My husband built custom shelving just for the toys and books, with varying shelf sizes to accommodate different types of toys and sizes of books. However, when I take a close look at the contents, it's obvious that there's lots of 'stuff', but little thought went into most of it.

How should you select and organize your child's toys? Choosing quality kids' toys, selected by their developmental stage and abilities, is the first step. Most toys have a recommended age on the package to let you know the appropriate age group. Take cues from you own child to guide you in whether he is ready for a certain toy.

Make sure that the toys you're buying actually "do" what they are supposed to. If puzzle pieces aren't cut correctly, your child will get angry and frustrated when they play with it. I've recently made the mistake of buying a puzzle that was supposed to be appropriate for ages 18 months to 3 years, only to find that the pieces were very difficult to place, and my son became upset every time he played with the puzzle.

Some suggestions for Toddler and Preschool Toys

• Puppets

• Activity tables/centers

• Sorting boxes

• Snap together Blocks – Leggos

• Puzzles – up to 5 wooden pieces

• Figures for dollhouse, farm, etc.

• Dress up clothes

• Trucks and wagons to haul things

• Housekeeping and shopping toys

• Sewing cards

• Buttoning, zipping, snapping dolls or boards

• Preschool age games like Memory and Candy land etc.

Most importantly, choose toys that stimulate your child's mind and that create learning experiences. Provide an adequate amount of toys for your child. Don't do as I have and overwhelm your child with too much 'stuff' causing both of you to become frustrated. As we all know, most little kids have a more fun playing with the box the toy came in while the new toy sits idly on the floor. Now it's time for me to stop procrastinating and fight the battle of 'too many toys.'

About the author: Sherry Frewerd is a WAHM to three and is a licensed child care provider. Visit her website, 'Family Play and Learn' for fun and creative activities and resources for your Toddler and Preschool age child.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Effective Strategies For Dealing With Diaper Rash

Writen by Sarah Veda

Diaper rash is a really annoying baby problem. It can get out of control easily, and can make your baby miserable. Luckily, it can be controlled with a little effort on your part. Following are some remedies that worked well with my children.

Some babies are just more prone to diaper rash than others, and if yours is prone, you'll really have to keep on top of the problem. The most important thing you can do is change your baby's diaper regularly. Diaper rash is caused by the skin being constantly exposed to wetness, so changing frequently can prevent the problem. Most of the diaper rash ointments on the market are designed simply to protect your baby's skin from wetness, so they are great at preventing diaper rash. If your baby is diaper rash prone, you might want to use an ointment at every changing as a preventative measure.

But, what if your baby already has a raging case of diaper rash? As I said, most of the products labeled as diaper rash ointments are best at preventing diaper rash, not healing it. There are a few concoctions that can help cure a bad case of diaper rash.

The first is Maalox – yes Maalox. Put some liquid Maalox on a cotton ball and apply to baby's sore bottom. Let it dry a bit before diapering. For obvious reasons, don't buy the mint flavor, and don't use this bottle of Maalox for anything but treating diaper rash.

A second helpful treatment for diaper rash is an oatmeal bath. There are some good oatmeal bath products on the market, even some designed especially for baby. These work wonders on diaper rash. Usually one or two baths is all it takes.

Finally, I had great luck when I mixed diaper rash ointment with a little bit of hydrocortisone cream. About 3 parts diaper rash ointment to one part hydrocortisone. One caution here- check with your doctor before you try this one, since hydrocortisone cream is normally not recommended for use on children under the age of two years.

If these remedies don't work, check with your pediatrician. There may be some prescription products for extreme cases. But, the most important measure to take for diaper rash seems to be persistence. Keeping on top of the problem is your best bet for keeping the rash at bay.

Sarah is a 41 year old wife and mother of two boys and one girl. She spent many years as a manager in the corporate world, and gave it up to be a stay at home mom.

Go to now and get her incredible baby minicourse – absolutely free.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Baby Naming And Godparents

Writen by Vlady Peters

Cinderella had a wonderful fairy Godmother who helped Cinderella achieve her heart's desire in meeting and captivating a prince. This kind of Godmother seems to be totally different from the kind of Godfather Marlon Brando portrayed. But despite this, or perhaps because of this, parents often wonder whether the term Godparent is appropriate term to use for a Naming Ceremony.

While Godparents have always been synonymous with a religious christening or baptism, the term God does not exclude spiritual beliefs which have nothing to do with a specific religion. People, like the poet Wordsworth, for example, saw God in the grandeur of nature, while the early Egyptians worshipped the Sun, as God personified.

However, for those people who do see God as part of established religion, and who would like to substitute another term for their baby's naming ceremony, there are many substitutes which are just as suitable.

Some of the popular terms used are Guideparents, Guardparents, Mentors and Sponsors. And, no doubt, other names will pop up as the celebration becomes more widely used throughout the world. At the moment, Australia leads the field for the celebration of this particular occasion.

Whatever the term used, the role of the substitute Godparent remains the same. This is the person, or persons, who undertake to assume the responsibility of looking after the child in the even that something happens to the parents.

It is stressed that this is not a religious ceremony where the child is inducted into a specific religious community. A naming ceremony doesn't preclude the possibility that the parents will choose to have the child christened or that the child will, later in life, choose to be christened or baptized into a particular religion.

A naming ceremony is seen as a welcoming ceremony into the community of its family members, family friends, and by extension, into the wider community of humanity.

Naming ceremony is just that – a naming. It's a way of saying, 'Welcome to the world. We're happy to have you amongst us.'

Vlady Peters is an Australian Civil Marriage Celebrant authorised to perform marriages in Australia. She also perform general ceremonies such as Baby Naming, Renewal of Vows and Commitment Ceremonies. To learn more about her as a celebrant and an author visit vlady at

Baby Shower Invitation Announcing The Arrival Of The Little Cherub

Writen by Randy Wilson

Customized baby shower invitation cards with personal touches are what you need for making your baby shower party a memorable one. A baby shower invitation card sets the mood for your baby shower party. Whether you are choosing formal or funny baby shower invitation cards you must try and make the baby shower invitation cards attractive and visually appealing. The contents of the invitation should be precise, to the point inviting guests to the baby shower party in a catchy way. This is a special occasion and your guests should be made to feel warmly welcome! Make sure your personalized baby shower invitation cards are sent 3-5 weeks prior to the party.

