Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Baby Sign Language Communication Before Speech

Writen by Christine Albury

Prior to mastering the art of speech, your baby has great difficulty in communicating his needs to you. This can cause frustration for you both -- yet there is a solution. Baby sign language is rapidly becoming popular as a means of recognising -- and responding to -- a young baby's needs.

Babies can be taught sign language from any age, but they really begin to take notice of the signs from around six months and may begin using them from as early as seven to eight months of age. As many parents will testify, babies understand an awful lot more than they are able to communicate through speech at this stage.

Some parents fear that using baby sign language may hamper their child's speech development later on. Research into this subject, however, shows that children taught baby sign in infancy go on to develop superb language skills. In some cases, they may learn to speak earlier and often have an increased ability to learn a second language.

There are other benefits to introducing baby sign language - studies indicate that children who sign often develop a higher than average IQ. The major advantage for parents, of course, is to be able to identify their babies' needs and respond appropriately -- easing the frustrations that can lead to tantrums. Once this channel of communication is open, many parents feel that a deeper bond with their child is formed, creating a great sense of harmony.

There are various methods by which you can learn to sign with your child -- no prior knowledge is needed, so learning along with your baby is part of the fun! It is important to remember to say the word when introducing any signs to your baby and to use the signs consistently - both in the home and outside it. Also, try to familiarise anyone who cares for your child with the signs they are using.

Some people like to invent their own signs to use with their babies, whereas others prefer to use conventional signs based on formal sign language -- the advantage of using these is that they are recognised by a wide group of people. There are many books, DVDs and flashcards available, based on formal signing, that make learning this new skill both simple and enjoyable.

Taking into account the benefits that this simple communication can bring, it's no wonder that more and more parents are using baby sign language -- and achieving a fascinating insight into their babies' minds!

Christine Albury is the author of http://www.homemade-baby-food-recipes.com, helping you become head chef for a very special little customer.

For more information on learning and using baby sign language, visit Teaching baby to sign

Hospital in Tennessee Thailand Hotels

Monday, September 29, 2008

Creative Baby Can We Teach Creativity Can We Observe It

Writen by Eliane Leao


To the Creative baby, Creativity can be taught, and creativity can be tested.

It can be viewed as a product, but it is also a process… An intellectual process! And the most important information about creativity we have when the subject of creation is baby is that the child creates his/her knowledge about the world inside himself/herself. S/he uses his/her own organization through creation, affectively and cognitively. S/he is in action creating internal schemes, structures and systems. We are only the ones who intermediate! And we have a better information: - That we can help him/her to create special knowledge about the world by stimulating him/her to learn everyday!

If the baby is generating and inventing his/her knowledge about the world by facing problems and approaching problems that stimulates him/her, his/her inner motivation grows towards more involvement with his/her surroundings, context and circumstances.

YES, s/he has creative brain, with power to look at everything and look to bits of information form fresh perspectives. What are the paths and new ways s/he has to put patterns experience together? By experiencing, acting upon and creating from reality s/he is involved with. And who are the intermediaries between the baby brain and the world? We, the parents!!!

The best you can do for your baby brain is to promote experiences of touching, smelling, hearing, listening, observing; it is to perform and to let the baby perceive learning as an adventure! Guide the Creative baby to seek wholes, patterns and relationships in objects and people! Expose him/her to music, art, drama and language. Remember, let the baby try! THIS…THE BRAIN UNDERSTANDS!!!!

Dr. Eliane Leao is a native of Brazil, South America. She has a background in Education from Purdue University (Masters) and a PhD in the Department of Educational Psychology from the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP)/Purdue University (Ph.D.). Dr. Leao has also three Bachelor's degrees, one in Piano, another in Musical Education, and a third in Voice. Dr. Leao is currently a professor of Music Education and Music Therapy conducting research on the influence of Music in Early Childhood Learning.

Her 'babies' have grown to become productive members of their communities. Dr. Leao hopes that the trials and successes of her family may inspire and convince other parents to stimulate their children during early childhood so that they may enjoy a rich, stimulating, integrated, and happy life always.

*Visit our website for free articles, homeschooling tips, ebooks, and drawings for baby books! at http://www.baby-can-read.com*

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Things I Would Have Changed During My Babys First Year

Writen by Amy Cummings

1. Tried All Things Generic. I would have started with the generic brand diapers (store brand) and moved up to the more expensive brand only if they proved to be ineffective. Many times, packaging is the major difference between name brand and generic. This would have saved me hundreds, maybe thousands of dollars during the diaper years. Same thing applies to formula. I find that the Wal-Mart brand is just the same and much cheaper.

2. I would have turned the volume lower on the monitor. I found I could actually hear my daughter sucking on her little fingers as she slept. Therefore, I woke up at every whimper or sigh. I never got good rest. Have it loud enough to hear them cry, but not loud enough to hear them think about crying!

3. Do not let them in your bed. The worst sleep ever is when you are scared of rolling over on your baby or waking up at every whimper. Everyone will be more comfortable in his or her own beds!

4. Do not go crazy buying "developmentally appropriate toys." What babies need most in the first year is to develop language skills and interact with others. Enjoy them being babies! They will grow up and develop at their own pace. A lot of times, they will find interest in the everyday things around the house.

5. Do not waste your money buying fancy outfits for special occasions. They'll only be worn once and younger siblings may not fit into them. Just focus on quality clothing that can be washed and worn every day.

6. Scour yard sales for gently used baby items. I would not have insisted on paying full price for things I could have found slightly used at a garage sale or thrift store.

7. I would not have been so focused on all the different "milestones." I would not have been so eager for them to walk, drink from a cup and potty train. I would just let them be babies for as long as possible. I think I was so eager for them to do everything I rushed right through the "baby stages!"

8. I would have taken better care of myself. I would have taken the time to shower, exercise and see my friends. Being a mother doesn't mean forgetting to take care of your own needs.

9. I would have realized that my new role as "mom" does not replace "wife," "friend," etc. It is easy to forget that you are other things to other people (including yourself) that do not disappear when you have a baby.

10. Trust your gut feeling. Make decisions that will allow you to sleep at night. You're a mom now. Trust yourself.

Amy Cummings is currently a stay-at-home mom who takes care of her two daughters. Amy is a special education teacher by trade. She created the "Knot Me" which helps eliminate knots and bald spots from riding in the car seat or stroller. They are available at http://www.theknotme.com/. In addition, she has numerous other "Mommy Inventions." She also has a blog at: http://www.momsbuzz.com/blogs/amyleah.

Hospital in Tennessee Thailand Hotels

Sunday, September 28, 2008

5 Step Potty Training Plan

Writen by Diane Ball

Because all of the adults and older children in your child's life use a toilet, learning this process is something your child will expect to do. He or she may even be looking forward to it! However, without a consistent routine and lots of instruction, potty training can be something that is very difficult for your child to master. It is important to be firm, yet understanding as your child goes through this time of life.

The first step should always be speaking with your child about potty training. When he or she is showing strong signs of being ready to begin potty training, ask your child to tell you when he or she has a wet diaper. Surprisingly, your child may be already able to tell you when it's time to go—many parents underestimate their toddlers! Don't worry about forcing your child to use the toilet at first. Get him or her used to the idea with books, videos, games, and other fun activities about the subject.

Many parents find it useful to make a chart showing their child's progress with potty training. Your child can help you make this colorful and display it in either the family bathroom or the bedroom. Set simple goals at first. For example, mark each time your child tells you he or she needs the bathroom with a star on the chart, and when your child collects 10 stars, reward him or her with a small toy, trip to the park, etc. Set more goals as your child learns to use the toilet—stars for staying dry overnight, stars for successfully using the potty, stars for staying clean all day, etc.

It is very important to be consistent, even when it is difficult for you (during a day of shopping for example). Take your child to the restroom often at first, and have him or her sit on the potty for at least 2 minutes. If he or she does not have to go, try again later. It might be a good idea to purchase a potty chair for at home for your toddler, since the toilet can be intimidating.

You might even consider relocating this chair to his or her bedroom or carrying it with you when you travel. Also be consistent with your praise. Your child needs to know that he or she has accomplished something every time the toilet is successfully used, even if it is becoming routine. Don't fall into the habit, however, of rewarding your child for things he or she already knows how to do. This will not encourage progress. For example, at first, reward and praise your child for telling you his or her diaper is dirty. Later, when he or she has displayed knowledge of how to use a toilet, reward this behavior but be sure to let your child know that dirtying his or her diaper, even if he or she tells you, is no longer tolerated.

Sticking to a routine is important. There are many educational tools on the market to help you learning potty training techniques, as well as many for your child. Remember that accidents are a part of life, and your child may go through the potty training process very slowly. Set a routine and reward your child in order to help him or her learn to use the bathroom.

Diane Ball has an interest in Potty Training. For further information on Potty Training please visit Potty Training or Potty Training Tips .

