Friday, October 31, 2008

Baby Shower Games Some Oldies But Goodies

Writen by Gail Leino

When you are planning a baby shower, you want to do more than worry about the baby shower games. Here are some simple to do, inexpensive baby shower games for the next party you host:

1. The Baby Name Game: All you need are several sheets of paper and some pencils or pens. All party goers get a limited amount of time to write potential baby names for the mother. Stipulations can be made on the game, like all names need to begin with "A" and "S" or they need to be names that could be used for both a boy and a girl. The party attendant with the most names on their list at the end of the time limit wins.

2. The Tummy Game: All you need is a large roll of yarn and the future mommy's tummy! All the party goers will cut a piece of yarn that they believe represents the size of the future mommy's tummy. At the end of the game, an actual piece of yarn will be cut that represents the size of her baby belly. The person who has the piece of yarn that matches the actual measurement closest wins.

3. The Tray Game: This game can be used for several situations, but none are as fun as the version for a baby shower. Place all kinds of items that will be used with new baby on a tray: a disposable diaper, wipes, a rattle, a bottle, a pacifier, a baby blanket…anything that a new mom would need. The more items on the tray, the harder the game will be. Show the tray to all the party goers for about one minute. Provide a piece of paper and a pencil and give everyone 5 minutes to write down as many items off the tray that they can remember. The person who remembers the most items wins. (Items from the Tray Game can be given to the new mother as a gift from the party host.)

Prizes for all your baby shower games can be small, like scented candles or perfumed soaps. All of these baby shower games are simple, inexpensive, and will make your next shower a big hit!

Mrs. Party... Gail Leino is the internet's leading authority on selecting the best possible party supplies, using proper etiquette and manners while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. Free Baby Shower Games, printable activities, party planning tips, menus, recipes, and party supplies to help complete your event.

Babies Suffering For Colic

Writen by Tony Luck

About one quarter of babies will suffer from colic from around age 3 weeks - and you will suffer too! All babies cry of course, but those with colic will cry relentlessly for at least three hours several times a week, usually in the evening when your partner gets home from work. This can be a stressful time for you all, but it will go away of its own accord once baby reaches about 12 weeks. In the meantime there are some things you can try to ease her discomfort and the decibel level.

Symptoms Of Colic As well as the crying and general distress, baby will often extend or pull up her legs, arching her back; and her tummy may feel bloated.

The Cause Of Colic The causes are not fully understood, although some experts believe that bottle-fed babies are more likely to be affected as they take in air through the teat. Other causes are smoking during pregnancy - this includes being in a smoky atmosphere (second-hand smoke).

Other theories include an intolerance of lactose (a natural ingredient of milk), and the immaturity of her digestive system - the latter is supported by the fact that babies usually grow out of colic at around 12 weeks of age.

Treatments If you're bottle feeding you can get anti-colic teats that reduce the air intake. Change the teats as she develops as using a newborn's teat after a few weeks will mean she has to suck harder and will take in more air. You can also get colic drops from your pharmacist which break down air bubbles in her tummy. Gripe water will act in the same way.

If you are breast feeding, some foods that you eat may be aggravating the problem. Possible culprits are orange juice, spicy foods, caffeine, alcohol, onions and cabbage. Try massage. Rub her tummy in a clockwise direction to aid digestion.

Switch on a hair dryer or vacuum cleaner so she can hear the noise. Seriously, baby heard these sort of noises while in the womb and she may be comforted by them.

Cranial osteopathy may help. If the birth was difficult, a gentle realignment of bones and joints can work wonders and some mothers have found that one treatment results in a cure for colic and other ailments. We have a separate article on this subject.

Make a note of anything that seems to reduce or stop the crying and repeat next time.

Helping You To Cope With your baby in obvious distress, the relentless crying, and maybe a grumpy partner; you will be under a lot of pressure. Understand what is happening and the reasons for it, and make sure your partner does too. Talk to other moms who will reassure you that it is nothing you are doing wrong. Above all, keep in mind that this will end of its own accord, usually around age 12 weeks. Hang on in there!

Author: Tony and Katy Luck who run a site with advice on having a baby.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Baby Shower Poem

Writen by Vincent Chua

Poetry is such lively means of communicating. It is a creative way of expressing emotion, intellect and aspirations. It is filled with sentiment and mirrors the individual's true inner being. Such channel of expression is befitting an equally elating occasion: the anticipated arrival of a newborn. Here are ways of incorporating poems into the momentous event, the baby shower.

Invitation Poems

Poetry about babies can give the baby shower invitation added appeal. Think of what it feels like to have a baby, the hope of anticipation and the fulfillment of birth. Include in the poem how you'd like those wonderful feelings to be shared with the guest being invited. Finally, to give the invitation a customized appeal, include the invitation details in the poem, carefully spreading the details, all throughout the verse, if possible.

Thank You Poems

Thank you poems are creative ways of expressing love and happiness for the future newborn. With the upcoming occasion, there are many things to thank for: having God ís blessing in such a delicate form or having the support of family and friends while playing the waiting game. Mom-to-be can deliver the thank you poem. If it is a co-ed baby shower, the Dad-to-be can do the honors.

