Sunday, November 30, 2008

What Is A Preemie

Writen by Sjona Lindquist

"Preemie" is the common term used when referring to a premature baby. The dictionary definition of a preemie is "a prematurely born infant". A preemie is born before 37 weeks gestation while a full term baby is born at 37 weeks or after. Preemies require a very different start in life, and this can vary dramatically depending on the level of prematurity. Micro preemie and preemie are the two terms used to help define the degree of prematurity.

To an NICU medical professional, a micropreemie is defined as a baby that is under 1 ¾ pounds (between 700-800 grams) and is generally born before 26 weeks gestation, but most people prefer to loosen this term up to include any baby under 3 pounds (1500 grams) or under 29 weeks gestation. Micro preemies require a lot of medical attention in order to survive, and many more micro preemies are surviving than ever before in history. The statistics for the survival of a micro preemie can range from 10-80%.

A micro preemie born before 23 weeks gestation has no chance of survival to 10%. Every day inside the mother increases the chances of survival for a micro preemie, and every week is a major significance continuing to push that percentage higher. This also lowers the numbers of short and long term health risks.

Some of the many difficulties that a micro preemie experiences are immature lungs, an underdeveloped digestive system, cerebral hemorrhaging, high risk of infection, incomplete feeding reflexes, severe anemia, neurological delays, physical handicaps, and long term health issues. Because of so many problems associated with being a micro preemie, medical intervention to keep micro preemies alive include biliblankets, blood pressure monitors, cardiac monitors, endotracheal tubes, isolettes, intravenous pumps & tubes, nasal CPAPs, nasal gastric tubes, nasal prongs, oxyhoods, oxygen saturation monitors, phototherapy lights, pulse oximeters, respiratory monitors, synthetic surfactant, temperature probes, UACs, ultrasounds, UVCs, and ventilators. So much more information is being made available to parents of micro preemies than ever before, allowing parents the opportunity to educate themselves on their micro preemie's needs.

The technical term for preemie is defined as a baby that is under 5 ½ pounds (2500 grams), though the general public chooses to call any baby under 7 pounds (3000 grams) a preemie. This is partially due to the fact that it is difficult to find clothing that fits these babies unless shopping at preemie stores for preemie sizes, so some parents refer to their little baby as a preemie. Another reason is that many people are uninformed about the definition of prematurity.

Statistics for preemie survival is greater than 90%. The medical requirements for preemies tends to be a lot less demanding than those of their micro preemie counterparts. However, it can still be a precarious time and many preemies may still be on much of the medical equipment that micro preemies need. A preemie is weaned off of this equipment as soon as she strong enough or is capable of handling many bodily functions herself, yet, many times a preemie seems to go back and forth for a little while.

As a preemie begins to steadily get stronger and medical needs lessen, it is soon time to go home. Many a preemie has been sent home with medical equipment that their parents have been trained to use in case of an emergency. This is a scary time and an exciting time for parents because they are now in control, not quite sure if they can handle emergencies but desperately wanting to get down to the "normal" part of life, raising their preemie. These resilient, warrior-parents do quite well continuing to fight for their baby and are very in-tune to even the smallest details.

Many preemies continue to have health issues that they struggle with for the rest of their lives. However, as technology advances, some of these problems can be controlled with surgery, medication, and other interventions. This is a preemie!

Sjona Lindquist is a mom of 6 (1 angel) and she owns and operates Preemie Store. Preemie Store is a resource site and specialty shop for parents of premature babies. She offers preemie support, bereavement support, and preemie clothes. Some of the products include micro preemie clothes, preemie bereavement gowns, and Preemie dresses. If a new preemie has entered your life or someone you love, drop by and visit us! Preemie Store

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Breast Pumps And Hygiene

Writen by Eric Morris

Though breast pumps are used quite commonly, it is suggested to consult a doctor regarding a prescription for a breast pump rental or purchase. Though most insurance companies will reimburse either partially or fully for rental costs or for the purchase of a retail hospital grade breast pump, it depends upon the coverage provided by the insurance company for medical equipment.

There are a few important things to consider while using a rented hospital grade pump. First, other patients and employees have used the pump, since it belongs to a hospital. Hence, it is a multiple user medical device. The mothers must use a personal kit that has to be connected to the pump for the collection of the milk. These kits contain one or two breast flanges, container, tubing and connector. Using a personal kit offers protection as it prevents cross-contamination. Another way to prevent contamination is to prevent the breast milk and its moisture from flowing back through the tubing into the pump itself.

All the firms that manufacture, repackage, re-label, and/or import medical devices are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration's Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH). All these medical devices are classified into Class I, II and III. Since breast pumps are considered Class II devices, they have to follow the quality control system that is the requirement of all Class II devices. They have to undergo a quality control check for any malfunctions, injury, or likely death that might occur by the product's usage.

To avoid cross-contamination, all the pumps must carry a label on top indicating that a personal kit ought to be used by the mothers with that particular type of breast pump. As also, a descriptive literature providing all the requisite information regarding cross-contamination must be provided along with the medical device.

Breast Pumps provides detailed information about breast pumps, breast pump reviews, and more. Breast Pumps is affiliated with Disposable Diapers.

Naming Your Baby How To Get The Most Out Of Your Babynaming Ceremony

Writen by Jennifer Cram

You've engaged a celebrant and you've picked the day. So how do you ensure that the naming ceremony for your baby goes smoothly and is memorable for friends and relatives alike? Focus on two things - preparation for the ceremony, and how things are organised on the day.


  • Choose your child's godparents with care, talk to them about the promises they feel able to make, and ask them if they would feel comfortable about sharing with everyone at the ceremony some of their thoughts about your child and your family
  • Consider other members of the family and significant friends, whether present or not, and how you might recognise, include or honour them in the ceremony
  • Choose the venue with care, paying attention to shade, and sufficient space
  • On the invitations include the time guests should arrive and the time the ceremony will start. If you know any of your guests are chronic latecomers, invite them for at least 15 minutes before you expect them to arrive
  • If using candles in an outdoor ceremony ensure that the wicks are well protected from wind, breeze or drafts – candles that sit well down in a glass container are ideal. Because the flame on votive candles extends above the container they are not suitable

On the Ceremony Day

  • Ensure the table for the signing is big enough to comfortably hold the register, certificates and anything else that will be used during the ceremony (candles, etc).
  • Delegate someone to photograph the ceremony and alert the celebrant as to whom that person is
  • Take the opportunity to have posed family photographs, and photographs of significant friends taken with the child either before or after the ceremony. Draw up a list beforehand and use it as a checklist so that no-one is missed
  • Provide seats for older or disabled guests
  • Make sure that any seating or shelter provided is close enough to where you and the celebrant will be standing to form an intimate grouping and ensure that everyone hears and sees the ceremony
  • Limit the amount of alcohol served before the ceremony

Attention to all these quite simple things will make the world of difference to how smoothly your celebration runs, and how much everyone, including you, enjoys the ceremony.

Jennifer Cram is an accredited General Civil Celebrant based in Brisbane Queensland Australia where she specialises in performing one of a kind Naming Ceremonies as Beautiful as your Baby and other ceremonies. For more information about her naming ceremonies visit her website and/or her Baby Naming Blog.

Copyright © 2005 Jennifer Cram. You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Start Brushing With Babys First Tooth

Writen by Robin OBrien

When should I start cleaning my baby's teeth is a question many parents ask. The answer is straightforward; parents should brush their child's teeth when the first tooth arrives.

Babies will begin to show signs of teething about two to three weeks before the first tooth appears. Of the many teething symptoms that your baby can have, you should look out for the usually symptoms of teething, such as, excessive drooling, fussiness - especially during feeding, and your baby's insatiable desire to chew on just about everything. If your infant is showing signs of discomfort you can try traditional remedies or purchase teething rungs or homeopathic teething remedies.

Parents should start brushing their baby's teeth from the moment the first tooth appears. You should clean your baby's teeth with a baby toothbrush. You shouldn't use any form of toothpaste, as there is every chance your child will swallow this, and ingested toothpaste can be harmful to your child. Some babies can fuss when you first begin to brush their teeth. It is important that you don't allow your child's behaviour to stop your brushing. If your baby is unwilling to have his teeth brushed, try giving them a toothbrush of their own. They usually enjoying chomping down on it and it gets them familiar with this new implement. Be sure to use a clean brush and not the child' brush when you clean. Also, never let your child chew on their brush without your supervision; there is every chance of choking.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends an oral health risk assessment for all children by 6 months of age by a qualified pediatrician or a qualified pediatric health care professional, using the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Caries Risk Assessment Tool. Caries is cavity formation in teeth caused by bacteria that attach to teeth and form acids in the presence of sucrose, other sugars, and refined starches:; this condition is better known as tooth decay.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention believe that early childhood caries, decay of the tooth, may be the most common infectious disease in children. It is believed 40 percent of children under 5 years of age are infected. Dental caries is five times more common than asthma and seven times more common than hay fever in children. If not treated, caries in children can result in chronic pain and early tooth loss, failure to thrive, malocclusion, inability to concentrate at school or absence from school, reduced self-esteem and psychosocial problems.

