Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Wheres My Mother Of The Year Award

Writen by Alice Wisler

With orange juice spilled over the kitchen table, Playdough in the cracks of the hardwood floor and a pacifier floating in the toilet, I wanted to scream phrases like, "How much more of this can I take?" and "I am not a maid!" and most of all, as the characters in Peanuts do, the long and profound, "AAUGH!" As I wiped the kitchen table, dug out the Playdough and retrieved the pacifier, I muttered, "Surely I deserve an award for mother of the year."

When I decided to become a mother, I envisioned days of cuddling my newborn and bathing her as serene music filled the air. As she'd grow older, I envisioned playing Ring Around The Rosies with her and a group of her neighborhood friends. I'd be a loving mother, anxious to nurture and praise my child. I'd never raise my voice.

The truth was, as soon as I become pregnant with my firstborn, I realized this was not how I had pictured it at all. I gained an enormous amount of weight, had heartburn and felt the most excruciating pain as I prepared to push my daughter from my body out into the world.

Continually, with each passing day, I am reminded that motherhood, especially when it involves preschoolers, is not a glamorous profession. How could it be when it starts with a growing belly, timing contractions and later waking up to cries at two a.m.? (A mother's cries as well as the baby's.)

"It is the daily routine things that can drive me crazy," a mother I recently talked with expressed. "I get tired of having to make sure my four year old has brushed his teeth, make sure that there are clean clothes that I have laundered for him to wear and I am especially tired of making sure I stock the pantry with nutritious items to pack in his lunch for preschool."

Does anyone care about what we mothers have to go through? Do our seemingly menial tasks mean anything to anybody? Our husbands may come home with a promotion or an award and a paycheck. We don't get any of these to show that what we do is noteworthy and valuable.

I used to expect the Ed McMahon of awards to mothers to come to my door and present me with a plaque that read: "For All Your Remarkable Hard Work." Others in the neighborhood would crowd around my front lawn, beaming at me and applauding my daily, grueling commitment to motherhood.

There was a time in my life when I felt I really needed to be recognized and presented with a motherhood award. It was immediately after my adorable four-year-old son, Daniel, died following cancer treatments. I wished I could have sunk into a hole in the sticky floor and not had any responsibilities. Not only was my grief consuming and agonizing, but I had to care for my surviving children, six-year-old Rachel and fifteen-month old Benjamin. On top of that, I was six months pregnant. If ever I felt I needed support, help, an award, it was then. Losing a child, your own flesh and blood, has to be the most difficult aspect of motherhood. Three months later, adding to the demands of parenting two kids and the suffering over the loss of one, arrived a new-born Elizabeth. Where was that award? Could there be a more appropriate candidate for it?

As time went on and no one called to invite me to tell my story on Oprah or on James Dobson and there was no excited crowd with cameras knocking at my door with the engraved plaque, I began to reconsider this award idea. Would an award given by those who heard my story really be sufficient? Even my closest friends did not know the agony of my situation and if they were to list the detailed reasons as to why I should get this motherhood award, they would come up short. They would leave out the darkest parts I had kept secret, therefore unable to know what was really going on with me.

Those of us who do not have ill children or disabled children to care for would not know what kind of inclusive award to give to the mothers of these children. We don't see the day-to-day struggles that consist of severe behavioral troubles, extensive trips to the doctors', the constant administration of medicines and the fear the child's future may not be bright. We can't know all that goes on when we don't live with these children.

Only God knows our individual pain. The only true award of genuine value could be from Him as He knows all we have been through. Our self-worth lies in knowing who we are in Christ. We are loved and are precious to Him. We have been given a gift, the valuable role of mother, with all its triumphs and trials. We are servants and serving Him through doing the daily grunge-work for our kids. Jesus said that whoever would be greatest in God's kingdom must learn to be servant of all. Within the realm of mere humans, is there any greater example of servanthood than motherhood?

While we may at times, be hopeful the award is coming soon, the reality is no earthly award presented by a human could measure up to what we are really worth. If we truly believe God sees all and knows all, then we can rest assured the award in Heaven will be the best and worth the wait. "Well done, my good and faithful servant," will be glorious music to our ears. And we won't even have to be holding a mop to receive it!

But meanwhile, as you scrub the blue marker off the bedroom wall, know your humbling job as a serving mother is pleasing unto the Lord.

Alice J. Wisler's children are older from when she first wrote this essay, but her heart will always hold empathy for the mother of young children. Alice speaks on writing through parental loss, and is the author of two cookbooks of memory, "Down the Cereal Aisle" and "Slices of Sunlight."

Visit her website at Daniel's House Publications:

The Beauty And Benefits Of Breastfeeding

Writen by Rachel Thompson

In recent years, there has been a lot of debate surrounding the issue of breastfeeding. While the decision to breastfeed is a personal one, there are countless benefits for both mother and child that ought to be explored. One of the most significant reasons to breastfeed your child relates to the quality of food your child is ingesting. Although baby formula may meet the nutritional requirements of children, it is not the ideal food for babies.

According to the World Health Organization, Breastfeeding is the absolute best source of food for babies. Commercial baby formula is comprised of countless preservatives and by-products of other food production techniques that have no proven benefit for your child. Formula is also extremely high in fat content, and leads parent to believe that their child is thriving because he or she is gaining weight. This is not necessarily the case.

Breast milk, on the other hand, has undergone millions of years of development in the laboratory of Nature. Countless studies have proven that there is no reasonable substitute for Breast milk. Breast milk has the amazing ability to transform and adapt to the needs of your baby at various stages of development.

Colostrum is an amazing example of the way a woman's body produces the perfect food for baby. It is the first liquid produced by a mother, usually beginning a few months before delivery. It differs slightly in appearance than breast milk, in that it is thicker and has a yellowish tint. It has a high concentration of antibodies, which helps newborns fend off illness and disease and build strong, stable immune systems. It is extremely easy for babies to digest, and it also has a laxative effect to help ease digestion.

Studies have also shown that there is a direct relationship between breastfeeding and a child's cognitive ability and intelligence. Simply put, breastfed babies have higher IQ's than their bottle-fed peers. Some studies have concluded that the longer a child is breastfed, the higher IQ he/she will have. Other studies have shown that breastfed children have a lower incidence of ear infections. This is significant when one considers the overuse of antibiotics and antibiotic resistant disease.

Food allergies are another important consideration for new parents. Breastfed babies have a much lower chance of developing food life-threatening food allergies. As a consequence, the have an even lower chance of developing related illnesses such as gastrointestinal disorders, diarrhea and vomiting. Breast milk protects babies from food allergies because it has a high concentration of the immunoglobulin IgA. IgA works by binding to foreign proteins and preventing them from entering the child's bloodstream. Children do not begin to produce IgA of their own until approximately 8 months of age.

Other studies have concluded that breastfeeding can also protect your child from diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis and Leukemia. New parents should explore their options carefully, and make educated decisions regarding their child's health and well being. Speak with your Pediatrician, or contact your local health unit, for more information. The choice you make will affect your child's health for the rest of his or her life.

Rachel Thompson is the proud mother of two young children, and a regular contributing writer for – a wonderfully informative online resource for parents, with information about breastfeeding, car seats, baby supplies and more.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Todays Baby Names

Writen by Julie Parker

One of the most exciting things new parents get to do before the arrival of their child is choose the baby's name. Will it be something popular or unusual? A family name or something original? We will explore the top baby names as well as some of the more unique possibilities to help you choose the perfect name.

Top Baby Names

In the 90s, the most popular name for a boy was Michael. For the past five years, the most common name has been Jacob. Other popular names include Joshua, Matthew, Ethan, Andrew, Daniel, William, Joseph, Gregory, Jonathan, Benjamin, and Christopher. If you are looking for a classic, these baby names have been popular for years.

The most popular name for a girl has not changed in the past fifteen years. It continues to be Emily, and is currently followed by Emma, Madison, Olivia, Hannah, Abigail, Isabella, Ashley, Samantha, and Elizabeth. Except for Ashley and Elizabeth, the popularity of the others is recent and affected by pop culture, especially television shows.

Other sources of popular names are best-selling novels and celebrities. After Gweneth Paltrow named her daughter Apple, many people have done the same. The Harry Potter books and the Lord of the Rings movies have also added many names to the list of the most popular.

Unusual Baby Names

One way today's parents have created unusual names for their children is by changing the spelling of a popular name. Variations that are becoming less unusual include Emilie, Elisabeth, Karin, and Erika. Names like Stacy can be spelled in three different ways (Stacy, Stacie, Staci).

Another way to personalize a baby name is to use a nickname as the child's full name. For instance, Ben instead of Benjamin, Jon instead of Jonathan, and Matt instead of Matthew are becoming more common.

Other unusual sources for baby names come from the world around us. The popularity of names such as April and May continues to come and go, while names such as Winter, and Hazel are still unusual. Consider choosing a baby name reminiscient of the time of year when your child will be born or the time of year they were conceived. Fruit, vegetables, colors, and the adjectives that describe them are a good starting point (Pear, Lemon, Azure). Other uncommon names are those of plants and flowers, such as Hyacinth, Daisy, and Fern.