Another way of saying thank you is through the baby shower thank you card. This is sent to all guests who gave gifts for the occasion. Include a short rhyme on how blessed the baby is for having guardians as loving as the guest who sent the gift. Then end by thanking them for it.

Poems for Baby Shower Activities

It is uncommon to have a baby shower and poetry reading in one, but it is an idea that can work among a very strong lyrical society. Most poets are very comfortable in expressing and conversing in verses, and if the future parents are poets themselves, then a poetry reading baby shower is not a bad idea. Who knows they maybe anticipating a future rhymester!

However, if you are like the rest of the world, using poems is not impossible in the conventional baby shower. It actually adds an enriching element to the event that everyone can gain knowledge from. Use rhymes to open and close the event, or when praising the Mom-to-be or future newborn. Riddles are also poems so use them in a game of treasure hunt or guessing game.

Cake Poetic Inscriptions

Since Verses and Rhymes is a good theme for a baby shower, why not include a line on the cake? Express how your future newborn is as sweet as the cake, or how much everyone is lovingly waiting for the baby. Mom-to-be does the honor of articulating the cake inscription before cutting it.

Baby Shower Favors

A fundamental part of any baby shower is the party favors, both as prizes and memorabilia. This is a wonderful opportunity to incorporate poems!

For winning games, contests or solving riddles, prizes can be awarded together with a poem about how remarkable the win was. The poetic party host can pronounce, in verses, how amazing the game was played and how miraculous winner won. Lastly, prize recipients can give their own ìthank youî verse or two.

As the guests leave, give them an inexpensive memento of the occasion, and as in the whole baby shower theme, include a poem about how it was made special because of the guestís presence.

Poems indeed, add more life to such a warmhearted occasion about giving life: the baby shower.

© Copyright Vincent Chua, All Rights Reserved.

Vincent has dozens more baby shower related articles and tips at his site: baby shower theme, check them out today!

What Does That New Baby Really Need

Writen by Jennifer Gove

What your baby needs and may not need.

There are so many gadget out on the market, so many cute little out fits, so many baby thing that we think we need, so many we don't need. Simply Moms offers you a list to get you started and steer you clear of the don't needs.


Don't spend TONS of money on these first little out fits baby will grow really fast and many clothes they may not even get to wear!!!

Onsies about 6-8

Sleep and plays 5

3 cute out fits

Snow suit if winter

Socks about 4 pair

Blanket sleepers for cool nights about 2

Hat for winter or summer

2 Blanket sleepers for cool nights

A sweater

6-7 receiving blankets

Other stuff

2 pack packages small diapers


Baby lotion


Cotton balls

Baby nail clippers

Gentle baby soap

The big stuff

The VERY first thing you must buy is a CAR SEAT


As far a bassinet it is up to you remember baby will not use this very long.

I would suggest a good pack n play over a bassinet they often come with attachable bassinet and changing tables.

A swing great for soothing baby when you have been doing it for hours.

Also a bouncy seat is wonderful

Our list of don't needs

Bottle warmers hot tap water run over a bottle works just as well.

Easy to hold bottles the ones with the hole in the center there are impossible to clean!!!!

A changing table…I changing mat is awesome ! used one all the time to change where ever I happened to be. Far more convenient.

Many of those tiny cute outfits. Buy a few you love for special events and pictures. Babies grow fast these out fits may only fit for a month.

There are many more needs and don't needs. It is a personal thing for each of us. This is just a general guide.

About The Author

Jennifer is a stay at home mother of her eight child. She is also the owner of .If you have enjoyed this article please feel free to cheak out our site for other great resources. -Forums, Chat, due date calculator , baby name finder and much more!!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

How A New Mother Can Use Her Breast Pump With Less Time And Bother

Writen by Matia Bryson

Many times a new mother is surprised at how time consuming feeding an infant can be. Add to the regular breast feeding schedule the time to use a breast pump and mothers are even more pressed. Timesavers can be found in making wise clothing choices, multi-tasking while pumping, and organizing the breast pumping routine better.

Dress for Successful Breast Pumping.

Wear two-piece outfits with easy access to your breasts. A loose top that can be pulled up from the bottom makes breast feeding and breast pumping more convenient. Another choice would be a dress or shirt that buttons all the way down the front. Buttons that go down only to the waist are not usually sufficient for double pumping because you need to be able to open the shirt wide. Also you could buy nursing tops or dresses with discreet slits at the breast for convenience when nursing or pumping.

Use a pumping bra for hands-free pumping or Medela's Pumping-Free Attachment Kit. The strapless variety of pumping bra makes it convenient to put on and take off only while pumping in a two-piece outfit if you prefer your ordinary nursing brassieres for most of the day. Some women have made their own pumping bras by cutting slits in an old bra. You could also try the old rubber band trick.

While you are making clothing choices, note that prints will not show wetness as easily as solids, and breast milk will stain your silk blouses. Other wise (or unwise) fabric choices may come to mind. Leaning forward slightly while pumping will help to keep the milk going into the bottles and not running out on your clothes. Some users tuck a towel under their breasts.

Multi-tasking while Breast Pumping.

