Monday, June 30, 2008

Scrapbooking Baby

Writen by Tracey Wilson

You'll never run out of pictures for scrapbooking your baby and toddler. This article will give you even more ideas for layouts. The themes for layouts are endless. Pay attention to your surroundings and pick up creative ideas from all around you. Leaves outside that your toddler can't quit looking at – a page about their favorite cartoons, and them interacting with the show, etc. . . can be found. Below is a list I put together. May it inspire your muse and get you creating those unforgettable pages!

Putting a pair of glasses on your baby can inspire many different layouts, depending on the glasses. Sunglasses can inspire a glamorous photo op, or "Aren't I cool?" photo opportunity. Do a 'glamorous looking' page by adding metal quotes or scripted poetry which matches your pictures. For the 'Aren't I cool?" LO – use cool colors that are laid back, or gives a hippieish feel. Make the page fun by adding whimsical items that you might think of using with older children. You'll be sure to create a fun-filled page.

For the reading glasses pictures, make an education page – include items in your LO that you would think of using for a teacher. Why not make a page of you, your spouse and baby all at the same age. If you have a baby book, or lucky enough to still have relatives around who knew you at that age, write a journal block under each one that describes and compares each person at that particular age. It's time for bed, 'Sleepy Time'. Create a page with two or three pictures that tell the story of what you do to get your baby ready for bedtime. Be sure to write details beside each picture. If you need more room for journaling, make a pocket on the page to write a story with all the details.

Does your baby have a favorite toy? Make a page of your baby playing and sleeping with the toy. Find an advertisement to add to the page, so that years later they can see how much the toy sold for. If it's something you can duplicate easily, like blocks, teddy bears, etc ... make your title blocks in the same characters. If it's something like the elmo rush, clip newspaper articles. If you haven't taken your newborn out on the town yet, make sure you take your camera to document the picture of the first person to stop you to say, "Awww ... what a beautiful baby. Is it a boy or girl?" Even though you have a pink out fit on her. Create a generations page of the same sex – include baby, dad, granddad, great granddad, etc .. include special sentiments about how each of them interact with baby. What things do they do to try and make baby smile, etc . . .

Use a corner rounder to round photo's corners. Make everything on the page rounded, or round. Make a page that tells the story of a famous look. Does you toddler make funny faces every time he toots? Capture the look that will make everyone who sees it smile for years. Make long ribbon strips of different designs, but coordinating colors. Wrap one end over the top of the page. Make bows to place on top of the ribbons and place at various heights. Make the colors of the ribbons and bows, match the color of clothes your baby is wearing.

Create a page with their very first friend and their first time meeting each other. Make sure you snap pictures of them getting along in all stages. Hugging, laughing, fighting, crying. Add a 3-D look by duplicating several pictures. Make the picture big and the only picture on the page. Take the duplicates, and cut out various different parts. Place the cut-outs on the same spot on the main picture with slim pop-up dots. The look is great and will sure to become one of your favorite pages! Make pre-made journal blocks and give them to different relatives and friends. Have them write their comments about a favorite picture of the two of them together. Find the perfect poem to go with pictures of an outing, like a poem about the beach, zoo, etc . . . find great pictures in other magazines to put on the page, as well of other things that are in common with the place you went.

Get together with your scrapbooking friends and everyone be in charge of making one thing for a page. Decide on your theme – like 1st birthday, one make the title blocks for each person, one find and decorate a poem, one make mattes, etc . . . While taking pictures, be sure to get several perspectives about one subject. Ex: baby picking out their favorite baby doll, playing with it, sleeping with it, dragging it around, etc . . . Make a whole page of 3-D embellishments that aren't bulky at all – by paper layering. Give paper die-cuts, e-cuts bulk, and make them pop out by gluing them onto a firm background – you can use anything from a piece of cardboard to cardstock.

Do a mosaic LO – this is done by getting a ruler and drawing cross lines horizontally and vertically covering the whole picture. When you're done, it'll look like a bunch of little squares – cut them out, and then glue them together, (like a puzzle) on your page. Scenes work best for this. Faces look a little odd all pieced together. Place it on a white matte, before placing it on your page, so it will look like grout between the squares. Make sure you leave a little bit of even room between each square, to let a little bit of the white show.

Create a whole page using stamping. Stamping is a great medium, that many times gets overlooked. Stamps come in such a variety, that your page can really be made unique by using them. Be sure to use embossing powder, chalk, graphic artist pens, etc . . . to add to the look. Make a page of tinted pictures. Take a picture, and on your photoshop program, make a regular portrait blue, red and green tint. Glue them side by side on your sheet and decorate. You can also use a Black and White photo, using photoshop, color in certain areas of your photo with color. Save old greeting cards. They can be an endless supply of a very unique look.

Use a photo index card that you receive from getting pictures developed as border. Do a favorite book LO, with your toddler reading the book, a review about the book with picture, etc . . .

I hope these ideas have inspired you to get scrapping! I know it has me.

This article has been submitted in affiliation with http://www.BabyNameVote.Com/ which is a site for Baby Names.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Choosing Decorations For A Baby Shower

Writen by Kim Anderson

No party is complete without decorations and a baby shower is no exception. There are many different decorations ideas you can use for a baby shower party depending on how much time you have to plan the event and what you are willing to spend.

Baby shower decorations range from simple to extravagant depending on what you are looking for. Decorations add a certain ambience to a baby shower and can turn the event into a memorable occasion for the expectant mother. There are scores of ideas and decoration items available to help you set up the baby shower party.

Deciding on the Type of Decorations

One way of deciding on the decorations is by choosing a theme for the baby shower. The decorations you use will be based on the chosen theme. For example, if you go in for a traditional theme, you should choose decorations that include silver and china.

A more modern theme for a baby shower nowadays is to use popular cartoon characters. Depending on the cartoon character you choose, the decorations should centre on this character. To help you choose something appropriate, visit the numerous specialty stores that stock a large selection of baby shower decorations.

Ideas for Decorations

By using your imagination and inventiveness, you can come up with attractive decorations that are neither cumbersome nor costly. A little resourcefulness will help you plan a great baby shower without spending tons of money.

When you begin decorating the venue, be careful not to go overboard with your decorations or you may end up with a place that looks garish. Stick to simple decorations such as seasonal flowers and party toys. They create a simple but warm ambience, conducive to a party amongst close friends.

If you want a more extravagant affair, you may need to buy decorative items other than flowers and a few toys. You can however, always keep these items once the party is over and use them during other occasions like birthday parties. Or you can gift the items to the couple as mementos or toys for the new baby.

Low-cost Decorations

Nothing is more festive than colorful balloons. These can be bunched together and hung on each table. To keep the balloons from rising up, tie small items like a feeding bottle or a soft toy to the string end of each balloon.

A baby bath tub can be turned into a punch bowl for the baby shower. Or it can be used as a container for all the gifts brought by the guests. The tub can be decorated with ribbons and balloons that reflect the theme of the party.

Upside down umbrellas hung from the ceiling make for interesting decorations. Colorful streamers can be attached to the ends.

With a bit of ingenuity and imagination, you can create simple, but attractive decorations for a baby shower without burning a hole in your pocket.

Kim Anderson is the owner of and Sites devoted to helping you make sure your baby shower is great.

Facts You Should Know About Baby Shower Etiquette

Writen by Jessika Ryder

Whether you're hosting a baby shower for the first time or not, chances are you've got some questions regarding the right baby shower etiquette. You want to create a truly special time for the guest of honor without any unintended faux pas. This guide was specially created to help you do exactly that.

The real basics

  • Take the wishes of the mom-to-be into account at every stage. That includes the games, food, invitation list and all other aspects of the baby shower.
  • You can have baby showers either before or after the baby is born. Generally, they're held 1 or 2 months before due date. But they're also held after baby arrives because of medical or other reasons.
  • These days, it is perfectly ok for a close relative or even the couple themselves to host a shower. Those "rules" about only non-relatives hosting a baby shower are quite dated now.
  • Before deciding on the kind of baby shower you plan to have -- girls-only or coed, theme or no theme and so on -- consult mom-to-be and find out what she prefers.
  • Who can be invited? Generally, anyone the mom-to-be feels she should call. She's the best guide here.
  • Do you always need to send written baby shower invitations? It is usually the better choice. With a written invitation, guests have all details at their fingertips and need not rely on memory. Plus, you can (and usually should) include directions on how to get there.
  • At the same time, it is fine to just inform people on the phone. Do tell them well in advance, though. So they have enough time to buy gifts, arrange for a baby sitter, etc. And leave your contact numbers with them so they can reach you easily if they need any clarifications.
  • Can you hold a surprise shower? Sure. It can be a wonderful feeling for the expectant mother. But do consult someone close to her (mother, sister, etc) to know about her likely preferences in all areas.

The devil is in the details

Here's additional information on baby shower etiquette that'll help you host a truly great party.

