Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Personality Traits Of A Baby Born During The Sign Of Cancer

Writen by Tony Luck

Your Cancer Baby..

June 21 - July 22

A Cancer child can be independent from a young age, often playing alone for hours and inventing invisible playmates. Cancer babies are fascinated by colors and pictures, and they love the different tastes of delicious foods and drinks. Cancer children need to be hugged and loved and they thrive when encouraged. A Cancer baby will change moods frequently and will withdraw themselves if they suffer any kind of rejection. Young Cancer children are quite capable of using tears to get what they want and Cancer babies have a reputation for crying a lot.

However, Cancerians are delightful and fascinating children whose changing moods are shown on their faces. They are imaginative and will thrive when given a lot of warmth and attention. Your Cancer child will be easy to manage and discipline and will be well-mannered. Most Cancerians prefer to be the leader rather than to follow.

When raising a Cancer child you will need to give constant reassurance when she is fearful, which is likely to be often. These children are very sensitive to emotional hurts and rejections and will need your support to ensure that they do not feel unloved. The danger is that they may withdraw into themselves for self-protection.

You should encourage your child to express emotions in poetry, painting, music, acting or any other creative activity. Parents will need to find a compromise between being too firm and spoiling your child.

Cancerians are unlikely to complain when they are ill. Typical illnesses involve the upper digestive track - the stomach.

Author: Tony and Katy Luck who run a website about raising babies.