If you would rather not buy hands-free pumping bras, you can have at least one hand free while double pumping with the following technique. Sit at a desk or a table. Use the edge of the table and one arm to hold your funnels in place. That gives you a free hand to read something that will lay flat on the table or eat a snack. Some users put the breast pump motor on the floor and operate the controls with a toe. With the Avent Isis IQ Duo Breast Pump, the controls are in one button on the part that is near the breast and the user's hand. Another option for multi-tasking is the hands-free breast pump by Whisper Wear, the self-contained breast pump worn inside your bra. Although not absolutely silent and it makes one's chest look larger than usual, this breast pump may still be an option for many mothers.

Some women multitask by pumping one breast while nursing the baby on the other breast. Some babies are bothered by the noise of an electric pump so their mothers have more success with a quality one-handed manual pump like the Medela Harmony, Ameda One-Hand, or Avent Isis breast pumps. A good time to try this technique is early in the morning when milk supply and the prolactin hormone is the greatest. Baby will usually be sated with the one side at this time of day – no need to switch sides unless you feel lopsided. Women who have difficulty getting their milk to let-down when pumping alone can often fill a bottle with their baby helping to stimulate their let-down.

Organize Your Breast Pumping Routine Better.

Follow a set routine: assemble your equipment the same way each time. Disassemble and wash the parts the same way each time. Like the pit crew for a race car, you will get faster and more efficient each time.

If you use your breast pump more than once a day, you could try the following. Instead of washing your parts after every session, just give the breast shield assembly a quick rinse and seal it in a clean plastic bag in the refrigerator between uses. Do give the parts a thorough hot, soapy wash at least once daily and follow the manufacturer's instructions for sterilizing when needed.

Some users advise buying extra breast pump parts as a convenience. Have a couple of sets of the washable parts and you can wash only half as often. Some women buy three sets if they are pumping three times daily while at work. They bag the parts without washing them and bring them home for one washing. It saves time at work, and you can take advantage of your home dishwasher. Some women assign the task of parts-washing to another family member so they can have more time nursing and re-bonding with their baby in the evening. Another advantage to owning at least one extra set of parts is as a little insurance in case you lose something essential. If you are not lucky enough to have a retailer in your area that sells all the parts individually, you need to call the manufacturer and have one shipped to you. It can take days for your part to arrive. That can be a real inconvenience for mothers who must pump every day.

Finally, if you are breast pumping several times a day, buy or rent an efficient, high-quality breast pump. A double electric pump will finish the job in sometimes less than half the time, usually ten minutes when you become experienced. A pump that is slow is not only inconvenient, but some users find them uncomfortable too. A breast pump that wastes your time will cause you aggravation you do not need.

Matia Bryson is the mother of seven previously breast fed children and wants to help other mothers to breast feed their children as long as they desire to do so. The "old rubber band trick" can be found at the Hands-Free Breast Pumping Page. For information on how to get more out of one's breast pump, read the Breast Pump Articles at the Baby Loves Your Milk website. For tips on buying a new breast pump on eBay, go to EBay Breast Pump Watch.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Welcome Baby Into The World With The Perfect Baby Gift

Writen by Johanna Lopez

Welcoming the new baby is one of the most joyous occasions in life. Baby gift baskets allow you to share your sentiments and congratulations with a unique personalized gift. The days of frustrating gift shopping and waiting in lines to find a baby gift are over. Now you can send the perfect baby gift sure to bring a smile right from your home or office. Baby gift baskets are the perfect gift for baby showers, baby's birth, christening, baptisms, baby's first birthday and holidays (Easter, Christmas and Halloween). These gifts are sure to create a lasting impression.

We know just how important this moment is for a new parent and how important it is for you to send a unique and exquisite gift to express your sentiments. There are gifts designed just for baby boys and baby girls to ensure you send a personalized gift designed just for the new baby. Not sure of the baby's gender? No problem Choose a neutral gift that is designed for a baby boy or baby girl.

It is a good idea to send a gift that can be used beyond the infant years. Send a gift basket designed around a wagon, tub, rocking horse or cradle. For the book lovers send a baby gift basket full of baby board books to read and entertain baby for years.

Choose a gift as unique as the new baby. Diaper Cakes are a great unique gift designed to look like a cake but containing the essentials for baby including diapers, towels, toys and layette items. Send a special delivery pizza, ice cream, sandwiches and hotdogs. These gifts are designed to look like foods but are made with baby layette items and fun toys. Also a favorite in this category are our baby octopus and caterpillar full of layette items for baby.

Send a baby gift basket for bath time full of bath products for mom to use and bath time fun for baby. Ducks, hippos and frogs are just a few of the fun animals used to create our bath time gift baskets for baby. Send a gift for mom as well as baby with our Cute as Can Bee gift basket full of pampering for mom and necessities for baby.

No matter what theme you choose baby gift baskets will make a lasting impression. Whether it's for a family member, employee or family friend; make your gift a memorable part of the celebration.

From The Heart Gift Baskets - Gifts for all occasions and holidays.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Baby Safety Part Two

Writen by Tracey Wilson

We do whatever we can to keep our babies safe. There's so many precautions we need to take, that we sometimes take for granted that the manufacturers of baby supplies will put out products which are safe. Sadly, this is not always the case. Many times we find out from baby's getting injured, or worst, with the product. Always go over any baby supplies you buy with a fine tooth comb to make sure it meets with your safety requirements.