Hospital in Tennessee Thailand Hotels

Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Five Best Baby Shower Gifts

Writen by Jessika Ryder

Ask first time parents-to-be what baby shower gifts they would like to receive. Watch their response -- you'll quite likely see a look of real confusion on their faces! Or maybe they'll come up with a stock answer like "diapers" or something similar.

Exactly what a new arrival needs is not obvious to someone who's never had a baby before. And many times, guests are in no better position either, when it comes to deciding on baby shower gifts.

Of course, there's a lot more to baby showers than just gifts. But helping parents to stock up for the new arrival is an important part of these celebrations.

That's why the following list of top five baby shower gifts can be quite useful.

Top gift #1: Monitors

Monitors are excellent anxiety-busters, especially for first-time parents. That's why they hold the No.1 position on this list.

Once they can listen to the baby from anywhere in the house, parents find their confidence levels zooming. The latest monitors are very sensitive and can pick up the slightest sound from baby, even her breathing.

If your budget allows for it, take it one step further and buy a video monitor. That'll really ease anxiety. However, they are much more expensive, so perhaps this can be a joint baby shower gift from two or more guests.

Top Gift #2: Playtime mate for baby

Babies love to play. Anything that helps them play and be active not only keeps them engaged, but also stimulates all round development.

One of the best products for them is an activity gym or playpen. This is a soft cloth mat surrounded by a baby-friendly structure of bars and arches with many different toys suspended from various points. Baby gets to play in a safe environment.

Basic activity gyms are excellent baby shower gifts. There are also more advanced ones that include noisemakers and a variety of toys. The suspended objects have different colors and textures to help develop baby's cognitive abilities.

There are also excellent portable gyms and playpens available to help parents move around with baby. These are lightweight and designed to be easy to carry around.

Top Gift #3: Baby sling

Most babies love being carried around in a sling. It's the next best thing to being cuddled in mom's arms. Many parents have had the experience where babies get restless and cry while they use other types of carriers, but immediately calm down when put into a sling.

Baby slings are believed to foster a closer parent-child bond. Whether that's true or not, slings do have another great advantage -- they leave your hands free to do other things. That's definitely a big plus and is a reason why this baby shower gift is highly appreciated.

Top Gift #4: The baby travel pack

Moving around with baby can be a chore -- you have to pack a seemingly endless array of baby stuff even for short outings.

One way to ease this problem is to have one or more baby travel packs handy. What's a travel pack? Essentially, a diaper bag filled with baby necessities. It can include disposable diapers, a small toy or two, bib, complete change of clothes for baby, safety pins, and other supplies.

It's a great advantage if the parents receive more than one travel pack. Then one pack can always be kept ready whenever they want to go. No need to mess around with picking up and stuffing items into a diaper bag at the last minute.

Top gift #5: Car seat

Lots of parents say that a well-designed car seat is a wonderfully useful baby shower gift to receive. In fact, it's useful from the moment they leave hospital with the baby.

There are infant car seats available as well as infant-toddler convertible seats. The former can be used only till the baby is up to 22 pounds or so (typically). While the latter can usually be used till the first birthday.

Both are great baby shower gifts specially designed for the baby on the move!

Make sure these top five baby shower gifts are part of the event you're hosting. The guest of honor will end up thanking you long after the party gets over!

About the Author

Jessika Ryder is a successful business writer and party enthusiast providing valuable information on baby showers. Her numerous articles provide tips on baby shower invitations, gifts, party planning and other aspects of these celebrations.

Hospital in Tennessee Thailand Hotels

Friday, September 26, 2008

A Baby Front Pack Can Be An Effective Baby Sleep Tool

Writen by Paul Hegarty

Carrying my baby in a front pack has enabled me to comfort him to sleep.. It takes some trials and tests to find a way in which to free yourself from the front pack without awaking a sleeping baby. When shopping for a front pack or sling, keep this in mind and examine the straps and fastenings. Patience and perseverance are key factors for baby sleep techniques to work.

It took me a few months before I could untangle myself from a front pack and tip toe away from a sleeping baby. At times when my baby still seemed unsettled, but drowsy, I would lie down beside him and gently pat him on the back. Sometimes he would awaken and I would have to try again after he had a play session. Other times he would be completely comforted by my presence and sleep soundly. If you do not want your baby to cry-it-out, you need to be able to give more of yourself.

Often this is very difficult for a working mom and the cry-it-out sleep method is then used. As a mother you will be able to assess your child's temperament. You will know whether you should even attempt this method or whether you need to find an alternate sleep technique. Some signs that your sleep technique is not suited to your babies temperament are.

Your baby cries and screams for a long period and does not settle or self soothe himself to sleep. Your baby is or becomes clingy and upset during the day. Your baby wakes up more frequently. Your baby is inconsolable. Your baby once responded to is upset and fussy for hours afterwards.

The best sleep technique is one that meets both baby and mothers sleep requirements with as little crying and fussing as possible. Many a mother, has held a crying baby and shed tears herself. Sometimes you just need a good cry and other times you have to reevaluate your sleep techniques and find an alternate method.

Baby Sleep Techniques. Learn all sorts of tips and techniques for helping your baby to sleep, After all Baby Sleep means you sleep.

Paul Hegarty is the owner of Learningfromdvds.com, Price compare Fitness DVDs, read reviews, download free E-books. Read this month's e-book on "How To Spot A fraudulent Email". Grab your free copy today.

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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Finding The Right Baby Room Wallpaper

Writen by Morgan Hamilton

The moment you realize you are pregnant is an extremely exciting time. Lots of people just run out the very second they learn the news to tell all their friends and relatives about this exciting event. Others tend to rush to the nearest store, straight to the home improvement department and try to get the best possible baby room supplies so that they can have it ready for the new arrival. This includes baby room wallpaper.

It is usually an enjoyable experience to organize and prepare a nursery for your beloved baby. As there is an abundant choice available everywhere for the adorable nursery decors, it may be better to choose the actual baby-room wallpaper before you start getting all the other items for the nursery.

The main reason for suggesting doing the walls first is because the design of the entire baby-room is based on that. Actually the walls and the floor are the most important and the hardest to choose. After that all the rest comes into place in a kind of easy and natural way.

Consider taking your time for those decisions. The choice of baby-room decorations seems to be virtually endless and this makes it even harder. Not to mention that apart from getting something suitable for your baby you also have to like it yourself. Keep in mind that your baby will also have its own taste, being a separate individual and it already becomes a kind of impossible task.

My sister designed her daughter's nursery around an ocean theme and now only 18 months after that she has to redecorate. Unfortunately my niece did not like the ocean and fish thing and she seems to be really fond of all types of flowers and little princesses instead. However, this seems to be a change coming too soon for me.

No matter what ideas you have for the nursery do not start painting it without spending some more time thinking about what will follow. Have in mind that your child will have its own taste and that this taste will be changing through the years. The idea is to do something timeless, more classic rather than trendy, if you don't want to renovate the room every two years.

When we got our new house and moved in, we chose to leave the walls as they were in our daughter's nursery. It was looking very nice with its pinewood paneling and was making quite a cozy place for our daughter to stay. So normally I would never think of getting a baby wallpaper, put in fact I'm pretty much tempted to do that by the enormous selection of styles and colors that are offered.

We quite like the idea of a design that can grow along with our daughter, but in the same time the room really needs a touch of character that we would like to add. As it is now it is closest to what's being qualified as a study. The light very girly curtains that we chose and the rug with its pastel colors opened the room significantly. However, we think a little baby-room wallpaper can make it even better and give it the complete look of the nursery that we wanted to have.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning babies. Get more information by visiting Baby Room Wallpaper

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Bringing Up A Smart Happy Baby How Babywearing Makes A Difference

Writen by Kristen Hart

Have you ever wondered how you can get your baby to stop crying? How you can get something done around the house when your baby doesn't want to be put down? Have you wondered how you will get out and about now that you have a baby?

Babywearing will calm your baby down, let you work with both hands free, and give you complete freedom to get out of house – all while your baby is securely on your body.

Even celebrity mamas are realizing just how wonderful babywearing is. Mamas like Angelina Jolie, Michelle Williams, Liv Tyler, and Joely Fisher have all been spotted wearing their babies around.

Babywearing is easy – just pick up one of the many baby carriers on the market and pop your baby inside. Most carriers come with clear photo instructions and some even come with videos to help you learn to wear your baby!

Your baby will love being close to your body. A fussy baby is soothed by the rocking motion as you walk with him in the carrier. It's similar to how he felt in the womb – including the close, cradled position.

As your baby grows you can carry her sitting up and facing out or straddling your hip. She can see the world and you can get out in the world! Your baby will be able to interact with others in a way that is just not possible when she's strapped into a baby carrier or stroller.

Babies in traditional societies were able to learn how their family and culture worked right from the start - because they were right there with their mothers. Your baby can have the same benefit. Your baby will pick up on language quickly because he'll be listening to you as you talk with other adults.

