Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Breastfeeding On Demand

Writen by Jennifer Houck

Being a breastfeeding mother, nursing your baby does not have to be time consuming. You do not have to continuously watch the clock. Let your baby cue you when it is time to eat.

It really gets under my skin when I hear a breastfeeding mother say "Well my doctor said to only feed the baby every 3 hours." This is nothing but nonsense. If my baby was ready to eat after an hour, then we nursed. All babies are different and should not be made to go by a schedule to eat. How would you feel if you were only allowed to eat every 3 to 4 hours with no snacks? No adult would be happy to live by that schedule.

Also let the baby feed as long as he/she wants. Babies will let you know when they are full by quit sucking, pulling away from breast, and etc. I was told to feed 20 minutes on one side then offer the other breast. Both of my babies preferred to just nurse on one breast each feeding. Each one nursed however long; either 5 minutes or all way to 1 hour. I left the amount of feeding time totally up to them.

The main point I am trying to make is let your baby guide the way. Do not give in to people trying to persuade you to stick to a schedule. Follow the baby's cues and actions throughout the day. Believe me it will be less stressful and much more happiness will cross your baby's and your own face.

Both of my girls were nursed on demand. There would have been no other way I would have nursed them. They are both healthy and vibrant girls and I love that I was a part of them being healthy. They truly are the light of my life and I am proud to be a breastfeeding mother. Just remember to follow your baby's actions and everyone will be happy.

Jennifer Houck is the owner of, the Attachment Parenting resource for a wonderful parenting style. Visit today to find out more about nursing on demand and other attachment topics.