The main accidents that occur with high chairs is babies falling from them because the restraints were not used. Babies love to stand up in them, and many babies like to climb on the tray, unaware that it can't hold their weight. Deaths have occurred from them slipping down under the tray and strangling on the restraint straps. High chairs should have a waist strap and a strap that runs between the legs. Never leave a child unattended in a high chair. Too many accidents can happen too quickly.

Playpens are many parent's savior. It's wonderful to have a safe place to put the baby where we can take care of things around the house. However, deaths have occurred with playpens mainly when the drop-sides of mesh were left in the down position. When left down, the mesh hangs loosely, forming a pocket or gap between the edges of the floor panel and the side. Young infants, even a few weeks old can move to the edge and fall into the loose mesh, get trapped and suffocate. Deaths have also occurred when they have a rotating hinge in the center of each top rail to enable the product to be folded. These deaths resulted when the top rails collapsed and formed an acute 'v' shape that entrapped the child's neck. Make sure if the playpens or cribs have this mechanism that it locks automatically when the rail is lifted into the normal use position. To fold it, it should have a button or other release mechanism that must be used to release the latch. Make sure you always show any one who will be sitting with you baby how to operate any equipment correctly. Improper set-up can cause it to collapse. Never leave your baby unattended with the side down. Even when they are not in the playpen leave the side up. Children may try to climb back into the playpen, pinching their fingers on the unlocked hinge mechanism. Also, never use a pad that does not fit snugly and never add a second pad or mattress. Babies have suffocated when trapped between mattresses or between the playpen's side and mattress.

Walkers are another wonderful invention, but babies will take full advantage of their now mobile selves. Make sure you keep them well away from stairs. Uneven floors and thresholds can make the walker tip over as well. They are also able to get into other rooms more quickly – so pay careful attention to the kitchen, especially while cooking. Baby gates are a great safety tool, and every home with a baby should use baby gates.

Other hazards are back carriers -- make sure the baby is at least four-five months old. By then the baby's neck is able to withstand jolts and not sustain an injury. The cycle carriers should not be used before a baby is one-year-old. Developmentally, children are just learning to sit unsupported around nine months old. It is not until this age that infants have developed sufficient bone mass and muscle tone to enable them to sit unsupported with their backs straight.

Do not sit babies in carriers on an elevated surface. Deaths have occurred from an active baby tipping the carrier over and off of the elevated surface.

You just got back from a nice walk with your baby and he has fallen asleep in the stroller. I know it's tempting not to disturb him, for fear of waking him, but deaths have resulted by infants wriggling feet first towards the front of the stroller and when their bodies passed through the opening between the hand rest (grab bar) and the front edge of the seat, they became trapped by the head and strangled.

You can always check with the Consumer Products Safety Commission web site to get the latest recalls and read up on dangers caused from different products, along with safety check lists to go by in purchasing baby products.

References from Consumer Products Safety Commission

This article has been submitted in affiliation with http://www.BabyNameVote.Com/ which is a site for Baby Names.

Children And Ways Of Protection Against Them

Writen by Yana Mikheeva

As a matter of fact, it's considered we should protect children. But did not you think these small people are not so defenseless? Since birth, "flowers of life" have a talent to complicate life of people growing them. It often happens that parents need help. One cannot go without observing the rules of personal security. We offer you a direction for protection against your own offspring.

"Seedlings", or babies from 0 to 3 y.o. The safest sort.

How to identify: angelic appearance, hellish smell, helplessness, throat of cast iron.

  • Trouble: wild screaming during days and nights. Way of protection: The first most efficient and radical mean of protection against "seedlings" is a well-known elastic product.¹

    1. If for some reasons defending line was broken and a baby was born nevertheless, read below.

    Give him to a granny. All the same she has insomnia. If you there's no granny, buy big ear-flaps. Bonus: take revenge on your neighbors for their last year repairs.

  • Trouble: Dirty diapers, belch on your favorite cloth. Way of protection: Hire a nanny. Feel yourself like a boss! You may have no other opportunity. If you cannot hire a nanny, buy respirator, elastic gloves and protective gown. Bonus: will-power training.

  • Trouble: a constant tail behind you, as soon as he learns crawling. Way of protection: Buy a play-pen. You will be absolutely safe in it, and will be able to relax, at last. Bonus: a motionless way of life does not threaten you.

  • Trouble: loss of valuable things. Way of protection: read a book "Money cannot bring Happiness" and don't care for broken things. Bonus: you will work out a philosophic view on life.
  • "Cuttings", or children from 3 to 12 y.o. Sort of middle danger.

    How to identify: thin extremities, curious eyes, foolish questions, bad character.

  • Trouble: "outdoor games" around your bureau. Way of protection: Use ear-flaps. Change your working armchair on a steadier one. Meditate. Bonus: you will learn working in any atmosphere.

  • Trouble: a torrent of questions about sense of living. Way of protection: Learn by heart a couple of phrases from "Capital" by K. Marks and pronounce them on any question. Your offspring will leave you alone soon. Bonus: you will start reading more.

  • Trouble: requests to buy a new toy. Way of protection: you will have to buy. This is the best defense, although it means great financial losses. Bonus: you will start earning more.