  • Send out shower invitations at least 3 to 4 weeks in advance. Send them even earlier for out-of-town guests. Request an RSVP by a date 2 weeks before the baby shower.
  • If you're having a coed shower, you might turn the guys off if you send frilly baby pink invites full of baby talk. Stick to attractive, stylish invitations.
  • If you're planning a formal baby shower, avoid totally goofy games. At coed parties (or even at all-girl events), be wary of playing shower games that focus on expectant mom's tummy -- she may not be comfortable with them. Check with her about choices of games and ice-breaker activities.
  • Greet all guests at the door as they walk in, provide them with name tags (if there are many guests) and introduce them to others to get conversations going.
  • Lots of women have very different food preferences when they're pregnant as opposed to at other times. So do check with the guest of honor while finalizing the menu -- yes, every single item! She may have some ideas of her own about what baby shower food she prefers. Avoid foods are not recommended during pregnancy.
  • It's a real hassle for guests to eat a meal balancing their plate on their lap. Good shower etiquette demands that you provide sufficient tables so everyone can enjoy their meals. That way they don't have to worry about whether they're about to spill food on the floor!
  • Don't skimp on quantities of food. Sometimes a lot more may get consumed than you had bargained for! Same holds for baby shower favors, drinks, ice, etc -- having a little extra buys you peace of mind.
  • Register for gifts at only one place. Even if there are reasons like another store being closer to some guests. Else mom-to-be may end up with duplicate gifts she may have to return. And guests will be disappointed if they find that someone else has chosen the same gift they have.
  • While giving gift suggestions, include items at a variety of price points, not just high-ticket items. And do suggest that guests can get together to purchase higher priced items.
  • If there are older siblings, make sure they receive a gift each. They may already be feeling somewhat left out with a new baby on the way, so this is a great idea.
  • Irrespective of whether it's a coed baby shower or not, buy a gift specially for dad. He should feel that he was remembered too.
  • Record who gave each gift. Essential information when the time comes to send thank you cards! Sending thank you cards is essential baby shower etiquette.
  • Hand gifts to mom-to-be for her to open and take it from her once she's done with it. This will save her the hassle of continually getting up and moving about to pick up gifts.
  • Sometimes, some guests may need to leave early. They'll appreciate it if mom-to-be will open presents while everyone is eating.
  • Start the baby shower on time and keep it fairly short. Don't get bogged down in any one segment like games. Be sensitive to mom-to-be's energy level and any signs of fatigue she may show. End the party if she's beginning to feel run down. Walk guests to the door as they leave and be sure to thank them for coming.
  • Don't expect perfection. No party ever is perfect. There's always the unforeseen -- power goes off just as gifts are being opened, you forgot to dust one corner of the room, the pack of baby shower favors you opened just before the party turns out to be a different color than you ordered and so on. You can't control it all.

Special situations

You might have a friend or relative who just lost a baby, or is infertile despite all treatments. Should you call her for your baby shower? Attending may be a challenge for her. Being confronted with another's pregnancy may be difficult for her to bear.

The rule in such situations is -- ask. Check with her and find out if she is up to attending the baby shower. Don't just send an invitation in the mail. On the other hand, don't presume that she can't come and not call her at all. If she's close to the mom-to-be, she may well want to come. Or at least, she may send her good wishes and a gift.

But if she tells you that she can't make it, accept the situation with grace. Never hold it against her in any manner. Even if she said she would come and later backed out. Remember, it is probably one of the most difficult times she's ever had, so be generous and supportive.

Once you've understood these simple baby shower etiquette guidelines, you'll be far more confident about hosting a baby shower. Have fun, and create a special time that will live on in everyone's memories!

About the Author

Jessika Ryder is a successful business writer and party enthusiast providing valuable information on hosting fun baby showers. Her numerous articles provide party planning tips and other useful insights.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Evocative Charm Of A Baby Ink Footprint

Writen by Julian Pollock

The changes that every parent undergoes from the moment that their newborn baby emerges are beyond description. Yet every parent knows exactly what I am talking about. For most of us there is a huge increase in the speed of our life. It seems that the recent birth of a new member to the family has pushed us down a helter skelter, and all we can do is wait until we reach the bottom. Of course helter skelters are fun and the ride does come to an end; it's just that the images fly past so quickly that many of our precious memories end up in a blur. It is a time of great emotional importance and I thoroughly recommend to parents that they make whatever arrangements possible to provide as much a time and space, so as to relish the experience.

Many people will talk about the values of going with the flow, and not letting yourself get overwhelmed by the pace and pressure, the hustle and bustle of everyday parenthood. On the other hand, if you let go of everything, there may be nothing left at the end, to remind you of the rich experiences that are the quality of our life. The answer is just to reach some sort of sensible balance; to let go of trivia yet retain hold of the important threads in the tapestry of our baby's life. Certainly there is great value in retaining various mementos and keepsakes of the newborns to provide poignant and lingering memories of worth - that we can treasure later.

When you recall moments with your baby, how often do you rub those little feet, examine the little fingers? Subconsciously, you know they're changing all the time; growing with every second. Having a clear image of just how tiny those feet really were is a great way to recall the precious moments that flew by so fast in the first few roller coaster months of your baby's life. The little imprint made with ink is reminiscent of your little prince of princess's seal of youth perhaps even a stamp of approval. But much more than that, it will evoke the poignant emotions as only parents and close friends will have experienced in relation to this baby's new life.

For the tiniest of new arrivals, few keepsakes fit the occasion better than saving an image of your baby's footprint in ink. But you do need to hurry with this project. Those little baby hands and feet are growing almost as fast as Jack's proverbial beanstalk. With a quick search on the internet for baby footprint or baby print, you soon discover or perhaps already know that there are fortunately a number of different types of kits specifically designed to help you create a baby handprint or footprint. Some are referred to as baby impression kits – you can even get kits to make a three dimensional casting.

The advantage of the ink print is that it is straight forward and doesn't require even the slightest pressure or force to end up with a beautifully clear baby print. This is particularly important for babies of only a few months old. You could start off with a search for "baby ink footprint" straight away, but a slightly more general search gives you an idea of what's out there. Just remember that time and this opportunity are steadily flying away, so capture the moment and the memento when your baby is at his or her tiniest – it makes for the cutest of imprints and lasts for life.

Julian Pollock, after many years of seeking solitude in the Himalayan foothills, has re-established his life in the West and has been publishing articles and informative web sites. He regularly contributes to which, apart from covering the various advantages of the baby ink footprint over impression kits, also describes the creating of a baby keepsake footprint as well as considering the baby footprint kits available.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Preserving Clothing With Baby Bibs

Writen by Ed Whit

Baby Bibs are what many parents think by far one of the best inventions for baby. They can be save parents a lot of money with the damages that will be saved from protecting the baby clothes with the bib. Many parents will use a bib on their child to help prevent accidents on their clothing. When babies drink from a bottle, eat baby food, or are teething, they can often make quite a mess on themselves. With a bib, the accidents will spill onto the bib itself, preventing permanent stains from occurring on the child's clothing. Since babies especially can be very messy eaters, a bib can be a parent's best friend.

There are different Baby Bibs that can be purchased. There are styles such as vinyl, where the food will slide off, and typically into a pocket at the bottom of the bib. The pocket will hold the food and drink at the bottom of the bib until it is cleaned up. Other bibs are created of cloth, and act as an absorbent for the liquids that are spilled on the bib. Bibs can be of great aid to help maintain the condition of the clothing.

Baby Bibs are indeed an item that every parent should have. They can keep not only the clothing, but the child clean. They are great gifts to give away, as they often come in lots of 3 or more. Every baby can benefit from using a bib.

You can find this article and more like it at

Human Milk Bank Donor Helps Premature And Sick Infants And Children

Writen by Diana Clarke

Lisa Fozo (37), a Fair Oaks resident, wanted to breastfeed so much that when her two sons didn't latch on, she pumped her own milk and bottle fed it to them. With her first child, Alex, (5) she had an excess of milk and had to discard it. But when she had her second child, Kyle, (15 months) Mercy Hospital of Folsom referred her to Karen Evon, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. Evon is also part owner of Maternal Expressions in Folsom, a maternity and breastfeeding specialty store. Evon advised Lisa to donate her surplus milk to the Mother's Milk Bank in San Jose, California.

The Mother's Milk Bank is the only one of its kind on the West Coast. It ships milk within California, outside of the state, and even occasionally to foreign countries. In the U.S there are six other milk banks: Newark, Delaware; Columbus, Ohio; Denver, Colorado; Fort Worth, Texas; Austin, Texas; and Raleigh, North Carolina. The milk banks are overseen by The Human Milk Banking Association of North America. Milk banks provide human milk for premature and ill infants and children under a doctor's prescription.

Lisa donated 250 ounces to the Mother's Milk Bank after having Kyle. "I wish I had known with my first child so I could have helped more babies, "says Lisa. Evon says, "Mothers who have a surplus of milk may have a larger storage capacity which usually has nothing to do with breast size." Lisa produced 16 ounces of milk in three hours. And in the morning, she could pump 32 ounces in 15 minutes.

Lisa says that her husband Ed was the one who first encouraged her to nurse. He saw how healthy his sister-in-law's children were on human milk, so when Lisa became pregnant, he said "I hope you'll breastfeed."

That's easy to say, but Ed wasn't a passive observer. He bottle fed his infants the breast milk on weekends while Lisa pumped the milk. He also attended breastfeeding classes with her.

But before Lisa could donate the milk, she had to undergo a screening process: Prospective milk donors must meet certain criteria before donating milk. They must be lactating and submit to tests for Hepatitis B and C, Syphilis, HIV 1 and 2, human T cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV) 1 and 2, and Ruebella titer. All viral and bacterial studies must be negative, and a history of systemic diseases such as leprosy and cancer will disqualify prospective donors.

Donors may not smoke, consume alcohol, or take medications or herbal supplements at the time of donation, with the exception of drugs, such as insulin, Syn-Thyroid, and progestin-only birth control pills or injections. After donors pass the health evaluation, they will learn how to express milk with a pump, label glass bottles, freeze the milk and store it in the freezer.