You can use your own creativity, picking up ideas from friends and family members thereby adding a more personal touch to the baby shower invitation. You can buy designer invitations in varied styles and designs custom made according to your choice and preferences! The designer baby shower invitations come in myriad attractive prints, colors, and designs that make these invitation cards more likeable.

A baby shower invitation should reflect the personality and style of the expectant mother. This actually makes it easier for the guests to have an idea as to what sort of gifts to take to the shower party. When you plan out a baby shower party it is usually based on some baby theme. You can create the invitation cards complementing your baby shower theme.

So if you are planning to have a fairy tale theme or cartoon theme for the baby shower then you can order invitation cards printed with popular fairy tale/cartoon characters. You can announce a baby shower with other novel types of baby shower invitation ideas. So parcel a tasty candy treat to the guests and behind the candy wrapper you can print your invitation! You can also send invitations within a miniature baby feeding bottle that promptly depicts your baby shower party!

It is always better to consult the mom-to-be or the new mom for whom you are arranging the shower party. You can get an estimate as to how many guests are to be invited making sure that nobody is left out. Accordingly you can order the correct amount of baby shower invitation cards.

Next you've got to carefully post and forward each baby shower invitation to the respective guests. This should be done well in advance before the party. So if any of your invitees are unable to attend the party they can let you know beforehand! Also you can mention in the invitation whether it will be an all girl's or a co-ed party!

With the perfect baby shower invitation you can make this special event truly memorable and full of fun! The basic wordings of your invitation should include the name of the new mother/baby, date, time and location of the event, RSVP and phone numbers or email address. If the expectant mother is subscribed to a gift registry then this needs to be mentioned in the shower invitation. You can also include a poem/poems to make your invitation more interesting!

© Copyright Randy Wilson, All Rights Reserved.

Randy has dozens more baby shower related articles at How to Plan a Baby Shower such as Diaper Cakes.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Unique Personalized Baby Gift Have You Considered Keepsake Baby Jewelry

Writen by Chris Kavila

When searching for a unique personalized baby gift, the most common mistake people make is to look in all the wrong places, like the department store or some other place along the beaten track for baby gift hunters.

Quite often, most shoppers forget that the easiest way to get that unique personalized baby gift that they seek is to go somewhere where a custom gift that you will not find anywhere else can be created for them. The perfect example here is keepsake baby jewelry.

The biggest advantage with this choice for a unique baby gift is the fact that the only limit to how personalized you can make it is in your creativity. Secondly it is also something that can be made unforgettable so that both the mother and her baby can treasure it for many years to come. This is the sort of combined advantage that is very difficult to match with any other type of unique personalized baby gift you may want to opt for.

Getting a keepsake baby jewelry gift unique and personalized usually involves the engraving or writing of names on the jewelry. Here you can get pretty creative with the way you want it done. Many businesses that specialize in this sort of custom-made jewelry can help and advice you with the ideas that you may already be having in mind. Just remember that the whole idea is to create a beautiful item that will be treasured for many years to come.

Some people are usually scared off keepsake jewelry because it is assumed that something appropriate may turn out to be extremely expensive. Actually this is not true and in most cases there is a wide enough range of choices to fit most budgets. What's more lower end items can still give you an exceptionally unique and personalized baby gift.

Visit the unique personalized baby gift site for the brainwave that will help you find that unforgettable gift.

The Average Growth In Babies

Writen by Lily Carter

Growth charts are tools your pediatrician can use to keep track of your child's physical growth. During each checkup, the doctor will measure your baby's length, weight, and head circumference. The doctor can then compare the measurements for your baby to a chart of national averages for infants of the same age and sex.

The result is that the doctor will be able to tell you what percentile your baby is in when compared to average baby growth around the nation. For example, if your doctor tells you your 4-month-old is in the 86th percentile for weight, that means 86 percent of the two-month-olds in your country weigh less, and that 14 percent weigh more. A baby that is at the 50th percentile in either height or weight is right at the national average.

Typically, parents seem to worry quite a bit about these percentages, and that worrying is usually needlessly blown out of proportion. There are many factors that come into play when determining where your baby's statistics will fall in the percentile chart.

It is very important to remember that no two babies are the same and that every child, due to body chemistry, heredity, diet, and many other factors will grow at their own pace.

Some babies will have growth spurts right from the start and others will take a bit longer to begin major growth periods. These measurements, charts, and percentile points are merely guides for a doctor to help in assessing your baby's growth.

In addition to the measurements that your pediatrician will take during regularly scheduled doctor visits, you may also want to track your baby's growth at home.

Keep in mind that the measurements you take at home may or may not be as accurate as the measurements your doctor takes, but they can provide a certain degree of insight into the growth of your baby and many new parents have found it to be a fascinating way to participate in the parenting process.

Here are some tips that can help you, as inquisitive parents, track your baby's growth at home using commercially available scales and other measuring devices.

If baby is too small to stand upright on the scale, you can try using this procedure:

· With your baby in your arms, step onto a standard bathroom scale.

· Make note of the weight displayed on the scale and write it down on a piece of paper.

· Put your baby down and step onto the scale alone this time.

· Make note of the weight displayed and subtract this number from the combined weight of you and your baby. The resulting number is your baby's weight.

To measure your baby's length all you need to do is lay her down on a flat surface (her changing table is a great place for this task) and stretch a measuring tape from head to toes.

For the measuring of head circumference all you need to do is wrap the measuring tape around your baby's head. You should wrap the measuring tape just above your baby's eyebrows, so the tape falls right at the top of the ears. What you are trying to measure is the point around his head that has the largest circumference.

When taking your baby to the doctor your pediatrician will perform more accurate measurements. Pediatricians do the "baby measuring thing" on a daily basis and will be able to achieve a much more accurate result than you will at home. This is due to the fact that they are accustomed to the things babies do that can result in an inaccurate measurement and they have very accurate measuring tools made specifically for the purpose of measuring the characteristics of babies, such as proper baby scales equipped with cradles.

Your doctor will most likely take measurements several times during one visit and average the results together to ensure accuracy and to compensate for any discrepancies that may arise. It is crucial for the doctor's measurements to be as accurate as possible because a discrepancy of as little as a few millimeters in length or a few grams in weight can make a difference where your baby falls on the charts.

Since the results of these measurements may determine changes to your baby's diet, and other possible changes to how your baby is fed and treated during her first year, it is important that these results are as accurate as possible.