Other ideas to get you thinking:







Names that describe an ideal or a personality, such as Hope, Grace, Prudence, Patience, Temperance, or Chastity, are still unusual although not entirely unique. Other descriptive baby names include Cadence and Candid.

Other unusual names come from sources that are not commonly used today. While Biblical names are popular, Greek mythology is only rarely used. Your child may be the only one in their class to have the name Athena, Minerva, or Pan. Or you could give them a name from another culture, such as the Swedish Carina or the Polish Aleksy.

Baby names from other cultures include:

Anuket - Egyptian mythology

Augustyn - Polish

Crina - Romanian

Dimitriy (Dima) - Russian

Freya - Norse mythology

Hestia - Greek mythology

Kirill - Russian

The possibilities are endless! But as mentioned above, remember that if the source of your baby's name is a television show, novel, or celebrity, the name may not be that unusual when they begin school several years down the road. This is especially true for girls. Look for Apple, Reese, and Uma to be popular over the next five years.

Perhaps you'd like something even more original.

Unique Baby Names

If you don't want your child's name to be the same as anyone else's, you can create a unique baby name. These names can have many sources. The more common methods of creating something original are by the combination of family names or the addition of a syllable or letter to a popular name. An example of the latter is Kylen, a unique girl's name which stems from the boy's name Kyle. Unique baby names which may come from a family name include Stafford, Prestoff, and Kilin. While some people may find these better suited for a middle name, others may prefer their unique nature.

A sampling of unique names:






The Meaning of a Name

For some people, it doesn't matter whether a baby name is popular or unique, it just has to mean a certain thing. Rather than choose a baby name with an obvious connotation such as Spring, Grace, or Rose, they want a name that will bring goodwill to their child through its ancient origin.

Some popular as well as unusual baby names include:

Adelaide (Adelia, Alyssa, Allison) - noble

Albert - bright

Alethea - truth

Beatrice - traveller

Cara - beloved

Colbert - bright

Darwin - friend

Elfleda - beauty

Gertrude - stength

Hannah (Anna) - favor, grace

Henry (Henrietta) - power

Isolde - beauty

Keisha - favorite

Letitia - joy

Manfred - strength

Osmund - protector

Robert (Bob) - fame

Vivian - alive

Tips For Choosing

There are many things to consider when you finally select a baby name. Will this be a name your child can use for life, or will it sound silly when it refers to an adult? Will this name cause your child to be picked on? Will they have to constantly correct people in its pronunciation or spelling, and does this concern you? Are there any stereotypes (good or bad) associated with it?

One last concern is: does it fit with your last name? Generally it sounds better if there are a different number of syllables in the first and last names. Only rarely should the first letter of the first and last names be the same. This is of course more of a concern for boys, as they will keep their name for life. Of course, any decisions about hyphenation in the last name should be made before the first name is chosen.

Try not to get overwhelmed by the possibilities. After all, you have nine months to make this decision! Leave yourself open to the myriad sources of ideas, and you will find the baby name for you. And of course, if you let people know you're looking, friends, family members, and even coworkers might add their own suggestions!

Keep these things in mind, and you will choose a popular, or unusual, or unique baby name that your child will be proud of for life.

Julie Parker is a successful writer and publisher providing valuable tips and advice on finding the top baby names, unusual baby names, and baby name meanings. Her numerous articles offer thoughtful tips and valuable insight into baby naming. Check out the "Top 100 Baby Names" list from the last 6 years.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Diapers The Welfare Of Tiny Tushies And The Environment

Writen by Joy Cagil

During the seventies, I raised my children on books that criticized the notions of rigid childcare, and if I remember correctly, one authority of those days warned that the mother could scar the child forever if she pushed a child's toilet training. These books also alerted their readers to the fact that those mothers who boasted of their early successes were the ones who fooled themselves, because they were the ones aware of their babies' elimination needs at their onset and reacted accordingly while their babies remained untrained.

In those times, Pampers became the way to go and they overtook their soft cloth counterparts like wildfire. Soon, a few more disposable diaper companies followed Pampers. Since the first one of my children developed a skin rash with the disposables, we used cloth diapers with diaper pins. Remember, we didn't have Velcro in those days. With my second child, we graduated to disposables.

So much has changed since then. More mothers are pushing toilet training to a much earlier time, some as soon as the first couple of months of infancy. I bet they are not scarring anybody, since the generations before mine observed the same guidelines of these young mothers. It also seems like cloth diapers are proven to be better for the tiny tushies according to the most recent studies.

Yes, cloth diapers and diaper panties are in the vogue again, after the realization that disposables crowd the landfills the most and are not truly biodegradable; plus, more than two decades ago, a Canadian pediatrician advised that disposables, according to his studies, caused more frequent and severe diaper rashes. Companies that produced disposables have conducted their own studies and they claimed that disposables are safe and eco-friendly. The studies done by the environmental agencies and public health offices, however, have pointed to some very different conclusions compared to those studies done by the companies. Most parents, therefore, have become proponents of cloth diapers, today.

Opposed to the long rectangle or large square of the soft cloth diapers of the sixties and the seventies, cloth diapers of today come in different fabrics and styles.

First, there are pre-fold diapers that can be placed inside waterproof covers to hold the diaper in place. Then, there are contoured diapers that fold to a baby's shape and fit inside a cover. There are also fitted diapers that are held in place at the waist with Velcro over which the baby wears a waterproof panty.

Then, the best option is probably those diapers with beautiful and entertaining designs where the diaper and the cover are sewn together. The soft cloth, printed diapers with matching waterproof fleece covers look very chic, especially when their print is the same as the receiving blanket and other clothing articles of the infant.

If you do not hesitate to use your washing machine at home for the baby's diapers, probably cloth diapers are the best for your budget, your baby's skin, and the environment. Ideally, all soil on the diaper should be rinsed off into the toilet first and the diapers should be stored in a covered pail with some mild detergent in warm water until the next wash. Then, you can put the diapers in the washing machine with no misgivings, and if you feel you need to take extra measures, you can run the washing machine empty after washing the baby's diapers.

On the other hand, you might consider using a diaper service, which could be too costly for the typical family. On the average, a diaper service costs 40 to 70 dollars a month, based on two diapers a day. Yes, there is a count and an average baby will need to be changed a lot more often than twice a day.

While we are at the subject of the diapers, let's not forget the importance of the diaper bag most mothers and baby care-givers would be lost without. Nowadays, the modern diaper bags can be attached to a stroller with clips and they are much fancier than their plastic predecessors of the seventies. Not only do they look trendy on the outside, but also they are functional inside with pockets for cell phones, wallets, and keys, plus changing pads, cases for wipes, and nylon linings to prevent spills.

Caring for a baby's elimination needs may be deemed a selfless act, but it is still a chore. It can, however, be turned into a productive and loving task that is safe for the baby and is also environment friendly.

This article has been submitted by Joy Cagil in affiliation with http://www.BabyNameVote.Com/ which is a site for Baby Names.

Potty Training Mistakes Parents Make

Writen by David Dunlap

Potty training can sometimes be a trying experience for parents. It's extremely important to make sure that your child feels like he is well supported and that you maintain a positive attitude toward him if you want to ensure success. Here are some things that you will want to avoid. Don't try to force the issue. Make sure that your child is ready to use the potty, is able to tell you what his needs are and can handle what is needed to do it before starting.

You should be sure to always offer encouragement and support. If your child refuses to go, because if you start forcing him to go and sit on the potty you will only create a very angry and hostile atmosphere and can lead to more resistance. It can create negative associations with using the bathroom that can be hard to undo later, and can also cause your child to start bedwetting, which can be emotionally harmful. Try to approach this time of learning much the same as you did with other skills like sitting up, walking and talking.

Don't start potty training during a time of stress for your child. Even good stress is bad stress when it comes to potty training a kid. Marriages, new babies, and during vacations can be just as difficult for your child as a divorce, death or moving into a new home. If anything big and new is coming up in your lives, reconsider potty training until the time is past. Wait until life settles down and the normal flow of life comes back. This will help creates a secure place for your child and helps him place toileting easily alongside other routines.

Don't set deadlines in the training process or try to accomplish training in a set number of days. Young children don't work too well under pressure and they certainly don't have the same concept of time that adults do. Make sure that you are realistic with your time expectations from your child, which is really important if you are looking to potty train an infant. Programs that promise that your child will be potty trained in three days, one day or even 100 days aren't being very realistic and they are certainly not taking your child's individuality into account. Each child has his own temperament and brings different skills to the table, so there is no set potty training method for any child.

Potty Training Help For You is a resource guide devoted to helping make parenting a little easier. For more information and tips on potty training, please visit

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Six Ways To Save On Your Baby Shower

Writen by Jackie Duescher

It's time to celebrate the baby! As Keepsake Favors' resident baby shower expert, I've learned how to plan a great party without draining your bank account. Here are my top choices for fun, festive baby showers that won't put you in the poor house.