  • Trouble: Complaints on your "cutting" from other people. Way of protection: react unequally to all complaints. Roar with laughter, cry, or spoil for a fight. If you're shy from birth, - use ear-flaps and pretend to be deaf. Bonus: narrowing of circle of unnecessary acquaintance.
  • "Saplings", or teenagers from 12 to 16 y.o. The most dangerous sort.

    How to identify: odd clothes and hair-do, chewing gum, piercing, spots.

  • Trouble: idiotic music since morning till evening. Way of protection: Buy your "sapling" a CD player with ear-phones. If music can be heard distinctly even in this case, use also ear-flaps and install a light signal for deaf people on your phone and door bell. Bonus: widening of your musical scope.

  • Trouble: your computer is always busy. Way of protection: delete all articles, links and pictures about sex from your computer, and create a password for admission to Internet. Bonus: conversation about pistils and stamens are cancelled.

  • Trouble: silence and sighs in your receiver. Way of protection: when answering the phone, tell the silence about a secret dream of your "sapling" to become a doctor and discover a remedy for enuresis treatment his whole family is suffering from. Bear in mind that this remedy can be applied to "saplings" that have strong nerves and sense of humor. Otherwise, undesirable sequels may occur. Bonus: "sapling", at last, will put off his ear-phones, spit out his chewing gum and want to talk.

  • Trouble: loss of cigarettes and money. Way of protection: Trap the places where you keep money and cigarettes, loosening springs beforehand with humanity. If the traps are still untouched, and money and cigarettes still get lost, check your "sapling's" documents, probably, he's adult already. Bonus: grown-up "sapling" requires much less care.
  • Grown-up saplings have to be instructed about the ways of protection against children, so that they would not make you happy with grandchildren prematurely. To do it, as a rule, it's enough to tell them about the product.¹

    1. But if something happens... read from the very beginning.

    Yana Mikheeva is the creator of Baby Health Directory - Pregnancy, Birth, Parenting and Baby Care resources. Are you going to get pregnant? Visit our friendly resource and read information on pregnancy and parenting, painless childbirth, growth and development of a baby, baby health, safety, signs of pregnancy.

    She also has All about women site where you can find articles on various subjects, such as: diets, receipts, health, cellulite, figure, aromatherapy, wholesome food, psychology of relationships, pregnancy, parenting, fashion and many others.

    Sunday, October 26, 2008

    How To Clone The Perfect Baby

    Writen by Gerald Armstrong

    How To Clone The Perfect Baby

    Sheep, Cows, pigs, mice, donkeys, mules, cats and a rare wild african wildcat.

    What next then? You know what's coming next...The perfect baby.

    To date all the human cloning claims have been a fraud because no DNA proof has been presented. However, the Korean's cloning experiments have opened the door wider on human cloning. President Bush can bang his head up against the wall all he wants. He can get down on his knees and pray to God for the world to outlaw cloning. He can pass all the laws he wants to ban human cloning, but there will always be people out there who will disagree with him and there will always be a little corner in the world that will allow full blown human cloning and the creation of the perfect baby. Our motto is "Have Michroscope Will Travel!"

    We here at Gen Cells Cures have found that the Korean's new technique of squeezing out the DNA from the egg cell works much better than sucking out the DNA with a tiny needle. Their cloning process was a spectacular achievement.

    Most research scientists will deny that they would consider cloning a baby. Only because it's not popular, but most cloning scientists would love to be the first to clone a healthy baby if it weren't for the controversy.. Well, for the record, I, Gerald Armstrong the owner Of Gen Cells Cures, a biotech company, think it's a fantastic idea! (My biotech does private medical research for wealthy people who are looking for a cures for incurable diseases.) What's the difference if a baby is created from a sperm cell and and a human egg cell or a human cell and a human egg cell. A baby is a baby. Would God not love this baby too? I can't wait to have my son. When I was a young man I didn't want children. I had a vasectomy, Now I regret it. I will have my son… the technologies are now in my very own hands.

    But I am not a renegade scientist I will not create my son until we have perfected the science to avoid birth defects. I also hate human life expectancy …what's 120 years if you are very very lucky. Just the blink of an eye. I will rework my son's telemeres to extend his life. What's holding me back? The funding needed for the research.There are no technological barriers to prevent us from accomplishing this goal. Only countless hours of hard work. Do you think we might be able to change President Bush's opinion. Yes, Mr. President just go ahead and make the check out for 100 million dollars to Gen Cells Cures. For now, if you want to cure an incurable disease or clone your lost pet we can handle the job, but the perfect baby will have to wait. But it's only a matter of time, research and money.

    Article by Gerald Armstrong-

    Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Gerald Armstrong the owner of Gen Cells Cures a biotech dedicated to finding "The Cure" for incurable diseases and aging. Introducing to the world, the miracle of private, personalized medical research for the individual. I am passionate about molecular biology and what we can do with science to find "The Cure" for those of you suffering from aging and incurable diseases.

    Baby Baskets

    Writen by Ken Marlborough

    Baby gift baskets are very personal and a way to show new parents how much you care. They can be given when a baby is born, or for a shower gift, baptism, christening, or for baby's first birthday. If the basket is a gift given before the baby is born, a combination of generic baby gifts like diapers, rattles, pacifiers, wash clothes, etc. make a perfect, useful basket. If the sex of the baby is known, then pink or blue with a mix of colors makes for a beautiful and practical gift that can include a baby blanket, sweater, pajamas, etc.