The shifting and bouncing that your child gets in the baby carrier will help enhance her sense of balance. She'll gain muscle tone and strength as she travels with you and learns how to adjust her body in the sling or carrier. It will also make her happy to be an active part of your day.

Having your baby snuggled in the sling or cheerfully straddling your hip will leave your hands free to get some things done. Some baby carriers even allow you to put your older child on your back. What fun for baby and how nice for you! You'll easily be able to handle the housework. And you'll be able to take your baby out without having to lug a heavy stroller or baby carrier.

Your sling or baby carrier will also keep your baby close to you. People are less likely to ask to hold your baby while she is safely in the baby carrier. You can nurse your baby discreetly in a sling. And when you are in crowded areas your baby will feel more secure and be happier – meaning you can still hit your favorite malls or enjoy popular natural trails.

Wearing your baby in a baby carrier will result in a happier, more secure baby. And you'll be a happy mama (or maybe daddy!) knowing that you can take care of life and still get out to play – all with your bouncing baby on your hip!

Kristen Hart is the owner of Natural Birth and Baby Care.com, a website devoted to healthy pregnancy, natural birth, and the best baby care. You can learn more about babywearing and research all different types of baby carriers at http://www.naturalbirthandbabycare.com/natural-baby-care.html

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Prepare Your Child For Potty Training

Writen by Danna Henderson

When your child shows a majority of the signs of potty training readiness, you can start introducing him to the idea of using the potty.

Potty Training Books, Videos, & DVDs - Potty training books, videos, and DVDs provide a great opportunity to introduce your child to the idea of using the potty. Read a book as a bedtime story or watch a video together. Your child will probably have questions and be delighted when he finds a potty chair of his own in the bathroom!

Potty Chair or Seat - As you begin introducing the potty to your child, be sure to put a potty chair in the bathroom. Children love to imitate other family members and your child will probably sit on it when he sees you use the bathroom. After watching a potty training video or reading a potty training story, your child will have a pretty good idea what the potty is for.

Potty Training Doll - Dr. Phil recommends purchase an anatomically correct drink & wet doll for potty training. The best way to learn something is to teach it to someone else. Dr. Phil's potty training method involves having your child teach the doll to use the potty. When the doll gets lots of praise and attention for using the potty, you child will want to use the potty as well!

Training Pants - Potty training pants facilitate potty training by enabling your child to feel that he or she is wet. Diapers draw the moisture away from your child's skin and make learning to recognize the need to poop or pee difficult. Training pants allow your child to feel the wetness while protecting everything else from leaks.

Potty Training Incentives - Rewards and incentives such as stickers, snacks, and certificates can be great potty training tools. They work especially well for children who understand the basics but need an incentive to stop what they are doing and sit on the potty.

Copyright 2004 ZIP Baby. All Rights Reserved.

About The Author
Danna Henderson started ZIP Baby in order to provide parents with comprehensive potty training information as well as a large selection of potty training products. For more information about potty training, or to browse the potty training store Potty Training Advice For Parent's of Toddlers.

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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Baby Photography Hints For Taking Better Photos

Writen by Michael Russell

I love baby photographs. I have researched the library and the internet to find the best and most basic tips for you to use when photographing your newborn. Using these helpful hints will help to ensure better photos for you and for baby's photo history.

You will want to make sure your camera has fresh batteries. Be sure to have your CF card ready to go if you are using a digital camera. In a standard camera, make sure you have fresh film. As for the film, make sure it is at a constant temperature. You do not want it lying around for several years, then dig it out of the trunk of your car and expect great results. To always be ready, keep a disposable camera in the diaper bag to catch the photo opportunity while you are running around with your precious bundle.

Soft colors, soft light and soft textures work best when photographing babies. These take away from distracting backgrounds or clothing colors and allow the photograph to be focused on the baby. "Onesies" work well for clothing because they conform to the body and show the adorable, round shapes of the child. Don't overlook their hands and toes. A baby's personality is often found in these digits.

A blanket covering the baby seat will draw attention to the child, not to the busy pattern of the seat itself.

As for lighting, bright light makes babies and all other people, squint. A soft source of light by a window or under the shade of a tree works well. Morning light or sundown is a good time to photograph outside.

One very important thing to remember is baby's schedule. The best photographs are taken when the baby is rested, well-fed, clean, etc. This involves planning. Ensure everything is gathered in advance to have a successful picture taking session. Add the baby to the equation and you are on your way to a successful photography session.

Once the photography session is completed, process the photos. I recommend picking the six best photos and order plenty of these for the family. I like to have a prewritten list of names so I won't order more than necessary.

It is helpful to write the date on the front of the envelope that the pictures come in. Also write whether it was a special occasion, such as baby's first steps or her special smile. Be sure to store your CDs or negatives in a dry, temperature-controlled place. Put the best photo immediately into your photo album. It can simplify your life if you keep up with the album assembly regularly.

Some families have a professional photographer as their family photographer. They keep an annual or bi-annual visit to the family photographer, just like the dentist or doctor. This is important in creating the family photo history. Be sure to find someone who has a specialty in photographing babies, children, families and even the family pet. The family photographer should make the entire family feel comfortable and make your baby look as good as she can in front of the camera.

Michael Russell

Your Independent Baby Photos guide.

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Hurricanes Power Outages And Toddler Care

Writen by Lance Winslow

For those parents who have toddlers and babies or newborns and face mandatory evacuations from their region due to a large category hurricane, which is about to strike; they need to understand that the chances of a power outage are 90 percent and the chances that water will be interrupted are over 50 percent. The chances on flooding go up drastically depending on how close to the ocean that they are.

Some storms which are low category can be much worse as they are going very slowly and can drop up to 30 inches of rain in a region and flood out your home. If you fail to evacuate with your young children you are putting them at risk, while they are in a very susceptible time in their life. This is your responsibility and I hope during the 2006 Atlantic tropical hurricane season that you will heed the warning of government officials and do the correct thing during mandatory evacuations, which are prescribed and required by law.

If you have toddlers or babies at home and you do not evacuate you are taking the risk with their lives and one which you should not take. It is essential that you do the proper and responsible thing and evacuate as told to do so. I hope you will seriously consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Hospital in Alabama Thailand Hotels Booking

Monday, September 22, 2008

Babies What A Wonderful Gift

Writen by Kitty Barker

Babies take a lot of attention and a lot of love it is time well spent. The loving is always easy. Who could not love little babies? The attention and care for babies may present a problem for anyone who is not use to being around little one's. Eventually you will get the hang of baby care and it is really not as complicated as you might think.

Let's start with the baby's bottom changing a diaper is one of the first things that you will want to learn. For a little girl lift her legs with one hand and remove any poop with a wet washcloth. It is normally alright to use wet wipes as well. You can use a washcloth to clean the derriere the first few weeks to prevent any rash that a wet wipe might cause. To clean the genital area, wipe from the vagina toward the rectum. Dry the baby's bottom with a soft cloth applies ointment around the genitals and on the buttocks to prevent diaper rash. One big difference for little boys is the penis. Make sure that you keep it covered or you might get sprayed. The procedure is basically the same make sure that he is cleaned, dried, and an ointment is applied around the genitals and buttocks.

The next important thing for babies is feeding time. Breast feeding in the beginning is usually most desired. The baby eats and eats nature has done a pretty good job of providing you and your baby with the right equipment. At first you will find the nipples will be hard enough but they quickly get to be sore. Before you feed the baby we suggest that you get a heating pad or warm wet wash cloth warm nipples help the milk to flow much easier. After the feeding then we suggest that you use a cold pack to help you with the soreness. Most young mothers normally start within the third or fourth week giving the baby a bottle a day this helps the baby to get use to formula.

We all want normal perfect babies but unfortunately birth defects can and do happen. It is important that all parents are aware of the most common birth defects and what can be done to prevent or treat your baby. Congenital heart defects are among the most common birth defects. It is said that about 25,000 U.S. babies are born with heart defects. These defects can be mild showing no symptoms at birth. The defect can cause baby's ability to circulate oxygenated blood through the body. Today the prognosis for babies with congenital heart defects has improved significantly now it It is a good thing to do the corrections or treatment as soon as possible. The next birth defect is Cerebral Palsy.

Cerebral Palsy baby's movement is affected and so is the posture. It is caused by the part of the brain that controls muscle movement. Cerebral Palsy usually is not diagnosed until the child has reached the age of 2 or 3 years old. Two children out of 1.000 over the age of 3 have cerebral palsy. Currently in the United States, 500,000 individuals both children and adults are diagnosed with cerebral palsy. There is no cure for cerebral palsy but with treatment and physical therapy most children can significantly improve over time.

Spina Bifida is the most common of a group of birth defects called neural tube defects. Spina Bifida affects approximately one in 2,000 babies. Scientists believe that baby's who have spina bifida got it from their parents, however, they have found that most cases have been found in Hispanics mostly but there are cases in African Americans and Asians. Depending on the condition of the child treatment can range from none to several surgeries.