Host the Baby Shower at Home

Restaurants can run up a hefty bill (unless you ask each guest to pay their own way), and a caterer can also run you into a small fortune. Hosting the shower at your home can be a great way for your guests to bond with one another and still have a fun party.

Grab Game Ideas From the Internet

You don't need to go out and buy elaborate baby shower games - the internet has gobs of baby shower games you can get - presto! Instant baby shower fun.

Choose an Earlier Time of Day

On the average, evening parties tend to be more expensive - dinner food and alcohol can run into a lot of cash fast. Instead, have a Sunday brunch with a delicious egg dish and punch, or an afternoon tea with finger sandwiches and lots of cake. Better still, if you want to avoid a meal altogether, choose a time when you can be sure most everyone has eaten (say, 2:00, which is past lunch), and then you can still have some snacks and a slice of cake instead.

Get Creative With the Decorations

Move over, Martha, you don't need a mint to make the shower fabulous. Choose a theme that will be lots of fun (like ducks or bears, or It's a boy/girl) and you're on your way. Create invitations on the computer; use colorful balloons for centerpieces (they're usually more affordable than flowers), and decorate each place setting with small accessories that will add interest to the table, and your guests can take home.

Ask For Help!

If you've got a talented baker friend, ask her to bake the cake or cupcakes. Rope Aunt Barbara into making her famous California salad. Getting more people involved will take some of the pressure off of you - and everyone will want to pitch in for the mommy-to-be!

Create Your Own Favors

Don't worry, I'm talking semi homemade. A memorable favor can be as easy as this: Purchase some pre-made treats like chocolates in fun shapes or pastel colored candies, then slip them in a little box or cello bag. All that's left is to tie on a beautiful bow and you've just created a unique favor, and saved some money too. For a brunch or lunch, put one at each placesetting to double as a decoration, or fill up a pretty basket with your favors and let guests help themselves.

Now, go get started on your amazing baby shower!

About the Author

Jackie Duescher provides the customer service for Keepsake Favors as well as inspiration for many of the favor creations on the site. Jackie has a special knack for finding unique favors for baby showers and for other occasions, and she firmly believes that a favor doesn't have to be expensive to impress your guests.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Baby Cribs Safety Is Key

Writen by Martin Smith

You have just learned that you are expecting a baby. Even if you have other children, you must take a look at cribs. Is the crib you already have an antique? You should look carefully at your second hand crib whether it is an antique or not.

The safety of your new baby makes this necessary. The screws and/or other fasteners such as bolts must be in place and not loose. It is of the utmost importance that this is tested before you place your baby in the crib.

Take something that is almost equal to your 4-month-old baby's weight. In order to be certain that it will hold its position bounce it off the mattress. If it doesn't your baby could be hurt seriously or worse. When you set up your nursery, if it isn't set-up already, seriously consider where you will place your crib.

If you have to place the crib near a window with Venetian blinds, you can either shorten the cords or anchor them to prevent your baby from reaching and getting hold of them. Avoid, if possible placing the crib near the window. As your baby grows into a toddler and begins to climb out of the crib, s/he could become seriously injured in a fall.

Blankets are not necessarily a good idea to use with your baby. Be sure that you avoid anything that could put your baby at risk, especially in the light of SIDS incidents today. The most advisable way to put your baby to bed is in a blanket sleeper.

Make sure to tuck the blanket tightly around and under the foot of the mattress with you baby's feet touching the footboard if you must have a blanket on your baby. You also want to help prevent your baby from sliding under the blanket and suffocating by not putting the blanket any higher than his chest.

There is a risk of your baby slipping between the mattress and the bumper pads causing suffocation, if bumper pads, which are a great concept, are not secured properly. Bumper pads if used should be fastened in each of the four corners and evenly spaced on each of the two sides. There should be sixteen ties in all, eight for the top and eight for the bottom.

Although mobiles are nice additions you need to take a precaution to prevent your baby from getting entangled in it. It must be removed when your baby starts sitting up by himself. You must also check to see if there are small parts that are removable that your baby could choke on.

No matter is your crib is second hand or one you had for a previous child, or you got it from someone else, the mattress must by checked out carefully. The mattress covering should be checked for any holes or cracks.

The mattress must fit in the crib properly. Your baby could slip between the mattress and side or end bars and suffocate if you are not careful. The mattress should be snug in the crib. The sheets you use in your baby crib should fit properly and not slip and slide.

There are sheet hooks available that attach to the sheet under the mattress and keep it in place. Placing the mattress in the proper position is extremely important to your baby's safety. When the baby comes home most parents put the mattress in the highest position because it is easier to reach the baby and change him.

Lower the mattress according to the growth and activity of your baby. If your baby can come to a standing position in the crib the mattress should be put in the lowest position and to add to his safety you should measure the distance between the mattress and the top of the sidebar.

There should be no more than 26 inches from the top of the side bar to the mattress when it is in the lowest position. Moving your child to a regular bed might be a good idea if your child is climbing out of the crib or his head is above the side bar.

There are convertible cribs that become beds and grow with your child. Inspect your child's crib to be sure there is nothing that will put your baby at risk. The ornate designs carved into the end boards of cribs are beautiful but could pose a hazard to your child. Have you seen them?

Your child could be injured if his head, arm, or leg get caught in them and possibly sustain an injury. A simpler design may increase your child's safety. Safety guidelines from 1974 for cribs state that slats should be no more than 2 and 3/8th inches apart; to keep your baby from getting his head caught between the slats.

Your baby's safety could be compromised if getting stuck caused him injury and necessitating the removal of some slats.

About the Author
Martin Smith is a successful freelance writer providing advice for consumers on purchasing a variety of Nursery Bedding which includes Baby strollers, Baby car seats, and more! His numerous articles provide a wonderfully researched resource of interesting and relevant information.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Healthy Breast Pump Use

Writen by Eric Morris

A multiple user device such as a hospital grade breast pump has a high possibility of being a source of contamination. There is always a possibility of contamination when more than one person handles these devices.

A personal is kit is very important while using hospital grade breast pumps. The kit must be designed in such a way that it prevents the backflow of milk into the pump during use. It is extremely important to note that the kit is not for multiple users and is only for single patient use. This is because if milk flows back into a pump, the chances of it providing a medium for organisms to multiply is present, which becomes a potential source for contamination.

It is suggested to use clean equipment, collection kits, and containers for the milk to reduce the possibility of contamination. The mothers must always wash their hands prior to collection. Also, the mother must make it a daily practice of cleaning the breasts with a laundered washcloth. Always read the manufacturer's instructions relating to the pump and the collection kit. It is important to take good routine care of the pump, as well as the kit, by wiping the controls or on/off switch with an appropriate cleanser or disinfectant.

There is a possibility for cross-contamination by some of the viruses that can be within breast milk like HIV AIDS, HTLV-1, and CMV. But using a medical device breast pump can prevent cross contamination. The most important component in preventing the cross-contamination by using medical breast pumps that are shared is the kit.

The manufacturer must always label the breast pumps with possible measures to be taken to prevent cross-contamination. The label must clearly indicate that a personal kit for mothers is required with the use of that particular type of breast pump. The manufacturers must provide some kind of description leaflet that provides detailed information concerning the usage and the measures to be taken with the device being bought.

Breast Pumps provides detailed information about breast pumps, breast pump reviews, and more. Breast Pumps is affiliated with Disposable Diapers.

Serious Birth Disorders And Baby Issues

Writen by Sarah Veda

When you're pregnant, you worry about every little thing that could go wrong. Thankfully, most babies are born healthy. There are, however, some serious birth disorders that you should be aware of, in the unlikely event that your baby is affected.

· Spina Bifida – This is a condition where the backbone, which protects the spinal cord, does not close properly during prenatal development. This condition can range from being a minor problem, if the opening is tiny, or can cause paralysis and other serious medical issues if the opening is large, or if the spinal cord itself is protruding. The exact cause is not known, though heredity does seem to play a role. So does nutrition, particularly when the mother does not have enough folic acid in her diet. Obstetricians have begun recommending folic acid supplements for women who are pregnant or who could become pregnant, and this has lowered the rate of this disease. You will probably be tested for spina bifida during your pregnancy. Many times it can be diagnosed in utero using ultra sound. Sometimes, surgery can even be performed on the baby in utero to correct the problem.

· Tay Sachs Disease – This disease is caused by an enzyme deficiency. Simply put, these babies do not break down fatty deposits in the brain and nerve cells. Unfortunately, it is not usually diagnosed at birth. When the child is several months old, this buildup of fatty deposits will clog cells, causing the baby's nervous system to stop working. The child will begin to regress developmentally, always resulting in death. Tay Sachs is very rare, less than one hundred cases are reported in the US each year. It is caused by genetics. Both parents must have the gene for the disease to occur. It is most common in Jewish families of Central and Eastern European descent. If your ethnic background makes this disease a risk for your child, you and your partner can be tested for the gene before you become pregnant. In addition, the disease can be diagnosed in utero via amniocentesis.