    You can also use your imagination and use other holders instead of baskets for the gifts. For instance, you can fill a baby bathtub with washcloths, diapers, towels and soaps and shampoos. Or if family and friends are going in on a cradle, you can fill that with stuffed animals, blankets, sheets, baby clothes, and other special baby gifts.

    While your at it, you might want to also put together a small basket for the new mom or mom-to-be. This could contain some of her favorite CDs, a couple of picture frames (to put new babies picture in), bubble bath, skin creams – again, you can use your imagination. It's just another way to say that you care about mommy too!

    There are hundreds of gift basket ideas for babies. You can either make one up yourself, which is always more cost effective, or you can go to any local gift basket store in the area. Most have many wonderful baby gift basket options. There are also several online sites that have fun and creative baby gift baskets at all prices. Just keep in mind, that when flowers or baskets are delivered, there is usually an additional delivery charge.

    Baby Baskets provides detailed information on Baby Baskets, Baby Shower Gift Baskets, Newborn Baby Gift Baskets, Unique Baby Gift Baskets and more. Baby Baskets is affiliated with Baby Dream Furniture.

    Saturday, October 25, 2008

    Baby Girl Shower Invitations

    Writen by Randy Wilson

    Baby girl shower invitations basic theme is the welcoming of baby girls into the fold of a family. Baby showers celebrate the arrival of a baby/babies into this world. Actually, a baby born into a family ensures the continuity of the family lineage.

    As such, the coming of a baby (whether girl or boy) always gives a family and their friends a great occasion for rejoicing. The baby showers honor the would-be-mothers and makes the period of anticipation a little easier for her.

    The baby shower ceremonies are usually celebrated during the pregnancy period. By convention, baby showers are held for the first child. Baby showers are organized to receive or arrange funds for the would-be parents. This is an immense help for the first time parents-to-be.

    The guests may also make gifts for the baby-to-be born. This gives the parents a chance to gather things that they might find difficult to arrange out of sheer ignorance or due to costs involved. With families becoming smaller, each child gets more individual attention and baby shower ceremonies have become more common in the past 15 years.

    Following tradition, baby showers are organized by family friends, rather than by immediate families. Actually, the immediate families of the couple (would-be-parents) are the chief guests. Close friends, relatives and even neighbors with whom the would-be-mother is on intimate terms make it to the invited circle.

    This alleviates the spirit of the would-be-mother and hence the host of the shower, needs to make wise choice of guests while sending out baby girl shower invitations. The guests should receive the baby girl shower invitations well in time, say about two weeks ahead, so that they can surely make it to the celebration.

    The host of the baby shower should always remember that the baby may arrive ahead of time and, therefore, should fix a day not too close to the anticipated due date.

    Nowadays, however, baby showers are also held for the adopted babies as well. These ceremonies are, in fact, an announcement of the induction of the adopted baby into the family tree and are held after the adoption proceedings are over.

    Sometime the parents spend a month or two with the adopted baby girl and it is only then that they send the baby girl shower invitations.

    It is through a baby girl shower invitation card that one makes the proper baby girl birth announcements. Printed shower invitation cards are available for single baby, twins, triplets, and so on. You may personalize the baby girl shower invitations by your own words. Baby girl shower invitations showcase different themes.

    Adoption showers, surprise showers, triplet and twin baby showers and even holiday and Christmas baby showers find expression in these invitations. The shower cards are excellent in quality and finish.

    Since a shower ceremony lasts for two or more hours, some kinds of food have to be served in the parties. Full meals are not usually served at a baby shower. Rather, what are offered are simply finger-foods.

    Snacks or dessert foods like chips, pretzels, ice cream, pie and cake are offered to the guests. Sometimes it is replaced by a fruit or vegetable tray, which certainly is a healthy alternative and is a preferable option for the would-be-mother and to be born baby. There should be coffee and punch available for the guests. You may also choose to have soft drinks or other beverages available.

    Alcoholic drinks should be avoided as a mark of respect for the mother-to-be. The would-be-mother should not indulge into drinking caffeinated drinks like coffee and soft drinks. However, food served in shower parties varies with the theme.

    © Copyright Randy Wilson, All Rights Reserved.

    Randy is owner of How to Plan a Baby Shower where you can get more tips and ideas for your baby shower. You can also purchase and find free baby shower games. Randy owned and operated a very successful storefront/mailorder business from 1988 to 2003. Currently full time owner/operator of several online businesses.

    Friday, October 24, 2008

    Use Some Of These Gift Ideas To Make Your Babys First Christmas Memorable

    Writen by Gregg Hall

    You've got a new baby and Christmas is around the corner. How will you make this unique Christmas. Yes, the baby cannot tell the difference between it and any other day, but you do know that your baby won't remain that way for too long, and the satisfaction of having memorabilia of his or her first Christmas is always a great experience. There are a host of ways of marking it. You can make a home video, or take still pictures, or have a painting. The list of possibilities goes on and on.