Babies are truly a wonderful gift from God and my prayer has always been for my family that all the children are born happy and healthy. It is very unfortunate that sometimes this is always not true. I have a cousin who was born with cerebral palsy, a nephew who has spina bifida, and a brother who was born with multiple birth defects. These children have all added a special gift to our families. We have learned much better to love through their eyes. We all understand suffering through the eyes of a small child and grow stronger each day because of them. It would be most wonderful thing if all babies were born healthy but whatever happens please note your child is still special and will be loved by everyone.

Author - Kitty Barker often writes a lot about Pregnancy Information where there is far more information, news and resources. She has a guide related to Pregnancy Weight Gain which is recommended - If that link is inactive, paste this link into your browser - http://pregnancy-and-baby-tips.com/

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Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Wacky Eating Habits Of A Toddler

Writen by Sarah Veda

Once your child begins to leave the world of baby food behind, meal times can be a roller coaster ride. Toddlers are notorious for being fickle and picky eaters. But, how you handle your toddler's eating habits at this age can have an impact on their eating habits for life.

Toddlers thrive on routine, including mealtime routines. When you disrupt this routine, it can wreak havoc. Unfortunately, sometimes this need for routine means that your toddler wants to eat the same food at every meal for six weeks. Don't obsess about this, but do continue to introduce new foods. For instance, if the favorite is macaroni and cheese, you might try switching the menu to the same macaroni noodles but with a little butter instead of cheese sauce. Then add some grapes or apple slices, and see how it goes. Lie about the name if you need to (this is macaroni and butter cheese, yum!), but offer some alternatives.

My experience has been that alternatives will only be tolerated if the rest of the routine is maintained. So, I never try to get a toddler to eat a brand new food in a restaurant. Only in the privacy of my home, where she can sit in her usual seat, at her usual time will I offer some new food. The main point here is that you must continue to offer other foods. If you are content to let them munch on French fries and mac and cheese forever, they may never be willing to try new foods.

One of the best ways to get your toddler to try new foods is to eat them yourself. My daughter wants anything I'm eating if I haven't offered it to her. So, when she asks to try it, I grudgingly give her a few bites of my food, making sure she understands that I was really enjoying it, but am willing to share. After a couple of days of this, she is ready to eat the same food, calling it her own.

Don't lose hope- nutritionists say that most children get a fairly well rounded diet if one is offered to them. Just find the healthy foods they will eat, and offer those more often than the less healthy ones. But, keep trying those new foods so that your child is reminded that there are more things to eat than macaroni and cheese!

Sarah is a 41 year old wife and mother of two boys and one girl. She spent many years as a manager in the corporate world, and gave it up to be a stay at home mom.

Go to http://www.infantresources.com now and get her incredible baby minicourse – absolutely free.

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Baby Party Theme All About The Baby

Writen by Sheena Salmon

A great way to have a first birthday is to make it all about the baby. Sounds obvious, but just humor me for a second. Parents have driven themselves crazy trying to pick the right nursery, obstetrician, pediatrician, and toys for their babies. Now let's use some of the past hard work toward your advantage.

Why not use photos and moments of you child's first year of life as decorations for your child first birthday party.

For invitations you can use copied photos of you child on the party invitations. This can be done at a copy center or you can do it at home on your computer. Just scan a copy of the photo with a scanner or save the picture directly from a digital camera. Then use Microsoft Works or Microsoft Word to make the invitations. There are several different themes available where you can use your own images.

You can also have an edible image of you child used as decoration for the birthday cake. Several different bakeries offer this option. Call around and you should find somewhere that can have this done for you.

As a party game, guests can tell of their favorite moment with you child or a great trait that they already see in the baby of honor.

The ideas are endless, just let you baby be your guide and have a great time.

Sheena Salmon maintains several web site including Tampa Bay Parent, a Resource for parents in the Tampa Bay Area. She also maintains My Baby Crib Beddingmedical health hospital

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Baby Shower Ideas Which Of These Golden Tips Do You Need To Throw A Successful Baby Shower

Writen by Qing Gu

Trying hard in finding some extra special baby shower ideas? Easy, easy. Everything on this planet can be done in a very simple way. So are your baby showers.

You don't have to be Martha Stewart to host a Shower. However, if you're pulling your hair out as how to turn your baby shower into a really special and exciting celebration for the soon-to-be-parents, follow my golden tips below. You will soon find out that planning a baby shower is just a snap and full of fun.

Golden Tip 1: Let Your Imagination Flow

Do you have the desire for something a little more elaborate and unique? If the answer is yes, you may need a few baby-shower-idea-triggers.

I can't imagine a baby shower without energy and creativities. If, for any reason, you are not able to come up with any creative ideas, I would suggest you to think out the box. My suggestion is that don't keep your imagination only stay with the topic of baby shower. Think big and thing something could create a special time that will live in everyone's memories for years to come.

I'm not saying that you should turn your Shower into a cover story on the next issue of Parenting or American Baby. If you can, congratulations! But for many of our people, we're all surrounded by all kinds of free information about love, family, and generations on TV, magazines, newspaper, and outdoor advertisements. Speak them with your friends and families, and see if they can come up with some special baby shower ideas.

For example, you can have a celebration of the entire family and their heritage especially with the soon-to-be-grandparents. You can even be creative to include some of your close friends in your guest list, and play games include friends sharing trivia about their own families, like famous relatives, traditions, or a funny family story.

Golden Tip 2: Learn from Other Party Experiences.

As someone once said, "The best way to have a great idea is to have a lot of good ideas." It works the same way to find unique baby shower ideas.

Lots of baby shower hostesses don't realize that the most creative baby shower ideas lie somewhere deep in their mind. They just don't know it.

I mean, we've all spent hours coming up with birthday parties, family reunions, weddings, and even holidays like Halloween and Christmas. Once the party is over, however, all that energy and all those ideas usually just dwindle away.

Think about this: If you can get out the party photos somehow find their way into a forgotten folder on your computer's hard drive or hidden inside a photo album somewhere, you can simply put an end to all the wasting of your time.

About The Author
Copyright Qing Gu, All Rights Reserved. Reprint allowed with all the text and links intact. Qing Gu is a Baby Shower Party Enthusiast who owns the website of http://www.coolest-baby-shower-idea.com. If you've already had a few great ideas, you can become a famous baby shower hostess (or host)and win a bunch of cool prizes by joining the web's ultimate baby shower contest at http://www.coolest-baby-shower-idea.com/contest.

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Baby Shower Gift Idea Number 2

Writen by Sally Aubrey

Well, how did you go with idea number 1? Or did you eat it? Okay, no I was just kidding.

Now for Baby Shower Gift Number 2.

One thing I really loved at my baby shower was a baby mobile. I got it from a friend and really found it so very useful.

There are so many to get from Thomas The Tank Engine to Symphony In Motion, to Three Little Monkeys to all kinds of animals hanging off the mobile itself. You can choose from an array of colorful mobiles that hang safely above babys crib and baby won't be able to reach it.

I've seen baby mobiles that glow in the dark, play a gentle song, and even talk to baby. You can start your baby mobile search by going to http://www.geniusbabies.com/mobiles1.html from there you can see a good starting range.

Make sure there are no little bits that can fall off and go into babies mouth- within months baby can be pulling things off that mobile faster than you can say "diaper" and before you know it there is something in his or her mouth. So make sure the mobile is adjusted to be well out of reach.

The price of these are pretty reasonable- being at under $30 or less. The great thing is with these type of gifts is that baby will love it and find it educational at the same time.

Good luck!

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Friday, September 19, 2008

International Adoption Is It Possible To Triumph From Tragedy

Writen by Patrick Phillips

In the early hours of Dec 26th 2004 the Western world awoke to the unfolding horror that we came to know as the Asian Tsunami. Those of us still recovering from obscenely large amounts of food and drink from the previous day sat transfixed as we watched a horror story of biblical proportions unfold before our very eyes.

The United Nations estimated that the Asian Tsunami left more than five million people homeless, including about 1.5 million children most of whom became orphaned. The outpouring of emotion from around the world was of mixed benefit as far as the region was concerned in that yes we all dug deep into our pockets and yes we all lobbied our Politicians to something about it and yes bizarrely this tragedy may have had some knock on effect in the movement to alleviate Third World debt and poverty but the blessings were mixed as far as the people on the ground were concerned.

Since the disaster, adoption agencies around the world have been fielding phone calls from well-meaning families wanting to adopt a child from one of the countries hit.

Adoption experts say the best thing people can do is to donate money to causes that directly help the children. They say it's wrong to take a traumatized child away from the environment that they have grown up in. "Adoptions, especially inter-country ones, are inappropriate during the emergency phase as children are better placed being cared for by their wider families and the communities they know," said the charity Save the Children in a statement released Jan. 6, 2005. International Adoption needs to be well planned "The last thing they need to do is be rushed away to some foreign land," said Cory Barron of Children's Hope International, an American adoption agency. "We have to think of the child first."