Caries can also be passed from caregiver to baby, so it is also essential that parents practice good oral hygiene. Avoid sharing spoons, wash pacifiers with water and not by cleaning it with your own saliva. Any object that your baby places in their mouth should also be sterilized after washing. Never share a bottle between siblings.

Teething is a long, drawn-out process and the symptoms can be upsetting for both child and parents. The best teething remedy for your child is by regular brushing of their teeth. We all get two chances for that perfect smile; milk teeth and then adult teeth. Take care of those teeth and your baby will reward you with a beautiful smile.

Robin O'Brien is founder of a website dedicated to baby teething. There, you can learn everything from teething symptoms to natural teething remedies.

Are You Planning A Baby Shower By Yourself

Writen by Ann Neville

Planning a baby shower can be lonely! Not because you turn into a recluse and won't see the light of day until you the baby shower is over. But because YOU, alone, are responsible for entertaining 15-20 people, coming up with fun baby shower games, cute invitations, creative favors, tasty food, and pretty decorations. That can be quite a daunting challenge and one that can make you feel like you are all alone, a little frightened and very stressed.

So, as someone who has planned many a baby shower, let me share my number one piece of advice to anyone planning a baby shower: Don't try to do it by yourself.

Find one or two other friends or family members of the mother-to-be who would be willing to help in the baby shower planning. If you don't know any of the expectant mother's friends or family, there is not a thing wrong with asking her whom she would suggest to help you plan the baby shower. Now, some women may want to plan a baby shower all by themselves. That is a wonderful thing, if you have the time, money & motivation. But most women who have planned a baby shower will tell you that by including another person in the planning, the stress of planning a baby shower is much less.

One of the best reasons to include another person in the planning is that you will have twice as many ideas, twice as much creativity, and twice as much energy. You can brainstorm baby shower ideas together, you can bounce ideas off of each other and you may have different circles of friends & resources from which you can draw from to plan the baby shower. Many times when I was planning a baby shower, I had some ideas that I thought were fun, but I wasn't sure if others would think so. And until I found someone to bounce my ideas off of, I felt quite lonely and unsure.

One of the most significant times that you may feel lonely when planning a baby shower is the last few days before the baby shower, because it is crunch time and you, by yourself, have to get everything ready. So, another important reason to include others in your planning is to share in the baby shower preparation. Not only will one or two more people make your baby shower planning easier, but you can divide and conquer the various components of a baby shower. For example, you could prepare the baby shower games, prizes and invitations. And the expectant mother's sister-in-law wanted to help so she can prepare the baby shower favors, food and decorations. And presto! Your preparation is cut in half. Talk about taking a load off!

And another reason to recruit another person or two in your baby shower planning, is to reduce the financial burden placed on the lonely baby shower hostess. Depending on your baby shower budget, your baby shower might cost more than you were expecting. So, it is more economical to include another hostess or two when planning a baby shower. Often times, when planning a baby shower alone, a hostess will buy ready-made food, invitations, favors & more - because she doesn't have the time to make everything herself. Ready-made baby shower items are usually more expensive than make-your-own. So, if you include another person in your planning & preparation, then you won't have as many things to worry about, and you will have more time to make your own invitations, favors, food & more. So, by all means, get another hostess to help!

And in every baby shower that I have planned with another person, the other person was ALWAYS happy to help. Planning a baby shower is fun and can be a social event for the two of you. When you have another person to help plan, you will have fun getting together, laughing about the fun games you will play, deciding on the baby shower menu, and oohing over the cute little baby invitations. Most friends of the expectant mother would really enjoy the chance to honor her by helping to plan her baby shower. So do not feel like you are imposing on someone else by asking them to help plan!

And for that matter, do not feel like you are weak and can't do it by yourself because you ask someone to help you. Planning a baby shower is a big job, and you should treat it as such by inviting someone else to help. By so doing, you will enjoy it more; you allow someone else to enjoy in the planning; and usually the baby shower will turn out to be more enjoyable for everyone because (with two hostesses) more time & detail can be spent on preparing the invitations, games, favors, food, etc. So remember that when planning a baby shower, the rule of thumb is: The More The Merrier!

For more baby shower planning details, visit Ann's Baby Shower Planning Ideas. Find more of Ann's baby shower articles and resources at

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Newborn Babies Can Lack Curb Appeal

Writen by Terry Ross

Newborn babies often appear less than appealing with their blotchy, wrinkled skin, large weird heads, swollen features and blue tinge.

Your newborn baby's limbs might be covered by fine hair (called lanugo) and a greasy white substance (called vernix) that protects your baby's skin while in the womb. There may also be a vaginal discharge from baby girls and a milky discharge from the breasts of both sexes which is quite normal in newborns.

Weird shaped heads and flattened features which are common in newborn baby's are due to the pressure of birth and having to squeeze through the pelvis and an increase in female hormones from the placenta (just before birth) can result in your newborn baby's genitals being enlarged or breasts slightly swollen.

The bluish tinge to the skin will dissipate soon after birth once your newborns oxygen from his lungs has reached the bloodstream and many of the other features, common in newborns, gradually disappear over the first few weeks.

The weight of your newborn will depend on such things as the mother's state of health, the amount of weight she has gained during pregnancy, whether the mother is a smoker and the size of both parents. The average weight and size of a newborn is around 3.4kg and 48-51 cm in length although size and weight can vary dramatically with some preterm babies weighing no more than a bag of sugar.

During the first week or so following birth your newborns weight will probably drop while he adjusts to the feeding regime. Once your newborn is feeding regularly his weight will stabilize and within a day or so start to recover regaining birth weight over the next week to ten days.

One of a newborn baby's automatic reflexes is the rooting reflex which enables them to search for a nipple in order to feed. Every newborn can suck, swallow and gag with the gagging reflex preventing your newborn from choking.

Initially your newborns breathing rhythm can appear jerky causing your baby to hiccup and newborns nasal passages are very small so as they learn to breathe through their noise they make a kind of snuffling noise which will stop once their nasal passage has increased in size.

Some babies cry as soon as chest delivered while others wait until they are breathing normally. Crying is your newborns way of communicating and helps to exercise their lungs. Newborns main reasons for crying is generally hunger, tiredness, loneliness or because they need changing. Sometimes babies cry because they don't like being undressed or they hate water. You will quickly learn to recognise why your baby is crying and how to soothe him but if you are struggling to cope or have any concerns over your babies wellbeing contact your midwife or healthcare provider.

Terry Ross is the author on and the creator of: 1st-4-Baby

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Guide To Massaging New Born Babies

Writen by Kevin Pederson

Newborns simply love to be touched and cuddled. The skin to skin touch helps you and your baby bond, comforts your baby when she is upset or uneasy with gas or colic problems. Hence, touch is a critical part of growth and development.

The massage strokes used on adults are completely different from the strokes to be used on newborns. You can adapt the adult strokes to massage your child. Just make sure that your strokes are lighter on them. The younger they are, more delicate and smaller will be the strokes be.

It is ideal that you take your child either on your lap or lay him on any kind of elevated soft surface such as few thick towels put together. Be very gentle while massaging. If your child cries or does not enjoy it, stop massaging till it feels comfortable about the whole thing.

Massage steps for the front of the body

- Lay the child on the back. Start by stroking gently the face, move to the middle of the forehead and temples

- Stroke the cheeks from nose to ears and back moving down to the chin. Gently stroke the area around the eyes.

- Stroke the front of the body along the arms. Make clockwise circles around the navel with both hands. Do gentle wringing action across the abdomen and up the body.

- Take one arm at a time, start stroking from shoulder to hand to fingers. Massage the hand, squeeze and rotate each of the fingers in turn. Do the same for other arm.

- Take one leg at time. Do a gentle wring or squeeze up the leg and stroke down the leg. Do the same for other arm.

Massage steps for the back of the body

- Lay the child stomach down. Stoke up and over the back and along the arms.

- Do a gentle kneading on the child's shoulder

- Do a gentle wringing stroke all over the body. Massage the rear side with gentle kneading or pinching strokes.

- Slide smoothly down the spine alternating with both the hands. Start from the base of the neck and move to working down to the base of spine.

- Gently stroke the legs, bending the knee up and working all the way to the foot.

- Hold the anklebone between your fingertips and move both the hands in circular motion.

- Squeeze the heal with one hand and use the thumb of your other hand to massage the sole of the foot.

- Massage the toes by gentle squeezing, rotating and pulling it in turns. Hold the foot firmly between your hands for few seconds. Repeat the same for massaging the backside of other leg.

Lastly, turn the baby over and give it a final massage in two strokes. Start from one foot up the leg, across the lower abdomen and move down the other leg. Do light strokes from the top of head right down to the feet.

To massage the baby having gas or digestive problems, use the "I Love You" technique.

- Lay the baby on the back and undress it completely or just leave the diaper on.