· Down Syndrome- Down Syndrome is the term given to a set of symptoms that indicate some degree of mental retardation. Children with Down syndrome have a distinct set of facial features, a large tongue and a short neck. Down Syndrome varies widely in the degree of mental retardation that it causes. Some children are highly functional; others will require constant care. Down syndrome affects about one in 1300 babies in the US. It is most often caused by an extra chromosome coming from the mother or father. Down syndrome is more likely to occur when parents have already had a child with the birth disorder, and when the mother is over 35 years in age. Down syndrome can be detected via amniocentesis, which is why this test is common protocol for most pregnant women over the age of 35.

These are three of the most common birth disorders. To find out about more birth disorders, see my article in "Mommy to Mommy – The Truth about Taking Care of Baby", which can be found at

Sarah is a 41 year old wife and mother of two boys and one girl. She spent many years as a manager in the corporate world, and gave it up to be a stay at home mom.

Go to now and get her incredible baby minicourse – absolutely free.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Teaching A Child Responsible Behavior Begins At Home

Writen by Lori Anton

Parents are teachers, too. When it comes to child rearing, one of the most important lessons a parent can teach their youngster is responsible behavior. This means helping the child learn how to interact with others in a way that displays self-respect, as well as respect toward others.

No child comes into this world pre-programmed with good manners and virtuous attributes such as a willingness to share, consideration for the feelings of others, respect for others possessions, respect for authority figures, and a selfless attitude.

Considerate, responsible behavior must be taught while a child is very young so that it is instilled by the time they are older, when irresponsible behavior risks evolving into criminal behavior.

Teaching a child about responsible behavior begins at home. It is accomplished by setting a good example on a daily basis. Parents do this by being conscientious about exhibiting maturity in the ways they deal with other people, react to stressful situations, disagree with others, make choices, etc.

Parents can help their children grow into responsible adults by being a positive role model. Helping them learn how to think, feel, and act responsibly, and to pursue their own interests without becoming insensitive of the needs and feelings of others.

Accountability, fairness, honesty, courage, and respect toward self and others are important character traits. Many parents help instill these qualities by sharing deeply held religious and moral convictions with their children. Showing "why" these attributes are important as a foundation for ethical behavior, even when difficult or not materially rewarding.

Responsible behavior is a cultivated trait. It is a characteristic formed over time, made up of our outlook on life and daily habits. Responsible people behave that way whether or not anyone is watching, and regardless of how others may act.

There are several aspects of responsible behavior that should be highlighted to children. At the top of the list is Respect and Compassion toward others. This should be the corner stone for all other aspects of responsible behavior:

• Honesty
• Courage
• Self-control
• Self-respect.

Respect and Compassion: Responsible behavior is impossible apart from respect and compassion toward other people, as well as other life forms. Compassion dictates kindness and an unwillingness to intentionally cause suffering or pain. Respect dictates basic manners and consideration toward others. Concern is exhibited through both feelings and actions.

Honesty: To be honest means not only telling the truth to others; it means being honest with one's own self. It means making decisions based upon truth and evidence, not upon self-serving motives or prejudice.

Courage: When a person is courageous, they take a position and do what is right, even when there is risk involved. It means facing duties instead of behaving irresponsibly, recklessly, or carelessly.

Self-control: Self-control is the ability to act responsibly, and resist inappropriate behavior. It involves sticking to long-term commitments, and dealing with anger and other emotions in a responsible manner.

Self-respect: When a child is raised to be honest, courageous, and to exhibit self-control, they automatically learn to respect themselves. It is as they respond to people and circumstances in a responsible manner and learn to make responsible choices that they discover self-respect.

And it is self-respect that will hold your child in good stead as they grow, mature into adults, and then perhaps become responsible parents with children of their own to rear.

For specific ways to teach children responsible behavior, visit the Savvy Baby Gear web site.

©2006 Lori S. Anton
Savvy Baby Gear Editor

Lori S. Anton has been a published writer for nearly 30 years. She is founder and editor of Writers Write Now, offering original professionally written SEO custom content, quick content, and free content for web sites. Visit Writers Write Now.

Lori is also editor for the Savvy Baby Gear web site at, your one-stop shop for everything today's parents of infants need: clothes, educational and fun toys and activities, care and safety products, clothing, nursery supplies, and educational aids for mom and dad. Visit Savvy Baby Gear - essentials for happy babies and parents.

Just What Is Colic And Does My Baby Have It

Writen by Sarah Veda

There are few things more nerve wracking than a crying baby, particularly when nothing you do seems to console him. But, how do you know when your baby's symptoms have are just crying and when he has colic? And, just what is colic, anyway?

No one knows exactly what causes colic, though many old wives tales abound. Lots of older women will tell you that it is caused by parental inexperience, but colic does not occur more often in first children than in subsequent children, so they One thing that seems clear is that most babies who are experiencing colic have a stomach ache. Many are gassy, though a baby won't cry so inconsolably every time he has gas, so it is clearly gas plus something, though just what is not clear.

Though we don't know what colic really is, it is hard to miss when your child is experiencing it. The inconsolable crying usually begins in the late afternoon or early evening and often lasts until the baby finally falls asleep for the night, exhausted. Colic typically begins between two and three weeks of age, and is over its worst by twelve to sixteen weeks, though there are babies who start later and end later. My daughter started at twelve weeks, but thankfully her bout of colic was over in two weeks. A colicky baby will typically draw his knees up to his chest, clench his fists and scream. He may act like he wants the breast or bottle, but reject it as soon as you it's in his mouth. You will get the sense that your child is frantic, and needs something very badly, but doesn't know what.

If you believe your baby has colic, it is still wise to take him to a doctor. There is no cure for colic, but you should rule out other causes, such as an allergy to formula or some other gastric disorder. Once your doctor has proclaimed the baby healthy, you can chalk it up to colic.

Once you know that your baby has colic, though there is no cure, there are some remedies you can try. Simethicone drops, which are available over the counter as a gas medication for babies, helps in some cases. In addition, there are numerous tricks you can try such as taking a drive in the car or running the vacuum cleaner that will work for some babies some of the time. But, overall, colic is just a waiting game. Keep the baby (and yourself) as calm as possible and look forward to the day when it will be over.

Sarah is a 41 year old wife and mother of two boys and one girl. She spent many years as a manager in the corporate world, and gave it up to be a stay at home mom.

Go to now and get her incredible baby minicourse – absolutely free.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Your One Stop Baby Shop

Writen by Barry McDonald

If Toys 'R Us is a company that offers various toys for kids, what does Baby R Us offer? No way! It's not babies! Baby R Us offers baby products.

In 1996, Westbury, New York, Baby R Us opened its first store. It has been immediately followed with opening six more branches on different locations at the end of the year. After tremendous expansion and joining the Baby Superstore chain, Baby R Us store count has reach 218 at the beginning of 2005. What a mammoth feat for a baby store, right?

Babies R Us is considered a pioneer in retailing premier baby products. It is said to be the biggest store chain in the world that provides baby products. They have stores and online stores that assist in giving a unique and fun shopping experience for their consumers. It has a state-of-the-art baby registry service that provides more convenience when shopping for your baby's needs. Baby R Us also has a Mother's room that attends to babies' necessities.

It has an online store that contains various helpful features that include the following:

The Baby Registry service is a product of Babies R Us teaming up with Parents that are expecting their baby are permitted to create an online baby registry or update a registry that was set up on one of the Babies R Us stores nationwide. What this registry rids the parents is the inconvenience of surmounting geographic barriers and presumption of which products suit your baby. This way, when your friends and relatives plan to buy your baby a gift, it won't be that much of a hassle anymore. All that they have to do is go online, select, buy and get the gift delivered to you on time. All the land-based Baby R Us stores allow all purchase returns as an added feature.

Baby R Us also constantly maintains a "Top Seller List" that usually include educational baby equipment, baby books, a pregnant mom's book, diaper accessories, comfy baby bouncer, play gyms, baby call nursery monitors, a changing pad, monitors with dual receivers, an infant car seat base, baby wraps, toddler rockers, baby swings, nursery care kits, feeding bottle set, etc.

Baby R Us online store also allows browsers to check on different brands of baby products that suit their preferences. The following are the categories that Baby R Us provides various brands of products on: gear, activity, toys, nursery, health and safety, specialty stores, feeding, bath and potty, and clothing and layette.

Baby R Us also presents gift ideas to those who want to share some goodies to their little kids, nephews, nieces, granddaughter or grandsons. A gift set is always considered a hit in making parents with their babies smile with appreciation. These are often in baby gift basket forms that contain various items that deal with the parents and baby's needs. There are also these "Parents Favorite" items and Babies R Us' basic gift ideas that are never surmounted by novel items. Gift certificates are also available as treats to the parents-to-be. Baby R Us even added "new baby" or "pregnancy" e-card. Along with this e-card, the option of an e-mail or a paper gift certificate is still offered.

Babies R Us online even has this resource center page that includes various buying guides, checklists, articles, advices and other information that will both benefit the parents and the baby.

Visit and learn things like when your baby will need to see the doctor and what immunizations she will receive. How to introduce solid foods into your baby's diet and how to make your home safe for baby as he grows and much, more...