Your pediatrician will measure the following characteristics of your baby:


After calibrating the scale the doctor or nurse will place your completely naked baby on a baby scale. There are electronic and traditional beam-type versions of the baby scale, but most will typically have the same type of baby holding stainless steel cradle. After your child is able to stand on her own, your pediatrician will most likely use a standard upright scale.


Like weighing, until your baby is able to stand up on his own, your doctor will perform the height/length measurements with your baby lying down. Your doctor may use a tape measure, much like you use at home, or may utilize a special "baby-measuring device", which consists of a headboard and movable footboard to obtain the most accurate results possible.

Head circumference: This measurement will be taken in almost the same way you did at home. The doctor will take the measurement at the point where the head is at its largest circumference, right above the ears and around to the back of the head where the neck meets the cranium. Usually the pediatrician will record this measurement to the nearest 0.3 cm (1/8th of an inch).

The head is different from other parts of the body in that the brain is not fully formed at the time of birth and therefore the head will continue to grow during baby's first year.

Baby's head is a particular point of concern for the doctor because a head that is growing too rapidly can be a sign of hydrocephalus (water on the brain) and a head that is growing too slowly can be indicative of nutritional or developmental problems. Regardless, you shouldn't be too concerned if your baby's head appears a bit disproportional compared to the rest of her body, as this is completely normal for the first year of life.

For More Honest Parenting Advice, Information, Tips, and Product Reviews go to today!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Baby Safety Showers Not Just Fun And Games

Writen by Scott Corbett

If you're looking for a creative and different way to honor new moms- and dads-to-be and help them get ready for their baby, consider throwing a baby safety shower instead of the usual "blankets and snugglies" shower.

Traditional baby showers are great fun and they offer new parents an opportunity to prepare their "nests" for the arrival of a new baby. Usually a baby shower is intended to give new parents a leg up in acquiring essential items like baby clothing, bath supplies, bottles or nursing equipment, toys and games, and special blankets or other treasures like silver cups. I've always viewed baby showers as one of the best ways that a community can come together around the birth of a new child. It reminds me of one of the best aspects of the "old days" when a town, village, or neighborhood considered the birth and caring for a new child its responsibility, too.

A baby safety shower is in keeping with these old communitarian traditions. It's more than just fun and games, it's really a learning experience for the whole community where all the activities revolve around baby and home safety. Parents and caregivers certainly have a great time, but they also leave with a higher awareness of ways to keep their new babies safe at home.

The shower's theme may focus on a variety of safety issues (see the Baby Safety Checklist below), including child-proofing one's home, nutrition or health. Also, you can arrange a baby safety shower for as many people as you can fit in your party space. At bigger safety showers, all of the moms and dads in attendance--not just the couple being honored--can visit a variety of exhibits where safety-savvy parents illustrate home safety information with games, puzzles, songs, prizes, and other activities. At smaller showers, it might work better to have one person lead the group in discussions and safety games.

Usually baby showers involve a collection of family and friends of the new parents, but safety showers are also a good way to create and promote partnerships within the broader community. By offering, for example, to distribute baby products donated by local stores, or by providing information from local community health service providers, you can enhance your ties with the local business community and build your relationships with local health and social service organizations. All this creates goodwill in your community and it provides your invited parents with welcome information, products, and services.

Use your creativity to create a baby safety shower for your personal situation. The key to throwing a safety shower that will be rewarding for all involved is providing important safety information in a festive and inviting setting. So--have fun, and learn about the all-important matter of better safety practices for your household.


The guidelines below were developed by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. It's important to remember that, while these standards are based on sound principles, certain parents may disagree with some of them. For example, the bedroom guidelines state that a baby should never sleep in the same bed as an adult. However, from the Attachment Parenting perspective, sleeping with one's baby is considered an important aspect of bonding and is even believed to possibly lower the incidence of SIDS. Therefore, I recommend using the following guidelines as just that, guidelines, which should be examined carefully in light of your own views and beliefs about baby care giving. Always consult your pediatrician if in doubt of the best way to proceed.

Baby Safety Checklist

In the bedroom:

Put your baby to sleep on her back in a crib with a firm, flat mattress and no soft bedding underneath her. Follow this advice to reduce the risk of suffocation and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). To prevent suffocation, never put babies to sleep on adult beds.

Make sure your baby's crib is sturdy and has no loose or missing hardware. This will prevent babies suffocating or strangling by becoming trapped between broken crib parts.

Never place your baby's crib or furniture near window blind or curtain cords. This will prevent babies from strangling on the loop of the cord. To prevent falls, keep children away from windows.

In the bathroom:

Keep medicines and cleaning products in containers with safety caps and locked away from children. This will prevent children from being poisoned.

Always check bath water temperature with your wrist or elbow before putting your baby in to bathe. This will prevent burns to a baby's delicate skin.

Never, ever, leave your child alone in the bathtub or near any water. This will prevent children from drowning. In addition, keep children away from all standing water, including water in toilets, 5-gallon buckets, and pools.

In the kitchen:

Don't leave your baby alone in a highchair; always use all safety straps. This will prevent injuries and deaths from the baby climbing out, falling, or sliding under the tray. Be sure to use safety straps in strollers and baby swings.

Use your stove's back burners and keep pot handles turned to the back of the stove. This will prevent deaths and injuries from burns. In addition, keep children away from tablecloths, so they can't pull down hot foods or liquids on themselves.

Lock household cleaning products, knives, matches, and plastic bags away from children. This will prevent poisonings, bleeding injuries, burns, and suffocation.

In other living areas:

Install smoke detectors on each floor of your home, especially near sleeping areas; change the batteries each year. This will prevent deaths and injuries from fires.

Use safety gates to block stairways and safety plugs to cover electrical outlets. This will prevent injuries from falls and electric shocks.

Keep all small objects, including tiny toys and balloons, away from young children. This will prevent choking and possible death.

Additional Information and Resources

If you would like more information about baby safety or about how to organize a baby safety shower, including specific tips on planning, organizing, and coordinating one, please write to the Office of Information and Public Affairs, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, Washington, DC 20207. The article above was adapted from a report prepared by the Product Safety Commission.