Diana Clarke is a teacher and health educator. Her articles have appeared in newspapers and magazines, such as the San Jose Mercury News, Listen Magazine and the World of English.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

A History And Overview Of Pali Furniture

Writen by Enrique Sprout

Pali cribs are some of the most sought-after baby furniture on the market today. Much of what is known about the company and the quality of its products comes from word-of-mouth. This article explains some of the history behind Pali cribs and cots and also Pali baby furniture.

The history of Pali furniture is like that of many family businesses. Pali got its start in 1919 when Ermenegildo Pali began manufacturing chairs in his kitchen. He would work all day to produce only a few chairs, allowing his hand-made furniture to remain at the highest quality possible. Soon his operation grew larger than a family kitchen could hold and into the shed of the Pali family home.

Business grew steadily and soon Ermenegildo became successful enough to require a building dedicated solely to the family's workmanship. Once that building became too crowded, additional areas of land were developed. Finally, in 1962 the company made the decision to shift completely towards a focus on the production of cribs and other baby furniture.

There are a number of reasons Pali baby cribs are considered to be one of the top choices among all baby furniture options. First, all of Pali's cribs are made of Italian Beech wood. Beech is a genus of ten different species of deciduous trees which originate from Asia, North America and Europe. Pali furniture uses only Italian Beech wood, which is considered a commodity in the open market of fine furniture materials. Other typical applications of Beech wood are furniture, veneer plywood, flooring and even railroad ties.

One of the admirable aspects of Pali baby cribs is the attention to baby safety. Pali cribs and cots use the industry standard distance of two and three-eighths inches between slats. Baby crib slats are the wooden bars that reach up the sides of a crib and prevent the child from falling out. Another helpful aspect of the construction of any Pali baby bed is the use of rounding on all edges of each Pali crib. Pali cribs are built to handle the bouncing and movement of an active baby as it develops.

Another area of Pali's expertise is the design and manufacture of baby mattresses. Using the utmost design care, Pali produces mattresses that not only offer a comfortable place to rest, but is engineered to meet the stringent quality standards in the baby furniture industry. Pali baby cots offer three levels of height for the mattress support, which makes the use of the baby cot easier on parents. As the child grows and is able to achieve a sitting position, the mattress can be lowered to ensure the safety of the child.

Pali's history of growing from a small kitchen workshop to one of the greatest producers of baby furniture world wide has been a gradual yet successful process. Its products have helped generations of parents and their baby's thrive during the first eighteen months of life and are likely to continue to do so for a long time.

Enrique is an expert author on subjects related to baby furniture and Pali Italian baby furniture. He lives in Madison, Alabama and is the proud father and member of Shetland Sheepdog Club of North Alabama. He enjoys golf with his friend Phillipe Testanni.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Decorating A Baby Boy Room

Writen by Rebecca Johnson

There are many great options available when it comes to decorating a baby boy's room. Whether you choose to use a theme or to just keep it neutral, you can create a great room for your new baby boy.

If it's a theme you are interested in, here are some popular ones for a baby boy nursery:

  • Western - lassos, cactus, horses, and cowboys help make a great room for your little buckaroo-to-be. It is also a theme that will carry well into a toddler and young boy's room, saving you the time and expensive of having to redo the room in a couple of years.

  • Noah's Ark - is a cute and popular nursery theme for a baby boy's room. Animals in pairs and arks can be used to accessorize the room.

  • Sports - sports themes are another popular idea for a baby boy's nursery décor. You could choose a specific sport such as baseball or football to base the room around or create a room using several sports as the theme. This is another room theme that would easily carry through to the toddler and early childhood years.

  • Things That Go - planes, trains, and automobiles are all wonderful items for decorating a baby boy room. Use them together as a combined theme or choose just one to focus the room's motif around.

    If a theme isn't for you, choosing a color scheme to build the room's décor around is a good way to go about planning the room. Don't feel limited to the traditional shades of blue for a baby boy's room. Consider choosing a nursery bedding set you like and then using the bedding to choose paint colors and décor. Shelves with knick knacks and mementos, growth charts, and art work can be found to compliment the paint and bedding. Large letters spelling out the baby's name can be hung on the wall and a baby shadowbox could be created using such keepsakes as a birth announcement, footprint, hospital bracelet, a pair of baby socks, etc.

    Take into consideration how long you want to use the décor in the room when planning it. If you want the baby nursery décor you choose to care over into a little boy's room, then avoid using themes that won't grow well with the child. Also remember to design a room that you will enjoy being in. Although your baby will be too young to appreciate your hard work, you will be spending a lot of time in the room also so create an atmosphere you will enjoy as well!

    © Copyright Rebecca Johnson, All Rights Reserved

    Rebecca Johnson owns and operates, a website that provides decorating and planning ideas for creating a baby nursery. Visit it for more baby boy nursery theme ideas and more baby room decorating tips.

  • Tuesday, June 24, 2008

    The Perfect Toys For Your Toddlers

    Writen by Adwina D. Jackson

    The preschool years of your child are very important because in that period your child's growth and learning progress are at an amazing pace. Your toddler's brain develops at a fast pace in this age and he or she learns to establish connection between humans, objects and events.

    Your toddler is full of energy and curiosity and it can be quite challenging to choose toys that satisfy and stimulate your child. At this age, children are just discovering their abilities and the things around them; they love climbing, running, jumping, and maneuvering objects with their developing motor skills and muscles. They are also becoming interested in sensory stimulation, and in imitating grown-up activity.

    When choosing toys appropriate for your toddler, it is important to keep their needs and interests in mind, and to think about what skills a toddler needs to develop as he or she grows up.

    At this age, toddlers need:

    • Sensory stimulus

    • Creative outlet

    • Freedom

    • Supervision

    • Companionship

    • Challenges

    Appropriate and Allowable Toys for Toddlers

    Toddlers are active, curious, restless, and very playful. They need a great deal of supervision and interaction, and when choosing toys for their development and enjoyment, a lot of factors must be considered.

    It is an exciting age of development. Toddlers are a pleasure as they embark on difficult boundaries and flexing muscles, especially those cognitive and creative. The whole lot is a fantastic new knowledge for toddlers. All you require to do is continue to supply to them with assorted tools for creative growth, and they will flabbergast you.

    In this age, toddlers are energetic and take pleasure in running, climbing, and jumping. They also are involved in doing things with their hands as the small muscles in their fingers become more developed. However, toys for this age group should be straightforward and needing little coordination. During this stage, toddlers become attracted in playing with others and in copying adult actions. Toys like dress-up clothes would be ideal for them to learn new tricks.

    In this age, toddlers also are very much interested in sensory resources such as crayons, paint, play dough and chalk. They just love to scribble and blend colors.

    Recommended toys, tools and kits for toddlers include tables with limitless paper and crayons, chalk and chalkboards, paint, clay blocks, construction toys and plenty of chances for pretend and make believe.

    The following sections categorize toddlers into various age groups and discuss their needs, skills and correspondingly appropriate toys.

    • 1 year - 1.5 years old: Many children begin walking around their first birthday, and are very eager to use this new skill to explore their surroundings. Toddlers are very goal-oriented, and this is also the time when they are developing large muscles and improving their motor skills.

    Appropriate toys: Stuffed animals, pail and shovel, water toys, building blocks, push-up toys, paddle toys, swing sets, cars and trucks big enough to ride, toy wagons, simple musical instruments, etc.

    • 1.5 years - 2 years old: Now children begin using their imagination towards having fun and solving problems. They learn to match objects by size, shape and color, and follow simple instructions. This is also a time of "vocabulary boom", when toddlers learn an astonishing number of new words.

    Appropriate toys: Puppets, dolls, playhouses, balls and bean bags, balloons, puzzles, miniature appliances, costumes, storybooks to read together, swings and climbing structures etc.

    • 2 years - 3 years old: During this time, children love to expand their imagination, imitate grown-ups, and develop coordination and control. They also learn to draw and express their worldview, take on new challenges and build upon their social, motor and verbal skills.

    Appropriate toys: Puzzles, tricycle, tea set, sandbox toys, peg boards, blocks, blackboard and chalk, crayons, finger-paints, puzzles and creative materials like clay and modeling dough, dress-up clothes, dolls and stuffed animals, boxes and books with simple stories, water play toys etc.

    About the author: Adwina Jackson has a deep concern on parenting. Get her inspirational guides about Educational Toys at Also, grasp her other motivational parenting tips at, a worth-to-visit daily updated blog.

    Ideas For A Unique Baby Shower Gift

    Writen by Alison Palmer

    There are few things in life that can match the amazing miracle of birth. It is a process made even more exciting when someone you care about is pregnant. As her due date gets closer, chances are good that you will be asked to attend a baby shower. This gives family and friends an opportunity to celebrate the impending arrival by giving the expectant mother gifts. How can you choose the perfect gift for such an occasion? In this article, we'll give you some can't-miss ideas for a unique baby shower gift that will please both mother and child.

    It is helpful (but not necessary) if you know the sex and name of the baby. Obviously, if your loved one has chosen to keep these details secret until the due date, then you will have no way of knowing this. However, if she has revealed the sex and name of the baby, you will be able to make the gift even more original. Where is the best place to start looking? Ask the mother-to-be if she has registered with any retailers or online merchants.

    A registry is set up to make gift-giving a breeze. Here's how it works: The mother-to-be goes online or into a store that carries many different baby items. She then fills out a list of the things that she would like for the baby and it is made available for friends and family to see. This makes shopping so simple; as you already know that the expectant mother will absolutely love anything off the registry list. O.K., but how can you add your own unique twist on something she has already chosen?