Adoption by some well meaning couple in the west flying half way round the world bearing large sums of money to whisk the child away to a life totally alien to everything it has known isn't always what is in the best interests of the child.

It is worth bearing in mind the following facts after any tragedy like this:

• Children will be experiencing an immense sense of loss and grief.
• They will need to know what they feel is normal and that they're not going crazy.
• They need to be with people they know and to feel as safe as possible.
• They need to establish a daily routine as soon as possible to reduce their fears.
• They should play with other children to have time away from their fears and allowed to have creative expression such as materials to draw.
• Those separated from family members need to be registered as soon as possible and reunified quickly.
• Putting children in a temporary care facility or an orphanage should be the last resort.

Around 200 children were orphaned and many more lost one parent when the Tsunami struck the district of Nagappattinam in Tamil Nadu state, the worst-affected region in India.

The local administration has handled scores of queries from individuals and organisations wanting to adopt the children.

But fears of human trafficking have made the government tread with caution. The emphasis now is on rehabilitating these children in the local communities. Suryakala, a district social welfare officer in Nagappattinam, says many children they talked to preferred to remain here rather than move out of the area.

The local administration has asked those interested in adoption to send in applications. But they are in no hurry to move these children out.

Around 60 children have been put up in an orphanage run by the Zion Church in Nagappattinam.

Parvathi lost her parents but has returned to the school to take her examinations. She visits her relatives once a month and says she prefers to stay in Nagappattinam.

Local charities and social activists have lobbied hard with the government not to "give away" these children for adoption. Aftab, a young activist, says he learned a lot from the aftermath of the Gujarat earthquake in 2000. He says that in the past two months there have been several instances of representatives of organisations trying to "forcibly" take away orphans. Nagappattinam was one of India's worst-hit areas" The local community objected and expressed its willingness to take care of such children," says Aftab. "None of these children want to be moved out," he says. The local administration, Aftab says, is still not clear about what it wants to do with them.

He has met representatives of different villages who back the idea not to move them out.

"Why should these children be sent to orphanages and homes far from here?" he asks.

Efforts by individuals like Aftab seem to have had an impact.

The local administrator's office has decided against any hasty decision.

One official summed up the dilemma faced by the government: "The issue of children is a delicate matter in any community... one wrong step and we will invite the wrath of the people."

Adoption experts are hoping the outpouring of interest in adoptions from the tsunami disaster might translate into adoptions elsewhere. The real tragedy is that the tsunami doesn't even dent the numbers of orphans worldwide, the real numbers are unfathomable. Most adoption specialists say the number of orphans globally may be somewhere in the range of 40 to 60 million—13 million in sub-Saharan Africa alone due to the AIDS crisis there, and many more in Russia, China and Latin America. Only a fraction of those children are in official adoption pools.

"We are hopeful that the tsunami-affected countries will eventually have an open mind to international adoption," says Thomas Atwood, President of the US National Council for Adoption. "But we're also hopeful that parents will look to adopt children in other parts of the world. There are thousands of children available for adoption right now. For those whose hearts have been tugged by the tsunami, perhaps this is a step in their journey towards another child."

So perhaps even after the darkest and most terrible of tragedies there can be some positive long term benefits and these are that whilst a large number of people may ignore the need or desire to adopt from within their own communities in favour of adoption with an International dimension this raising of the Adoption Profile and the inherent potential problems may well bring some of those new to Adoption back to considering Adoption from within their communities. The other benefit that can be taken from this whole affair may be the overall increase in the awareness of the concept of Adoption itself. If this in turn leads to more children being partnered with Adoptive Families then that can only be considered good.

Stephen is the principal advisor for International Adoption Information, an independent advisory organisation in social and child welfare. http://www.internationaladoptioninformation.com

Stephen is the principal advisor for International Adoption Information, an independent advisory organisation in social and child welfare. http://www.internationaladoptioninformation.com and http://www.internationaladoptionusa.info.

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Eczema In Babies And Young Children

Writen by Samantha Ward-Grodd

Infant eczema is a condition that effects many babies and young children in our contemporary society. Perhaps it is a response to our chemical laden foods and environments. The condition may present with a small itchy rash inside elbows and behind knees, or it can be a larger more intense rash. There are several ways that the condition can be managed without using harsh medicines or chemicals, these include diet, chemicals in the home, creams and potions.

Eczema is chronic, relapsing, and very itchy rash that occurs as an allergic response. Although eczema may look different from person to person, it is most often characterised by dry, red, extremely itchy patches on the skin. In infants, it typically occurs on the forehead, cheeks, forearms, legs, scalp, and neck. In children and adults, eczema typically occurs on the face, neck, and the insides of the elbows, knees, and ankles. Eczema usually appears during infancy. Although there is no known cause for the disease, it often affects people with a family history of allergies. In many cases infant eczema and asthma occur together or in siblings.

Eczema can be generally avoided by keeping the skin moist and at a constant temperature, reducing stress, removing irritants on the skin, avoiding harsh soaps and chemicals on the skin, avoiding environmental or food triggers. It may be useful to seek medical advice to help identify environmental or food triggers.

Some food products have been identified as being common eczema triggers for suffers. Key culprits include dairy products, eggs, soya, fish, nuts and wheat, whilst salt and food additives have also been identified. As reactions may vary, it is important to correctly identify the triggers for each individual.

Environmental triggers may also be another cause of outbreaks in young children. Some reactions may be caused by washing detergents, chemicals in fibres of clothing, pet hair, dust mites, pollens in the air, chemicals used for cleaning. There are washing detergents that do not contain added perfumes and softeners. These might be useful to reduce outbreaks. Regularly vacuuming and wet mopping can help to reduce the incidence of mites and pet hair in the child's environment. Removing shrubs and plants that are pollen laden from the immediate environment might also be useful.

One of the most important components of an eczema treatment routine is to prevent scratching. As eczema is usually dry and itchy, the most common treatment is the application of lotions or creams to keep the skin as moist as possible. Using cold pressed oils added to warm bath water instead of soaps or bath gels can help to reduce outbreaks. Alternatively, apply the oil directly after bathing so that the moisture is locked in. Many young children do not need harsh detergents or soaps to clean their skin, washing the skin with a gentle cloth may be all that is required. Products that contain synthetic fragrances or colours may also irritate sensitive skin and might need to be avoided. Most health food shops sell creams that can be used to prevent or treat outbreaks.

Samantha is a qualified Early Childhood teacher with 10 years experience. She is currently studying Master of education. She is the mother of 2 young boys. Although parenting is her main focus, furthering her understandings about how children learn and develop is something of great interest to her. She is interested in parenting, as a teacher, as a mother and a member of a wider community.

She believes that how we look after our children impacts on others in the world around us. For more information and articles please see http://www.saneparenting.com

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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Baby Crib Faqs

Writen by Alison Cole

Answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) on baby cribs will help to clarify doubts you might have while shopping for a baby crib.

Why do the prices of cribs vary?

Based on the type of wood used, cribs can differ widely in price. Cribs made of oak and Maple are more expensive. Some have certain additional features compared to others. These differences give manufacturers the freedom to increase the price of cribs.

What are the materials used in making a baby crib?

Solid wood or wood-based material MDF are used in the manufacture of cribs. Cribs made from Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) have gained much popularity in the last few years. MDF is very hard and long lasting.

Are bumper pads are necessary in baby cribs?

They are no longer necessary. If you prefer to use bumper pads, make sure that they are very close to the edge of the mattress and properly protected.

What kind of paint is used on the cribs?

The paint used is non-toxic powder-coat paint.

Which one is better, the one-handed drop-side system or the two-handed system?

Both systems have their own safety standards. Like all other systems, both have advantages and disadvantages.

How much does a portable crib weigh?

Usually, the weight limit of portable cribs is 50 pounds.

Can we replace the locks of portable cribs?

The locks of portable cribs cannot be replaced. If any damage occurs in the lock, then you must stop the use of the portable crib.

How do you keep your baby crib safe?

You must check whether all connections are safe and secure. Check the teething rail for splits or cracks and ensure that the mattress spring will support your baby safely.

Baby Cribs provides detailed information on Baby Cribs, Baby Crib Bedding, Round Baby Cribs, Baby Crib Sets and more. Baby Cribs is affiliated with Baby Bedding Sets.

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Nursery Decor Where Can Mom Look

Writen by Robert Meier

Moms-to-be are increasingly looking to the internet as they begin the process of decorating their nurseries. The choices available to them for crib bedding and nursery décor accessories expands more every day. The question is are internet retailers of baby bedding and accessories up to the task of helping Mom sort through the choices and find her unique solution.

