Sunday, November 9, 2008

Baby Feeding

Writen by Yana Mikheeva


As a rule, a healthy baby under 3 months us put to breast 6 times a day, every 3,5 hours with 6,5 hours night break, i.e. – at 6.00, 9.30, 13.00, 16.30, 20.00 and 23.30.

Daily quantity of baby's food should come to: from 2 weeks to 2 months – 1/5 of baby's weight, from 2 to 3 months – 1/6.

To determine quantity of milk imbibed (if this is necessary, for example when a baby's weight increases not enough), a baby is weighed before and after feeding. As quantity of milk imbibed varies during different processes of feeding, a daily control or, at least, calculation of quantity for 2-3 processes of feeding with normal quantity calculation are necessary. Besides breast milk, you should give water to your baby – boiled, unsweetened, of room temperature. Give 1-2 tea-spoons of water a day to your baby, altogether – up to 50 millilitres.

Since 1 month you should provide your baby with vitamins (especially in autumn-winter period). With this purpose, a baby is given a juice every day – fruit, berry or vegetable. Juices are included in a ration little by little: beginning from a very small dose – several drops – a day, then increasing this quantity up to 30 millilitres a day (for 2 doses). It is better to start with apple juice.

Since 2 months include apple sauce in a baby's ration (fresh grated apple or canned puree for baby's feeding). Firstly give him ½ of tea-spoon a day, then, little by little, during 7-10 days, increase quantity of fruit puree up to 50 g.


Babies of this age are feed 6 times a day, every 3,5 hours, with 6,5 hour night break. Daily quantity of baby's food comes to: from 3 to 4 months – 1/6 of baby's weight, from 4 to 6 months – 1/7.

In this age, increase quantity of fruit and vegetable juices given to your baby – from 30 to 50 millilitres a day (in 2 doses).

Since 4 months include a yolk of a hard-boiled egg, which is a valuable product – it contains vitamins, easy digestible protein, calcium salts, iron, phosphorus. Smear yolk and give it with breast milk, when you include supplemental feeding in your baby's ration – add yolk to dishes. Since 4 months you can start giving cotton cheese to your baby – beginning with 5 g and increasing quantity to 30 g by 5 months.

On 4-5 months of life a baby already needs another feeding, as mother's milk cannot already meet the demands of a baby's organism in various food substances, particularly in vitamins and mineral salts. So, since 4 months include supplemental feeding in your baby's ration. Start with 1-2 tea-spoons and increase up to 150 g little by little. The first procedure of breast feeding is replaced by a procedure of supplemental feeding.


In the age of 5 months, a baby should be given pap, besides breast milk. Firstly they give babies 5-8 %-pap of semolina or cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, boiled rice), in small quantity (1-2 tea-spoons), increasing portion up to 150 g for one procedure of feeding little by little. 7-10 days after including pap in a baby's ration, you should proceed from 5-8% pap to 10% pap, cooked on whole milk. It is better to give pap to your baby at 10 am. The second procedure of breast-feeding is replaced by pap.

A baby of this age should be feed 5 times a day, every 4 hours and with 8-hour night break. Daily quantity of food for a baby from 6 to 9 months should come to 1/8 of his weight.

Since 6,5 – 7 months a baby begins to eat lean meat broth. Start with 1-2 tea-spoons, increasing portion little by little. Give meat broth to your baby in small amounts – 30 millilitres (since 8 months – 50 millilitres), once a day, before you feed him with vegetable puree. Give him a small white bread cracker with broth. So, the second procedure of supplemental feeding is like a dinner: broth, vegetable and fruit puree or juice. Sometimes, you can give him a potage, instead of broth and vegetable puree.

Since 7 months, you can give your baby meat in the form of crushed puree, and also liver puree. It is good to combine meat puree with vegetable one. You should start giving your baby supplemental feeding from 5 g and increase to 20-30 g (liver puree – 10 – 20 g) little by little.

At the same age another procedure of breast feeding should be replaced by the third procedure of supplemental feeding: yoghurt or whole milk with a cookie.

In the last quarter of year (9-12 months) you can give your baby meat not only in the form of puree, but in the form of meat-balls, and then of steamed cutlets. In this age you can replace meat by fish, cooked in the form of puree or pudding, 1-2 times a week. Include in your baby's ration vegetable salad (grated or minced), a pan-fried apple.

As a rule, breast feeding takes place until your baby is 10-12 months old. By the end of the first year of life, a baby is put on 4-time feeding.

Yana Mikheeva is the creator of the Baby-Health.Net at Are you going to get pregnant? Visit our friendly resource and read information on pregnancy and parenting, painless childbirth, growth and development of a baby, baby health, safety, signs of pregnancy. She also has a blog for women at