- Use two or three fingers of your right hand to trace the alphabet "I" on the right side of the abdomen with gentle, yet firm movements.

- Next do a gentle stroke from left to right across the baby's abdomen and then do a small downward stroke along the right side of his stomach forming upside down "L" alphabet.

- Last, stroke up from the left side of your baby's hipbone moving towards the left side of the abdomen, across the baby's body from left to right horizontally along the stomach and finally finish by stroking down the right side in the same manner, forming the "U" alphabet in upside down direction.

Kevin Pederson, Webmaster of sites related to Massage Therapy, a combination of science and art, provides a relaxing experience by artistic hand strokes on the body to rejuvenate the mind and body and eliminate stress scientifically.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Baby Shower Theme

Writen by Vincent Chua

There are people who prepare not to select a theme when they prepare for a baby shower. However, having a baby shower theme makes the celebration more organized.

When you have chosen a theme, you can easily think about what decoration you are going to use for your preferred theme. Without a theme, you are prone to picking several items that you feel will look good, combine these, and get an unorganized look.

Selecting and preparing a baby shower theme is not a complicated task. Here are some suggestions to give you an idea on how to create a theme for your baby shower.

Teddy Bears

Since the teddy bear is one of the first toys your child will own, it is nice to have a teddy bear theme. You can use med-sized teddy bears to design the baby shower party area. It is not necessary to buy the teddy bears; you can borrow these from friends and family members. Also, you can purchase small teddy bears as party favors to give to your guests.


Stars represent dreams. "A star is born," they say. You can decorate the place with stars hanging from thin strings. You can also design the walls and the ceiling with stars and heavenly bodies. The program may also include wishes for the baby on how he or she will be a dazzling star.


This is the basic need of the newborn baby. The baby shower organizer can decorate the area with diapers, especially those with cute colors and designs. You can even prepare a diaper cake by neatly stacking the diapers together.

The organizer can also ask the guests to bring diapers as gifts. A better idea would be to have a raffle for a special prize in which the raffle entry will be a diaper. This will help the guests since they wouldn't have to think on what gift to buy. It also helps the parents a lot, since they will have a supply of diapers for several months.


Baby and kid books are good gifts for the baby. With a collection of baby books, the parents can have a small library for the baby.

The decorations can be anything related to books. You can place books on the table, or design the walls with books. You can even have a book-shaped cake and cookies.

Noah's Ark

This is a good idea if the parents are expecting twins. The guests will be requested to bring a pair of gifts for the babies. Pairs of stuffed animals may be used to decorate the place.


Everyone wants the new baby to feel like a prince or a princess. You can adorn the place with fairy tale concepts pertaining to royalty. You can create miniature towers and castles, a garden and shining stuff fit for a royalty.


This is a good option if you will be having the baby shower in the garden. You can enhance the garden surroundings to make it look like the home of fairies. You can include vines, arches, bees and butterflies, as well as small fairy-like decorations to create a fairy garden.


You can choose a storybook or cartoon character as a theme. How about a superhero? There are lots of options, and once you have selected one, you can think about what items the character is associated with that you can use for the party.

With these simple ideas, you can conceptualize a special baby shower theme that will be remembered by the parents and the guests.

© Copyright Vincent Chua, All Rights Reserved.

Vincent has dozens more baby shower related articles and tips at his site: baby shower theme, check them out today!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Combi Products

Writen by LynnMarie S.

Many parents take thier time & shop around before purchasing baby items. Hopefully this article can help you in your decision making when shopping for Combi products.

Booster seats are available in the backless option and the high back pattern. The Combi infant car seat provides all the comfort, convenience and security for the child. It is also protected with an adjustable canopy. They also provide infant seat bases and other car accessories such as mirrors or car, which will enhance the functionality as well as the cleanliness of the car. Travel system frames can be combined with a car seat to form a perfect travel system.

Umbrella strollers are the most common type of stroller and can be purshased as a double stroller. Umbrella strollers have a canopy to protect it from changes in the weather. Combi strollers are available in different sizes such as lightweight and midsize. They also include the specialized single jogging strollers equipped to manage the shock out of the travel. They also provide accessories such as stroller rain protectors and wind covers.

Slings and wraps are a very popular way to carry your baby and can accommodate the baby in any type of seating arrangement. Other important products include baby utensils, pacifiers and teethers. Other products include high chairs, play yards and a variety of diaper bags and slings.

About the Author

LynnMarie is On-Line Editor for which is one of the top online retailers of Combi Products including an extensive line of Combi Umbrella Strollers for children of all ages.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Encouragement At Eye Level

Writen by Mike Poff

Everyone seems to have their own areas of constricted progression. You know places where personal construction is ongoing and the area is more than a bit cluttered and chaotic. Emotional flags are there flailing away for you to detour, slow down, or just plain stop. Whether you call them phobias, fears, or just the outside of your comfort zone, we all have them. Prolonged procrastination in them or around the entranceway can be as rewarding as being caught in four lanes of rubber-necking freeway frustration, baking in the all out August heat with a car load of agitated adolescents and testy toddlers. These are places you want to get to and go through quickly. Things get better once you do. That is until you spy the next manic banner that's waving to contest your progress.

During one resent family vacation it became obvious that there was something encouraging to be said about how our wee ones were facing down their toddler's trepidations together as the wide world unfolds around them.

At home we have a swimming pool. The pool is nice but has an underground pump room that has been exceptional snake habitat for many years. Much personal growth has come from this one dread area of my property but that is a story for another day. Here framed by the beauteous Blue Ridge the children splash and frolic all except for "Chesca"…

You know in all the commotion I have realized I never gave you any names for my young ones. We'll hold off the full and formal introductions for another more focused effort. For now I can tell you Chesca does not share her siblings enthusiasm for pool partying. Interestingly she does like the ocean. For hours she was all fun and frolic on the edge of Florida's gulf coast. At home daddy, mommy nor big sisters could coax her into anything but a large float and a lap. At the beach tiny crabs and fleeting silver minnows beware. Chesca was wet and on the hunt.

My amusement at this development was dampened a bit by Jon-Jon's' sudden reluctance to get wet. Jon-Jon is the blue-eyed bruiser of the group. At the pool he would dive in. He would dive on pool toys. He would dive on any unsuspecting relation or close friend and do it with glee. At the ocean, waves were unexpected and seemed more able to tumble unsuspecting toddlers than he was on one of his best days. Try as we might, neither daddy, mommy nor big sisters either were drawing him into all that froth and swell. One morning after a good hour of catching the fleeting silver minnows and showing them to the transfixed troupe, I had everyone on the expedition expect Jon-Jon. Waves you know, a bad business if you're three-foot three. Finally instead of making him more frustrated, I just went out deeper where the older girls were. Mom was watching the troupe from just past the break line.

In just a few moments time I looked back to the frolicking four and low and behold, there is Chesca walking Jon-Jon out talking a mile a minute. His two brothers Tan-Tan the dark-haired and entertaining and Chew-Chew the red-headed and wry were waving and chorusing, "come on Jon-Jon, its awight". In less than five minutes Jon-Jon took the invitation we had been placing before him for days. From then on Jon-Jon was a part of the party waves, froth, fish and all.

Once again I could feel that tap on my spiritual shoulder letting me know this was more than just family fun in the sun. I realized watching my son and his siblings that we are all sometimes a bit too selective in whom we can receive and believe. Not in the sense that we should be gullible but in the sense of proportions. To Jon-Jon it was easy for six foot me to stand in the three foot swells and say it would be fine for three foot three inch him too. I was telling him the truth. What ever happened I would move all the small bits of heaven and earth I could to keep him safe but just like Jon-Jon sometimes we need more than a "big persons" assurances.

I can think of times when "big people" told me things I should have believed, advice to change friends, avoid various vices. Encouragement to focus on subjects that seemed to have no relevance to reality, as I then saw reality. People we perceive as having arrived in an area can be tuned out at the worst possible times.

Some times it takes those right there beside us to make a truth acceptable and seem desirable. Those that appear similarly hip deep in the minutia do not have to reach so far to grasp our hands. Their words can be confident whispers and their expressions warm and connecting. The truth, even the truth in love can fall short of its full impact. Unless we are finding a relevant proportion to the source from which it is flowing.

In all the fuss and fury that can be found in quad parenting, I have found the deepest compassion for those that are struggling with their efforts towards their growing bundles of joy. My wife and I both reach out all we can to encourage and edify those we find around us. My prayer is that we and our situation don't make us appear too "Big" to be received from.

Constricted progression and personal construction can seem fearful and futile if all you hear is a voice you think is through that tunnel. How could they know what obstacles have recently arisen or just dropped down? Some times we need the encouragement of those that we feel are at our own eye level and just a step ahead to break the inertia in our momentum.

As the now fully united fab four found more fun in the sun there in the Gulf swells I was left contemplating the breakthroughs awaiting them. What part they would play in each others advance up the rising incline towards physical, emotional and spiritual maturity. How many times my wife and I might point out the preferable path but only be planting seeds others would water and reap and how many times we had already missed being a shoe horn of hope for those caught beside us just outside their comfort zones.

