Saturday, June 28, 2008

Evocative Charm Of A Baby Ink Footprint

Writen by Julian Pollock

The changes that every parent undergoes from the moment that their newborn baby emerges are beyond description. Yet every parent knows exactly what I am talking about. For most of us there is a huge increase in the speed of our life. It seems that the recent birth of a new member to the family has pushed us down a helter skelter, and all we can do is wait until we reach the bottom. Of course helter skelters are fun and the ride does come to an end; it's just that the images fly past so quickly that many of our precious memories end up in a blur. It is a time of great emotional importance and I thoroughly recommend to parents that they make whatever arrangements possible to provide as much a time and space, so as to relish the experience.

Many people will talk about the values of going with the flow, and not letting yourself get overwhelmed by the pace and pressure, the hustle and bustle of everyday parenthood. On the other hand, if you let go of everything, there may be nothing left at the end, to remind you of the rich experiences that are the quality of our life. The answer is just to reach some sort of sensible balance; to let go of trivia yet retain hold of the important threads in the tapestry of our baby's life. Certainly there is great value in retaining various mementos and keepsakes of the newborns to provide poignant and lingering memories of worth - that we can treasure later.

When you recall moments with your baby, how often do you rub those little feet, examine the little fingers? Subconsciously, you know they're changing all the time; growing with every second. Having a clear image of just how tiny those feet really were is a great way to recall the precious moments that flew by so fast in the first few roller coaster months of your baby's life. The little imprint made with ink is reminiscent of your little prince of princess's seal of youth perhaps even a stamp of approval. But much more than that, it will evoke the poignant emotions as only parents and close friends will have experienced in relation to this baby's new life.

For the tiniest of new arrivals, few keepsakes fit the occasion better than saving an image of your baby's footprint in ink. But you do need to hurry with this project. Those little baby hands and feet are growing almost as fast as Jack's proverbial beanstalk. With a quick search on the internet for baby footprint or baby print, you soon discover or perhaps already know that there are fortunately a number of different types of kits specifically designed to help you create a baby handprint or footprint. Some are referred to as baby impression kits – you can even get kits to make a three dimensional casting.

The advantage of the ink print is that it is straight forward and doesn't require even the slightest pressure or force to end up with a beautifully clear baby print. This is particularly important for babies of only a few months old. You could start off with a search for "baby ink footprint" straight away, but a slightly more general search gives you an idea of what's out there. Just remember that time and this opportunity are steadily flying away, so capture the moment and the memento when your baby is at his or her tiniest – it makes for the cutest of imprints and lasts for life.

Julian Pollock, after many years of seeking solitude in the Himalayan foothills, has re-established his life in the West and has been publishing articles and informative web sites. He regularly contributes to which, apart from covering the various advantages of the baby ink footprint over impression kits, also describes the creating of a baby keepsake footprint as well as considering the baby footprint kits available.