With the explosion in popular character and themed crib bedding being made available by numerous manufacturers, there are now hundreds, maybe thousands, of choices for Mom. Gone are the days when she purchased a relatively ordinary crib bumper, dust ruffle, quilt, and sheet, and then searched for interesting decorative pieces to complete the nursery décor. Manufacturers are now continually releasing new crib bedding sets and coordinated accessories that are based on a wide variety of decorating themes. In addition to the standard crib pieces, these collections often include coordinating mobiles, hampers, pillows, night lights, valances, diaper stackers, light switch plate covers, bookends, lamps, and other accessories.

It is almost impossible for any one store to carry more than a limited number of the available collections or more than a sampling of the most popular decorating accessories for those collections. In shopping at stores, Mom is thus limited to those crib bedding collections and accessories that the store owner decided had a good chance of selling well. Mom is required to travel from store to store in an effort to see what is truly available. It is difficult for Mom to even remember how that crib set from three stores ago compares to the one she is looking at now.

Internet retailers should be the solution to this problem. Unfortunately, most of them are not up to the task. While they generally provide a much more extensive selection than any store can, they are often of little help to Mom as she tries to find the one that is right for her. Having hundreds of collections to choose from becomes a liability, not an asset, if the appropriate tools are not available to efficiently evaluate all of the choices. And few of these internet retailers are willing to take the risk of investing in inventory of these products to assure Mom fast delivery.

At Baby Supermall, we have devoted ourselves to learning how moms search for and evaluate their crib bedding choices. We have discovered a number of interesting things, some surprising and some not so surprising:

· Given a choice of sifting through crib bedding by brand, price, theme, and color, shoppers overwhelmingly prefer to search by theme.

· Brand is the least important of these factor to shoppers.

· Shoppers desire the ability to obtain fabric samples for any bedding they are considering.

· You cannot possibly provide Mom with too many images of the crib bedding.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of internat retailers only allow Mom to shop based on brand, do not have fabric samples, and provide only the minimum necessary in terms of images. In fact, many internet retailers never even see the product, preferring to have it drop shipped directly to customers from the manufacturers.

Fortunately, some internet retailers are waking up to the needs of today's busy moms-to-be. With just a little effort and patience, she can find an internet retailer that provides all the assistance she needs.

Robert Meier is president of Baby Supermall, an internet retailer of crib bedding, nursery décor, and other baby products. Baby Supermall has developed the unique Crib Bedding Finder, that enables shoppers to sift through its hundreds of baby bedding collections by a variety of characteristics, including unique baby nursery themes.

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Spending Time With Children

Writen by Sally Skelding

The foundation for building a good relationship with your children requires that you spend time with them - spending time getting to know who they are, getting to sense the clues that seem to motivate behavior issues, and getting to grasp their humor and interests in life. Every parent has the potential to build a deep relationship with their child that will survive through the teenage years. Building this relationship does not require spending a ton of money. As David Elkind said when he was in Portland many years ago, it is not the fancy trip to Disneyland that bonds your child to you. The bonding occurs during the day-to-day interactions of daily events and seasonal activities. So, put your wallet away and think "home".

  1. Encourage children to work with you in the yard! Delight in the nature around you! Discover the potato bug and dissect the weed! Yes, it will take longer to do the yard work with the help of little fingers, but as you work you will find humor and create a healthy respect for nature.

  2. Encourage your children to help you cook. When we have actually cooked something there is such a strong sense of accomplishment! Let your children help you prepare the ingredients for cooking - children are able to chop and sift and peel.

    Again, it takes longer, but all of it helps with relationhsips. It is not necessary to have all 5 children in the kitchen at the same time; set up a schedule and make it a special date time with the parent who is cooking.

  3. If everybody helps clean up the house, there is a sense of community-building.
  4. The key to building relationships is to be respectful of the individuality of each child.It isn't just mom's duty to keep the environment clean and workable for the family. I know families who spend Thursday nights housecleaning and then plan fun things to do on the weekend.
  5. Allow children to actually shop with you and help make up the list. If you have several children, let children trade off participation. So, put your wallet away and think Neighborhood.
  6. With very young children, take walks about your neighborhood, pointing out and discovering the dogs & cats, the flowers, the stores, the bus stops, etc.
  7. If there is a park near by, pack up a paper bag lunch and eat a meal or snack at the park...and spend some time enjoying what is available. Take along a book to read to the children.
  8. Bake up some cookies and take them to a senior friend (can be done in the evening or on the weekend).
  9. Think building communityand help a neighbor who needs help with weeding, mowing or needs just a visit!
  10. Don't forget to write picture letters to relatives and walk to the nearest mailbox.

    So, put away your wallet and think home art!

  11. With some paper and glue and odd bits of macaroni you can make super collages or use some cardboard and make picture frames.
  12. With some old magazines, create puzzles - and after you have cut some up, see if you can assemble them. Possibly glue the pieces down as you do that and create another form of collage.
  13. Take the newspaper and roll the sheets to make long and short poles; then using masking tape, build a structure or 3-dimensional art sculpture. Put it outside and see what the weather does to it!
  14. Create wish cards using pictures from catalogs.
  15. Create "I feel" or "This is who I am" cards, using pictures from magazines and catalogs of all sorts. Not every activity will appeal to every child in your family. That is ok. Provide the opportunity to the children who are not interested to be involved in something else that interests them.

One-on-one time with each child in a family is as important as spending time together with all the family! Recognize that children are interested in different things depending upon their age and skill levels. The key to building relationships is to be respectful of the individuality of each child.

Sally Skelding has been molding the minds of both young adults and children for more than 30 years. Sally's long career started in Youngstown, Ohio, where she was the Director of the Youngstown Civic Children's Theatre. During those years, she and her students entertained children with puppetry and children's theatre performances. In time, she returned to her roots and moved to the West Coast with her husband.

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Potty Training At Daycare And Preschool

Writen by Danna Henderson

With 61% of children between the ages of birth and 6 years in daycare, it's important that parents work closely with their child's care provider while potty training. When you child is ready for potty training, the right potty training guidance and supplies can make all the difference.

Be Sure Your Child Is Ready – Before you begin potty training, make sure your child is ready. Your child should show the following signs of potty training readiness:

· Expresses an interest in the potty
· Express the need to go potty (verbally or through body language)
· Able to dress and undress
· Uncomfortable in wet diapers
· Stays dry for two hours
· Imitates family members
· Interested in big kid underwear
· Has regular bowel movements

Introduce Potty Training - If your child is in daycare, he or she will probably notice that there are other children around who wear cotton underwear and use the potty. This kind of light peer pressure can motivate your child to want to use the potty. Start introducing the idea by watching a potty training book or video together. Be sure and tell your child's daycare provider that you are beginning the potty training process. You child's daycare provider can help by watching for signs of potty training readiness and answering questions from your child.

Discuss the Plan - When you begin potty training your child, discuss your plan with your child's daycare worker. He or she has probably potty trained many children and may have some useful tips and tricks. Make sure your potty training methods are similar.

Set Potty Training Rules - Work together to set some basic potty training guidelines. For example, agree that your child will not be punished for accidents and that you'll give stickers as rewards for using the potty. The potty training process will be easier for your child if both you and the child care worker are providing the same potty training guidance.

Progress Reports - Speak with the childcare provider often to exchange progress reports. Both of you need to be aware of any successes or potential problems. If the daycare worker tells you that your child used the potty earlier that day, be sure and tell your child that that you heard about his or her success and that you are proud of him or her.

Copyright 2004 ZIP Baby. All Rights Reserved.

About The Author
Danna Henderson started ZIP Baby in order to provide parents with comprehensive potty training information as well as a large selection of potty training products. For more information about potty training, or to browse the potty training store, visit the Bedwetting Advice & Store.

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Potty Training Tips

Writen by Johanne Cesar

Potty training. Most parents don't look forward to this part of child rearing. Even though it certainly isn't fun, it doesn't have to be a nightmare.

Potty training usually starts around ages 2 or 3. Generally speaking, though each child is different, girls usually start sooner, and boys usually start later. Some signals that your child is ready to start potty training includes the following:

* Pulling on their clothes
* Signaling that their diaper is dirty
* Crossing legs or holding their crotch area

One potty training tip that can be of immense help is one that most parents don't even think about. Try letting your child accompany you in the bathroom and watch you use the toilet. This way, the child will see that "even mommy does it". This will go a long way towards alleviating their anxiety or fears. Below are a few more potty training tips that you can use when the time has come:

* Potty training tip #1 - Let the child help pick out their pull-ups, if you plan to use them

* Potty training tip #2- Use a potty training book for interactive learning

* Potty training tip #3 - Get your child a small potty especially for them to use in the bathroom; this makes potty training less intimidating

* Potty training tip #4 - Give your child proper instructions on using their special potty

* Potty training tip #5 - Use visual aids for motivation, like a potty training chart

Potty training charts are also of immense help. A potty training chart is a chart of progress for a child, and works as a type of reward system (positive reinforcement). Potty training charts are used by daycare providers and child psychologists. You can put your child's name on the potty training chart, and use a smiley face sticker for each time that your child is successful in going to the potty. Potty training charts come in different sizes, with lots of colors and different characters. Using a potty training chart helps you involve your child in their potty training in a way that is fun for them.