Prayer and Ponderance

Find a quiet moment, just you no TV, Radio, wild running children, friends, spouses or co-workers. Read over these verses and take in a bit of God's peace. Be still, be thankful and ask God to expand your hearts' capacity for peace, patience, love and understanding. Even in the mess of this day know He will hear you and meet your need.

Galatians 6:1-6

Luke 10:30-37

Ephesians 4:1-3

John 3:11-21

Write down the first person that comes to mind when you think about sharing the struggles you have faced.

Consider how your experience and successes might encourage them.

Purpose to look for the wounded and passed by and be willing to be a shoe horn of hope to them.

Think about Jesus and His feelings about those that rejected Him and the Truth he placed at their Feet. Then read Galatians 6:9-10

Thank Him and embrace all He wants to do through you to lift up your brothers and sisters in and outside of His Kingdom. Now prepare to rejoin the wild running children, friends, spouses, or co-workers and walk out your divine appointments!

Mr. Poff is a native of Salem, Virginia. Where he worked in the local radio and television industry during the 80's and 90's. He is currently the at home father of Quadruplets and is working on his Masters in Theology. During his spare time. He enjoys time with his wife of fourteen years, Pam, on their small farm in Sedalia in Bedford County along with their six Children, eight horses, six dogs, six cats, one Cockatiel, and a Guinea Pig named Nibbles. Small groups, Bible studies, Mentoring young couples, and writing are his outlets and growing passions.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

A Review Of Baby Shoes

Writen by Morgan Hamilton

It's funny how much time and effort people put into baby clothing, when the fact of the matter is that babies themselves couldn't care less. Oh, sure, they may cry if they are wearing a shirt that they don't care for, but all you all you have to do is to strike them on something and they will begin to giggle and drool just as merrily as before. Nevertheless, even baby shoes are a major consideration for today's parents.

Some people have baby shoes collections that would be the envy of a Imelda Marcos. There are pint-sized track shoes and tiny ballet shoes, as if the babies were about to go run track, or do a graceful leap through the air. The strange fact is that babies shoes come in almost as many varieties as do adult shoes, and can be every bit as expensive.

That notwithstanding, I I guess that the purpose of baby shoes is slightly different in that functionality than those of adult shoes. With baby shoes, there are a few basic things that they need to do. They need to protect the babies feet and to keep them warm. Obviously adult shoes are exposed to much more wear and tear than this, often looking miles on the end each and everyday, let alone running, dancing, and all of our other activities. The fact is, just about any comfortable baby shoe will do just fine if the baby isn't actually walking yet. So basically, a baby shoes only function is to look cute.

There are many ways that cuteness is accomplished with baby shoes. Just by its very size alone, baby shoes are cute. I guess it could be argued that if you take a close look at any baby that they are kind of odd looking. They are pudgy, their heads are too big, and they drool and snot all over everything. Oh I know, those are horrible things to say.

So the real thrill that people get out of babies is just that they are tiny, and somewhat odd versions of us. The same thing holds true for baby shoes, they are tiny versions of the shoes that we wear. Aside from being cute, there are specific designs that are more widely received among baby clothes, including baby shoes, than among adult clothing. Cutesy little things like butterflies, hearts, and tiny little baby animals make for a very popular design and adornment on baby shoes. It's basically a recurring theme.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning babies. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Baby Shoes

Friday, November 21, 2008

Proud Traditional Names Where Did They Go

Writen by Harriet Silkwood

Toby, what is your name?" The whip marks are bleeding, etched in his back, sweat drips from his forehead and he replies, "Kunta… Kunta Kinte," Excerpted from the novel, "Roots" by Alex Haley,

How important is a child's name to his self-esteem and sense of belonging? I believe it is very important. If children are given a name that has always been in the family they tend to know where they belong. They know they were important enough to earn an honored ancestor's name and will wear it with pride.

Preferred names change over the years of course, and popular ones are the rage for a while. Cute takes over. They call it being original. The babies are not given a family name at all; it has to be their very own. Remember the 60s? All babies had the same name. I remember looking over the new birth's list in my local paper and being astounded at how many were similar. Imagine a school room where half the kids had the same name-tag. How original was that? They may as well be identified by numbers. In fact, they were sometimes. Tina 1 and Tina 2. Perhaps that's why we're seeing a different trend today.

Those babies are the parents now, and they're using unique names. I noticed a blurb on television the other day of a girl named Rainbow. I have a young grand-son named Journey. They're both sound enough, but they're not traditional. What's wrong with traditional?

Fashions in names change, but the child must bear his for a lifetime. How can a woman called Rainbow, be taken seriously? Fairly or not, names on a resume give an impression of the person before they are even met personally. Can a Rainbow find success as a brain surgeon? Or as President? Give them a unique nick-name that they can grow out of or change, but putting it on the birth certificate is just so permanent. Give it plenty of thought because it will affect the child forever.

I have to admit that my idea of solid names is not the same as another's. It's a different generation and I must accept it, but I still maintain that giving a child a family name gives him a sense of belonging that any unique, totally off the wall name can never do. Children today have a particularly difficult time as it is. They want to fit in somewhere; let it begin at home. Give them a name to be proud of and they will live up to it - both now and as an adult.

This article has been submitted in affiliation with http://www.BabyNameVote.Com/ which is a site for Baby Names. Harriet's portfolio can be found at http://www.Writing.Com/authors/storytime

Baby Bassinets A Special Heirloom

Writen by LynnMarie S.

When women fantasize about beginning their families, they often have the image of tucking their angelic newborn into a beautiful bassinet. Baby bassinets are always a very elegant, classy alternative to a crib, and are often priceless family heirlooms, handed down from generation to generation. However, there is no need for parents to be to fret if there is no vintage wicker baby bassinet in their family tree. Bassinets can be purchased in every design imaginable, from old fashioned, delicate lace to modern plastic. The choices are endless, and making the right decision is very important if the parents are looking to create an heirloom.

Bassinets are often considered a luxury item, since an infant usually only uses one for the first few months. They serve the same purpose as a crib, but are usually much more stylish. Classic elegance is the theme of most bassinets, and often they are made of a wicker base. No matter which type of bassinet a new parent is looking for, there are some important qualities that parents need to be aware of. Most importantly, the bassinet needs to have a wide, sturdy base. It should not be wobbly or fragile. This is especially important to check for in old bassinets, as years of use can weaken the joints of the base. If there are other small children, or pets in the household, a bassinet should be used with extreme caution, since they tend to tip more easily then a crib. The mattress should be relatively firm, and fit snuggly inside the bassinet. If more than two fingers can fit between the bassinet mattress and the bassinet, the mattress is too small. The hood of the bassinet should be retractable for most convenience; however, this is often not the case on an antique baby bassinet.

Many companies make bassinets, in a variety of prices, from affordable to indulgent. Baby Doll is a company famous for their gorgeous bassinets. They offer a variety of models, each more regal than the last. The trademark of Baby Doll bassinets are the intricate lace designs covering the entire bassinet. While baby bassinets are typically white, Baby Doll offers a variety of beautiful pastel colors, and not just pink and blue! One of their most popular models is the Princess Diana Bassinet. It is made of Oak wood, and has large, sturdy wheels on the bottom for added convenience. The bed of the bassinet is the highest quality, and the outside is breathtakingly beautiful, with white lace all around. It is truly a bassinet fit for royalty.

Not all bassinets are expensive. It is easy to find economy models made by a variety of brands. Cheap baby bassinets, however, often lack the grace and beauty of the more expensive models. They are geared more towards function then beauty.

Since a bassinet is only used for a short period of time, it can easily be stowed away in pristine condition, awaiting the next child to use it. It is one of the first pieces of furniture a baby can use, so a bassinet is something that can and will always hold a special place in the parents heart. A bassinet can be used by generations of babies, becoming the most special of hand me downs.

About the Author

LynnMarie is On-Line Editor for which is one of the top online retailers of Infant Products on the web. BabyAge carries many styles of bassinets. Many styles to suit new moms!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

How To Bottle Feed A Baby

Writen by Robin OBrien

Many bottle feeding problems are directly related to the lack of technique employed by a mother. What can seem insignificant details can actually impact on how your baby feeds. A lack of expertise can lead to stress on your baby and therefore she may not be getting all the nutrition she needs.

Testing the temperature of the milk is vital. Shake the bottle well and put a little of the milk on the inner side of your wrist. It should feel slightly warm but never hot. We've all seen this iconic image many times, amongst family, friends or on television but it really is still the best way of testing for the optimal temperature of bottle milk. If the milk is less than body temperature your baby may feel disinclined to drink it. If the milk is to hot there is a risk of injuring your baby's mouth and gullet.