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Helping Families Find The Right Car Seat For Their Little Travelers

Writen by Tamara Williams

All consumers have a lot to think about when it comes to having a baby and the first thing you need when you are getting out of the Hospital is a car seat.

There are lots to choose from so where do you look?. A Good place to start is to assess your needs short and long term. A wonderful thing for moms with new babies who sleep frequently is a car seat that pops from the base in the car to the stroller so that the baby does not have to be unstrapped and removed from the car seat then restrapped into a stroller almost always guaranteeing waking baby causing more fuss and disrupted nap times.

Keeping baby cozy and warm in their little pop out car seat saves time energy and a lot of frustration on the parents behalf. That in itself is incentive to check out the dual car seat stroller combinations.

After a certain size baby then needs to be in a forward facing seat these come in all shapes and Colors to suit your style and needs even with cup holders and arm rests for the Ride in Style and luxury! Whatever suits You and your little traveler it is sure to be fun and easy to find great deals by browsing this great selection.

Often car seats will now convert with adjustable straps for growing children as now car seats are required for not only toddlers but early years and school age children. It is nice to have a seat that tilts back when they are smaller making it easier to fall asleep and not worry about sore necks when their heads fall forwards as well as when they are older it is nice to have Padded upper sides for them to rest their heads against while they are resting on longer car journeys.

Tamara Williams is a successful author and regular contributor for Child Car Seats. A resource featuring tips, advice, and resources for new parents.

Baby Shower Gifts Are Not All The Same

Writen by Dominic Ferrara

When one talk about shower baby gifts, it is clear they can vary from the very practical to the extremely bizarre. If you have ever been invited to a baby shower, you know that there are two different kinds of presents you can give the new mom: the gifts that impress her and are useless, and the very practical stuff. If you choose the latter is best, as things given are useful and the shower baby gifts are about having a baby. When we speak about useful baby gifts, we refer to casseroles, or anything you can just heat up to prepare dinner, or the book "What to Expect the First Year", in which the mother can find a lot of useful information. Commonly baby gifts can vary from extremely practical things, like disposable diapers to things that are bizarre such as a grinder for turning steamed veggies into homemade baby food.

It is normal that the preferences both of the mother and of the infant vary greatly, so that what is "essential" for one mother can be completely pointless for another mom. We will give you some examples: Diaper Genie (a fancy diaper pail), baby-wipe warmers, baby washcloths, hooded towels, Boppy pillows and baby swings. Anything that is related to feeding, like bottles, pacifiers, formula or breast-feeding supplies, breast pads, pump, milk storage bags, can be risky as a present, since it's hard to know what a baby will like.

But here are some baby gifts that will be highly appreciated by any parent: diapers, wipes, burp cloths -- quilted cloth diapers are the best, and make great dust cloths down the road, blankets, terrycloth covers for changing-table pads, crib sheets, especially nice flannel or soft jersey cotton. We can add to the list waterproof mattress pad for the crib or practical clothing in larger sizes. A lot of parents said they had too many newborn-sized outfits and too few for 6 months or older babies.

Dominic is the author of this article. This article may be reproduced on websites subject to credit being given to the author, and a link to his website. If you would like more information go to

Monday, December 22, 2008

What In The World Do I Do At A Baby Shower

Writen by Jason Payne

Here are some of our favorites. But before you get started with the games, be sure to get some prizes first. Prizes to consider are full size (not bite size), candy bars, blue or pink pens for the sex of the baby. Additionally, blue or pink balloons with a face drawn on the front, or the words "winner" written across in permanent marker make for really fun prizes as well.

After you have some up with some prizes, here our some of our favorite games to play.

1. Fastest Diaper Changer in the West. Have smaller size balloons blown up and hand them out to everyone who will be playing. Next give them two diapers. Have the guest carefully put the diapers on the balloon before the game starts. After they have already placed on diaper on the balloon, give them the instructions that junior has just had an accident and being the careful and delicate parent that they are , there objective is to change the diaper without pooping the balloon. Anyone who pops a balloon will be disqualified and whoever changes the diaper first, will win a prize.

2. How does Mommy Measure Up? Begin by passing out some yarn to everyone who will be playing. Next pass around some scissors and have each guest cut the amount of yarn that will fit Mommy perfectly at her widest point without being over or under. The person who is the closest is the winner.

3. Guess the Number of Kisses. This is used everywhere and everyone already know how to play. Fill a jar with Kisses (jelly beans are too typical) and have each one guess at the number of Kisses, the closest one will win the jar of kisses.

4. The Price is Right. For this one, it is played much like the game shows you see on television. Visit some online merchants who have both pictures and descriptions of Baby items and print them up. Pass around some paper and pens. Have the host narrate the online product description and pass it around with the price blacked out. The person who is closest to the item without going over will win a point. After all of the items have been passed around, the person with the most point wins.

As your can see, there are a plethora of baby shower games that can be played for your shower. What is important to remember is to know who your audience is going to be. This means, are the games that you are thinking about playing fit both the audience and the theme you are trying to create?

Jason is the owner of Baby Shower Fun Activities, the website that makes baby showers fun and easy. Copyright, 2006

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Baby Clothes Overstock And Clearance Items Why Donating Makes Sense

Writen by Sheryl Gordon

Retail clothing storeowners inevitably face the same situation year after year – a surplus of last season's styles in some form or another. This is good news for the consumer, as prices on these items are typically slashed well below retail in order to make room for new products. But what to do with the clearance items that remain on the shelves well into the next season? Or what if there simply isn't enough room to hang on to these items any longer once new products arrive? Storeowners who find themselves facing these questions may want to consider donating overstock and/or clearance items to a worthy charitable organization.

In many cases, making a sizeable donation will not only benefit the many people touched by the organization receiving your donation, it may make a positive impact on your bottom line by allowing your business a tax write-off at the end of the year. If you are considering making a sizeable donation, you may first want to contact your tax advisor to discuss how the donation would impact your tax scenario.

It is advisable to spend some time researching potential organizations prior to donating. There are seemingly countless organizations out there that are willing to take donations of clothing and accessory items. When choosing an organization, make sure first and foremost that the organization is not-for-profit, as this ensures the potential tax-benefit of donating. It may be easier to locate large national organizations, but it is worthwhile to research smaller local organizations as well. These local organizations often do not receive the level of exposure necessary to meet theirs demands at the same level as larger organizations. As is the case in so many situations, the internet is generally the best source of information for researching charitable organizations. In addition, consult your local phone book, and ask around. Chances are you already know somebody who has some sort of connection to a local charity – use those connections!

Once you have selected a non-profit organization to receive your donation, it is important to obtain a single point-of-contact within the organization. This person can organize the receipt of your donation, which in many cases can be arranged to take place at your business or warehouse. It is a good idea to provide an itemized list of the donation, including wholesale value, to your point-of-contact at the time of the donation. This list will not only help to document inventory in your records, it will also be a helpful tool for the charity to reference while incorporating the donation items into their existing product supply. In turn, ask that they provide you with a "letter of receipt", acknowledging and referencing the value of the donation. This letter will provide documentation that will be needed to validate the tax write-off. Be sure to discuss the significance of this letter with your point-of-contact prior to making the donation, and follow-up soon as the donation is made to be sure the letter is generated in a timely manner.

Sheryl Gordon owns and operates online retail shops focused primarily on baby clothes

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Choosing The Perfect Baby Name

Writen by Scott Zak

Choosing a baby name can be one of the most fun and challenging aspects of having a new baby. Your baby's name will be an introduction to the type of person he or she is – for example, is your baby girl a 'Lilly', or is she a 'Rose'? In your baby boy a 'George' or a 'William'? Should your baby's name mean 'strength' or 'desire', or is the name's meaning not important?

Parents, grandparents, friends, siblings, and family will be sharing their advice and ideas in helping you find a name for your child. Chances are you will spend hours trying to pin down that perfect baby name and you'll change your mind more than once along the way. But eventually, you will find a few names that you like best.

Once you find a few different names, you can ask friends and family which name they like best. You can also compare your list to the top 100 baby names by decade or the most popular names of a specific year – maybe you want a popular baby name or maybe you prefer a unique name. Eventually, you will find the perfect baby name, and it will instill you with a sense of pride and achievement, both for you and eventually for your child.

Selecting a popular name for your baby

Today's favorite names may or may not be around tomorrow. While some names have proven the test of time, others have come and gone like leg warmers. There is an easy way to determine if a name has staying power, simply review the top 100 names by year using this site. We list the top 100 baby names for the past 125 years, by year. While choosing a very popular name today can be fun, it may mean your son or daughter will be one of many in their classes growing up. This isn't necessarily bad, but something to consider when selecting that perfect baby name.

Selecting a baby name with the perfect meaning

A great method in finding a perfect baby name is to understand the name meaning. You can find the perfect baby name meaning using one of two methods: 1) you can look up the meanings of your favorite names, and/or 2) you can take the BabyNamesUSA test. The tests helps you find the perfect baby name by choosing words that you believe are important or are words you want your future baby to possess – like loving, or gentle, or intelligent.

The test will allow you to choose meanings that are significant and/or important to you – whether it's a characteristic you find admirable, or one in which you want your future baby to possess to become successful in life.

