Thursday, November 13, 2008

Babies On A Budget

Writen by Tracy Lambert

As an expectant mom, you do not have to look far at all to see lists compiled by "experts" telling new moms all the "must have" gizmos and gadgets for new parents.

Looking back, I felt like I needed to have each of these items to be the prepared mom that I wanted to be.

I wish now that there had been an older woman to have guided me and put my fears to rest that if I could not afford some of these items, my child would still have been just fine.

I realize now that the vast majority of these things are not really needed at all. I would bet that my first child never even used half of what we had purchased, thinking that we would need.

So, here I am, this is my "expert" list for you. I have "been there and done that" times of plenty and in want, these are the things that we really used...even some of these are not "must haves", but rather, just convenient.

Cloth Diapers
We used disposables with the first seven....I wish so much that I could reclaim the money that we spent diapering the first seven!! Cloth diapers are not nearly as much trouble as I originally thought that they would be.

Diaper Hamper
This is a MUST for cloth diapering moms. Make sure you look over in the plastic storage area of your local department store before you opt for an expensive hamper. We have a great hamper I purchased there for $4.00!

If you are not cloth diapering, please let me encourage you to NOT buy some of the expensive diaper disposal systems. Empty bread bags or grocery bags do the same job and just as well.

Diaper Wipes
I have heard of people making their own from paper towels, but preferring to not throw out anything, we are using baby wash cloths. You could just use plain, soft wash cloths and be just fine.

Car Seat
This is a requirement of each state, and really a necessity for your baby's safety. I personally prefer the models with a base so I can use the seat to carry baby. When choosing a seat, remember to think dark fabric. You would not believe how quickly these items show dirt, wear and tear.

Crib & Mattress
My babies have all slept in a co-sleeper or cradle by my bed for the first few months. This is your choice. I wanted my babies to be close because I was breastfeeding during the night. Whatever you use, be sure that it meets safety guidelines.

If you are not breastfeeding, you will of course, need bottles. Do not think you have to buy a certain type or brand. Breastfeeding is always the preferred option...not only because it is better for your baby, it is also more convenient and definitely more affordable!

Our hospital supplied one for us. If you are breastfeeding, you might want to re-think the use of pacifiers. I know the "experts" go back and forth on the use of pacifiers and their connection to successful breastfeeding. From experience, I can definitely say my babies who took a pacifier nursed less and therefore, I had less milk! This is something to think about!

This is not a necessity but it is definitely nice to have, especially if you are going to be out with your baby very much within the first couple of years. Again, you will want to think dark fabrics.

These come in so many different styles, I hate to comment on a particular one...many people prefer slings but there are many different styles. You have to shop around and see what will best fit your family. We, personally do not have one of these. Instead, when we are out with our babies, I either hold them or carry them in their car seat. With that said, moms who do have slings usually love them!

Diaper Bag
For this baby, I sewed a standard tote bag for a diaper bag. Especially, if you are breastfeeding, and not going to have bottles in your diaper bag that need a way to stay upright, there really is no reason to spend extra money on a diaper bag.

Babies generally need a lot less clothing than we think, and much of it can be purchased in really good condition from second hand sources. Some items you may want to think about are onesies, a couple of nicer outfits, lots of socks...(these tiny things get lost so easily in the laundry), and gowns (our choice because babies can wear them much longer than sleepers.

Other Supplies
Grooming supplies are pretty much a necessity. Items like baby shampoo, baby bath, a soft hair brush, bulb syringe and nail clippers will be needed. You may want to check with your hospital prior to making these purchases, many supply them to newborns to take home.

A couple of additional items you will use are burp cloths, and a few receiving blankets.
A playpen or swing will give baby a comfortable place to play, but I have also found that a rectangular laundry basket lined with a blanket and filled with a few favorite toys works just as well when babies are old enough to sit up by themselves and play.

Preparing for a new arrival does not have to cost you a fortune. New things are exciting and add to the anticipation of an expected birth, but many are not necessary. Babies only real needs are to be warm, fed and loved. Providing for these needs, even in the most humble means, will make for a happy baby!

Tracy Lambert is married to Paul and homeschooling mom to eight children. She currently resides in Alabama where she manages family businesses including her website, . Visit Lines From The Vine today for more information on parenting on a budget!