Copyright 2006 Scott Corbett

Scott Corbett is a writer, entrepreneur, and father of two. Please visit his designer baby blankets and baby bedding store at and check out his parenting blog at

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Baby Sleep Sleeping After The Holidays

Writen by Rachel Steinberg

During the holidays everyone in the family experiences disruptions of schedules and sleep. Variation in schedules and boundaries mean children experience more freedom. Everyone should enjoy this! However, after spending time traveling, hosting guests, skipping naps, going to bed late, waking early, sharing beds and eating lots of sugar, parents are anxious to get back to normal routines and schedules. The quickest way to return to healthy sleep habits is to do so as soon as possible. Once you have returned home, your guests have said good-bye and/or social engagements have ended, it is time to return to your regular daily schedule.


If you have been co-sleeping, rocking/nursing to sleep and/or holding your baby while s/he sleeps in order to get through the holidays now is the time to revert back to healthier sleep habits. Reestablish a consistent, calming bedtime routine that is followed in the same order every evening. Put your baby down groggy but awake, so s/he will be able to self soothe him/herself back to sleep. You may have one or two nights of protest, but the quicker you return to your normal routine the faster your baby will remember and settle into it once again. Visit if you need help with this transition.


Many times these children miss naps, stay up later or share beds with cousins while on holiday. As soon as you are able, reestablish your normal routine. Have your child nap at the usual time and return to a consistent, calming nighttime routine. If your child no longer naps you may find it beneficial to put him/her down 15-30 minutes earlier than normal for the first night or two. This will allow your child the opportunity to "catch up" on lost sleep. Visit if you need help with this transition.

The key to reestablishing healthy sleep habits after significant disruptions is to do so as soon as possible. It may involve some protests on your child's part, but this is very short lived if you are clear and consistent with your expectations. Your child will quickly remember and return to sleeping independently again. For more information visit

Rachel Steinberg is co-founder of Child-Works. She has helped countless parents of babies, toddlers and preschoolers achieve healthier sleep habits. For more information please visit

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Give Them Baby Toys Babies Are Born To Play

Writen by Terry Ross

A baby is born to play. A baby with respond right from birth to brightly coloured toys, bright moving objects and sounds. Introducing baby toys to the nursery right from day one will help to stimulate your newborn baby and enable him to develop more quickly.

Like children, babies learn fast, they rapidly develop new skills through listening, watching and touching. Toys stimulate a baby's desire to learn, help them learn quickly through new experiences, help them develop an imagination and recognise different sounds.

In the first few months your baby will develop his basic senses of sight, sound and touch. Choose baby toys that will provide a range of experiences including colour, shape and texture. Have a brightly coloured mobile in the nursery where your baby can see it and study it while lying in his crib / cot.

Very quickly your baby will be able to grab things and will be looking for a whole range of new touching experiences. Go for learning toys, baby toys that will inspire your baby's imagination, toys that will enable your baby to associate touch with sound and shape.

Baby's just love to explore and it won't be very long before they are able to move towards objects that interest them. You can use interesting toys to grab your baby's attention, use baby toys to encourage your baby to learn to roll, learn to crawl and eventually learn to walk.

Baby toys can keep your little one occupied for hours toys generate interest, make your baby think and will help them to learn once they come of school age. You quite often hear people moaning about how lack of stimulation has meant that they no longer learn as quicker. The same goes for your baby, if your baby lacks stimulation at an early age they will develop more slowly and maybe never catch up. Baby toys will help them learn and develop all the skills they need.

Are you feed up with all those endless hours of crying? If you are, baby toys can help you out. Stimulate your baby using baby toys and other new learning experiences during the day, encourage your baby to use his mind and take an interest on everything that is going on around him and the odds are that your baby will sleep better at night.

In these modern times there is a baby toy for nearly every learning experience. Baby toys have been developed to help your baby learn. Take full advantage of those that have gone before you and learned what your baby will like most and let your baby enjoy trying to understand their new world through the magic of baby toys.

For more on babies and baby toys visit

Ideas For Picking The Best Baby Shower Decorations

Writen by Shaunta Pleasant

Finding just the right decorations is often one of the most challenging parts of planning any baby shower.

The right decorations can set the mood and the theme of the celebration, and it is important that the decorations chosen be a good reflection of the mother to be and her special guests.

== Knowing If The Baby Is A Boy Or A Girl ==

One thing that makes choosing decorations for any baby shower a lot easier, is knowing, the sex of the expected baby. Naturally this will not always be the case, but if the sex of the baby is known, choosing the baby shower decorations will be a much easier task.

== If You Do Not Know If The Baby Is A Boy Or A Girl ==

If you do not know whether to choose pink or blue decorations for the baby shower, it may be a good idea to choose a combination of the two. For instance, try intertwining blue and pink streamers and placing them around the exterior of the room.

Also try placing some unique and colorful centerpieces on the various food tables, as well as on the all important baby gift table. Decorating the gifts and the food can be as important as decorating the room, so be sure to focus lots of attention here.

== Shopping For Decorations ==

When it comes time to shop for those great decorations for the baby shower, there are a number of choices for the planner. For one thing, there are specialty party planning stores in a number of larger markets around the country, and these stores often carry an amazing array of decorations for just about every conceivable occasion.

These stores are a great place to get ideas for the baby shower, and to buy some great decorations.

== The Internet ==

The internet is another great place to shop for decorations for many occasions, including baby showers.

There are many different web sites devoted to all aspects of party planning and baby showers, and these web sites often have a wide variety of decorations that are suitable for all kinds of baby showers.

In addition, the prices offered by many of these web sites are highly competitive, so be sure to shop online to look for the best bargain.

Shaunta Pleasant is a professional writer and editor on baby shower topics. Visit my site to learn more about planning the perfect wedding at

Friday, July 18, 2008

Baby Gift Registry

Writen by Randy Wilson

A furniture gift registry helps us streamline to the best choice. Through an online gift registry, parents can find out exactly what is required for their baby. The guests could also use the help of the gift registry to make the choice of that perfect gift. It takes 15 minutes to create a furniture baby gift registry and the amount and variety of baby furniture you could possible see has to been seen to be believed. While going through an online gift registry, you could see furniture which would serve the needs of the baby. For example, High chairs are something which would help the baby eat comfortably.

Here is some of the ideal baby furniture you would find in a furniture baby gift registry:

Baby changing tables: They provide a hygienic plane for place for parents to change baby diapers. The changing pads are made of cloth or plastic while the changing tables are made of wood. The baby is placed on the changing pad. The changing table's height should be of the right type, neither too or too low. Choose a changing pad which could be protective and padded properly. A changing table should have a protection barrier and should be held close to the table's base.