Searching for a baby name using the origin/ethnicity/religion of the name

One of the most common methods for selecting a baby name is using the origin and/or ethnicity of the baby name. This will give the baby an immediate source of identity and an understanding of the culture and origin of the baby's family heritage. In some religions, like Judaism, it is common to name a baby after a deceased family member, to honor loved ones who've passed. In many cases these names were from a different generation (see top 100 baby names by year, above) and may be 'out of style'. If this is the case, middle names are the perfect solution.

Choose a baby name for each sex – so whatever the baby is, you are ready.

Once you get the wonderful news that a new baby is coming, it will be a while until you can determine the baby's sex – IF you are considering finding out at all (food for thought – there is no better surprise, and nothing more worth waiting for). Having a boy's name and girl's name is a great start.

Naming the baby after the parent – either a single name, or the entire name

In order for your baby boy to become a Jr. (junior), or the 'II' (the second), the entire name should be the same as the father's. The father is the Sr. (senior), the son becomes the Jr. For example, John William Smith names his son John William Smith, the father is the Sr. /I, the son is the Jr. /II. If the son is the third generation to receive the name, the baby boy typically becomes the III (third). Be sure you want to name your baby boy, or baby girl, the same as a parent – it can lead to confusion growing up. If you know you want to name the baby after a parent, selecting a unique middle name may be the perfect solution.

Your child will have to live with this name for a lifetime.

The name you choose for your baby (and future child/adult) should be worn happily. Will family, friends and one day, employers 'take notice' for the wrong reasons? Remember, kids can be cruel – don't make life more challenging than it needs to be.

Choose a baby name that you are proud of, and makes you smile.

Naming your baby after family and friends that have a special place in your heart is a great place to start. Are their special attributes you want your baby to carry – choosing a name that means something special is also a great idea.

Make sure the full name (first, middle and last) sounds good together.

Say the baby's name aloud – is it easy or difficult to say the name? Choose a name that flows well together. Stay away from Jim Shoe (gym shoe) or names that when pieced together can have an alternate meaning.

Write the full baby name down – as well as the initials of all names.

If your baby name's initials make up another word – be sure you are comfortable with what results. For example James Earl Thompson (JET) may be acceptable, but think twice about names like Daniel Irving Petty (DIP).

Spell it!! When writing the name down, was it difficult to spell and/or say? If you had problems, you may want to reconsider the name.

Nicknames are inevitable.

When your child goes to school, joins a sports team or club, chances are a nickname may be close behind. Some nicknames can be endearing, but others may not be what you had in mind when naming your baby. Many times, Alan Jackson results in AJ – be sure this is acceptable, as many times, it is ultimately out of the parents control.

Naming your baby after a sports figure, movie star, or political hero

Be sure you want to go this route, prior to naming your baby. While the name may be beautiful – it could become overly popular. Or, if the person falls out of favor, it may result in giving the name a negative stigma.

Naming multiple babies

If your family is going to increase by more than one baby, there a few things to consider. First, naming babies with the same first initial may be confusing – for you, the babies and future teachers. You may want to consider choosing different initials – giving each child a unique name. Second, choosing different initials may make things easier when accepting gifts containing your babies' initials. If each baby's name contains the same letters – it will be difficult in determining which gifts belong to which baby. This will only get more challenging.

Religious & Traditional considerations

Some families have a tradition in passing down names from generation to generation. Make sure you check with both parents' families first. Also, some religions don't allow babies to be named after living family members. Be sure to check your religious beliefs as well.

Select multiple names for your baby.

Chances are, you and your partner, your family, and others will all have a different name in mind. While the decision ultimately comes down to the parent(s), keep your mind open to suggestions. Not only will this help in selecting the best name for your baby, but it will make your life easier along the way.

What if there is a pet with the same name we wanted to name our baby.

Unless the name is Fido or Spot – we wouldn't worry much about it. We had a dog name Jordan (after Michael Jordan), and I've met many other people named Jordan. It is inevitable that someone somewhere named a dog, cat, fish or rabbit the same name you are considering for your baby. If you love the name – don't look back.

I have a friend/family member who is considering the name I wanted for my baby.

There are a few things you can do. If the person is going to move forward with the name, you may need to choose a new one (or try talking with them). Or you can find the meaning of the name, and see if a different name with the same meaning is appealing to you.

For you parents that have yet to choose a name for your baby – you should learn from this lesson. You may want to keep you favorite names secret – or only share with people that 1) aren't going to have kids anytime soon or 2) you can definitely trust. Well-liked and/or unique names can become very popular, very quickly.

I love the name – but others do not.

Two points on this.

1. If the opinions of these people mean something to you, it is up to you and your partner whether or not you let other people's opinions change your mind. If their points are valid – it may be worth listening to the person. See 'Selecting a Name'

2. You will always be able to find someone that isn't crazy about the name you've chosen for your baby. If you are happy with your choice – then tune the person out. If that doesn't work, tell them thanks for sharing their opinion with you, and name your baby what you wanted to anyway.

I like one baby name – my partner likes a different name.

There are several things you can do to compromise.

1. One of you pick the first name, the other can select the middle name – or a nick-name for the baby.

2. Each of you can select a few names you each like, and see if one of those baby names makes you both happy.

3. If you are planning on having multiple children, you can take turns selecting the baby's name. You can pick the name for the first child, and your partner can pick the name of the next baby. Be aware – if you decide to do it this way, one of you may not be happy when it comes to the next baby's name.

4. Dart board – Put the different baby names on a dart board (or something similar), and throw away! If that doesn't work, try the 'flip-a-coin' method.

My partner wants to name the baby after a family member – but I really don't care for the name (or the family member).

Honesty is typically the best policy in most cases. If you are not thrilled with the name your partner has chosen for the baby, see article 'I like one baby name – my partner likes a different name'. There are ideas here that will help.

One suggestion: It would probably be best if you didn't tell your partner that "You don't like the name they have chosen". It will be easier if you just say, let's consider that name, and come up with some alternatives as well. Or, if your partner is insistent on that particular name, you may want to use it as the baby's middle name.

Scott Zak is a publisher of and

Dont Let Flies Make Your Child Ill

Writen by Vernon Stent

As we all know, a toddler cannot be left alone for a second during their waking hours. They will inspect everything they see and stick their fingers into every gap they can find, open cupboards and drawers and even drink and eat anything that happens to be around. Even when they are strapped into their high chair and eating they can't be left alone because of the risk, however, slight, of choking. Just perhaps, though, when the food has been cleared away and there is nothing in the child's reach whilst he or she is safely in their high chair, you can very quickly go into the kitchen to fetch a wipe for their mucky face and hands.

Just wait on, though. While your back is turned there is another menace that can do harm to your child. While he or she is sitting at their unwiped high chair, with their unwiped face and hands, there may be a potentially very potent health hazard in the room with them. Somewhere sat upside-down on the ceiling, or perched on a table or chair may be a housefly. If the dining area plates and cutlery have been cleared away the only food source may be the food remnants around your boy or girl's face or hands, and the housefly will follow its nose (actually they smell using hairs on their feet). If the only food source aroma is coming from your child, then that is where they will be heading.

Flies tend to land on animal droppings and garbage. That is the source of their food. You can say that most things that are pungent and that have some food or animal derivation will be like a beacon to a resident or passing housefly. If a room has been cleared of all sources of these smells, apart from the remnants still on your child, then their sensors are good enough to pick this smell up. A fly's body - and especially their feet - will carry many thousands of germs from landing on their previous food source. As soon as they land on your child, some of these germs will almost certainly be transferred to them. Children have a habit of playing with whatever is in front of them and of putting their fingers in their mouth. If you add the fly with the fact that your child has only one thing to play with - unwanted food - then, after the fly has landed on the child or the food, there is a fair chance that they will have transferred nasty germs into their mouth.

A few germs - even the nasty ones carried by houseflies - will, in many cases, do your child no harm at all. If anything, it may build up their resistance. The problem with young children, though, is that they have little resistance at such a young age and it is a fine line between their need to build up this resistance to the chance of becoming ill. It is obvious that your child needs no help is building resistance to germs. They will do this over time quite naturally. So, knowing where a fly is likely to have been, it is much more desirable to protect them from germs where possible.

So what damage can a housefly do to a toddler? Well, first off, some of you may be sighing about yet another scare story; yet another precaution hard pressed parents are being forced to take. Now, let me reassure you: it is unlikely that your child will suffer from any major illness after contact with a housefly. These are some of the diseases that are often spread by flies:

Shigellosis: This ranges from a minor tummy ache to bloody diarrhoea. In very rare cases shigellosis can result in a young child having a seizure. It cannot be emphasised enough that the chances of a seizure occurring are extremely rare.

Typhoid Fever: Loss of appetite, high temperature, headache, tummy ache and occasionally a skin rash. This must be treated, otherwise it will progress into serious illness and even death

Cholera: Watery diarrhoea, sunken eyes and sunken fontanelles (the soft spot on the head), dry mouth, tummy ache, nausea and usually vomiting. Serious cases can lead to death, so treatment is vital. The best treatment is plenty of fresh water, although a visit to the doctor is advised.