Another potty training tip that parents sometimes fail to use is getting the child familiar with the potty, even if that means sitting on it and doing nothing. Just being familiar with the act of sitting on the potty will help stop the battles that can sometimes occur during potty training.

Here is the ultimate potty training tip: Don't yell or punish your child if they have an accident. This will only lead to regression with whatever progress you've made up until that point. If the child feels pressure, it will be harder for them to use the potty when they are supposed to. Conversely, if you get overly excited when they do go, they may also regress, feeling pressure to please mom or dad.

Unfortunately, you will probably be potty training your child when they are in the "terrible twos", that is, when they are most inclined to challenge your authority as a parent. It is very important not to give in to this kind of behavior and let it escalate into a battle. If this happens, the process of potty training will be very slow. So keep your cool work with your child and make sure that your child is familiar with the potty before you begin.

Johanne Cesar knows children! Find out how hundreds of parents potty train their children successfully in 3 short days with Johanne's no-nonsense expertise. Get your free potty training mini-course by visiting her Potty Training website.

Johanne Cesar is a successful daycare provider with over 9 years' experience. She has potty trained hundreds of children successfully. Johanne specializes in working with parents to teach them the keys to painless potty training success. Work with an experienced child care expert and mother of 2 who knows what it takes to get your child potty trained now! Visit:


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Robeez Shoes A Baby Shower Gift That Moms Will Thank You For

Writen by Leo Cuccione

Robeez shoes help your baby put their best foot forward

If you have a new baby in your life one of the most fashionable and functional products available for your child are Robeez shoes. This terrific line of children's shoes, created in 1994, has become a popular item for moms and the perfect baby shower gift for moms-to-be. This is no ordinary line of footwear. If you have ever dealt with kid's shoes you know how easily shoes can fall off or be pulled off. Thanks to a secure, elasticized ankle band this line of baby shoes are not only easy to put on baby's feet but they do not slip off.

Baby shoes need to be comfortable and reliable

Robeez shoes are machine-washable, genuine leather baby shoes recommended by medical experts to help in the early development of children's feet. The next best alternative to bare feet these baby shoes allow your child to grip and feel the floor as they learn to walk. Better than baby slippers, these baby shoes are skid resistant and an ideal shoe for toddlers beginning to walk. Available in sizes from newborn up to 4 years of age Robeez has over 70 designs to choose from. Whether fun and funky or stylish and classic there is a design in this line of children's shoes to suit any taste.

New baby Booties by Robeez

If the Robeez line of footwear wasn't enough Robeez has also introduced a line of baby booties. Available in sizes from newborn to 24 months these fleece-lined booties will ensure that baby's feet stay toasty warm on those cold days.

Looking for baby bedding, baby gift baskets, baby furniture, baby shower invitations, baby strollers, Robeez shoes, baby shower games or themes, please visit http://www.baby-shower-4u.com

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Baby Shower Games For Your Special Baby Shower

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Monday, September 15, 2008

Tripling The Fun With Baby Shower Games

Writen by Trevor Mulholland

A baby shower is not usually organized by the mother or father-to-be, but by their close friends or family members. These parties are designed to make the prospective parents feel that the people closest to them are celebrating their good fortune and are happy about the coming addition to the family. Parties like these are usually fun and full of good will, but they can be even more enlivened with baby shower games. These games provide more laughs and smiles, and they can be instrumental in bringing friends and families closer for an auspicious event – the coming of a baby.

A baby shower can have guests from a few couples to several dozen. Sometimes the larger the party is, the greater the chance that the guests do not know one another. People from all walks of life may find themselves in one room together for a few hours for the party: from Dad's colleagues at work to Mom's high school gang. Baby shower games are a great way to break the so-called ice, make the guests feel more comfortable with one another and remind them that they are present for a common cause: to celebrate the coming of a baby, the child of their friend or relative.

Organizers of baby shower party games should remember to keep activities short and simple. Games that are too complicated will not achieve the desired goal of letting the participants feel at ease with one another. Also, having complicated activities runs the risk of breeding boredom or resentment, either of which could cause guests to make a beeline for the door – something that the parents-to-be will not appreciate. So what party games would be ideal for a baby shower?

If you're the party organizer, you would not want for game ideas; there are literally hundreds of suggestions and tips offered on web sites. Arguably, the most popular game would be the "Baby Food Game." Participants are required to guess the name of the content of baby food jars whose labels have been removed. Variations of this game include placing the jar's contents in a diaper and having the guests identify the baby food in the diaper, or having a guest describe a kind of baby food in unattractive ways (such as "mashed monkey food" for "banana") and getting other game participants to guess the food being described.

Another example of baby shower games that is guaranteed to bring on the guffaws and jibes is the "Who Am I?" game. This activity needs a bit more preparation, but it may well be worth it. Basically, what this game entails is to show baby pictures of guests and game participants do their best to guess the identity of the person in the baby picture. An easier variant of this game would be to have the emcee announce something about the character trait of a guest, and have other people guess who he or she is referring to. For instance, the host can say something like, "When this person was a child, he or she always drew on the walls with crayons. It's not a surprise then that he or she is now an artist."

Another example of fun party games for baby showers is something called "What Am I Drinking?" Participants are blindfolded and asked to drink from baby's bottles. All they have to do is identify what they're drinking. The one with the greatest number of correct guesses wins the game. Another great guessing game would be "What's in the Bag?" As the name of the game implies, participants are asked to name the contents of a bag and the person who gets the highest number of correct guesses wins.

It would be even more fun if prizes are awarded to game winners. But organizers of baby shower games shouldn't think that they have to give expensive prizes or awards. Remember that these party games are all in good fun; games with too high a stake might just foster unnecessary feelings of competitiveness. Token awards are ideal, such as pens, candles, foodstuff, or perhaps a kiss or hug from the mother or father-to-be? That would certainly bring on lots of cheers and good-natured laughter.

Organizers should also remember to keep the number of baby shower games in moderation. Don't plan ten games for a two-hour party; two or three games will suffice, and spare enough time for eating, chit-chat, and gift-opening. Planned and done right, these party games will make any baby shower an affair to remember.

Your-babyshower.com provides you with information on all kinds of babyshower related issues like baby shower games, invitations, gifts, cakes and more. Come take a look at http://www.your-babyshower.com/

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Child Care Caring For Your Baby

Writen by Michael Russell

If it's your first, your baby is going to make a big difference in your life. Inevitably, your household routine will revolve around his timetable and your thoughts will be dominated by the responsibility of caring for him.

Bringing up a baby is not nearly as complicated at it seems, but it is all too easy for a new mother to be so taken up with doing the right thing that she misses the enjoyment of his babyhood. Make up your mind from the start to enjoy your baby. Have confidence that what you and your husband instinctively feel like doing for him is probably right. Mothering time is a special time set aside each day for getting to know each other. A baby cannot understand the words you say but if you talk to him quietly, he can tell by your tone of voice that you think he is the most wonderful baby in the world! Gradually, he will respond to you, with smiles and cooing sounds. You will come to look forward eagerly to this precious half hour or so each day. Your husband may also like to take a turn with the baby now and again. If you let him manage on his own, he will become quite adept at pinning on nappies and it is good for the baby to get used to being handled by someone other than his mother.

Feeding is a baby's greatest pleasure in life and sucking is the only skill he is born with. But it is not the only physical act of sucking - it is the close, intimate contact with his mother that he finds so satisfying. Cuddle him close at feeding times, whether he is breast- or bottle-fed.

Breast milk has all the advantages. It is safe, germ-free, easily digestible and always at the right temperature. It saves hours of time and work, costs nothing and increases in quantity to meet the baby's demands. The key to successful breastfeeding is a calm and peaceful atmosphere. Wash your hands before you feed and see that you are comfortable and relaxed. Put the baby to both breasts at each feed, starting with the right and then left alternatively. This ensures that at least one breast is emptied at each feed, thus stimulating further milk production. As a guide, ten minutes at each breast is an average time, but small babies usually fall asleep before the twenty minutes is up and larger ones may take all the milk there is in half the time. After the feed, keep the nipples clean with a pad of cotton wool or gamgee.

Your baby will thrive even if you don't breastfeed him. It is a disappointment, but not a disaster. So which milk to choose? Dried milks are widely used, convenient and safe. Fresh milk will do, when boiled and diluted. Evaporated milk is increasingly popular. Choose whichever you like and stick to it. If anything goes wrong, it is probably the strength or the quantity that needs changing and not the brand. When using dried milk, it is best to mix the feed immediately before use, as the fat separates out when left to stand. But if you do make up the days feeds and keep them in the refrigerator, be sure to shake well before use, so that the fat is evenly distributed.