Highchairs: High chairs allow the parent to teach the baby to eat. An ideal baby high chair is the one which is durable and does not wobble. One should look to buy a high chair from a manufacturer who is reputed in the baby furniture industry. That goes for all the baby furniture products but more for the high chair. A tip to choose an ideal high chair would be one with a belt having adjustable shoulder straps to hold the baby safely and also a removable tray to facilitate cleaning.

Co-Sleeper: Co-sleeper is another baby furniture gift registry item which is the favorite of every mother. It allows mothers to hold the baby close to them when sleeping, or feeding them. They are built in such a way that the baby is at close proximity to them and there is a small partition which joins mama-papa's bed with the baby's bed.

Night stands: Night stands are the baby's shelf. Here you can put all your baby's daily products like clothes, bottles and diapers. When choosing a night stand or a baby dresser from the baby gift registry, make sure that the color of the night stand intermingles with the color of the room and is also close to its bed and changing table.

Baby crib: This is one of the best buys in the baby furniture gift registry. Since the baby crib is an ideal bed for the baby to sleep comfortably till it is about 2 yrs old, you have to see that the crib which you choose is the best one for your baby. The crib has to be strong and durable, from a reputed company. It should be free from rough edges or unnecessary protrusions. The cribs could be standard ones with single or double sided openings, or ones which look cradles (having a rocking motion to put it to sleep comfortably). The cribs which are on the expensive sides are the convertible ones and theme oriented metal built canopy cribs, with beautiful fabric. For example, you could have a canopy crib which could look like a baby princess bed.

So while choosing baby furniture from the baby gift registry, choose the one which is safe, secure and easy on the baby.

© Copyright Randy Wilson, All Rights Reserved.

Randy is owner of How to Plan a Baby Shower where you can get more tips and ideas for your baby shower. You can also purchase and find free baby shower games. Randy owned and operated a very successful storefront/mailorder business from 1988 to 2003. Currently full time owner/operator of several online businesses.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Get Back In Shape After The Birth Of Your Baby A Gentle 10 Point Plan

Writen by Janice Elizabeth Small

  1. Be especially kind to yourself in the first weeks after your baby is born. Your body has gone through huge changes and it's unrealistic to expect that you can snap back into your old shape straight away. Unrealistic expectations sets you up for failure and disappointment, but you CAN get your figure back if you are patient and take it one step at a time.

  2. Forget drastic dieting and treat your body to healthy nourishing food and gentle exercise to get back in shape. You will naturally lose some weight during the first few weeks as your uterus shrinks. Breast feeding alone will allow you to lose weight at 1lb a week if you eat normally and healthily as it uses up 500 calories a day, but you do need to eat enough so that your milk does not dry up. Plan on losing the remainder at a gentle pace.

  3. Your tummy will look very sad after the birth, flabby and saggy. Don't worry you can soon get things looking good again. Do all the post-natal exercises and gentle exercise recommended by your health-care professionals during the first 6 weeks to get your tummy back in shape. After that check with them that it is Ok if you want to embark on a more strenuous exercise routine. Once your doctor says its OK to exercise, one of the best ways to retighten your muscles is a simple yoga move. Stand with your feet apart, hands on thighs. Breathe out fully and then pull your tummy muscles in and up as hard as you can, holding for a count of 10. If you do this a few times a day before breakfast you'll soon see results. Don't do this during pregnancy.

  4. The first few weeks with your baby are precious and not the time to start injuring yourself by doing too much too soon. Whatever you decide to do, don't go mad in the first week you're allowed to exercise normally. Build up gradually as if you'd not exercised before.

  5. If you are not able to get back to the gym or to do whatever activity you used to do now that you have a baby to care for, investigate home-exercise programs and videos you can do while your baby sleeps or organise your partner or friend to watch your baby for a short time while you exercise. You will need to be a bit more resourceful and determined to fit in your exercise but you can find a way if you really want to.

  6. Walking with your baby is always great – you both get fresh air and out of the house and you get fitter while your baby is soothed by the movement of the pram. You could also use a baby carrier to keep your baby close to you while you walk. This is especially soothing for a restless baby. Aim to walk for 30 minutes to an hour each day.

  7. You may find yourself tempted to snack more if you are alone at home with your baby especially if you are used to being out and about at work every day. Make sure you have lots of healthy snacks around such as fruit and avoid buying unhealthy snacks so you are not tempted. You may be better to plan 5 or 6 mini-meals rather than snacking all day AND having your usual lunch and dinner.

  8. Take the time to plan simple meals for the next few days before you go shopping. This will help you avoid the "What's for dinner"/"Oh no, I haven't defrosted it?" / "Better send out for pizza again" Syndrome. This is not the time to plan elaborate recipes but try and avoid too much processed junk food because you do have time for a simple omelette, pasta sauce, baked potato or salad

  9. If you start a plan to get in shape and it all feels like too much, simply restart it when you feel up to it – there's no need to beat yourself up over anything. Most women feel a bit tired and stressed with a new baby so don't put more pressure on yourself. All in good time. If you feel really down remember and seek help - post-natal depression is very real and quite common.

  10. Reward yourself. You've been through a lot – your body has changed, your hormones are in disarray. Whatever you do that helps towards getting back in shape (a walk, a healthy snack, your tummy exercises or whatever) give yourself a pat on the back. A few moments to yourself can be a great reward if you have someone who will care for your little one for a while.

  11. Bonus tip: Above all relax into your new life with your baby. You'll achieve nothing by worrying about your shape. Take time to rest and pamper yourself as much as possible. Sometimes you can feel quite neglected because your baby makes so many demands and this in itself can lead you to eat for comfort. Take care of your own needs. Ask for support from your partner. If you look after yourself by eating healthily and keeping up some gentle exercise you'll be fine and your weight will naturally rebalance itself over time.

Copyright 2005, Janice Elizabeth Small

Janice Elizabeth is a successful weight loss coach, slimming club owner and author of "The Diet Exit Plan", an 8 week coaching program for automatic permanent weight loss. Request her FREE 15 page report "How to lose weight without dieting - 7 secrets the diet industry doesn't want you to know" at TODAY!

Iq Intelligence And Brain Development Another Breastfeeding Benefit

Writen by Carrie Lauth

Modern parents want to do everything they can to help their children's brain development. Never before have there been so many products and books sold that claim to help parents stimulate their baby's brain, assist in brain development, and give baby an intelligence "edge".

Recently, a variety of studies have come to light that tout the benefits of breastfeeding on brain development and intelligence.