Escherichia coli: Diarrhoea. In most cases Escherichia coli will pass though the body with no detectable affects. Diarrhoea, if it occurs, can range from slight to severe. There is a tiny chance of kidney failure in young children

At the risk of being boring, I must repeat that most children will suffer a tummy ache, or mild diarrhoea at worst if they are affected at all. The more extreme reactions above are very rare.

You may think that you will now need to stand over your child 24 hours a day with a fly swat in hand. No. Firstly, make sure your child and your house are clean and that there is no build up of open garbage in or near to the house. As you cannot watch over your child for every second, you will benefit from installing fly traps. They will dispose of the houseflies, giving you peace of mind and protecting your child. Arkay Hygiene sells a wide range of Fly Traps and Insectocutors. You can see more information below.

Most of us have been there, in the middle of the night, feeling helpless, when their child has a tummy ache and diarrhoea. Fly traps are another weapon in your armoury against this possibility.

Vernon Stent is the content writer for Fly-Kill. Here you can see their fly traps and Insectocutors

Friday, December 19, 2008

16 Essential Safety Tips For Your Baby

Writen by Thomas Choo

It has been shown statistically that the majority of accidents to newborns and infants are totally preventable. What it takes is for every new parent to be aware of the risk factors for newborns, and taking active steps to prevent it. You need to arm yourself with valuable knowledge in the care of your baby.

Here are 16 basic safety precautions which every new parent must know:

1. Do not put baby to bed with a bottle. Babies can choke or acquire ear infections, tooth decay and other dental troubles from having something in their mouths overnight.

2. For neck support, and because a newborn cannot sit up, roll a towel or get a support pillow that goes around the newborn's head. You'll use this in the car seat, stroller and wind-up swing. As newborns cannot sit up yet, many strollers do not give newborns the support they need, or are not sufficiently padded. Hence the support pillow.

3. Ensure your stroller has seat belts and crotch straps and that you use them. Strollers should have a wide base to prevent tipping and brakes that work.

4. Do not have aspirin around for children. It's been linked with Reye's Syndrome, which can be fatal. Never give a newborn something the pediatrician has not recommended, anyway.

5. Do not use (or minimize) baby powder or talcum on a newborn because it can be inhaled into the baby's lungs.

6. Never tie a pacifier or any other objects on a string around a baby's neck. Don't use homemade pacifiers. Check pacifiers and nipples frequently to ensure the nipple-part can't be sucked off and swallowed. The guard or shield around the nipple of the pacifier should be larger than the baby's mouth and should have ventilation holes so the baby could breathe if it did get in there, anyhow.

7. Keep toys on strings, drapery cords, laundry bags or other objects with strings off the baby cot and away from newborns to prevent strangulation. Mobiles on cribs should be securely fastened and not have long strings. Remove them before the child can reach them.

8. The slats of the crib should be no wider than 2 3/8 inches apart. Be sure to check, especially if using an antique, hand-me-down or secondhand crib. Mattresses should fit tightly up against the sides and there should be no corner posts.

9. Install a smoke detector in the baby's room or nursery.

10. If you have a playpen or portable crib with mesh sides, never use it with a side left down. Newborns could roll into the mesh pocket and suffocate. Better yet, don't use mesh-sided playpens.

11. Never, not even once, take your baby in the car without him or her being strapped in the car seat, and the car seat properly belted in the car according to manufacturer's directions. And never use a carrier device or sling-type seat as a car seat, unless it is specifically designed for this purpose. A low impact crash may not hurt an adult, but can prove fatal to an unsecured newborn.

12. Baby changing tops should have safety straps and/or railings to prevent the baby from falling off.

13. Do not use honey in any food or on the pacifier for babies not yet a year old. It can cause infant botulism.

14. Remove unnecessary objects from the crib, bassinet or playpen when baby sleeps to prevent suffocation. That means no pillows, stuffed animals or floppy toys. Don't cover the crib mattress in anything like a plastic garbage bag, dry cleaning bag or light plastic sheet. These can block a newborn's breathing in the event that the baby end up with its face down.

15. Crib or play gyms should be used only until the child is old enough to pull up and push up on hands and knees. Remove the gym when the baby is sleeping. You may wish to use this only on the floor, with baby lying on a soft blanket.

16. Keep small toys away from small babies. Toys go automatically into mouths and choking can, and does, result. Be especially careful of older toys with parts that can be pulled off, like teddy bear eyes, or parts that can break into small pieces.

ChampBaby is a premier online baby guide, with expert articles on baby gifts, baby shower, breast feeding, and baby names suggestions. Visit to claim a free copy of "Baby's First Year", a precious ebook for all new parents.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Read Baby A Story Sing A Song

Writen by Vivian Gilbert Zabel

When my youngest was born, nearly forty years ago, I would rock him while nursing him, his three-year-old sister and fifteen-month-old brother in their child-sized rocking chairs. As we rocked, I read stories to the children and sang songs, which I had done from the time my daughter was born. We had a time together three to four times a day when the children listened to the stories and songs, soon learning to sing themselves. Of course, I operated on instinct only, and my children didn't realize that reading and singing wasn't a common occurrence in every home, until they were in school and visited friends' homes and came home shocked. I had been raised by a mother who also read and sang to her children. Neither of us read anywhere that we should; we just did. Now, "modern" theory, concerning the way infants learn and respond promotes reading and singing to babies in order to boost development of thinking, language, and early reading skills.

According to "Reading to Baby," children don't read for two basic reasons: "too much TV and a culture than doesn't value books." Parents and other adults in a child's life can help change this tendency by making reading a part of their lives and reading to their children, setting an example that will encourage children to be lifelong readers.

Reasons for reading to babies and children include parents having fun with their children, as I did with mine, as well as helping youngsters relax and go from bundles of energy to a child ready for naps or bedtime. However reading does much more: It helps develop thinking and language skills, which go hand in hand. Even if infants don't know the meaning of the words they hear, the sounds help their brains learn critical language skills.

Doctors at UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, state that there's only one true method to help infants speak and understand language, and that is to read to them. "While infants don't know the meaning of many words, hearing the sounds helps their brains develop critical language skills. It enhances a child's pronunciation of words, expands vocabulary and begins programming the brain for more advanced speech and reading."

Adding singing to the mixture creates even more verbal stimulation to help children develop thinking and language skills later. A panel of experts during a White House symposium stated that parents should sing and talk to even the youngest infants.

Penny Warner, from Parenting Resources of Evenflo says, "Singing to baby is one of the best ways to encourage his ability to vocalize in syllables."

Therefore, even before "experts" agreed, by reading and singing to my children I showed them that I valued books, helped them develop a love of reading and music; and most of all, their development of thinking and language skills were boosted - not bad for doing something I liked to do.

3. "Talking, Sing to Baby is Vital to Brain Development, The Star Tribune, April 18, 1997

Vivian Gilbert Zabel, an author on http://www.Writing.Com/ and with a portfolio http://www.Writing.Com/authors/vzabel, has books, Hidden Lies and Other Stories and Walking the Earth, through Barnes and Noble or This article has been submitted in affiliation with http://www.BabyNameVote.Com/ which is a site for Baby Names.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Outdoor Games And Activities For Toddlers

Writen by Kara Kelso

It's a beautiful day and your toddler or preschooler is begging to go outside. What to do when you get out? Here's some simple ideas:

Walk to Park
The walk alone is enough to keep them busy. When you there, of course they'll even have more to do. It's a great time for you to relax a bit and enjoy the day, keeping an eye on them while they bounce from one activity to the other.

Play Fresbie
If you have a small backyard, you might need to go to the park to do this. However, if your yard is big enough this is a simple activity you can do at home.

Another possible at home activity if your yard is big enough. All you really need is some cheap baseball equiptment (plastic ball, plastic bat) for younger children.

Walk around neighboorhood
There's many interesting things to do while walking around the neighboorhood. You can count the animals and birds you see, count certain colored cars or house, or any number of fun games.

Pool Time
If it's a nice enough day, you can either fill up the kiddie pool in the backyard, or head to the local public pool. Either way it's sure to please the kids!

Be sure to see our other ideas for things to do with your children!

About the Author: Kara Kelso is the mother of 2 and owner of several online businesses. For more ideas like this, visit:

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

All You Wanted To Know About Evenflo Baby Products

Writen by LynnMarie S.

Evenflo provides a complete range of products, which are essential in the upbringing of the baby to a child. They have categorized their wide range of products broadly into feeding and nursing, bed and bed time, on-the-go travel, playtime and learning.

They have great birthing products which include breast milk storage, nipples, pacifiers, cups, feeding sets, bottle feeding, nursing pads and breast pumps. Breast pumps are available in both manual and electric varieties. Electric breast pumps are the better option for busy mothers since it attributes quicker results, leaving you with more time to tend to your child. Manual pumps are designed to be compact and handy, which is preferred by the mothers who want to avoid the hassles of carrying electrical breast pump and its accessories. Evenflo offers a variety of bottles that focus on different utilities that help reduce colic, mimic nursing and reduce the air intake.

