Monday, May 12, 2008

Celebrity Babies And Their Famous Parents

Writen by Rachel Thompson

With so many celebrities having babies these days, it is high time we acknowledged the new Hollywood royalty. It seems like every supermarket tabloid out there is absolutely obsessed with the private lives of our beloved celebrities. We would not go as far to say that we are obsessed, but we certainly do not lack interest in the lives of our favorite celebrities.

We are absolutely in love with Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin. They have to be one of the sweetest couples in the entertainment industry. It seems like yesterday that their first daughter, Apple, was born. Just this past week, they gave birth to their first son, Moses. At the time this writing we were unable to locate any photos, but it is safe to assume that Moses will be one of the most genetically gifted children in Hollywood.

As you are all likely aware, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are expecting their first child. There has been a lot of talk in the press about them as of late. In particular, there has been a firestorm of controversy surrounding the role of Scientology in the birth of their first child. Tom is a devout adherent of the Scientology movement, and it has been said that they have some controversial ideas about things. We are unsure what constitutes a Scientologically sound childbirth, but we wish Tom and Katie the best of luck!

If you are avid reader of any celebrity gossip rags, you are likely aware that Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner recently had a baby girl named Violet. While they are not our favorite celebrity couple, we absolutely love the name they chose. It is a timeless, classically beautiful name. While I am certain that there are some superhero jokes in here somewhere, we will refrain at this time. Congratulations Ben and Jennifer on the happy, healthy arrival of baby Violet!

While we are confident that you are as sick of hearing about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie as we are, it does deserve mentioning that they are expecting their own child. Even though they have a couple of adopted children, they are finally expecting one of their own. Pregnancy really seems to suit Angelina, and Brad truly seems in his element toting babies about town. Baby is due sometime in early May. Best wishes to the most popular celebrity couple in America.

Rachel Thompson is the proud mother of two young children, and a regular contributing writer for – a wonderfully informative online resource for parents with information about baby products, nursery supplies, children's toys and more.