What IS the connection between breastfeeding and intelligence?

It comes down to a couple of important things, some of which are tangible and measurable, and some that are not.

The Importance of Fats and Other Essential Nutrients

Breastmilk contains the ideal ratio of fats, amino acids and other nutrients that baby needs for brain and nervous system development. These ingredients provide the ideal basis for the "hard-wiring" component of a person's intelligence.

For instance, Taurine is an important amino acid found in high concentrations in mother's milk. (In contrast, it is almost nonexistent in cow's milk.) Taurine has an important role in the development of brain tissue, among other things. A baby's body is unable to form Taurine on its own, so s/he is totally reliant on his food to supply this.

Another important ingredient of mom's milk are fats. Breastmilk contains high amounts of important fats, such as DHA and ARA. These are very important components of brain structures, and research has shown that breastfed infants have higher concentration of these essential fats in their brain and blood than do formula fed babies.

Some artificial baby milk manufacturers are adding Taurine and DHA to their formulas, but this does not make these identical to mother's milk. Researchers have concluded that there is an important interplay between all of the components of breastmilk that cause this effect, and that this effect can't be duplicated.

Cholesterol is another ingredient found in high concentrations in breastmilk. It is needed to build tissue in the brain and nervous system. Babies need cholesterol in the first two years of life. (Incidentally, there is evidence that points to a connection between cholesterol in breastmilk and the ability to handle dietery cholesterol in adulthood.)

Studies comparing breastfed children and their formula fed peers in different ages and stages of life show time and again that breastfed infants do better on various tests of intellectual ability. Some have shown these differences persisting for many years.

Even after the differences in socioeconomic status were accounted for or eliminated in these studies, breastfed children still clearly come out ahead.

In fact, one study showed that premature infants who were breastfed had significantly higher IQs than formula fed babies, and when babies were fed a combination of breastmilk and formula, their cognitive scores were directly related to the amount of mother's milk they received.

Hormones- Both Baby's and Mom's

Mother's milk has a high level of endorphins in the first few days after birth. No doubt this helps the baby ease the transition to life outside the womb.

When babies are stressed out, their tiny bodies are in "fight or flight" mode, and essential energy is directed away from growth and development, which would have an obvious effect on the brain.

Additionally, a nursing Mom is biologically a different animal than a non-breastfeeding one.

For instance, when a woman breastfeeds, her body is flooded with pleasure hormones, one of which is Oxytocin, the so called "love hormone", that is also present during orgasm. This hormone helps her to feel relaxed and bonded with her baby. Oxytocin triggers nurturing activity, which no doubt plays a huge role in baby's cognitive and emotional development.

Since lactation suppresses the nervous system response to stressful stimuli, a happy nursing Mommy means a happy baby!

What are some of the intangible benefits that breastfeeding has on brain development and IQ?

Physical Closeness and Emotional Health

In recent years a lot of emphasis has been put on "Emotional Intelligence". How does breastfeeding assist with helping a child develop this?

The closeness of breastfeeding is an important bridge between baby's intrauterine life and his new experience of being out in the world. Studies have shown that babies who receive lots of closeness with their primary caregiver, and lots of stimulating eye contact and "conversation" are getting important brain stimulation that gadgets and toys cannot produce.

That is not to say that a formula feeding Mother doesn't do this, but a breastfeeding baby can't help but have lots of skin to skin contact and interaction with his Mother!

Breastfeeding also gives Mom a chance to reconnect with her busy crawling baby or walking toddler, who seems to spend all his time running from Mom. Having several quiet moments during the day to kiss those dimpled hands, sniff that sweet smelling head, and tickle those fat feet (that will be bigger than your own soon enough) is an important way for Mom and Baby to get that closeness.

The late Dr. Lee Salk, pediatric psychologist, said that "The baby whose cries are answered now will later be the child confident enough to show his independence and curiosity. But the baby left to cry may develop a sense of isolation and distrust, and may turn inward...later in life, this child may continue to cope with stress by trying to shut out reality."

The closeness of breastfeeding makes for a happier baby, one who is settled inside and who trusts that another human will be there to meet his needs, instead of an outside gadget. Don't we want our children learning this important lesson from infancy?

Of course, breastfeeding does not automatically guarantee that a child will be smart, but it can be a way to guarantee that a child lives up to their full genetic potential for emotional intelligence, smarts and IQ!

Carrie Lauth is a breastfeeding counselor who publishes a free newsletter for Moms doing things the natural way. You can get your copy plus extra subscriber goodies at

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Easy Baby Shower Party Favors And Gifts

Writen by Chris Ryerson

All classy baby showers today have some type of party favor or small baby shower gift to give attendees. This is a classy and caring way to thank all of the guests that have traveled from far away to help celebrate the welcoming of a new baby. While it is still possible to skip this step and go without it, it is highly recommended. Yet the baby shower party favor does not need to be a super expensive or extravagant gift. These are often just small fun tokens to remember the event.

Some ways that you can easily save money on baby shower party favors and gifts are to either assemble the gift yourself or even better make the whole gift yourself. Below you will find some simple ideas for both of these ways to save money.

Baby Shower Party Favors Savings Tip One: Some assembly required

In this category are party favors that need some assembly. This means buying in bulk and buying individual items and then putting them together to make your own custom and unique favors. Typically these can be objects that fit a theme and which can all be gathered in a small basket or gift bag.


Candles are another fun item that can make a very classy baby shower party favor. These can be order in a variety of colors and sizes and in bulk of course. Then simply but them in a fun decorative bag or box with a nice bow on top and you have a great gift.

Bath Products: Soaps, bath oils and washes

Soaps can also be ordered in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors and then assembled together to make a wonderful little basket of bath goodies. You can easily add to this some soothing bath oils, bath salts, or even fizzes. These are a lot of fun to give as you know the baby shower participant will be making good use of the gift and they will think of you as they relax and soak in the tub.

Picture Frames:

You can buy pretty plain picture frames at your local craft store and then decorate them to match the theme of the party. This can be a lot of fun to do with the help of others.

These are just a few quick ideas for the some assembly-required type of baby shower party favors. You can easily extend these into all kinds of fun gifts. The wonderful thing is you don't have to spend all of your time making these types of gifts yet you can still add a personal touch. It is always good if you have already chosen a theme for the baby shower to tie the theme into the party favors if possible so keep that in mind as you browse the isles of your local stores.

