Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Making Of A Minimodel

Writen by Anita Chaperon

Baby modeling isn't an exclusive art - nor is it as potentially fraught with danger as modeling opportunities for older children or adults.

Unlike modeling aspirations of someone older - a teenager or an adult - a baby-modeling career doesn't demand that the tiny one stand out among the crowd. She or he doesn't have to have the pearliest smile, the greatest physique, the wiggliest walk or any of those accoutrements that older model wanna-be's must have to be chosen from the ranks of the competitive hordes.

After all, how many babies do you see that aren't just down right adorable? Yours certainly, isn't that right?

As for danger, you're right there with your little tyke as she or he goes through the motions, or words, or as she or another holds him. Your infant or toddler is protected by those who have the most vested interests in his or her protection - mom and dad.

So how do you get your baby started in a modeling career? Or at least a few modeling gigs?

First, your baby must get noticed. You can help with that by entering your wee one in as many baby photo or modeling contests as you can find. Nor do you need to commit a ton of time and travel. Many Web sites, such as Baby Zone, host contests.

Baby Zone gives away hundreds for the infant or toddler winner of each month's themed photograph contest. The money is not the best part of winning, however. The sponsors - the folks who cough up the winner's dough - are the very people that you want noticing your child. These sites, vendors and publications - Breyla, Baby Slumber, Babies 'R' Us, for example - are always on the lookout for a new diaper-laden diva to tout their wares.

Baby beauty contests abound online - and get tiny little footsies in the modeling door. The Southern Cuties Photo Contest, for instance, is open to children infant through five. Two categories are judged - tikes under age two, and then ages two-five. Though the prizes aren't massive amounts of money they all include free entry into yet another photo contest, your child's adorable little face on the Internet for any model scout to see and just love, and an assortment of gifts provided by the vendor sponsors, all baby-related retailers or services. All of who just may need a model for their catalog, their site or their advertising campaign.

Don't think that baby modeling is just for your little miss either. Boys are just as much in demand as models for children's clothing, toys and other goods.

The Royal King mail-in contest is open to male infants as well as male adults. Statewide contests are held monthly, culminating in the national contest each September. Baby boys can enter the Baby King contest for ages zero to 12 months, the Tiny King one-three years, Little King four-seven years, and Junior King eight - 12 years. Winners receive sashes, banners, certificates and trophies. Again, the most important winning is your little ones photo displayed online in the Royal Photo Album.

The key, in short, to fostering your child's baby modeling fling is to get her or his adorable little face in front of the folks who need the models. Photo contests are your best means of doing just that.

--------------------- About the Author ---------------------
Anita Chaperon is the editor of Baby Modeling Secrets - a free website resource packed full of information about getting your infant into the baby modeling industry. There are a lot pitfalls to be aware of, from choosing the right baby modeling agencies, to hits and tips of acing baby photo contests.

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