Purchasing an audio monitor can ease parents when they are not able to see thier baby all the time. The front carrier is a convenient product that enables the parents to place the baby in two different positions. This carrier ensures child safety and has added comfort with shoulder and back padding. Evenflo strollers include tandem double strollers and mid size strollers. Evenflo car seats are available in the both booster and convertible.

Baby activity products are updated constantly. Popular products include the baby activity centers, play yards, baby jumpers, high chairs and baby swings. The Evenflo gates are available in wood, metal, wide gates, hardware mount gate, pressure mount gates and gate extensions.

To sum it up, Evenflo can be reviewed as one of the companies with maximum number of baby products. However, number alone does not qualify a baby product as the recommended one and the quality of service is found to be the most important attribute of thier products.

About the Author

LynnMarie is On-Line Editor for which is one of the top online retailers of Evenflo Products including an extensive line of Baby Bottles for young children.

Getting The Baby Nursery Walls Ready

Writen by Rebecca Johnson

When planning your baby nursery, deciding on paint colors and then preparing and painting the walls is a major part of the design process. You will want to choose paint colors that go well with the theme or design scheme that you have decided on for your baby's nursery. The best way to do this is to take a piece of the nursery bedding to the paint store with you to pick out paint samples. You may want to bring home the samples you choose to see how they look in the room. Sometimes the room's lighting will affect how the colors look, so doing this may save you the trouble of repainting the room if you are unhappy with the results.

If time allows, it is best to paint the nursery at least a month or two before the baby is expected. This allows time for the room to air out. You may also want to consider choosing paint that has no or low VOCs (volatile organic chemicals). These types of paints may cost more but it is worth the additional cost since they will omit little or no fumes unlike normal paints.

If you want to get creative when painting the walls, you can try faux painting techniques such as sponging and ragging. Another idea is to stencil designs on to the walls that match the theme you have picked for the room. If you have an ocean theme, fish stenciled on the wall would look really cute. You can buy all the supplies you would need for stenciling or faux painting at your local home improvement or paint supply store.

Of course, you are not limited to paint when deciding what to do with the baby nursery's walls. Wallpapers, wallpaper borders, and murals are all great options for the nursery walls. Wallpaper and border can sometimes be found to coordinate with your chosen nursery theme. Sports, airplane, nautical, animals, Precious Moments, and Winnie the Pooh are just a few of the themes that you should easily be able to locate wallpaper or borders for.

If you want to go with a wall mural for your baby nursery, there are several routes you can take. You can purchase a mural that can be put on the wall the same way wallpaper is. You just assemble the mural piece by piece like applying wallpaper. Another option available is paint by number mural kits that you paint on yourself. If you don't want a mural that covers the whole wall, peel and stick decals are a great option. You can often find them to match many nursery themes. The last option is to have a muralist paint the mural. This can be quite pricey though unless you or someone you know is a gifted artist and able to do it.

Whatever you decide to do with your baby room walls, remember to take into consideration what you plan to do with the rest of the room's décor. Having walls that complement the room's theme and design will bring the whole room together.

Rebecca Johnson is owner of, a website dedicated to all aspects of planning a baby nursery. Visit it for more baby room decorating tips.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Baby Crib Bedding

Writen by Alison Cole

As with cribs, baby crib bedding also needs to conform to various standards – the choice of the fabric and its skin-friendliness being the paramount factors.

Essentially, baby crib bedding consists of a durable, soft, yet compact mattress, pillows, pillowcases, sheets and quilts depending upon the climate. Dust ruffles, diaper stackers and valances are options that are also available.

Baby crib bedding is available in a number of patterns, shapes and styles. Crib sets are normally available in either four or six pieces. Quilted, flannel waterproof mattresses are ideal, as they are soft and easy to maintain. Since one is unlikely to buy baby crib bedding several times (babies outgrow cribs in two years or less), it is best to purchase a stain-proof and waterproof mattress. The mattress should fit snuggly into the crib and there should be no gaps where baby can jam an arm, leg or head. It is time to change the mattress if two adult fingers can be placed between the mattress and the crib. It is better to put a baby in warm zip up pajama bags, rather than use blankets as they can wrap around a baby head and cause suffocation.

When it comes to sheets, natural fabrics are the best choice. Silks and satins should be avoided – even though they look fancy, they do not feel as comfortable as cotton and flannel against the baby's tender skin. Pillows should not be used in a baby's crib to avoid suffocation.

Crib bedding is available in various colors and patterns but garish colors ought to be avoided. Soothing colors are best for babies.

Baby Cribs provides detailed information on Baby Cribs, Baby Crib Bedding, Round Baby Cribs, Baby Crib Sets and more. Baby Cribs is affiliated with Baby Bedding Sets.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Quick And Easy Snacks For Your Toddler

Writen by C. Steendahl

Your growing toddler needs to snack quite a few times a day in addition to eating regular meals with the rest of the family. Here are a few quick and easy snack ideas that you can put together in just a few minutes. You toddler will enjoy these yummy snacks.

Ham and Cheese Crackers
Cut up some pieces of ham and cheese and serve them with some crackers. If you want to make it fun, use a cookie cutter to cut fun shapes out of the cheese.

Fruit Dip
Caution, this can get a little messy! Cut up some fruit in bite size chunks and serve with a small bowl of yogurt. Encourage your toddler to dip the fruit in the yogurt. This is an easy way to get your toddler to eat a serving of fruit, while also getting some extra calcium and protein in his/her diet from the yogurt.

Low Sugar Cereal
I always keep a box of low sugar cereal like cheerios in my pantry. They make a great snack with a little milk, or even just a bowl of dry cereal. Dry cereal also make a great take-along snack. Just throw a serving in a Ziploc bag and toss it in your purse.

Veggies and Dip
Keep some cut up veggies in the fridge. Small pieces of carrot, peeled cucumber, celery as well as small sections of broccoli and cauliflower all make great finger food for toddlers. Make sure the pieces are very small to prevent choking or steam them to soften them up. Serve with a little ranch dressing if desired.

Peanut Butter Sandwich
A PB&J has been a snack staple for ages. Mix things up by toping the peanut butter with some thin slices of apple or banana instead of the jelly. Or try smearing the peanut butter on a tortilla. Add jelly and roll it up. Cut the rolled up tortilla into strips for a fun new way to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Quick Cheese Quesadilla
Place a soft tortilla on a microwave safe plate. Top one half with cheese and fold the other half over it. Microwave 30-60 seconds or until the cheese is melted. Cut into wedges and let it cool a little before serving.

Quick Smoothie
Throw half a banana or some berries in a blender along with some vanilla yogurt and a splash of milk. Add a little ice if desired and blend until smooth. Serve in a sippy cup or with a straw for a quick fruit smoothie. Your toddler will love drinking a milkshake for a snack.

Give these fast, easy and healthy snack ideas for your toddler a try. By the way, these make great snacks for everyone else in the family as well – including mom.

Christine Steendahl Is The Founder Of Dine Without Whine – A Family Friendly Weekly Menu Planner. Eliminate Your Dinner Hour Stress And Re-Discover The Pleasure Of The Dinner Hour! For A Free Sample Menu Visit

Helping Baby Sleep Through The Night

Writen by Greg Edwards

Do you want your baby to sleep through the night? Are you tired of getting up several times during the nigh to coax your baby to sleep through the night? By teaching the babies to fall asleep on their own, without inducing to breast-feeding, pacifier, or bottle to suck and without rocking, cuddling or patting you can put the baby sleep through the night.

To make the baby sleep through the night, establish a routine for the bedtime and stick on to it without fail. A bath prior to the bedtime, a nursing session or bottle feed, story session with reading or telling sensible and suitable stories and a personalized "good night" to the baby and the pets if the baby is old enough to recognize such gestures will enable the baby to sleep through night without getting up in the middle of the night. Make sure that your method is soothing, consistent and not stimulating.

Include a "Cuddly" in the routine of making the baby sleep through the night. Try to make the baby develop such an attachment to a blanket or a stuffed animal.

When the baby is sleepy but still remaining awake is the correct time to put it in the crib. How to go to sleep is an important lesson to be learnt by the baby. Too much dependence on petting, nursing, singing, will make the baby expect the same thing again once the sleep is disturbed during the night. Hence, avoid the baby from expecting these routine.

Some experts advice the parent to remain in the room when the baby awakes during the night and without lifting the baby from the crib, make soothing gesture to make the baby return back to sleep. A different opinion is also prevailing which suggests to get away from the room but make frequent visits to the baby's bedroom till such time the baby is assured of not being deserted. Select whichever method works for you to put the baby to sleep through night.

When the baby gets up in the sleep during the night, do not pick the baby. If necessary, make a quick diaper change, settle the baby back, and get away from the room.

If these methods are tried, the baby's sleep pattern sets in and the baby will learn to settle into an undisturbed sleep.

A revolutionary baby sleep ebook guide offers an incredibly simple and gentle plan for helping to put baby sleep through the night, fast! Click the website link for instant access : Helping To Baby To Sleep Through The Night