Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Benefits Of Breastfeeding

Writen by Grant Carroll

Breastfeeding is one of the most intimate times that a mother and child can share. It's no secret that breastfeeding is beneficial, but scientists are discovering new benefits all the time that prove how important it is. The beautiful act of breastfeeding provides numerous mental, emotional and physical benefits to both mother and child that can't be overstated.

A baby receives a wonderful head start in life from breastfeeding. First of all, research has shown that obesity is much less likely to be seen later in life from breastfed babies. This is because the fat and calorie content of breast milk change according to baby's needs. With formula, the baby receives a high calorie meal no matter what. Also, human milk has what's called satiety factor that tells the baby when he's full. Being formula fed may contribute to lacking this factor later in life which leads to overeating. Another great benefit is that baby will receive protection from all kinds of infection and disease. Breast milk provides long range protection from ailments such as digestive disorders and diabetes, and it contains white blood cells and immunoglobulins to rid baby's digestive system and body of harmful germs. The concentration of white blood cells and immunoglobulins is highest in the colostrums expressed during the first few weeks of life. This is a perfect aid for the newborn's inadequate immune system.

Some other helpful factors are brain-building factors and cholesterol – both of which are hard to find in formula. Aside from the aforementioned satiety factor there is an epidermal growth factor that helps to process food. The most special benefit that results is the bond baby forms with his mother. Cuddled together, breastfeeding relaxes both mother and child as they find rest and comfort.

Mom receives a great number of benefits from breastfeeding, too. One benefit that excites moms is that breastfeeding gets them back to pre-pregnancy size. This happens two ways. The sensations from the nerves around the areolas send a signal to the pituitary gland to release oxytocin. This causes the milk sinuses to shrink and release milk as well as makes the uterus shrink back to its original size. Secondly, breastfeeding increases mom's metabolism which burns up any excess fat gained during pregnancy. Also, the baby isn't the only one to be lulled into sleeping while feeding. Hormones released during feeding have a tranquilizing effect on mom as well. Some other health benefits that extend late into life are a lower chance of osteoporosis and breast cancer. Overall, breastfeeding gives mom the chance to learn how to read her baby. She gains a deep understanding of her child that no other person will ever experience.

Grant Carroll proud father and co-owner of http://www.littlepamperedbabies.com with Baby Clothes and Baby T-Shirts Also visit Little Pampered Pets where you can find boutique quality Dog Clothes and Small Dog Sweaters