Are you sitting comfortably? If yes; then good. If not; then why not? Feeding your child can take a long time so you should find a position that is comfortable for both you and your child. Your baby will feel best when you hold her close to you in a semi reclining position. The baby's head should not be titled too far forward or too far back: too far forward and your baby will have difficulty swallowing; to far back and excess milk may run down your baby's face down into its ears or back up its nose.

Don't force the nipple into your baby's mouth. Try to encourage your baby to open her mouth by touching her lips with the nipple (something that breastfeeding mother's need to do also). The baby's tongue should be under the nipple. If not, gently take out the nipple and try again. During the feed, monitor your baby's sucking action and ensure that the tongue is always on top of the nipple: young babies have a tendency to move the tongue on top when they cry.

Breastfeeding mothers are encouraged to get a proper latch; that is the nipple should be well inside the mouth with the nipple at the top and back of the throat (it is the areola the baby actually sucks, not the nipple). It is similar with bottle feeding. Make sure the nipple is well inside. Don't pull back as your baby will not get a good suction.

During the feed, make sure that air bubbles are flowing into the bottle, replacing the milk that is drunk. If you can't see any air bubbles, while she's feeding, slowly loosen the nipple ring (the part that attaches the nipple to the bottle) until you can see bubbles. Take care not to loosen it too much, as this will cause the milk to leak all over him.

You should allow for 'pit stops' during the feed. Your baby will probably stop sucking several times during the feed. During these times you should try to gently burb your child. If she complains then refrain from burbing her until after the feed.

Finally, take your time. Don't try to rush your baby or she will get stressed. Remember, some babies stop and start during the feed. By paying close attention you'll be able to recognise the sign that your baby has finished its feed.

Robin O'Brien is a successfully webmaster and founder of He provides help, support and advice on all types of baby formula available as well as other issues to do with bottle feeding baby.

Crib Safety

Writen by Heather Owens

Buying a crib can cost a lot of money, but one thing is certain - your baby is priceless. There are plenty of high quality cribs available, where crib safety is an important feature. But there are also a number of crib safety measures you can take, just by using your common sense.

One of the biggest dangers is in using an old or antique crib. Beautiful to look at, they can be extremely dangerous to baby, and require some basic checks to ensure their safety. Firstly, check the gap between slats or in decorative cut-outs. These should always be a maximum of 2.48 inches, preferably smaller, or else baby's head can get stuck between them. You should also make sure the top side rails are at least 26 inches above the mattress. This means baby is unlikely to be able to climb out.

Also, with any crib, make sure you take into account baby's growth. Once your infant can stand up, adjust the mattress to its lowest level, if the base height is adjustable. Regularly check the height of your child against the side of the crib - if the of the rail is less than 3/4 of your child's height, then you need to move your child into a bed.

It's important to make sure the mattress fits snugly against the sides of the crib without any gap. If you can fit two fingers between the mattress and the crib sides then the mattress is too small and crib safety is at risk. Buy a new mattress that fits the crib snugly. Also make sure you remove all plastic packaging. This includes mattress covers, dry cleaning bags and other packaging. The plastic can stick to baby's face and make it difficult to breathe.

Usually, place baby inside the crib on his back, with a firm mattress and no soft bedding underneath. Check to make sure the sides of the crib, whether fixed or adjustable, are secure. When purchasing a crib, make sure you either have to complete two different actions or exert considerable force to release the latch. If the latch is faulty or too easy to open, baby could drop the crib's side and potentially injure himself. Frequently cast an eye over the crib to check for broken pieces or any damage. Obviously any sharp edges or surfaces are dangerous and you shouldn't place baby in the crib until they're removed.

The contents of the crib also play a vital role in crib safety. Never leave baby unattended with pillows, large stuffed animals or toys. It's possible one of these could cause suffocation, or alternatively give baby enough lift to climb out of the crib. Also check for torn material in bedding. Never place the crib close enough to a window where drapery or cords could entangle him.

Finally, be aware of the possibility of lead poisoning. If you're using an old crib, strip back the paint and repaint it with non-toxic materials. Lead can be found in dust, soil, paint, furniture and even toys. So stay alert for any potential sources of lead in baby's environment.

Sometimes it can seem a lot of trouble to constantly be checking baby's crib for any crib safety risks, but it's better to take the time and be watchful, so that you can enjoy your happy and healthy baby.

Discover more great crib safety tips at Info About Baby You can sign up for a FREE Baby Tips newsletter at Baby Tips Newsletter. The author's book about babies is available at Baby's First Year

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Get A Unique Theme For Your Baby Room

Writen by George Wood

To make sure that your baby's room is done up in style you can go for some great baby bedding and furniture. Once you have a theme for the room you can match it with the bedding and furniture. However you should always keep it simple. Never try to go overboard with these things.

If you have problems in matching the theme with furniture, then purchase more expensive and bigger things and then work it into the room. This is plan B and it works when you are having trouble in choosing the right bedding and furniture. For this, you need to have a décor. If you already have an idea in your mind, you can get the things accordingly or you can buy the bedding and furniture and then bring the room together.

There are so many themes that you can have for the room, Winnie the Pooh being most popular. Other themes like strawberry shortcake, My Little Pony and Care Bears are also quite popular. If you want the Pooh theme, you can go either for the classic pooh or pooh and friends. Often you will get a mix, but you don't have to worry about this since the two go very well together.

You can make a look of your own. For this you need to buy common baby bedding and furniture. The most popular and basic design is the duck. Bear is also a popular design. You can also purchase very simple and plain furniture and then go for designer or any other type of bedding to add style to it. Yellow ducks still remain the most popular designs especially for the nursery and baby showers.

For selecting the perfect baby furniture, you should always keep the shape and size of the room in your mind. When deciding on the furniture, always keep in mind the sex of the baby. For your little boy you should go for masculine items like sports etc. whereas you must keep it really sweet and simple for your little girl. In case you don't know the sex of your child, you should go for a neutral room. Once the baby arrives, you can paint the room in different colors and change it accordingly. These small things will help you in choosing the best furniture for your baby.

George Wood is a successful webmaster of many popular sites including baby furniture and child care site. If you want to get more info click over to George site about sleep.

Involving Your Baby In Christmas Celebrations

Writen by Roy Thomsitt

The Christmas holiday period is a time when, for millions of families, the daily routine is likely to change, sometimes drastically or sometimes just a little. If you have a new born, or very young, baby in the house, do not believe that they will not be aware of what's going on just because they are lazing around in their crib sleeping most of the time. They will be aware of differences in their environment, so it is a good idea to think about the well being of the baby in advance, and plan your Christmas period accordingly.

Probably the first sign that something different is going on in the home will be the Christmas decorations and ornaments going up. While the baby may seem oblivious to all commotion and activity as the decorations go up all around, there is a good chance that a baby who has lived in the house for a few months will be very aware of them, even if they cannot focus on the detail of the decorations themselves. This is a good time to get the baby involved in Christmas, right at the start, by letting them lie in the room being decorated while they are awake. Let them watch the rest of the family as they hang the Christmas tree decorations and lights, and all the other ornaments. Once in a while, take over an ornament that is bright and let her see it up close; find some that make a noise, and let her hear the gentle sounds up close. Nothing too noisy, of course, that will scare the baby, just the gentle sounds. Also, pick her up and take her up close to hanging ornaments. That will help the baby feel a part of what is going on, even if they do not have a clue what it is all about.

If your Christmas holiday is being spent at home, then the routine with the baby need not change too much. If you are expecting a lot of guests, though, then it may be rather different, so try not to forget to plan for the baby too. If you are getting caught up in a frenzy of cooking and other preparation in the days before Christmas, and on Christmas morning, then try to involve the baby just a bit, by allowing her to lie in the kitchen with you, or in whatever room the preparation may be going on. Remember, your baby will sense stress and anxiety in the parents, so it is best to allow plenty of time for your preparation so that you are not too rushed and stressed out.

If the baby is used to having a lot of people around, then she will probably not be too disturbed by the sudden influx of visitors. Even then, remember she needs peaceful periods, and when she joins the throng while awake it is worth keeping an eye on whether she is becoming overwhelmed by too much boisterous attention, especially as the alcohol may flow later in the day, or sooner in some cases. Always remember, your baby just needs love, warmth, care, food and security, so as long as you remain conscious of those things at all times, then your baby can enjoy Christmas as much as you, even though she may not be able to tell you so.

If you are going away, then the routine upset will be greater, so it may not be quite so easy for baby or parents. Everything mentioned above for staying at home still applies, and the travel preparation should be no different than for an ordinary trip away. However, take extra care and ensure you have everything that you will need for the baby while travelling and away, listed well in advance and organised in plenty of time. Depending on where you live, there may not be shops open on Christmas Day, and Christmas Eve shopping may be a stressful nightmare for you and the baby. So, it is well worth getting yourself, and your baby's, things well organized in advance.

Christmas should be a great time for you, your family and your baby. Much will be just as normal, but it is always worth remembering that she will be aware of anything that is different, whether in surroundings, tension levels, or sounds. If you are breastfeeding, you should be aware that what you eat and drink will provide her milk.