    There are a few ways you can do this. First, you can have the item or items personalized with the name of the baby. Most stores offer services where this is possible. If this doesn't appeal to you, you can also choose something from the registry that is fun for the baby, such as a play area or jumper. Most people tend to buy the baby clothes and necessities (bottles, bibs, etc.), so your gift will definitely be a unique change of pace.

    If you are the creative sort, you can also make something by hand for the baby shower. You could knit the baby a blanket or outfit, which will surely represent a special and heartfelt alternative to store-bought merchandise.

    For one last idea, you could get the mother something that she can use on herself. Think about it; after nine months of worrying about only the baby, she definitely deserves to be pampered. A gift certificate for a day at the spa (facial, massage, etc.) is a terrific way to remind Mommy that she also needs to be taken care of. It will also stand out among a sea of baby items as a truly unique gift.

    These are just a few ideas for a unique baby shower gift that you can consider. The most important thing is to just be there for your loved one as she goes through this incredible journey. It is friends and family like you that make the process all the more enjoyable.

    Alison Palmer has an interest in Family & Children related topics. To access more information on unique baby gift or on unique wedding gift, please click on the links.

    Monday, June 23, 2008

    Why Should I Purchase A Baby Gate

    Writen by LynnMarie S.

    A baby gate will be one of the most important additions to the home. There will be many potential dangers waiting around every corner for baby whether it is a stair case, fireplace or tables with edges. It is difficult to monitor an active baby every second of the day but neglecting to do so can result in an accident occurring. An accident prevention method and a helping hand in monitoring the child is the purchase of a baby gate. A baby gate is the most practical solution to ensure the safety of the child.

    The basic function of a baby gate is to restrict the baby from entering rooms with potential hazards or harms. Baby gates are preferred by almost all parents because they are easy to use and easy to transport. Most gates are easy to move from one room to another and often can be opened with one hand. Baby gates are generally installed in the major entrance areas of the home which often include the top of stairs, in major hallways and often at the doors of the nursery. Some specialized baby gates are free standing and will act as an enclosure to the playing space of the baby.

    Baby gates come in two different installation styles: pressure mount and hardware mount. Hardware mounted gates use special hardware to attach to fixtures in the areas of installation. The gate is not transportable and is generally used in an area where baby spends most of the day. Pressure mounted gates are easy to install and don't require any hardware or tools. The gates are often a favorite with parents because of the ease of installation and the portability. Pressure mounted gates leave no indentations on the wall after they are broken down.

    Baby gates are made of either wood, metal or plastic. Metal baby gates are a favorite because of their durability and functionality. Metal gates can be used with gate extension kits to add extra coverage. They come in a variety of colors and can be used for years. Wood gates add a natural elegance to any area of installation. Wood gates do not accept gate extension kits. Plastic gates are the most economic and easiest to handle. Plastic gates are lightweight and easy to transport from opening to opening.

    Many gates are specialized for specific areas. Extra tall gates are great for pets and for growing children who are becoming more adventurous. Extra wide gates are great for rooms with wide doorways or large spaces which are heavily trafficked. Free standing gates are perfect for keeping the child confined to one specific area of the room. Specialized gates keep the child safe from areas of specific concern like around the fireplace.

    Several criteria should be followed when purchasing baby gates. The first thing a parent should do is measure the area where the gate is going to be installed. It is an obvious, yet extremely important step. The second thing is to ensure the gate is the correct type of gate for the area. A doorway gate should not be purchased for the top of stairs. The third thing a parent should do is be sure that the gate is easy to understand and use. It is difficult to operate a gate with a child in one arm and another in tow. Make sure the gate can operated with ease.

    About the Author

    LynnMarie is On-Line Editor for which is one of the top online retailers of Baby Gates including a wide variety of Metal Gates to keep your little one safe.

    Valentino By Any Other Name Would Be A Tango Dancer

    Writen by Vlady Peters

    Valentino, like James Dean, died while his career was just beginning to take off. Had he lived longer he may have retained his charismatic reputation. Or, as in the case of many others, it may have died under the weight of second rate movies.

    After all, he exploded on the screen with 'The Sheik', followed some years later by 'Son of the Sheik'. One can almost see the writing on the wall with such follow ups as 'Nephew of the Sheik', 'Grandson of the Sheik', or, as is the current vogue to name sequels to successful movies, 'Sheik ll' and 'Sheik lll'. By the time 'Sheik 1V' was released, audiences, even women, might have become tired of Rudy despite the smoldering eyes and bare chest.

    However, whatever his acting ability, Valentino recognized that some names simply don't generate the right sort of suggestibility. When he started his career in the entertainment industry as a tango dancer his name was Rodolfo Pietro Filiberto Raffaele Guglielmi. That was good enough for a taxi dancer – a sort of 'ten-cents a dance' guy who got paid by escortless good-time girls who wanted a good time but didn't have a guy to have it with.

    As a potential film star, though, Mr. Guglielmi wanted to have his name associated with something evocative of how he wanted to be perceived. What better name than Valentino, after that patron Saint of Lovers, Saint Valentine. Enter Valentino, the Latin Lover.

    That names are important can be attested to by the numberless sites on the Internet giving the meaning of names, their origin, what important and influentail people have been so named, and their past and current popularity.

    In a Baby Naming ceremony, some parents take the name seriously enough to actually explain to those present why the particular name was chosen, and how they expect it to effect the child whose Naming ceremony they're celebrating.

    Vlady Peters is an Australian Civil Marriage Celebrant authorised to perform marriages in Australia. She also perform general ceremonies such as Baby Naming, Renewal of Vows and Commitment Ceremonies. To learn more about her as a celebrant and an author visit vlady at

    Sunday, June 22, 2008

    Music Therapy For Baby

    Writen by Yana Mikheeva

    Recently, we can often hear both from pediatricians and psychologists about benefits of listening to music for babies. Of course, it is not surprising at all, as already our grannies sang songs to babies, to calm them down. Are there any medical researches on this subject?

    Excursus to history

    THE ANCIENTS were the first who noticed a beneficial effect of music both on soul and body. They treated neural-mental illnesses with music, and tried to use it as anaesthetic in Middle Ages… But all these experiments were carried out with adults.

    In the beginning of 20th century scientists already could see that it was curative for babies to listen to classical music and lullabies, that music not only develops children, but also makes them healthier. Scientists decided to find scientific grounds of music therapy. And the first patients, who received treatment with music, were prematurely born babies.

    What the researches showed

    AS a rule, if a baby suffered from lack of oxygen during his prenatal development, no matter whether he is premature or not, his activity of cell ferments is lowered. After listening to classical music, activity of babies' cell ferments rose. A cytochemical analysis showed this. They also took babies' blood pressure, pulse, rhythm of breathing. And they always observed a classical reaction of adaptation: organism adjusted itself to environment and felt better.

    Well, may be, children react this way to any sound irritant - alarm-clock ticking, conversation? May be, harmony and melody have nothing to do with it?

    Researchers switched on a metronome for babies, which beat out a slow rhythm at a calm music pace. Babies behaved rather well: calmed down and fell asleep. But cytochemical analysis registered objectively: on the background of metronome working, an oppression of ferments took place in cells.

    By the way, this is a proof of the fact that rock music with pronounced pulsatile rhythm is harmful for small babies.

    When parents were going to take away their babies from hospital, doctors recommended them to continue carrying out music therapy procedures at home, along with massage, special gymnastics and exercises in water. Parents treated such advices in different ways, some of them switched on music for their babies, some of them did not.

    But when a year later all these babies passed a checkup, interesting facts were discovered. Babies, who were constantly listening to classical music, coped better with neurologic defects, than the ones, whose parents did not believe in a healing power of music therapy. This way a reliable statistics appeared.

    Which music should babies listen to?

    EXCITABLE, fidget children should listen to melodies at a slow pace – "adagio", "andante". As a rule, second parts of classical sonatas and instrumental concerts have such pace. German scientists worked out main scientific literature on this subject, and German and Viennese classical music prevailed in their programs: Mozart, Schubert, Haydn… Later they added Vivaldi and Tchaikovski…

    For example, this can be a second part of a "Short nocturnal serenade" by Mozart, "Winter" from "Seasons" by Vivaldi, a duet of Lisa and Polina from Tchaikovski's opera "Queen of spades", lullabies.

    A melody with words influences babies stronger, than a melody without words. And live singing is stronger, than instrumental performance recorded on CD. A language of singing does not matter, new-born babies can gladly listen to, for example, a lullaby by Brahms or Christmas motets in German language.

    And babies, suffering from syndrome of distress, who nurse badly and sometimes even breathe spasmodically, should listen to musical compositions at "allegro" and "allegro moderato" pace by Mozart, Schubert, Haydn… For example: waltzes from Tchaikovski's ballets "On troika" from his "Seasons", "Spring" from Vivaldi's "Seasons", and also martial music.

    Music therapy procedures are also of benefit for healthy, normally developing children. They also should be calmed down or, on the contrary, emboldened sometimes. This can be done with the help of relaxing or energetic music. On no account, put on ear-phones on your baby. Our ears are adjusted to diffused sound by nature. Immature brain can receive an acoustic trauma because of directed sound.

    Music therapy is contra-indicated to:

    Babies with predisposition to fits.
    Babies in a serious condition, which is accompanied by organism intoxication.
    Babies suffering from otitis.
    Babies, whose intracranial pressure increases sharply.

