Friday, December 5, 2008

Baby And Toddler Potty Training Tips

Writen by Michael Russell

Teaching your child to use the potty takes time and patience. One of the most important things to remember is not to rush them. There is no set age for potty training to begin. There are signs to look for to see if your toddler is ready. It is between the ages of 18 to 24 months that you child may start showing the signs of being ready to start toilet training. But keep in mind some children are not ready until 30 months. The child must also be emotionally ready. They will also need to be willing, not fighting or showing signs of fear. If there is a lot of resistance it is best to wait a while. Children at the toilet training age are becoming more aware of their individuality and will test their limits such as holding their bowel movements and urine. This is one of the signs that they are ready. Other signs are that your child will stay dry for two hours at a time. They are dry after naps or when they wake up in the morning. You are able to predict when they have regular bowel movements. Watch their face, facial expressions are a big clue to revealing that the child is ready to urinate or have a bowel movement. Also your child is ready if they can follow simple instructions. Other signs are that your child is uncomfortable in soiled diapers and asks you to change them and if they request to sit on the potty and wear underwear.

When you and your child decide that potty training is the next step then it is time to pick out a potty chair. A potty chair is easier for the child to use because they don't have to climb on the toilet and their feet can touch the ground. Then you need to pick out words that you will use to describe body parts, urine and bowel movements. Keep in mind that friends, teachers and caregivers will hear these words so picks words that won't embarrass your child or other people. Avoid using words that are negative, you do not want your child feeling ashamed. Treat bowel movements as matter of fact.

Children are often interested in what is going on in the bathroom. It sometimes can be helpful for the child to watch a parent go to the bathroom. The mothers can show the daughters and the fathers can show the sons. Sometimes even older siblings can help. By observing they can learn the correct skills needed for potty training. You should encourage your child to tell you when they are about to urinate or have a bowel movement. A lot of the times your child will tell you after the fact. Just gently remind them to tell you before so you can help them get to the potty. This is a good sign that your child recognizes their bodily functions. Praise your child if they tell you before hand. It will often take your child longer to recognize that they need to urinate than the need for a bowel movement. Sometimes children do not gain bladder control too well after they master bowel movements. Don't get discouraged. Have patience because they will get it.

Michael Russell Your Independent Baby and Toddler guide.