So long as you remain aware of those things, and act accordingly, your baby will be happy, and have a good grounding for getting more involved next Christmas.

This baby care article was written by Roy Thomsitt, owner author of the Bouncing New Baby website. Ably assisted by his baby daughter, he is also responsible for the Baby Blog

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Buying Designer Baby Bedding On A Budget

Writen by LynnMarie S.

Designer baby bedding is some of the most beautiful and exclusive bedding you can find for your child's nursery from the cradle to the crib. You may believe the only place you can find these exquisite designs is by shopping at the expensive baby Shoppe's around town, however, you would be mistaken. Today, you can find exclusive designer baby without even leaving more and many times a lot less expensive than you would pay at the Baby Shoppe on the corner.

If you are wondering, where you can find these wonderful deals and how it is possible the answer is quite simple - the internet. Online you can find unique website that offer designer baby bedding by some of the most popular designers at a fraction of the cost at your local store. The reason this is so, is that the company with the website does not have all the expenses that a local store would have. Many of the companies on the website have the ability to order directly from the designer when you order, thus they do not need as much storage space. Some companies may or may not have actual storefronts that you can visit. If they do not have a storefront, they do not have to pay rent, any bills for upkeep, and they do not have to have as many employees. All of these savings are passed to their customers.

As examples of a few of the unique designer baby bedding you can find online we will use "Dance Laugh Sing" by Kimberly Grant, " Little Lizards" by Room Magic, and "Fiji" by Cotton Tale.

Dance Laugh Sing is a beautiful colorful collection, which was inspired by Kimberly Grants artwork featuring playful little characters. This designer baby bedding set is a combination of pink gingham with white pique and pink & green stripe enhanced with Sherpa cording, trims and unique embroidery. The 4-piece set comes complete with quilt, bumper pad, sheet, and dust ruffle, with 16 inches drop length, and can be found online for only $248.00.

The Little Lizards designer baby bedding mixes bright colors with lizards, snakes, lizards and other reptiles to create a wonderful jungle type them which is great for a little boy. The 4-piece set comes complete with bumper pad, sheet, comforter and bed skirt for only $250.00.

The Fiji designer baby bedding set mixes a bit of the tropics with an exotic feel with magnificent patterns and colors along with tropical palm print, green polka dot ruffle and lavender polka dot print. The crib set includes bumper pad, dust ruffle, coverlet, and fitted sheet for only $149.40.

All of the adorable designer baby bedding set can be found along with many other unique accessories that are coordinated to the theme at prices that you will not believe.

Creating your little one's nursery with designer baby bedding and accessories is easier than you could ever imagine by choosing to shop online and save yourself time and money by purchasing the designer baby bedding of your choice online instead of at an expensive baby store at the mall.

About the Author

LynnMarie is On-Line Editor for which is one of the top online retailers of Designer Baby Bedding including a large selection of Cotton Tale Bedding for you to choose from.

Baby Shower Centrepieces Cunning Beats Creativity

Writen by Gracie May

So many ideas for baby shower centrepieces can leave you in a turmoil not knowing what to pick to display on the day. Centrepieces used for baby showers were traditionally flower arrangements. Floral pieces on show would come beautifully arranged in a basket or a crystal holder.

Remember the theme for the baby shower when choosing what flowers to have for the centrepiece. A good idea is to try blending in personal items in and around the arrangement. Colour is another important factor we don't want the table laden with pastel lemons and whites only to throw in a big red bloom. Another issue to focus on is selecting the right flowers.

Flowers are one of natures beauty alongside your newborn, blossoms picked by you for the baby shower will enhance the occasion with an essence so sweet filling the air.

Personal items for the flower basket centrepiece can include baby novelties like cuddly toys these can be bears and bunnies to baby clothes.

Have you considered preparing and making up your own baby shower centrepiece, if this is out of your league then buy one, expect to pay approx 35 pounds upwards all depending on the design and content i.e. whatever goodies you choose to place inside the basket.

Baby shower centrepieces can come in edible form such as a baby showers cake. If a diaper cake is your decoration for the middle of the table then you have to remember these are not for consumption. Diaper cake is actually made up of diaper/nappies. It is a fabulous and practical idea for a baby shower centrepiece.

Another tip and cost effective for a centrepiece is to place a plant on display not only does this do the trick but you get to keep the plant for a long while after. Try placing some baby extras around the pot like baby linen, towels what ever you feel is best suited. It has been known that fishbowls have been used to decorate the table at baby showers, floating candles, beads or flower petals were added to spice up the look.

Liven up the occasion with colour add balloons they are cheap and ideal for the baby shower party. Try tying a few brightly coloured bows around cuddly toys. Silk flowers scattered around a neat tower of baby linen or candles encompassed by baby soaps and smellies. Do be careful with candles.

Creativity creates a more exciting centre piece I hear, I don't think so not if you are on a budget.

If you are struggling to meet the cost of a baby shower centrepiece then cunning it has to be. Here is how it is done spruce up the table with more colour by adding floating balloons, action the whole content of the table with so many different little gifts brightly gift wrapped. And a definite guarantee to distract eye contact away from the non absent centrepiece is to place plates of cream filled cakes here and there; the centrepiece will not even be missed.

If this day is to be remembered for as long as ever after then be sure to browse this fabulous site for fantastic ideas/themes. All you could possibly want to announce baby's presence can found here at

Monday, November 17, 2008

Breast Club

Writen by Lisa Cole

The first rule of Breast Club is that you don't talk about Breast Club. Books, midwives, health visitors, friends, relatives and people you meet in the street cannot prepare you for the nightmare that can be breastfeeding. I have been lucky, no mastitis, no cracked nipples and loads of milk but it's still been a far cry from the pictures of contented mother and baby that grace breastfeeding literature. It wasn't the pain so much as the feeling that I was a milk machine, a slave to a small screaming thing who would be obeyed by my leaking breasts if not willingly by the rest of my body. Small thing feeds on demand, and he is very demanding.

When he was 6 weeks old he had a growth spurt that had me feeding every hour, day and night for a week. I just wanted to hide far away from him at the time. But now he is nearly 3 months old and the bleakness of it all seems very distant. Yes he still feeds when he wants, sometimes for a minute, sometimes for an hour. But now my let down reflex is in good working order. It no longer hurts and there is nothing quite like the surge of pure love I feel for him when he breaks his latch to beam a big milky dribbly grin at me. So my advice to others in the same situation is to give up on trying to do anything for yourself and just pretend that you want to be a milk slave, it is your pleasure to drop everything for a feed. This mental switch is what saved my mental health. It's worth the effort to give your child the best start in life and the difficult bit is not for ever, although it may seem like it at the time.

Copyright Lisa Cole,

The Mothers Milk Marketing Board at sells pro-breastfeeding and gentle parenting advocacy slogan t-shirts and accessories for funky mums and kids

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Transitioning From Bassinet To Crib

Writen by Sarah Veda

If your baby has been sleeping in your room in a bassinet, you may have some concerns about moving her to her own room and her crib. But, don't worry; you will probably both sleep better once the transition is complete. Most babies are ready to move to the crib at around six to eight weeks of age, or whenever he is sleeping for longer periods during the night.

Be prepared that the crib might feel a bit large to the baby who has been accustomed to a bassinet, but the transition will be much easier when the baby is older than it would have been with a newborn. If your baby seems bothered by the size of the crib, try putting a pillow at his feet to give the illusion of a smaller space. However, if your baby is turning over on his own, or scooting about the crib, leave the pillow out, as it can be dangerous. To make the transition easier, have the baby take naps in the crib for a few weeks before you move him in there for the whole night. Ideally, have baby take naps in his crib from the very beginning, so that when you move him there permanently, the surroundings will be familiar.

If you're worried that you won't hear the baby with him in another room, use a monitor to alleviate your worries. But, what you'll likely find is that you hear him when he really needs you, but you don't wake up at every little gurgle, which means better rest for both of you. Many first time moms are very fearful of sleeping through their child's cries, but it is rarely a real concern. In spite of the fact that you are likely very sleep deprived, you will hear your baby.

Finally, it is common to worry about your child feeling isolated. But, studies show that children are much more likely to be comfortable sleeping alone in their room if they begin this routine early in life. The two year old who has always slept in Mom and Dad's room would definitely feel isolated when put into his own room, the two month old will not. It is probably a bigger adjustment for you than the baby.

Your baby is getting more independent, and that might be making you a bit sad, which is perfectly normal. But, there are many more days of this ahead, and each step toward independence is a sign that you're giving your child the skills he needs to develop.

Sarah is a 41 year old wife and mother of two boys and one girl. She spent many years as a manager in the corporate world, and gave it up to be a stay at home mom.

Go to now and get her incredible baby minicourse – absolutely free

The Balance Between Keeping Children Happy Yet Safe

Writen by Andrew Regan

The focal message for last weeks Child Safety Week 2006 was to remind families and child carers to put child safety first. Parents were encouraged to look out for and participate in local child safety events which took place across the UK. Themes included road safety and fire safety.