    Books are great baby gifts. Babies grow very fast and that's no new discovery. You baby will soon know enough to identify it as his/her personal property. Perhaps it such a great gift because it helps you achieve your ulterior motives: teaching him/her read as early as possible. There are fine selections for you to pick from. I won't make any recommendation since there are very many great options.

    Another gift idea is to start a personal Christmas collection for your baby. Greeting card companies also make special Christmas items for babies. This is so great because by the time your baby is old enough to set up his or her own Christmas tree, there will already be a enough personal items to adorn it.

    Stuffed animals are also great gift items especially for girls. They will soon learn to cuddle it. And if you have just a kid around, your baby will have a companion she can feed, tell stories, play and do all those baby stuff with.

    There are baby wears with special writings on it to show it is your baby's first Christmas. If you want to take this to another dimension, you can have customized writings on any selection of your choice. There are artists that specialize in writing and painting on clothes.

    And taking this idea of stamping your baby's personality on items, you can do that on other items like clocks, baby blankets and furniture. This is not an exhaustive list and what you can do to customize any of these is only limited by your personal imagination. Another good idea is items that will last for years to come. Those can become special treasures that your baby may sometimes keep to adulthood and hand over to a younger sibling, cousin or even his/her own child.

    This is not where to shop for the lowest prices. The cheapest certainly won't be the most durable. And remember, your baby can only have one first Christmas even if he or she lives to be a hundred years. So be willing to spend a little more for something that will last.

    From piggy banks that will teach your baby to be thrifty to sports gifts items for those who believe they have a future sports talent, the selections available are quite huge. You know what is best for your baby. You know what will make for fonder memories. Go make this something you'll be proud to associate yourself with.

    Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Florida. Find more about this as well as Christmas gift ideas at

    Meanings Of Baby Names

    Writen by Tim Wirth

    "What's in a name?" is an old saying. Like many old things, it has a deep wisdom hidden inside it.

    I first happened upon some information a few weeks ago that made me think about what my name means. I got to thinking about it because I ran accross some information on the internet that told me that my name in old Hebrew means "honoring God". I thought that was quite interesting. Am I really someone who honors God?

    Then I began to wonder if my parents had thought of this when they were choosing my name. When I was born, did my mom take one look at me and say,"Yes, he definitely is someone who honors God in all he does. We should name him Tim." Is this how it happened?

    Or perhaps I am taking the wrong approach? Maybe names are not meant to describe, but to instead inspire their owners? Perhaps my dad thought that I was weak in giving honor to the All-Mighty, and said to my mom, "You know, if we name him Tim, maybe he'll finally start to honor God like he should." What came first, the chicken or the egg...?

    But besides all this skullduggery, I believe that there is an even deeper reasoning behind the practice of giving names to kids. And that is that parents want to fit in. And they want their kids to fit into the greater society. So they give names that are popular with other parents.

    Hmm. I guess I feel a big weight off my shoulders. It sure can be tough being born and already being amiss in the eyes of the All-Mighty. After all, peer pressure is easier to deal with than mortal sin.

    Mr. Wirth recommends the Meaning of Baby Names website for finding a great new name for your newborn.

    Thursday, October 23, 2008

    Taking A 2nd Look At Cloth Diapers

    Writen by Nancy Dean

    If you're a new parent, you've probably heard your grandparents telling you how lucky you are and singing the praises of disposable diapers. Way back then, the only option was cloth diapers, which require a ton of laundry work. See, less than thirty years ago, disposable diapers were considered a luxury. Nowadays, everyone uses cloth diapers and people that use cloth diapers for their babies are considered to be odd. There are several reasons that modern parents might want to use cloth diapers instead of disposables, and, believe it or not, cloth diapers are starting to make a bit of a comeback.

    The main reason that a parent may choose to start using cloth diapers instead of the name brand disposables is the cost. Cloth diapers are much cheaper than disposables, even if the parents are paying a diaper service to haul away the used diapers and bring clean ones each week. Disposable diapers can easily cost well over one hundred dollars per month or more, and you'll be paying this expense every month for around two years. Many parents are starting to forgo the convenience of disposables to save this extra money.

    There are also environmental issues to consider. Disposable diapers are made out of plastic and a pad of absorbent cotton. Plastic does not biodegrade well at all, which means that our landfills are filled with diapers that aren't going away anytime soon. Most people believe that the convenience offered by disposable diapers outweighs this fact. They might not consciously make this choice, but their actions speak for themselves. Environmentalists believe that those who use cloth diapers are taking one small step which goes a long way to protect and preserve the Earth for future generations.

    Those whiny parents and grandparents might still have a few bones to pick with today's parents who decide on using cloth diapers, because the today's cloth diapers are much different from those that they were using on their own kids and grandkids several decades ago. They are used to awkward folding and having to use safety pins to fasten the diaper to the baby. Modern cloth diapers are pre-cut and shaped to cover the baby's backside quickly and easily. They also have Velcro fasteners or snaps to make it easier to secure. One other added feature is that many cloth diapers now come with a flushable, biodegradable paper lining hold in solid waste so you can easily flush it down the toilet. So no more stinky diapers sitting around waiting for trash pickup day.

    Cloth diapers are currently used by only a very small percentage of parents, but they are still out there and available. Any parent concerned with the cost or environmental impact of disposable diapers should seriously consider going with cloth.