    Rest on a cellular level

    NOW parents have large selection of remedies – they can buy CD-discs with classical music in traditional performance. Or discs with classical music, arranged especially for babies. This music is accompanied by hand bells. Some may like such arrangement, other may not. You should see yourself your baby's reaction.

    You can also buy CD-records of classical music on the background of sounds of nature – rote, sound of rain, murmur of the forest… Listen to music together with your baby and relax, as restless babies' mothers just need a good rest, on a cellular level.

    Yana Mikheeva is the creator of the Baby-Health.Net at Are you going to get pregnant? Visit our friendly resource and read information on pregnancy and parenting, painless childbirth, growth and development of a baby, baby health, safety, signs of pregnancy. She also has a blog for women at

    Baby Shower Centerpieces That Double As A Gift

    Writen by Randy Wilson

    Here you will learn how to make and where to purchase your baby shower centerpieces. As the centerpiece is the focal point of the baby shower, it is very important for you to design or purchase the right one.

    You need to place them above eye level at the table to keep from blocking the view of the and the guest of honor from seeing each other at the table. There are many different types of baby shower centerpieces to choose from. One very popular type of centerpiece which doubles as your baby shower gift is a baby diaper cake.

    Once you have picked your theme you need to keep it featured around that theme. If making your own baby shower centerpiece, many of the supplies needed will be available locally. However, going online will add to the variety of baby shower centerpieces you have to choose from.

    Many baby shower centerpieces will be made with candles surrounding them. Such as floral centerpieces, using fresh or artificial flowers. Fresh flowers will be more economical if you choose flowers that are in season. When choosing artificial flowers, you can go with silk, chocolate flowers such as roses, plastic flowers, or light-up roses.

    • Use a wicker basket and fill it with baby items. You could put a cloth diaper, diaper pins, baby bottles, bibs, baby socks, pacifiers and other small baby items. Surround the basket with small candles or put a couple of helium balloons tied to the handle.

    • If using a beach theme, use a beach bucket and place a flower arrangement inside, with candles around the outside. Or put small tools for the beach inside the bucket.

    • Fill a small goldfish bowl with water and fill it with floating candles and flower buds. Or you might even add a goldfish to the water.

    • Use votive holders and candles that match your theme. They will provide a soft type of illumination to the event.

    • Go to a craft section or a craft store and purchase small pink and blue gemstones. You could place these in votive holders, or small glass vases of different sizes. Add shredded tissue to the mix and you will have another lovely baby shower centerpiece.

    • You could get different glass figurines of a stork, swan, castle, teddy bear, or whatever would fit with the theme. Put them in a box filled with colored shredded paper and put the figurine on top. Any of these would be a great addition to your baby shower.

    • Hang an umbrella from the ceiling filled with stuffed animals. Or you could put flowers inside and add balloons, dolls and/or ribbons.

    • Fill a bucket, bowl, or basket with candy, small stuffed animals, or flowers.

    • If the baby shower is in the fall or winter. Use small pumpkins, headstones, or leaves of different colors. Pumpkins could be made of tissue, or small figures of pumpkins.

    • Tropical Themes could use many different items to make your baby shower center piece. Pineapples, tiki lights, small palm trees, hula dancer center piece, or a flamingo.

    • Nautical themes could use small boats, ships, sailboats, anchors, or a treasure chest.

    • Spring themes could include items such as hearts, leprechauns, or bunnies.

    • Western themes could use straw, cowboy hats, cowboy boots, western badges and rope.

    These are just some ideas to choose from. Think about them, mix and match, or add your own ideas to make baby shower centerpieces that perfectly match your theme. You and your guests and guest of honor will have a fun day. They will be getting away from reality for a short time to rest and enjoy themselves.

    © Copyright Randy Wilson, All Rights Reserved.

    Randy is owner of How to Plan a Baby Shower where you can get more tips and ideas for your baby shower. You can also purchase and find free baby shower games. Randy owned and operated a very successful storefront/mailorder business from 1988 to 2003. Currently full time owner/operator of several online businesses.

    Saturday, June 21, 2008

    What To Look For When Choosing Baby Furniture

    Writen by Gary Hendricks

    If you're a new parent, be aware that you baby will probably spend more time in the nursery than anywhere else. So you do need to make it absolutely safe and comfortable. Make it attractive and well organized too.

    To get started, decide which furniture you need. These include: cribs, crib mattresses, bassinets, cradles, Moses baskets and changing tables.


    Your child will sleep in a crib until it's time to move into a real bed (typically between the ages of 2 and 3). So choose sturdy crib that you can use every day for at least two years. New cribs sold in the United States (including all cribs sold in our Store) comply with modern safety standards. The crib should have a railing that lowers, so you can pick up your baby easily; some models have railings that lower on both sides. You'll spend $200 to $400 for a safe, well-made crib. Spending more usually buys you finer woods and more intricate designs.

    Crib Mattresses

    To sleep soundly and safely, babies require firm support. Consider cost, comfort, and sturdiness, as your child will probably sleep in his crib for up to three years. The first choice you'll have to make is between a foam mattress and an innerspring mattress. Be prepared to pay $60 to $100 for a foam crib mattress, and up to $140 for an innerspring crib mattress.

    Bassinets, Cradles and Moses Baskets

    A bassinet, cradle, or Moses basket can be a convenient and comfortable sleeping place for your baby during the first few months. Your baby may feel more at ease in the smaller, cozier space than in a crib. Plus you can carry these small portable baby beds from room to room, letting you keep a close watch on your sleeping baby. Your bassinet should have a firm mattress that fits snugly without any space around the edges.

    Changing Tables

    To change baby's diapers conveniently, you'll definitely need a comfortable place to do it. A changing table is most suitable for this. If you decide to invest in a changing table, there are plenty of well-designed, practical, and attractive ones to choose from. And as your baby grows, a special table can offer more security, with railings and special straps to help hold your wriggling child in place. Make sure there are safety straps to help secure your baby. If your changing table doesn't have safety straps, you should add them.

    Shopping for baby furniture can be challenging. With this guide, hopefully your task is now a little simpler!

    About The Author

    Need Some Advice on Parenting and Baby Care? Gary Hendricks has compiled the best articles on parenting, baby care and baby products =>;

    Friday, June 20, 2008

    Unusual Baby Names A Popular Trend

    Writen by Alli Ross

    Parents today seem to be favoring unusual baby names. At one point in history, over half of the children born were given popular names. No more. Today's trend is to break with the traditional. Your picking a name because you love it, not because of what everybody else thinks of it.

    A name is central to a child's earliest sense of identity. It's often the first word he or she learns to read and write. Naming trends of today are defined by celebrities, literary classics, and even name brands. Look no further than your favorite book, car, or brand for baby name ideas. Names like "Armani", "Del Monte", "Infiniti", "Celica", "Chevy", and "Lexus" are increasing in popularity.

    So, how do you go about finding an unusual baby name? Believe it or not, celebrities are a great source of unusual baby names. There has recently been a major trend amongst celebrities choosing unusual names for their children. Julia Roberts named her twins Hazel and Phinnaeus. Demi Moore and Bruce Willis are the parents of Rumer Glenn, Scout LaRue and Tallulah Belle. Gwyneth Paltrow and Coldplay singer Chris Martin recently named their child Apple. Sylvester Stallone has given his children the names Sage Moonblood and Sistine Rose. Courteney Cox Arquette and David Arquette are the proud parents of Coco and John Travolta and Kelly Preston named their boy Jett.

    While you may not want to be quite this unusual, a creative name gives your child a unique identity and distinguishes them from all the James, John's, and Jacob's.

    You can also get some great baby naming ideas from other countries. In Ireland, some of the most popular baby names are Cian, Dylan, and Conor. Germany likes the names Felix and Lucas while Norway prefers Andrian, Sander, and Tobias.

    You could even make up your own baby names! Here are some tips on how to come up with original names.

    Create a name from two names. You can combine two names that you really like. If you really like Sarah and Beth, you could combine them to form Sarah-Beth. If you like David and Daniel, you could form Daviel.

    You could also start spelling names backward to come up with some unique combinations.

    Another common technique that is being used is giving a traditional name a different spelling. So David might turn into Dayvid or Sierra could be Cyera.

    You might also want to consider naming your child after cities, street names, or landmarks. Montanna, Everest, Shea, Austin, and Dakota all make for great baby names.

    Whether you choose a name that expresses family loyalty and tradition or your own flare and originality, it is sure to be an exciting milestone. Take some time to choose a name that your child will enjoy for a lifetime. A name is forever.

    Feel free to reprint this article as long as the following resource box is left intact with all hyperlinks active.

    Alli Ross is the creator of the

    href=""> Baby Names Box , where you can find the top 100 baby names and many unusual baby names

    Baby Name Trends From Classic To Hip

    Writen by Alli Ross

    Goodbye Bertha, Hello Kaitlyn! The top baby names of today break with tradition and follow-up on new trends. Because choosing the perfect name can be a daunting task, many informative web sites have been launched with parents in mind.

    A name is central to a child's earliest sense of identity. It's often the first word he or she learns to read and write. Naming trends of today are defined by celebrities, literary classics, and even name brands. Look no further than your favorite book, car, or brand for baby name ideas. Names like "Armani", "Del Monte", "Infiniti", "Celica", "Chevy", and "Lexus" are increasing in popularity.

    Unisex names are another trend that is gaining steam. Parents are using names such as Jordan, Madison, Devon, Bailey, Parker, and Logan on boys and girls. However, when naming a baby, parents must consider if it invites potential teasing. Boys are often targeted more heavily than girls.