Baby Shower Party Favors Savings Tip Two: Do it yourself

This is a more advanced category of baby shower gifts and great if you have the extra time or want to reall add a personal touch to the favor. This category of gifts are ones that you and your friends can make ahead of time and then have ready for the shower. They often require time to make the gifts so make sure you plan ahead. However, these are the truly classy types of gifts that people will remember years later.


In the some assembly required category are baked items. Things like cookies, brownies, chocolate can all be easily made ahead of time and then assembled into a fun box or basket. Chocolate can be a particularly classy item to give away. With chocolate remember the often less is more and you do not need to make 25 individual truffle chocolate for each guest. Even just a small basket of three or four chocolate truffles arranged can make a wonderful gift.

There are a lot of other things you can easily make at home with the supplies from a local craft store. You can even your own soaps or candles for the shower.

Customization Tips:

It is always nice to tie the gift in with whatever the theme of the party is. Think about the colors of the rest of the decorations and try and match these colors in the gift-wrapping. If anyone knows calligraphy or can do some type of fun fancy writing this can be a nice addition. It is also easy to make custom tags with a computer that can add a personal touch to the baby shower party favor.

Just remember plan ahead and leave yourself time to assembly the gifts.

Free Secrets of Baby Shower Planning 5 day course sign up now! Or for more info go here to find baby shower game ideas, favors, invitations, ideas, gifts, and free articles.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Why You Should Take The Time To Teach Your Own Baby Sign Language

Writen by Gregg Hall

There's good news for parents and babies and its welcome news indeed. It's called baby sign language. The lack of a means for communication between a parent and a baby has always been frustrating for both parties. A parent hears their child crying and is helpless to understand what the baby wants.

They do the standard checks, like feeling the diaper for wetness or putting their hand on the baby's head to check for fever. If neither of those turn out to be the problem, the child continues to cry and the parent tries to comfort the baby, not knowing what else to do. With baby sign language, the lines of communication become open and helps put an end to this frustration.

What is Baby Sign Language?

Baby sign language is a new form of communication, combining hand gestures with word association. By using these gestures, parents are able to teach their children how to communicate what they want, before the child is able to speak. The learning abilities of children are limited to their senses such as sight, sound and touch. Because the learning method combines all of these senses, it is easy for the parent to teach and the child to learn.

How do you Teach Baby Sign Language?

Teaching your child this communication skill is done by a method called modeling. Linking simple words with gestures does this. Your child might be too young to actually be able to make the gestures, but you can still begin to teach them the meaning of them. This way, when they are older and have better command of their bodies, they will already know the gestures to use to communicate with you.

For example, whenever you are about to feed your child, before you do, say "eat" and make an easy hand gesture like pointing to your mouth. Make sure your baby can clearly see the gestures, so they can remember them. Another good word to teach is "more". When you are rocking your child or doing something else that you know gives your baby pleasure, stop periodically and say "more", before beginning again. Also begin associating these words and signs with objects.

Before handing them an item like a ball, say "ball". Start slowly and add on words gradually. This gives the baby time to learn and remember what you are teaching them. It's important not to try to force them to learn these gestures. Let them pick it up at their own pace.

Teaching your baby sign language is rewarding and by the time they are actually able to speak, they will already know the right words to use to let you know exactly what they need.

Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Florida. Find more about this as well as Baby Gift Baskets Delivered at

Monday, July 14, 2008

How To Have The Perfect Baby Boy Invitations

Writen by Randy Wilson

Baby boy invitations are the first thing you'll need to share the good news of the new arrival with all your friends. It's time to celebrate and baby showers are the perfect way to express love and thoughtfulness to the mother and baby to be.

Perfect baby boy shower invites are essential to planning successful baby showers for a boy. Consider ordering baby shower invitations online for timesaving convenience. You can find a cute, funny, or sentimental baby boy shower invitation easily.

There are many things to consider when designing baby shower invitations for a boy: style, theme, and important baby shower information. You'll want to include details about the mother's preferences, such as nursery colors and decor, and if the mother has any specific needs. For instance, maybe she's inherited a crib from her family, but really needs a stroller.

Also, be sure to list where the mother is registered for baby shower gifts, and if she doesn't have a baby registry, encourage her to do so.

Baby shower invitations for boys can come in all sorts of styles, ranging from playful to traditional. For a real keepsake, opt for baby shower boy invitations with a photo. Some excellent choices are a picture of the expectant mother, or perhaps the expectant mother and father, a picture of the newborn if the baby shower is planned after the birth, or the newborn and mother. Choose the one that works best for you. Scrapbookking is a popular hobby today, and your baby boy shower invitations will likely be a treasured memory for the family for years to come.

Now, what information should you include on the baby boy shower invites? After you have chosen the style for the invitations, you need to add the important details of where and when. Be sure to pick a time and place that is best for the mother.

When baby showers take place before the birth, it's best to plan them at least two months in advance. This allows for the occasional unexpected early deliveries and gives the mother time to arrange and organize all of her new things before the heaviest and hardest part of her pregnancy. Remember, mom needs lots of time to rest and adjust to all of the new changes.

If the baby shower is taking place after the delivery, you want to plan the baby shower for at least 4-6 weeks after. This gives mother and baby time to adjust to their new routines before being the center of attention at a big event such as the baby shower. Baby showers given after the birth have an advantage because the name and sex of the baby are known for sure. This makes baby shower gift giving more personalized and even simpler for the mother by saving her time, sparing her from needing to make unwanted exchanges.

Think of how many baby shower or other type of invitations will be needed in your lifetime! Take out the middleman and do it yourself to add your own unique style and ensure it's done on time and done right the first time.

A final tip: proofread thoroughly before the final print of the baby shower invitations for a boy to make sure that all of the information on the invitations is accurate. Names, dates, addresses, and phone numbers need to be spelled correctly.

Baby showers are a fun and delightful way to honor your sister, neighbor, co-worker or friend. This is your special gift to them. A baby shower invitation is only the beginning to planning the best baby shower and making the baby shower a memorable occasion for all the participants.

© Copyright Randy Wilson, All Rights Reserved.

Randy has dozens more baby shower related articles such as Diaper Cakes, Games for a Baby Shower and How to Plan a Baby Shower.

Creating Your Own Baby Shower Recipes

Writen by Gail Leino

Sometimes we have the most fun before the actual shower during that time when we're running around putting together the decorations, deciding on a theme and best of all creating and tasting new baby shower recipes created just for the party.

