Monday, September 29, 2008

Things I Would Have Changed During My Babys First Year

Writen by Amy Cummings

1. Tried All Things Generic. I would have started with the generic brand diapers (store brand) and moved up to the more expensive brand only if they proved to be ineffective. Many times, packaging is the major difference between name brand and generic. This would have saved me hundreds, maybe thousands of dollars during the diaper years. Same thing applies to formula. I find that the Wal-Mart brand is just the same and much cheaper.

2. I would have turned the volume lower on the monitor. I found I could actually hear my daughter sucking on her little fingers as she slept. Therefore, I woke up at every whimper or sigh. I never got good rest. Have it loud enough to hear them cry, but not loud enough to hear them think about crying!

3. Do not let them in your bed. The worst sleep ever is when you are scared of rolling over on your baby or waking up at every whimper. Everyone will be more comfortable in his or her own beds!

4. Do not go crazy buying "developmentally appropriate toys." What babies need most in the first year is to develop language skills and interact with others. Enjoy them being babies! They will grow up and develop at their own pace. A lot of times, they will find interest in the everyday things around the house.

5. Do not waste your money buying fancy outfits for special occasions. They'll only be worn once and younger siblings may not fit into them. Just focus on quality clothing that can be washed and worn every day.

6. Scour yard sales for gently used baby items. I would not have insisted on paying full price for things I could have found slightly used at a garage sale or thrift store.

7. I would not have been so focused on all the different "milestones." I would not have been so eager for them to walk, drink from a cup and potty train. I would just let them be babies for as long as possible. I think I was so eager for them to do everything I rushed right through the "baby stages!"

8. I would have taken better care of myself. I would have taken the time to shower, exercise and see my friends. Being a mother doesn't mean forgetting to take care of your own needs.

9. I would have realized that my new role as "mom" does not replace "wife," "friend," etc. It is easy to forget that you are other things to other people (including yourself) that do not disappear when you have a baby.

10. Trust your gut feeling. Make decisions that will allow you to sleep at night. You're a mom now. Trust yourself.

Amy Cummings is currently a stay-at-home mom who takes care of her two daughters. Amy is a special education teacher by trade. She created the "Knot Me" which helps eliminate knots and bald spots from riding in the car seat or stroller. They are available at In addition, she has numerous other "Mommy Inventions." She also has a blog at:

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