    Want to add a twist to your baby's name? Another naming trend includes spelling classical names untraditionally. There are usually at least five different ways to spell any name. This way, you can add variety to a classical favorite.

    You could also use a name inspired by nature. Examples for boys include Ashton, Avery, Birch, Bradley, Grant, Holden, Landon, Logan, or Wesley. For girls you could use Beverly, Brooke, Erica, Hayley, Lauren, Lillian, or Olivia.

    Want a crafty name? Bailey, Baker, Carter, Cooper, Foster, Mason, Porter, and Turner may be more your style. However, you can't go wrong with the following chart-topping baby names, whether you prefer the 1900's or the 1990's.

    Names of the 1900's:

    Boys: John, William, James, Charles and Robert

    Girls: Mary, Helen, Elizabeth, Marie, and Alice

    Names of the 1990's:

    Boys: Michael, Christopher, Joshua, Jacob, Andrew, David, and Tyler

    Girls: Ahley, Emily, Sarah, Amanda, Taylor, Megan, Kayla, and Nicole

    Best of luck!

    GranMamma is the webmaster at the Baby Names Box - - Where you can explore over 6,000 baby names and their meanings. Read articles on parenting, family, home and gardening. Be sure to say hi to GranMamma!

    Thursday, June 19, 2008

    How Do You Talk To A Baby

    Writen by Carolyn Joana

    The roads to communication with a baby are endless, and each parent travels some more than others. Here are some you may want to take to talk to your baby

      Do a running commentary. Don't make a move, at least when you're around your baby, without talking about it. Narrate the dressing process;'Now I'm putting on your nappy . .. here goes the T-shirt over your head. . . now I'm buttoning your dungarees'. In the kitchen describe the washing of the dishes, or the process of seasoning the pasta sauce. During the bath, explain about soap and rinsing, and that a shampoo makes the hair shiny and clean. It doesn't matter that your baby hasn't the slightest inkling of what you're talking about. Blow-by-blow descriptions help get you talking and baby listening - thereby starting him or her on the path to understanding,

      Ask a lot. Don't wait until your baby starts having answers to start asking questions. Think of yourself as a reporter, your baby as an intriguing interviewee. The questions can be as varied as your day; 'Would you like to wear the red trousers or the green dungarees?' 'Isn't the sky a beautiful blue today? 'Should I buy green beans or broccoli for dinner?' Pause for an answer (one day your baby will surprise you with one), and then supply the answer yourself, out loud ('Broccoli? Good choice').

      Give baby a chance. Studies show that infants whose parents talk with them rather than at them learn to talk earlier. Give your baby a chance o get in a coo, a gurgle or a giggle. In your running commentaries, be sure to leave some openings for baby's comments.

      Keep it simple - some of the time. Though right now your baby would probably derive listening measure from a dramatic recitation of Hamlet's soliloquy or an animated assessment of the economy, as he or she gets a bit older, you'll want to make it easier to pick out individual words. So at least part of the time, make a conscious effort to use simple sentences and phrases: 'See the light', 'Bye-bye', 'Baby's fingers, 'baby's toes', and 'Nice doggie'.

      Put aside pronouns. It's difficult for a baby to grasp that 'I' or 'me' or 'you' can be mummy, or daddy, or grandma, or even baby - depending on who's talking. So most of the time, refer to yourself as 'mummy or "daddy' or 'grandma' and to your baby by name: 'Now Daddy is going to change Amanda's nappy'.

      Raise your pitch. Most babies prefer a high-pitched voice, which may be why women's voices are usually naturally higher-pitched than men's, and why most mothers' (and father's) voices climb an octave or two when addressing their infants. Try raising your pitch when talking directly to your baby, and watch the reaction. (A few infants prefer a lower pitch: experiment to see which appeals to yours.)

      Bring on the baby talk ... or not. If the silly stuff ('Who's my little bunny-wunny?') comes naturally to you, babble away in baby talk. If it doesn't, feel free to skip it. If you're big on baby talk, don't forget to throw some correct, more adult English into your conversations with your infant, too, so that he or she won't grow up thinking all words end with a y or ie.

      Stick to the here and now. Though you can muse about almost anything to your baby, there won't be any noticeable comprehension for a while. As comprehension does develop, you will want to stick more to what the baby can see or is experiencing at the moment. A young baby doesn't have a memory for the past or a concept of the future.

      Imitate. Babies love the flattery that comes with imitation. When baby coos, coo back; when he or she utters an 'Ahh', utter one, too. Imitation will quickly become a game that you'll both enjoy, and which will set the foundation for baby's imitating your language - it will also help build self-esteem ('What I say matters!').

      Set it to music. Don't worry if you can't carry a tune - little babies are notoriously undiscriminating when it comes to music. They'll love what you sing to them whether it's a current hit, an old favourite or just some nonsense you've set to a familiar tune. If your sensibilities (or your neighbours) prohibit a song, then singsong will do. Most nursery rhymes entrance even young infants. And accompanying hand gestures, if you know some or can make some up, double the delight. Your baby will quickly let you know which are favourites, and which you'll be expected to sing over and over and over again.

      Read aloud. Though at first the words will have no meaning to baby, its never too early to begin reading some simple rhyming stories or board books out loud. When you aren't in the mood for baby talk and crave some adult-level stimulation, share your love of literature (or recipes or gossip or politics) with your little one by reading what you like to read, aloud.

      Take your cues from baby. Incessant chatter and song can be tiresome for anyone, even an infant. When your baby becomes inattentive to your wordplay, closes or averts his or her eyes, becomes fussy or cranky, or otherwise indicates the verbal saturation point has been reached, give it a rest.

    Carolyn Joana is a parenting expert who deeply understand all baby needs and desires to share her knowledge with the new parents. She offers great, tested, down to earth and reassuring tips on baby food, baby health, home-remedies for babies, baby massage, baby care, breastfeeding and much more at

    How Does Infant Massage Help Relieve Colic

    Writen by Vickie Barnes

    Colic is a mysterious condition that many parents have a hard time figuring out, even with the help of their doctors. Luckily, through infant massage you can find some relief for both your baby and yourself. When you combine infant massage with other things, you might find that you can almost do away with colic altogether. Never thought about massaging your baby to help relax and relieve pain? Well, it's time to start!

    The type of massaging you use is something you might want to talk with your pediatrician about or even get in touch with your chiropractor and they may be able to recommend a book or class on massaging your child. There are endless books in bookstores, libraries, and on the Internet that will teach you how to massage your baby in a way that will help relieve the pain and the pressure that is causing them to cry and suffer but will not injure their somewhat fragile little bodies.

    Infant massage helps for a couple of reasons. The first is that it helps to relax your baby. Slow movements will help your baby from getting too wound up and getting to the point where they are crying inconsolably. A lot of the time just allowing your child to relax will help you both from getting so stressed out and making the situation even worse than it is. Infant massage may also help your child because it helps to distract the baby from the pain they are in. It seems like your child couldn't possibly be distracted, right? But, they often can with a good massage. Think about how you feel when you are just laying on the bed thinking about your sore back or shoulders, it hurts worse because you have nothing else to think about. When you start doing something else, it takes your attention somewhere else and suddenly it doesn't hurt as much. The same thing will happen when you massage your baby.

    Infant massage actually helps to move gas out of the intestines, relieving your baby of terrible gas pains. During infancy doctors believe that the intestines may actually be kinked, which may painfully trap air inside causing pain. When you do leg massages and even rub the belly you can help move the gas past the kinks to help your child find some relief.

    Another reason that infant massage often works is because babies loved to be touched. It's been proven that babies that are held and touched more suffer less from colic. Just feeling your loving touch may provide some comfort to your child, so why not massage them lovingly to help relieve their discomfort? Colic isn't fun, but when you take steps to help provide some relieve both you and your baby can get through it quite well.

    Vickie Barnes is a colic veteran of two colicky babies. Please visit her website, for more support and resources for dealing with colic.

    Wednesday, June 18, 2008

    How To Help Your Baby Stimulate His Or Her Sense Of Sight

    Writen by Swati Jain

    Putting together learning and playing activities for babies seem to come relatively easy for a lot of parents. Most babies are very open and responsive and parents usually find playing with their babies a very pleasurable thing to do. Engaging in activities that stimulate your baby's thinking process can benefit because it teaches you from experience of what your baby likes and dislikes. These types of activities also help babies in their overall mental development.

    Your baby's sense of sight is one area that nourishes and stimulates your baby while engaging in a learning and playing activity. Contrary to what we used to believe about babies not being able to see at birth, we realize now that they can actually see and start learning from tiny glimpses. They are able to immediately make a distinction between people and objects and understand body language. They are also capable of making out little by little about the world around them.

    When designing your baby's room or play area, keep in mind that your baby's sense of sight is stirred toward colors that are bold and bright, and sharp in contrast. Decorate your baby's surroundings with objects that are visually stimulating. One thing to keep in mind though, is that too many toys in the crib, playpen, or carriage can bring confusion to your baby. Limit the number of objects that you put in there to two at a time.

    Toys and other items that are visually stimulating for babies are as follows:

    1. Stuffs that move: Moving figures such as mobile toys. I also find that having an aquarium or even a small fish tank can be very entertaining for babies. Moving a bright object across your baby's eyes can encourage good eye tracking coordination.

    2. Mirrors: Most babies just love them, plain and simple. Mirrors provide them with different views and scenes. The safe mirrors to use are the metal ones that you can hang on the carriage or crib.

    3. Picture books: Images of animals, toys, people, and children are very enjoyable to babies eyes, especially pictures that are big and bold and not a lot of detail.

