Monday, January 5, 2009

Nursery Entertainment

Writen by Terry Ross

In the early weeks and months your newborn will spend many hours in the nursery and so the more that is around to amuse your baby the better. Within a few days your newborn will be attracted to anything that moves (although it will be a few months before your baby can really focus properly) so when preparing the nursery you want to think about what will attract and keep your baby's attention.

Early on your baby will be able to focus on things that are near but will also be interested in more distant movement in the nursery even though what attracts his attention might not be that clear. Babies love light and more particularly bright, moving light so look to bring natural light, reflective light and bright coloured light into the nursery.

Natural light filtering through the nursery windows with its flickering shadows will fascinate your newborn and your baby will love reflective mobiles placed near the window so that light bounces off them and flickers all around the nursery.

Babies love television, the noise and movement will fascinate them for hours and although you might not want to encourage your newborn to watch television all the time you might find it useful as part of the nursery entertainment.

When looking for baby toys go for toys that are bright, make a noise and move. Look for anything that will stimulate your baby for your baby's nursery. Coloured mobiles over the cot, coloured lights that reflect off the nursery ceiling and chimes that will add a fascinating but calming noise to your baby's sanctuary.

Father's can have brilliant fun playing with trains and other moving toys which will interest your baby long before his is able to grasp or play with big boy toys. Anything that will encourage interaction and learning in the nursery is brilliant for your baby's development.

Your nursery will be where your baby spends many hours in the cot, having his diaper changed, being dressed, fed or just to play. Whatever your baby is doing you want the nursery to feel safe but also appear interesting and fun. You want your baby to love being in the nursery and enjoy anything he does in the nursery so make sure that you fill the nursery will all types of 'in house' nursery entertainment.

For more about baby nurseries visit