Research suggests that most accidents are caused by very simple things such as toddlers tripping on toys that have been left lying around or an older member of the family spilling a hot drink over a child whilst carelessly moving around. The Child Accident Prevention Trust's aim is to teach the public that preventing accidents does not have to be difficult. It's the small steps that count. For one, taking five minutes to teach children how to put their toys away can help towards making a difference. This would also contribute to making the house a tidier place – fantastic!

The toy market has been slated for supplying toys that are quite frankly unsafe. Some toy companies have a poor reputation primarily because many of the toys are regarded as the product of poor production practices and negligence. As a result importer countries around the globe are rapidly attempting to enforce new, stricter standards for toy manufacturers to follow.

The Child Accident Prevention Trust recommend that parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles carry out their research before they purchase toys for babies and young children. Some of the industries biggest brands such as Mothercare have a reputation for supplying high quality toys and products that comply with the safety standards set. The Mothercare website also has a section on child safety which is especially useful for parents and carers.

Why not create a balance between safety and education and invest more time in reading with your children. As adults most of us remember the stories we once loved that made up a special part of our childhood experience. Penguin books offer a fantastic selection of childrens books which are both educational and fun.

No matter what activity you decide to allow your children to participate in, remember a safe child is a happy child.

About the author
Andrew Regan is an online journalist based in Edinburgh, Scotland.
For further information please check out the following ; child safety & childrens books

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Creating The Best Baby Shower Punch For The Big Party

Writen by Shaunta Pleasant

A baby shower is a time to celebrate the promise of new life, and to enjoy family members and friends. Like any other kind of party, a baby shower is an occasion for lots of eating and drinking, and one of the most exciting and unique parts of any baby shower is the baby shower punch.

==What's The Most Important Element In Any Baby Shower Punch==

There are many recipes for baby shower punch, and every baby shower host or hostess will have his or her favorite recipe for the perfect punch. The most important element in any baby shower punch is the creativity, and the love that goes into making it.

==The Punch Is One Of The Elements To A Successful Baby Shower==

Of course the punch is but one element of a successful baby shower. From the gifts, to the decorations to the food and drink, it is important that all the elements of the baby shower reflect the joy that the expectant mother is feeling.

Having a baby is an exciting, and sometimes a frightening time. The baby shower is the traditional way for family members, friends and coworkers to celebrate the upcoming birth of the baby. Planning a baby shower is a great deal of fun, but it can be difficult as well.

==Coming Up With Ideas To Serve The Food And Punch For The Shower==

Not only does the chosen host or hostess have to deal with getting all the invitations out on time, and buying all the decorations, but he or she also has to get all the food taken care of.

One of the best ways to deal with the menu for the baby shower is to simply let each of the guests bring their own favorite creation. If the task of creating the baby shower punch falls to you, try a recipe like the one below.

==Baby Shower Punch Recipe==

1 five quart tub of vanilla ice cream, softened at room temperature
1 two liter bottle of strawberry soda (Blue Soda)
1 package of frozen crushed strawberries, thawed (Blue Berries)

The ice cream is added first, then the strawberries, followed by the soda. The punch should be somewhat thick, so pay attention to how much soda you add. The exact amount of each ingredient is very flexible, so you can add as much or as little of each element as you want to taste. This baby shower punch is pink, making it a great choice for the expectant mother of a girl.

Or use a blue soda and a blue berries instead of the strawberry soda an strawberries to create a blue soda punch for a boy baby shower.

It is also a good idea to decorate the punch bowl with baby booties, rattles, and other items, to make the table look even more festive. Other than that, just enjoy your baby shower, and your baby shower punch!

Shaunta Pleasant is a professional writer and editor on baby shower topics. Visit my site to learn more about planning the perfect wedding at

Baby Crying 101 What You Need To Know

Writen by Barry McDonald

Communication - that's what a baby's crying is for. This sweet thing that suddenly turn into a fit of tears is just craving for your sweeter attention. All cultures in the world nod to this pattern all infants are accustomed to.

A baby cries the most during his or her first three months. Though the amount of crying steadily increase, the crying time period may vary from an hour to most of the day and this could still be considered within normal range. Like, whoah, right? Babies are also known as howling tear factories.

Some thought that a baby cries more during the afternoon accounting it to the anxiousness of the mother or the stressed mood of the father after going home from work. But the most accepted assumption now is that babies have this automatic screening ability they use to shut off all the noise that may stimulate some response from them so they could get enough rest. But in the long run, this filter weakens and totally disappears during the approximate age of six weeks. This, then, make a baby very sensitive to the external factors such as noise, movements, etc. And these generally elicit a reaction from a baby and how best could he or she respond but only through crying.

There are many reasons why a baby succumbs to crying. Deciphering these reasons is the major feat a parent must surmount. Here are some of the things your sweetsome baby is making you understand through crying.

Hunger. Yes, your attention-hungry baby is craving to let you know that his tummy is grumbling. This is the most common reason for a baby to cry, especially, during his early months. The pattern of the hunger howl could be characterized as being persistent, demanding and almost rhythmical. But that rhythm is not at any rate close to becoming musical, of course.

Boredom. What can I say? Aren't these babies just plain spoiled? Crying because of boredom, errr, I'd find that a bit more twisted or weird if it's with an adult that is. But babies are really built like this. Crying is their way of telling you, "Hey get me a life here!" Aside from attention and food, consequently, babies need a lot of stimulation. And when they don't get this, there you get your waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!! The trick is to pick the baby up and play with him. This move may be frowned upon by some because of its amounting to spoiling the baby. But it is important to know that stimulation is also one of the major necessities of an infant and it won't hurt to provide him with some while in his growing age. This boredom cry is said to be also rhythmical and full of sobs and moans.

Discomfort. Pain is another precursor of the baby's crying. Who won't cry when in pain, right? Babies are not Major Paynes to endure the most excruciating discomfort they could undergo. They are little, vulnerable beings that need to be attended to when injured or when in an inconvenient situation. This cry could be more persistent, louder and more demanding. Shrieking and screaming, those are words that better describe the crying pattern roused by pain.

Another cause may be disturbance; surely, howling will proceed just when they're about to sleep or are already fast asleep and suddenly gets surprised by some noise, or movement. An illness that causes discomfort to a baby may also be the reason for a baby's bursting into fit of tears.

Visit and learn things like when your baby will need to see the doctor and what immunizations she will receive. How to introduce solid foods into your baby's diet and how to make your home safe for baby as he grows and much, more...

Friday, November 14, 2008

Basic Baby Swaddling Tips

Writen by Alice Williams

Things go in and out of fashion and swaddling is definitely one of them. For millennia babies were swaddled but a couple of hundred years ago the idea that it was "bad" to restrict a baby's movement began to rapidly take hold in the Western world.

It was still out of my fashion when my daughter was born, but when my grandson was born I bought her a book that explained the benefits of wrapping a baby tightly. Why? Because there's nothing like a decent night's sleep for both parents and baby.

Swaddling works because babies are born too soon! You'd think that nine months would be long enough but all those complex neurological processes really need longer to mature (about three months or more). Babies need to be born at nine months otherwise their heads become too large to pass through their mother's pelvis.

As a result babies are born at a time when they aren't quite ready for the outside world. Naturally placid babies cope by switching off and are able to sleep most of the time. But many babies find life outside the womb more difficult. It's too bright and distracting and they can't control their flailing arms and legs which they find distressing.

What they want is to be warm and restricted. Think how squashed a baby is for their last few months in the womb. Such a restricted environment may seem like a nightmare to you and me but to a baby it's what being safe and secure is all about.

Swaddling reproduces this feeling of being tightly restricted. The result is a more relaxed and less stressed baby. And that means a baby that's more likely to sleep. Remember young babies need lots of sleep and so do their parents!

Here are a few tips that will help you with swaddling.

Practise before your baby is born. There is an art to good swaddling so you'll need several goes before you learn how to do it well. Learning on a crying, wriggling baby is difficult. Borrow or buy a baby-size doll. If you need to repeatedly re-swaddling to get it right, dolls don't complain.

Swaddling needs to be tight. The most common reason a swaddled baby fails to calm down is because they don't feel restricted enough. It seems strangely cruel to adults, and this is why they often swaddle on the loose side, but tight is good.

Choose your swaddling blanket wisely. You don't want the material too thick as it'll make the folding difficult. Don't choose silky material either as it's too slippery to keep in place.

If you buy a pre-formed swaddling blanket check that it does actually swaddle. They are often designed to fit a variety of different size babies resulting in a loose fit. You need something that swaddles not snuggles a baby.

Keeping a swaddling blanket tightly in place can be difficult especially if you have a wriggly baby. Parents have used anything from safety pins to duct tape. Strategically placed pieces of velcro can be an easy solution. If your swaddling blanket keeps coming undone find something that you feel comfortable with but always make safety your top priority.