    4. People: Babies like to look at faces, especially funny faces. Show your baby family pictures describing who's who to them. This will also get you into the habit of communicating with your baby.

    Your complete guide to baby care and baby's health.

    Swati, author for Your guide to complete baby care, including baby diapers, and baby feeding.

    The First Week With Your Baby

    Writen by Anne Cavicchi

    The first week of your baby's life brings big adjustments for both of you. You are adjusting to being a mother and caring for your baby and your baby is adjusting to life outside the womb. It is a time of great joy -- and possibly immense fear! Although you've been preparing for the birth of your baby for months, now he is here and depending on you for everything which can seem overwhelming. Don't expect too much of yourself during these first days! If anyone offers you help -- take it!

    During your baby's first few weeks of life, he will be concentrating on getting to know you and his surroundings. Your baby needs to be handled so that life outside the womb seems as little different as possible to life inside the womb. Your baby's needs, while they may seem overwhelming to you, are really simple: food, warmth and comfort from cuddling. Wrap him snugly and warmly, hold him closely, handle him slowly, and feed him when he's hungry. Your baby will have the routing and sucking reflexes as well as tongue thrust. These are needed to get nourishment from the breast or bottle. You can also use this time to bond with your baby with lots of skin to skin contact.

    Whether you decide to breast or bottle feed, feeding in the first few weeks is not an effortless process. Try to have early feeding sessions in a quiet setting with as few distractions as possible. Make sure you are in a comfortable position as it takes new babies a while to eat and you don't want to end up stiff and sore. Cuddle and caress your baby as feeding time is a wonderful opportunity to show your baby how much he is loved.

    If you are breastfeeding, be patient while you and your baby are getting the hang of it! The benefits of breastfeeding are many and in order for it to be successful, it is important to start out right. Keep in mind though it may take several weeks until you both feel comfortable and get a feeding schedule down.

    Most new moms feel and experience:

    • Exhaustion!

    • Bloody vaginal discharge for the first week or so

    • Discomfort or pain in the perineal area if you had a vaginal delivery

    • Incision pain or numbness if you had a cesarean delivery

    • Abdominal cramping (afterpains) as the uterus contracts

    • Elation or depression or swings between both

    • Breast discomfort or engorgement

    • Fears about your adequacy as a mother

    • Profuse sweating after the first couple of days

    Although it may be tempting to try to be a 'supermom', now is not the time. The best advice that I received as an new mom was to accept the help of others, eat regular meals and sleep when the baby sleeps. Now it's my turn to pass that advice on to you.

    About The Author

    Anne Cavicchi is a Canadian wife and mother of one boy and two step-daughters. She also owns Annie's Maternity Corner where you'll find everything you need for pregnancy and baby! Great products, articles, information and more to see you through pregnancy and baby's first years at Annie's.

    Tuesday, June 17, 2008

    Check Out These Unusual Baby Gift Ideas

    Writen by Craig Thornburrow

    Unusual baby gifts can be fun to find and give. There all kinds of unusual baby gifts on the market.

    Unusual baby gifts might include setting up a savings plan for the child. You could also put money aside for camps or music lessons. Other unusual baby gifts that keep on giving would be accounts set up for dance lessons or memberships to the zoo or children's museums.

    Unusual baby gifts that would be easy to give would be establishing a gift-of-the-month plan. You could start a library for the child or a collection like music tapes or DVDs. If you are looking for unusual baby gifts you could pay for childcare for a certain amount of time or hire a photographer to take pictures of the baby.

    Really unusual baby gifts may be found online. There are sites that have very unusual baby gifts. These gifts will not be found in most other places and will please any recipient. Unusual baby gifts online are easy to order and can be sent directly to the family. You can spend a lot of time looking for unusual baby gifts in stores and boutiques. Cut this time in half and see many more unusual baby gifts when you shop online.

    You will find unusual baby gifts that are clothing, toys and nursery accessories. There are unusual baby gifts online that the parents will greatly appreciate. Look for organic products and gifts for mother and baby. There are unusual baby gifts like engraved jewelry, silver spoons, cups and photo frames.

    You will find sites online that have personalized story books for babies. These books use the baby's name and other information to make the books really special.

    Some of the best baby gifts are the unusual baby gifts. Spend a little time online and you may find the perfect gift.

    Craig Thornburrow is an Author and Business Owner. Find all you need to know about Baby Gifts at

    Monday, June 16, 2008

    Planning The Best Blues Clues Party For Your Child

    Writen by Gail Leino

    To plan for a Blues Clues Party, start out by finding some pre made cards of the Blues Clues characters. These should be readily available with most online party suppliers. Can't find any and have good home printer? Then find some good graphics of your child's favorite characters online. Or, look for some paper or cards that have some dog prints on them!

    Take this farther with the Blues Clues Party and have all of your guests dress in blue or their favorite Blues Clues clothing. See if your local grocery store sells jellybeans in just one color, blue of course! These can be a great favor for the children to munch on while the party is going on.

    Decorating for the Blues Clues Party will be easy, with balloons in all shades of blue. Remember, Blue has friends too, so Green Puppy and Magenta can make an appearance, too! You might even be able to find some actual characters in balloons. For a party inside, place some large paw prints leading up the side walk and up into the house. Cover your main door with blue paper and have a sign with Blue himself welcoming guests.

    For activities for the Blues Clues Party, have the kids make a headband with dog ears made of blue paper. Or, make up a puppy a scavenger hunt. You should even find a Blues Clues cake pan. You could make a couple cakes for your party, with blue frosting.

    Make sure that you have some extra help during your Blues Clues Party, more so if you're going to be outside. This way you aren't running around doing everything yourself but enjoying your party, too. There are plenty of ways to enjoy this theme for a child's birthday. Think puppy! Think blue! And, of course, have lots of fun!

    Mrs. Party... Gail Leino is the internet's leading authority on selecting the best possible party supplies (, using proper etiquette, and living a healthy life while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. The Party Supplies Hut has lots of party ideas with hundreds of free coloring sheets, printable games, and free birthday party activities. Over 100 adorable Party Themes ( to fit your birthday celebration, holiday event, or "just because" parties is at the Party Theme Shop. Party themes include cartoon characters, sports, movie, TV shows, luau, western, holidays, and unique crazy fun theme ideas.

    Naming Your Baby A Fitting Name Can Enhance The Life Of A Person

    Writen by Joy Cagil

    Should baby names be regulated by a ruling body? The State Government of Chihuahua in Mexico would say, "You bet!" This is because it has done exactly that.

    According to Chihuahua's new regulations, all foreign names must be followed by a Spanish middle name, like José or Maria or Rosa. The spelling of the names has to fit to the norm, too. No one can name a baby by changing a letter; Cristina cannot be Christine or Christina, Elizabeth can only be written with a z, and Teresa cannot be Theresa.

    Then, some names are listed as inappropriate or rather more than inappropriate, because using them is a crime against the state. Those names are totally disqualified, or to be exact, banned; among them are Brian, Karen, Shiloh, Apple, Kevin, Azul (blue), Phinneaus, Lluvia(rain), Blanket, Rumer, Tallulah.

    These rules are intended to keep the children from being ridiculed later in life because of their names.

    In Germany, too, it used to be, people had to register their kids' names at the Standesamt, not any name they wanted but a name used in countries familiar to the German nation.

    Now, if the State of California started regulating baby names, this would be a really big problem for trend-setting celebrities in Hollywood who rummage around for unique-sounding names for their children. If that would happen, how could those children with names like Little Pixie, Speck Wildhorse, Tu Morrow, La Princia, Fifi-Trixibelle, Shalamar, Peaches Honeyblossom, Pilot Inspektor, and Buffalo Cody exist?

    If I am not mistaken, naming children with such unique names started during the sixties with the flower children. At the time, we were taken aback when Sonny and Cher Bono named their daughter, but then in those days, some people adopted for themselves far-out commune names. I remember a Maggie asking her mother to call her Serenity and a Liz wanting to be Peace Lily.

    It is possible that unusual names can cause discomfort for a child in the future, but a name is a name, and while some like to create extinct and unparalleled names especially for their children, parents have the right to name their children whatever they want. At the start of this naming game, parents are the ones wet with perspiration; later, it may be the children, however, who may be pained with their unusual names.

    Under the alphabet of names, the choices from A to Z are incredibly versatile. The most important principle for the parents to remember is: the name of a child will make the child more comfortable in life, if it flatters him. Also, the name has to fit in well with the last name. A six year-old Patty Heine could be ridiculed as "Pat the heinie" and the same would hold true for Peggy Hogg as "Piggy Hog."

    One rule of thumb is: if the last name is unusually long, the first name shouldn't be too long as in Jedediah Hollister-Dochendoner. Names with alliteration, too, can create a problem by sounding like tongue twisters as in Dorothy Daugherty, Matthew Mathison, Peter Piper, etc.

    From what I have observed, unless a parent feels she has to continue a family tradition, she should try not to name her child with archaic and rarely used names. In the TV sit-coms, most people with less used or archaic names are projected as wacky or unnerving characters, like Aunt Tabitha, Uncle Nehemiah, etc.

    As the government of Chihuahua has implemented, names fitting the local preferences may be all right if we know for certain that the child will stay in the same restricted environment all his life. Yet, the world is diverse and it is questionable that a child will live out his life in the same region he is born in. The earth is a globe, and with each day, its inhabitants are becoming more and more globally connected.