Feed the baby yourself whenever you can and never leave him with the bottle propped up beside him. It is not only dangerous, but it robs him of the comfort he needs.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Child Care

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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Worried About Bathing Your Newborn

Writen by David Crowton

Are you about to be a parent and are having serious concerns about bathing your newborn? Afraid of the baby being all slippery and dropping him in the water? No need to feel embarrassed, these are concerns most new parents have when it comes to bathing their newborn babies because they are so small and seem so fragile.

When you first get over that initial scare of bathing your infant you will find that it can be fun and enjoyable for the both of you. There are some arguments over how fast you should give the baby a full bath after it is born. In the USA many specialists suggest not to give your child a full bath until the cord falls of but to only give it a sponge bath.

Having had children overseas where this belief is not followed you know that it is perfectly fine to give your child a full bath from the very beginning and that the cord is nothing to worry about when it comes to giving your baby a bath. The decision on how to give your baby its first few baths is completely up to you and what you feel the most comfortable doing.

In order to make it easier for you, getting a small baby tub may be a good idea since many of these tubs can be placed in the kitchen sink, on the counter or on a table. This way you don't have to lie on your knees next to your bathtub plus it gives you a little more secure position to handle the baby. Many of the infant tubs also provide some sort of back support and are not very deep. Regardless of where you give your baby a bath you should not have too much water in the tub. Maximum 3 inches is recommended.

Before putting the baby in the tub make sure the water is not to hot and whatever you do fill the water in the tub before placing baby in it because if there are sudden changes in the water temperature it can easily leave burn marks on a little baby. If you find that your baby cries every time you give him a bath don't be alarmed, it can take months before your baby actually starts to enjoy the water and having a bath.

Prior to giving your baby a bath, be sure to have everything you need at hand, things such as soap, shampoo, sponge, washcloths and towels. For no reason should you have to take your child out of the tub to go and grab something you forgot. You probably don't like to get out of the tub until you are done either? It goes without saying that you never take both hands of your baby as long as he is in the water. It does not take much water for a baby to drown.

When all of this is said, get over your worries and just enjoy the bath time with your baby and when you feel comfortable enough you can even take a bath together with your baby.

Whenever you are ready.

David Crowton is an established expert copywriter.
He is known for doing in-depth research before writing his articles.

Copyright 2005 BabyContent.com

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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Baby Sign Language The Trend Is Catching On

Writen by Jennifer Clark

For 20 years, researchers have carefully studied and tested this concept of using simple movement of fingers, hands, and arms to describe an emotion, action, or event. Originally used for the hearing impaired, it is now clear that all babies can benefit from using baby sign language.

Today, this trend is growing while parents discover the skills of baby sign language from various programs and classes offered in their communities. As more parents experience the benefits of understanding the simple needs of their child, the desire to learn and experience more will continue to grow.

It doesn't take an expert to tell parents who use baby sign language in communicating with their child, that now they can understand why their baby is crying, respond to a specific need, and overcome the baby's frustration. Eventually, your baby will begin using baby sign language to share thoughts and feelings, such as how they feel about a book, a toy, or a person.

Once a child has established a form of communicating with a parent or caregiver, there is an immediate connection to good behavior. Many tantrums are due to frustration for the baby in the failure to communicate a need. It isn't hard to learn baby sign language and isn't necessarily uniform between all families. So, get started on your journey into your child's heart and mind. Open the door of communication with your child and catch on to the newest trend in discovering baby sign language!

Article by Jennifer Clark, co-founder of Maternity Collections for articles covering a broad range of topics including baby cribs, maternity benefits, positive parenting and many more! Read more from Jennifer Clark about the wonders of baby sign language!

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Friday, September 12, 2008

Help My Breastfed Baby Spits Up Frequently

Writen by Carrie Lauth

Q: My breastfed baby spits up frequently. Is there something I'm eating that could be causing this? Could it be reflux? Or is this normal?

A: If your baby is spitting up, even if it's a frequent occurrence, it's rarely a sign of a serious problem. In fact, "In a healthy baby," according to the late Dr. Gregory White, previously a medical advisor to La Leche League, "spitting up is a laundry problem, not a medical problem." If your baby is gaining weight properly and otherwise developing normally, you probably have nothing to worry about, and likely the problem will lesson and eventually go away by the time baby is a year old.

Still, it can be disconcerting if your nursing baby spits up a lot. You may be wondering if he or she is getting enough milk or if there is some problem with your breastmilk. Rest assured. There are several things you can do to help prevent frequent spitting up.

1) Let Gravity Help When Feeding

Basically, any position that causes the milk to go against gravity will help baby handle the flow of milk more easily, and cause him to swallow less air. Try nursing baby in the "football" hold with him looking at your breast and partially sitting up, facing you. Nursing lying down will allow baby to let extra milk flow out the side of his mouth. After a feeding, try holding him upright in a baby sling. Many Moms have found that their frequent spitters are helped when they're frequently held close to Mom's body in a soft carrier.

2) Finish The First Breast First

At the beginning of a feeding, your baby is getting the lower fat "foremilk" and later on, the higher fat "hindmilk". If you remove baby from the first breast before he pulls away and give him the other side, he may fill up with foremilk, causing some gassiness, fussiness, and more spitting up. Let him decide when he's done with the first breast, either by pulling away or falling asleep. If you have a very strong "letdown", or milk ejection reflex, then this is especially important. You may have an overabundant milk supply. Try keeping baby on one side for an entire feeding.

3) Pay Attention To Your Latch

Be sure baby is latched on properly. His mouth should be open wide and he should have a lot of areola (not just the nipple but surrounding tissue) in his mouth. If he is latched on well you will have no pain, and baby will swallow less air. It's also a good idea to burp a frequent spitter before offering him the second breast. Oftentimes a thorough burping will prevent spit up later.

4) Relax!

Frequent spitting up is often caused by an underdeveloped esophageal sphincter (fancy term for the muscles that keep food down). The problem will likely resolve as baby gets older.

Spitting up is rarely caused by something a nursing Mom ate. There is no one food that causes trouble in most or all breastfed infants. Nursing Moms worldwide eat a variety of foods (including spicy foods, garlic, dairy products and "gassy" foods like onions, cabbage and beans) and nurse healthy babies. Food allergies are rare in breastfed infants. If you have a strong family history of allergies, then your baby may be allergic to something that appears in your milk. Ask your health care provider for recommendations about changing your diet.

Fussiness can be caused by many different factors, including temperament. If you suspect that your baby's frequent spitting up is caused by Reflux, he may have some of the following symptoms: trouble gaining weight, difficulty breathing, gagging and extreme irritability. Ask your baby's Doctor about your baby's symptoms if you're unsure.

Carrie Lauth has been a breastfeeding counselor for 4 years and is the host of http://www.NaturalMomsTalkRadio.com For more articles that will help make breastfeeding easier, visit http://www.natural-moms.com/breastfeeding_information.html

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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Why Sign With Your Baby

Writen by Genesis Davies

Baby sign language came into public view in the movie, Meet the Fockers. It is gradually gaining popularity as more and more families have started giving it a chance. With the advent of videos and books that teach you how to use signs, it is increasingly easy to pick up sign language and teach it to your little ones.

Why would you use sign language with babies? If you want a happier baby, give him a way to communicate his needs and wants. Parents who have tried signing are impressed at how much calmer and happier their children are. Many tantrums and upsets in small children is caused by frustration, usually because they can´t tell you what they need. Obviously, even if you understand them, it doesn´t mean you´ll be handing over bowls of candy! But it does help if you can communicate openly with your toddler and he with you.

Sign language communication also enforces the bond between mother and child. He can now tell you what is going on in his mind. Have you ever wondered what your busy little boy is thinking when he suddenly pauses in his mud-digging to stare off into space? With sign language, he can tell you that he was wishing his papa were here to help.

Despite initial fears that signs would cause a delay in speech development, studies have shown just the opposite! Babies who sign turn into early talkers in many cases and automatically drop signed words from their vocabulary once they use it in speech. Also, if you are raising a bi-lingual child, sign language can help fuse the two languages in her mind. Using the same sign for two words helps her understand that both words mean the same thing.

When you decide to start teaching sign language to your baby, you need to be consistent. Use the sign every time you say the word. You will probably want to start with words that are most pertinent to your child and his interests. Since 8 months (although it´s fine to start later) is the suggested age to begin sign language, most parents focus on basic needs – "hungry", "thirsty", and "more". But perhaps your baby would be more interested in words for his obsessions, "dog", "light" or "train". Take your lead from your child.

Babies can take up to 6 weeks before they start to use a sign, but once they understand the concept, get ready with your signing dictionary! Parents report phases of ravenous learning when children demand dozens of new words every day and their poor parents are hard-pressed to keep up!

Any way you look at it, baby signing has to be good. It allows our children to be just a bit more independent and able to communicate and lets us bond with them. How can you go wrong with that?

For a Free ebook "45 Kid-Friendly Recipes", check out At Home Mom

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