Alice Williams runs which provides all sorts of information about babies including baby swaddling.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Babies On A Budget

Writen by Tracy Lambert

As an expectant mom, you do not have to look far at all to see lists compiled by "experts" telling new moms all the "must have" gizmos and gadgets for new parents.

Looking back, I felt like I needed to have each of these items to be the prepared mom that I wanted to be.

I wish now that there had been an older woman to have guided me and put my fears to rest that if I could not afford some of these items, my child would still have been just fine.

I realize now that the vast majority of these things are not really needed at all. I would bet that my first child never even used half of what we had purchased, thinking that we would need.

So, here I am, this is my "expert" list for you. I have "been there and done that" times of plenty and in want, these are the things that we really used...even some of these are not "must haves", but rather, just convenient.

Cloth Diapers
We used disposables with the first seven....I wish so much that I could reclaim the money that we spent diapering the first seven!! Cloth diapers are not nearly as much trouble as I originally thought that they would be.

Diaper Hamper
This is a MUST for cloth diapering moms. Make sure you look over in the plastic storage area of your local department store before you opt for an expensive hamper. We have a great hamper I purchased there for $4.00!

If you are not cloth diapering, please let me encourage you to NOT buy some of the expensive diaper disposal systems. Empty bread bags or grocery bags do the same job and just as well.

Diaper Wipes
I have heard of people making their own from paper towels, but preferring to not throw out anything, we are using baby wash cloths. You could just use plain, soft wash cloths and be just fine.

Car Seat
This is a requirement of each state, and really a necessity for your baby's safety. I personally prefer the models with a base so I can use the seat to carry baby. When choosing a seat, remember to think dark fabric. You would not believe how quickly these items show dirt, wear and tear.

Crib & Mattress
My babies have all slept in a co-sleeper or cradle by my bed for the first few months. This is your choice. I wanted my babies to be close because I was breastfeeding during the night. Whatever you use, be sure that it meets safety guidelines.

If you are not breastfeeding, you will of course, need bottles. Do not think you have to buy a certain type or brand. Breastfeeding is always the preferred option...not only because it is better for your baby, it is also more convenient and definitely more affordable!

Our hospital supplied one for us. If you are breastfeeding, you might want to re-think the use of pacifiers. I know the "experts" go back and forth on the use of pacifiers and their connection to successful breastfeeding. From experience, I can definitely say my babies who took a pacifier nursed less and therefore, I had less milk! This is something to think about!

This is not a necessity but it is definitely nice to have, especially if you are going to be out with your baby very much within the first couple of years. Again, you will want to think dark fabrics.

These come in so many different styles, I hate to comment on a particular one...many people prefer slings but there are many different styles. You have to shop around and see what will best fit your family. We, personally do not have one of these. Instead, when we are out with our babies, I either hold them or carry them in their car seat. With that said, moms who do have slings usually love them!

Diaper Bag
For this baby, I sewed a standard tote bag for a diaper bag. Especially, if you are breastfeeding, and not going to have bottles in your diaper bag that need a way to stay upright, there really is no reason to spend extra money on a diaper bag.

Babies generally need a lot less clothing than we think, and much of it can be purchased in really good condition from second hand sources. Some items you may want to think about are onesies, a couple of nicer outfits, lots of socks...(these tiny things get lost so easily in the laundry), and gowns (our choice because babies can wear them much longer than sleepers.

Other Supplies
Grooming supplies are pretty much a necessity. Items like baby shampoo, baby bath, a soft hair brush, bulb syringe and nail clippers will be needed. You may want to check with your hospital prior to making these purchases, many supply them to newborns to take home.

A couple of additional items you will use are burp cloths, and a few receiving blankets.
A playpen or swing will give baby a comfortable place to play, but I have also found that a rectangular laundry basket lined with a blanket and filled with a few favorite toys works just as well when babies are old enough to sit up by themselves and play.

Preparing for a new arrival does not have to cost you a fortune. New things are exciting and add to the anticipation of an expected birth, but many are not necessary. Babies only real needs are to be warm, fed and loved. Providing for these needs, even in the most humble means, will make for a happy baby!

Tracy Lambert is married to Paul and homeschooling mom to eight children. She currently resides in Alabama where she manages family businesses including her website, . Visit Lines From The Vine today for more information on parenting on a budget!

Potty Training Techniques That Dont Work

Writen by Danna Henderson

Your attitude and actions have a huge impact on your child's potty training success. The following potty training techniques don't work and should never be done:

  • Punishing your child for accidents

  • Making your child wear soiled diapers or underwear

  • Making your child sit on the potty for more than 5 to 10 minutes at a time

  • Making your child "hold it" if he or she needs to go

  • Making your child sit on the potty when he or she is crying

Try to make potty training fun and exciting for your child. Positive reinforcement generates better results than negative reinforcement. Browse our selection of potty training products to choose the right product to use with your chosen potty training technique.

Copyright © 2004 ZIP Baby. All Rights Reserved.

Danna Henderson
ZIP Baby
101 Convention Center Drive, Ste 700
Las Vegas, NV 89109

About The Author

Danna Henderson started ZIP Baby in order to provide parents with comprehensive potty training information as well as a large variety of potty training products. For more information about potty training, visit How to Choose the Right Potty Chair or Seat.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Get Dad Involved In Breastfeeding

Writen by Robin OBrien

Many fathers feel excluded from parenting their children during the first initial stages of life. This feeling of exclusion and helplessness is exacerbated by mother breastfeeding her baby. So, can a father get more involved when it comes to feeding his baby? The answer is, yes.

The number one thing a dad can do to get involved is to support mom. At times, both parents will feel very tired when caring for the newborn infant, the mother especially. This is why it's so important for the dad to support mom. So, exactly how does dad provide support? The most obvious thing to do is chores: preparing meals, cleaning house, laundry etc. He can also directly help take care of the baby by changing its diaper, bathing and burbing. But the most important thing he can do is to provide emotional support. To listen to what his partner is saying and to let her know how pleased he is with her as a mother. A new mother needs support at this time of life more than at any other time.

A dad can also get involved with feeding his child, even though mom is breastfeeding. A mother can express her milk and store it for later use. The baby can then be fed mom's milk with a bottle at a later time. No reason why dad can't do this. In fact it can be a real benefit to the mother during those nighttime feeds as she can stay in bed and catch up on some sleep while dad does the feeding.

Breastfeeding can be a 'selfish' activity for a mother. A lot of women who breastfeed, cherish the intimacy between mom and baby. Breastfeeding can be the most intimate experience for a woman; a physical bond between two people where one is nurturing the other in the most fundamental way. So, it's understandable that some mothers are reluctant to hand over feeding of their baby to someone else, even if it is the baby's father. But, if the father is feeling somewhat left-out-of-things then perhaps it's time to let the father bottle feed the baby with the mother's expressed milk. The level of intimacy they feel toward their baby when feeding surprises most fathers.

A be patient with dad. When he first starts to bottle feed his child he is bound to feel a little unsure of how best to do things. Show him how to hold the baby; how to soothe; how to notice signs of when the baby is hungry and when he's satiated. Soon, with a little gentle instruction, he'll be feeding baby as good as mom. And, he'll probably exchange notes with mom on the little improvements the baby is making at feeding time.

A couple raising a child need to approach it as a team effort. Sometimes, both mom and dad do things together and sometimes they swap roles. Flexibility is key. When one of the parents is feeling too tired, or fed up to take care of baby, the other can step in, thereby giving the other a rest. This swapping and sharing responsibilities can also include breastfeeding.

Robin O'Brien is the founder and editor of and and

The Pitter Patter Of Little Feet Tips On Creating The Perfect Baby Shower Footprint Invitation

Writen by Kelly Jezek

One of the most popular types of baby shower invitations is the baby shower footprint invitation. These feature either an embossed or printed imprint of an adorable tiny baby foot. Nobody can resist a heartfelt "awww" upon seeing these. There are a fair amount of online sites where you can get free printable baby shower invitations in this theme.

Another idea is to make it yourself using either stencils or rubber stamps. Both of those ideas leave the invitation creativity entirely up to you. You can find free baby shower invitations online, some of which are editable giving you the option of keeping those things in them you like and adding others, in this case a baby footprint. With some creativity and good imaging software, you can create charming baby shower footprint invitations for just the cost of your crafting supplies and paper.

Free printable baby shower invitations save the hostess time that can be used on creating the preferred theme for the shower and taking her time on a tasty menu. The baby shower invitations make the initial impression of course and make a wonderful keepsake but one doesn't want to get bogged down in spending hours traipsing around looking for the perfect invitation. That's where free baby shower invitations found online come in handy.

If you choose to do it yourself, there are multitudes of sites where one can find clip art to make your own baby shower invitations, again eliminating the possibility of the invitation not fitting your personality. With the aforementioned, full color printer and a small amount of computer savvy, you can design baby shower footprint invitations that rival anything you can find at the best stationary shops.

Kelly Jezek is a successful Webmaster and publisher of She provides more helpful tips in planning the perfect baby shower at her site. Visit my baby shower helper today.