    When parents name their babies, they should not forget that a name is a signal and their child can grow up to be more self-confident with a positive signal, which can be accepted by most people. Our children will have an easier life if they own a flattering name that can be pronounced easily and accepted by many.

    This article has been submitted by Joy Cagil in affiliation with http://www.BabyNameVote.Com/ which is a site for Baby Names. Joy Cagil is an author in

    Sunday, June 15, 2008

    Baby Shower Games Fun And Functional

    Writen by Gail Leino

    Baby shower games can be so much fun, and games always add excitement and laughter to the festivities. You really are limited only by your imagination and resourcefulness. There are many easy and fun game suggestions online, at party supply stores, and in magazines. Let's discuss some easy, popular baby shower games for your baby shower!

    Combine party favors with a fun baby shower game by creating mini baby diapers, by cutting small triangles from pink, blue, or yellow baby print fabric. Use pinking shears to cut them out, then pin them together with a tiny gold tone safety pin. Add things like jelly bellies or butter mints, but in one of the diapers, put a surprise such as a smear of peanut butter or a chocolate chip. Pin these on guests as they come in, and the one with the "surprise" wins a prize!

    A cute piggy bank game is to ask the guests to bring extra pocket change. Everyone can take a turn at mentioning something they have never done before ('mooned' someone, gone skinny dipping, etc.) Everyone who has done the thing mentioned must put a coin in the piggy bank. Once the game ends, give the piggy bank to the mother-to-be as the baby's first piggy bank.

    Arrange with one of your friends that the mother-to-be does not know, to come in late to the shower. Ask them to dress oddly, and carry a large purse or bag. Act as if you are upset, because the late arriver has disrupted the shower, and you are not sure they are even supposed to be there. Tell the late arrival they must show their invitation, or leave. The guest then plops down on the floor, and starts taking baby items out of the bag to try to find her invitation. When the invitation is shown, tell her that she can stay. Then she clumsily picks up the bag and joins the party. Now, the guests have to write down every "goodie" the guest had in the bag. Whoever can remember the most correct items that fell out of the bag is the winner. Also, the mom-to-be gets to keep all the "goodies" in the bag!!

    Buy several different kinds of chocolate candy bars, and a package of baby diapers. Number the diapers with a marker. Write the same number on an envelope, and put the candy bar wrapper in the envelope. Melt about half of that candy bar in the diaper. Have each guest write on a piece of paper, the number on the diaper, and what candy bar they think is melted in it. Let them sniff the mess in the diapers, if they want, and be sure to have a camera on hand for some pictures of the diaper-sniffing!

    Purchase several tiny clothespins. Clip 2-3 onto the collar or shirt of each guest when she arrives. Let each guest know that whoever catches another person saying the word "baby" gets to take her clothespin. Whoever has the most clothespins at the end of the shower wins!

    No matter which of these baby shower games you choose, of if you have your own to play, baby shower games really make baby showers lots of fun. With any luck, they will provide entertainment and plenty of useful items for the new arrival!

    Mrs. Party... Gail Leino is the internet's leading authority on selecting the best possible party supplies (, using proper etiquette and manners while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. The Party Supplies Hut has a huge selection of free party games, coloring pages, word find, word scramble, printable baby and bridal shower activities. Free Baby Shower Games, printable activities, party planning tips, menus, recipes, and party supplies to help complete your event.

    Developmental Toys For Preschoolers

    Writen by Madeline Binder

    Are you aware that The Good Toy Guide suggests Brio Trains as 1 of 5 developmental toys for preschoolers? To reference them, a Brio Train "a train with interactive details that encourages children to master small movements and hand eye coordination. Controlling the train and constructing the tracks creates an awareness of cause and effect, early scientific understanding and basic mathematical concepts."

    Various manufacturers make terrific developmental toy wooden trains and accessories. They live up to these ideals and are considered educational toys for kids.

    Before we go any further, however, I should tell you a secret.... there really are not educational toys out there. Nope. Playthings are just props. It is in the participating in play that establishes just how constructive a certain toy may be for the toddler that is playing with it.

    Toys just won't nurture intellectual skills. What they will do is urge kids to use them, and give little ones a place to be clever and imaginative. That's the thing that makes terrifically designed toys paramount. A plaything that's not made well promotes a whole lot of disappointment for the youngsters if they fall about easily or are not easy to manipulate.

    That brings us to the next concern. Mothers and fathers, in the event your family is looking to spend money on a toy train set and haven't thought of getting a table set up for the train set, the train tracks will most lightly get fouled up while on the ground and your youngsters will probably get annoyed. Often when this happens, they will cease to play with their train.

    Anyway, that's what happened with my grandsons. Because of that, I created and constructed a wooden heavy duty train table (none of this fake wood that doesn't last for longer than 1 year, and the screws and nails damage the wood and fall out!). I would love for you to check the table plans out at the Toy Train Table Plan Store.

    At this point we can actually move forward and review the trains. Thomas the Tank Engine, Lego trains, and Maxim Enterprise - Tumble Tree Woods all build amazing wooden toy trains. Decide on the one that goes along with your budget.

  • One of my favorite companies is Maplewood Landmark. They're recognized for their alphabet and name trains. Your child's eyes will light up with joyfulness when they understand their train makes their name! They are outstanding presents any time of the year.

  • With Maxim train and accessories - Tumble Tree Woods - your child's imagination takes flight...and it isn't overly expensive! Shape and color recognition, problem solving skills, muscle coordination and ingenuity are great tools kids will develop.

    Maxim's goal is to manufacture learning toys that encourage a child's manual dexterity, self assurance, ingenuity, and motor skills. The developmental toys are long-wearing and durable, created to resist the rigors of HARD use by your kid due to the fact they're constructed of imported hardwood.

  • Each accessory to a railroad train set gives the opportunity to increase your child's vocabulary and peak their curiosity and awareness - besides providing a fantastic assortment of role playing options to boost their creativity.

  • Everyone aboard for the next stop for Thomas on the learning express... Everyone's favorite is Thomas the Tank Engine. Kids two to three and up are entertained by the accounts of Thomas and his pals as they are brought to life. During the adventures of Thomas, your toddler will find out significant lessons about friendship, playing fair and teamwork.
  • Learning toys for youngsters entreat little kids to really use their imaginations. Kids also interact easier with their friends when playing with developmental toys. A train table and wooden toy train set offer the perfect place to learn about sharing. These are fundamental interaction skills.

    Madeline Binder, M.S. Education, M.S. Human Services Counseling

    1,000's of train tables have been made from the instantly downloadable plans that can be seen at the Toy Train Table Plans Store.

    Whatever toy your kids like to play with, communication with you, their parent, is crucial in your kids' development. Therefore, I encourage you to subscribe to my Completely free monthly ezine, The Reading Railroad since current studies demonstrated that children whose mothers prepare them to learn to read are superior readers and more flourishing pupils throughout their school years!

    Saturday, June 14, 2008

    Family Baby Showers

    Writen by Randy Wilson

    The addition of baby number 2, 3, or 10 is an occasion to celebrate for any family.

    Just think how exciting it must be for your littlest one who is used to always being the younger brother to find out he's going to be a big brother!

    Though baby showers have traditionally been held for mommies-to-be only, times are changing and many people are having baby showers to celebrate the new baby's whole family-to-be.

    What better way to celebrate than to throw a baby shower party in their honor?! Grandparents or aunts or uncles can organize a baby party for the extended family and some close friends to mark the importance of the family unit.

    Make a family tree to hang at the baby shower party. Have guests sign on their "branch" as a keepsake for the baby. "Trees" could be a baby shower theme for the party.

    Other baby shower decorations for a family baby shower could include past portraits, baby pictures of Mom, Dad, and siblings, and a history of the family name.

    Spend some time thinking about some funny stories from parties past. Like the time the expectant mom tripped during Aunt Edna's wedding. Or when the new baby's older brother fell asleep in the linen closet at the Christmas party last year.

    Ask your baby shower guests to do the same and come prepared to share. These could be a whoot to retell. Beware: Mommy-to-be may laugh way too hard and cause herself to go into premature labor!

    When sending out baby shower invitations, inform your guests that this will be a party for the whole family and that gifts for Mom, Dad and siblings are appreciated in addition to baby shower gifts for the new baby.

    A few suggestions for one gift for the whole family. Buy a gift certificate for a portrait. Open a savings account for a future vacation. Or you can buy individual baby shower gifts for each, like matching t-shirts!

    No gathering would be complete without a family photo. Make sure someone there has a camera with a timer on it and a tripod, or something that can substitute for one.

    Then, once everyone is there, and Mom is ready (she may not feel like she looks so hot, so remind her how beautiful and glowing she is). Get the whole gang together and snap a photo for the baby shower remembrance.

    Take lots of other pictures as well to let baby know just how much he or she was loved even before they arrived.

    One idea for preserving the memory of baby's creation is to do a belly casting. You can buy kits. They mainly consist of a plaster of Paris material to use for creating a cast of Mom's belly. This will show the new little one where they started out.

    If the new baby has a lot of young cousins and siblings, keep them occupied with their own special task. Provide them with a large piece of paper and coloring supplies. Either markers, paints, or crayons. Ask them to create a welcome home banner for the baby. Then place it over the crib in the nursery.

    You may want to start by providing the lettering. Then let the children color the words and add their own artwork. Don't forget to include the 'big' kids, too. Have all of your baby shower guests sign the banner as well.

    © Copyright Randy Wilson, All Rights Reserved.

    Randy has dozens more baby shower related articles such as Diaper Cakes and Games for a Baby Shower.