Of course that doesn't mean you can't use a tried and true party favorite. Many people have a specific dish that they always make for any holiday, simply because it's always a hit. However that shouldn't keep you from trying out new ideas. After all there is always room for something else on the buffet table.

A favorite at my parties is meringue. For those of you who haven't come across it before, Meringue is basically egg whites and sugar. It's whipped, I recommend using a blender, until enough air is mixed in that the egg whites are firm and foamy. The easiest way to prepare the meringue is to plop two to three inch wide amounts on a cookie sheet and bake it in an oven at about 200 degrees for an hour or until the meringue hardens and turns a light tan color. When the meringue is done and comes out of the oven its light, crunchy and sweet to eat. You can also shape the meringue into shallow bowls before putting it in the oven and it will make a great little container for ice cream or a syrupy fruit salad.

It can be difficult to decide on a new dish to serve at your baby shower. Give yourself plenty of time to experiment and remember the point is to expand your horizons a little and have fun. Even a variation on a classic dish can make the party. Instead of serving Pigs in a Blanket, try out Babes in a Diaper. Take your hotdog pieces and slice in two about halfway up the piece. This will make two 'legs' for the babes. Then when wrapping the dogs arrange the dough to look like a diaper. You may need a tooth pick to serve as the diaper pin.

Mrs. Party... Gail Leino is the internet's leading authority on selecting the best possible party supplies, using proper etiquette and manners while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. Free Baby Shower Games, printable activities, party planning tips, menus, recipes, and party supplies to help complete your event.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Custom Baby Bedding

Writen by Kent Pinkerton

Custom baby bedding is the ultimate luxury for you and your baby. When planning your nursery, you may have a non-standard crib size or unique wallpaper or wall finish that might make it difficult to find ready-made bedding. It's worth investigating custom baby bedding either locally or on the Internet. You might just find that the cost of a custom set is lower than you think – often lower than high-end designer sets. Here are some things to know about designing your own baby bedding.

When designing custom baby bedding, the baby's safety and comfort should be the first consideration. Fabric should be 100% cotton, colorfast, durable and, most importantly, washable time after time. Stain resistance is a nice feature to have. Avoid things like applique or fringe that might come off and cause choking if ingested by the baby. Although fabrics like chenille might seem attractive, they should be avoided in favor of simpler, smoother fabrics.

When shopping for custom baby bedding, know your source. Be sure to get cost estimates from several designers, and be sure to ask lots of questions. If you have your own fabric, be sure the designer will allow you to use it, and reduce their price accordingly. Don't compromise your baby's safety by placing too much emphasis on style. Pillows, for example, aren't appropriate in a young baby's crib. Crib bumpers are somewhat controversial – some people think that, although they protect the baby from the hard sides of the crib, they present some danger of suffocation like pillows do.

So do your homework, choose a reputable designer and keep an eye on costs. Your custom baby bedding may take 4-6 weeks to complete, but it will be exactly what you want in terms of fabric, color and concept.

Baby Bedding provides detailed information on Baby Bedding, Custom Baby Bedding, Baby Bedding Sets, Designer Baby Bedding and more. Baby Bedding is affiliated with Round Baby Cribs.

Important Car Seat Statistics

Writen by Ant Arthur

Installing a car seat correctly is the most important thing you can do to protect your child or newborn if you are in a crash. If you ever doubted how important a car seat is you'll change your mind once you realize the shocking facts about automobile accidents. First and most importantly, most parents assume that their child is safe whether their car seat is installed correctly. This is FALSE! Other parents mistakenly believe they installed their seat correctly. Unfortunately this is often not the case.

If you use your car seat wrongly or install it improperly you might be in for a big surprise. Studies conducted by transportation authorities in Canada and the U.S. show that four of every ten children are not riding in their car seats correctly. This is because of either improper installation or use of a car seat. Why might this concern you?

Car seats save babies lives. Your baby's risk of death or injury increases tenfold when your car seat is improperly installed or misused. When used correctly, your baby's odds of surviving a bad wreck increase 71%. When you are in a car crash, the force your child bears is equal to the weight of the child times the speed before the crash. So if your baby for example, weights 20 pounds, and you are driving 40 mph when you crash, your baby will undergo 1600 pounds of force in just a second. That force can kill. Fortunately a properly installed car seat can help reduce the impact your child will experience in a crash.

Tips For Installing Your Car Seat Correctly The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recently reported that up to 82 percent of infant car seats are installed wrongly, increasing the risk of severe injury or mortality if an accident occurs. What can you do to lessen the risk your child faces? One thing you can do is consider buying a car seat with a LATCH system. Automobiles made after 2002 feature LATCH systems that help you install a carseat more safely. Many new infant carriers come with LATCH compatible systems. Britax and Graco for example make car seats compatible with this system.

You should also consider having your installation checked out be a certified car seat safety inspector. You can do this at your local fire station. In fact, your better-off just calling. Many have routine car seat installation days where they will inspect and even install your child's car seat free. These technicians have at least 32 hours training in proper car seat installation. That's probably 32 more hours than you'll ever have to figure out how to safely install your baby's car seat.

If you do need to install your seat on your own at least initially, here are some tips for doing it right:

    1. First, check to make sure you have the right seat. An infant carrier for example, will only hold a baby up to 1-year old and 20 pounds. If your baby falls outside this range you'll need a different seat.
    2. If possible always position your child's carseat in the rear of the car. This is the safest place for your baby. The middle of the backseat in fact is by far the safest place. You should never place your baby's car seat in the front passenger side if there is an air bag there you can't deactivate or uninstall.
    3. Be sure before starting you read your car seat manufacturers user guide carefully and completely.
    4. Once you install the seat, either using a LATCH system or traditional belt, check to make sure the seat doesn't move more than one inch in any direction.
    5. If using a rear facing seat or infant carrier make sure the seat is angled properly to support your babies head.

Because it is so important, its worth saying again. If you have any questions or concerns about installing your child's car seat, have it checked out by a certified technician. This only takes a short amount of time and can save you loads of headaches when trying to install your baby's carseat. When it comes to your child's safety, you deserve the best! Remember that most seats are installed incorrectly the first time. By having someone check it over you can rest assured that your baby is safe while riding in your vehicle.

Ant Arthur is a successful freelance writer with 10 years of professional experience providing consumers with informative articles on such topics as Baby Carriers, Baby Slings and Baby Car Seats