    Nancy Dean is a freelance author and mother of three. She contributes to several websites and specializes in articles about children and decorating

    Baby Clothes Online

    Writen by Kristy Annely

    Selecting baby clothes can be a lot of fun. The most imperative factors to consider while deciding on baby clothes are how well they protect the babies, the style, and their affordability. Depending on the type of climate, there are a variety of clothes available to cater to the sensitive nature of babies. Parents do not have to be bothered if they are far from the nearest baby clothing store, as Internet shopping has proven to be a great way to shop for baby clothes.

    There are several online retailers providing almost anything a parent needs to purchase for their loved ones. These web stores are always open - seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day. Online stores, in addition to the department and specialty stores, are focused on supplying cute baby clothes.

    Purchasing baby clothes online offers several benefits to the parents. The prices are competitive when compared to regular stores. You no longer have to explore several different stores in order to find cool baby clothes. The precious time saved by purchasing online can be used for caring for the young ones. Online shopping for baby clothes allows you to examine the wonderful selection of baby clothes right from the comfort of your own home. You can simply log on to the Internet, browse through the collections, and pay for the clothes suitable for the child without bothering to take the entire family to the store.

    Trends in baby clothes are undoubtedly changing, and you will find the hottest, most adorable designer baby outfits online. The product lines offered by different web stores include classic styles in addition to current trends. Some of the online stores feature a clearance section, which can turn out to be a shopper's delight. Online clothing stores are made up of a large selection for newborns, babies, toddlers, and preschool boys and girls, featuring clothes for all occasions ranging from party dresses and formal wear to casual clothing.

    Baby Clothes provides detailed information on Baby Clothes, Designer Baby Clothes, Baby Clothing Stores, Funny Baby Clothes and more. Baby Clothes is affiliated with Baby Name Meanings.

    Wednesday, October 22, 2008

    Round Baby Cribs

    Writen by Alison Cole

    While many people prefer rectangular cribs, more and more round baby cribs are finding their way into baby rooms all over the world! Round baby cribs have an advantage in that they do not have any sharp corners or joints. They are considered safer than rectangular cribs as they eliminate many child safety hazards.

    Another advantage of a round shape is that it offers baby a view of the surroundings in all directions and 360-degree visual stimulation. Moreover, the round shape makes it convenient for the crib to be placed in the center of the room, thus optimizing space. It also allows parents an unobstructed view of the baby from anywhere in the room, thus giving them freedom of movement and easy access to the child from any and every angle. The round shape also allows more room for the baby, as the width automatically increases without any increase in the overall size of the crib.

    However, round baby cribs pose the problem of finding appropriate bedding. Unless the cribs come with their own bedding, it is difficult to find articles of baby bedding in a round shape. For instance, replacing a round baby crib mattress is considerably more difficult than replacing a rectangular mattress.

    As with rectangular cribs, round cribs may or may not have a canopy and valance. But if there is a top, it is easier to hang toys, as the shape ensures that toys will hang in the centre of the crib and baby can look up easily, no matter which direction he or she is placed.

    Baby Cribs provides detailed information on Baby Cribs, Baby Crib Bedding, Round Baby Cribs, Baby Crib Sets and more. Baby Cribs is affiliated with Baby Bedding Sets.

    Tuesday, October 21, 2008

    Baby Shower Party Favors Recipe For Satisfaction

    Writen by Gracie May

    Now the party is over it is time to give in return a small token expressing thanks to all those who attended the baby shower gathering The giving of baby party shower favors is warmly welcomed by all, thus making this a common habit at baby celebrations. Gifts do not have to be expensive. Should your guest list be as long as your arm then do not fret as favors can be bought in bulk therefore helping to cut costs?

    Keep the baby theme in mind when choosing what it is you want to give. If it be a fairy tale character, baby toys or animals then it would be nice to implement this onto the token. Jewelry pieces can be given, budget permitting of course. Believe me, if presented with a piece of gold or silver this will be one baby shower party your guests will never forget. Give little mini versions of the Disney or cartoon character behind the theme of your event, this is another nice way of expressing your gratitude

    Home made cookies and chocolates go down well as well as being simple to bake. Pick up a recipe book and put your self to the test by baking your own special little goodies, not only will this save you time but also very cost effective. Gifts in edible form are pleasing and tasty, hence a guarantee of guest satisfaction.

    Try being creative in the bakery department and experiment by personalizing those appetizing incredible edibles by pipe creaming them to add colour. Why not have a go at moulding your pastry into teddy bear shapes or gingerbread men. Remember this is your baby party shower gift favor so it is up to you how they will look and taste.

    More fabulous ideas away from the kitchen are bathroom novelties. Give soap bars with a fragrance or even sweet scented candles. Decorative packaging like gift bags or little presentation boxes to spruce up the favour will put the finishing touches to your thank you present. Candle making kit instructions are very easy and simple to follow so it is worth considering making your own in shades of pink and blue. This is a safe bet if the baby gender is unknown.

    Small guilt edged photo frames containing a momentous photo of the day can be given and then replaced at a later date with a picture of baby when he/she are born. The options are endless. Whatever you choose to give as party baby gift favors is entirely up to you, the way you give it is another thing. Hand it over with a smile and in return your guest will do the same.

    A fabulous site for all baby shower essentials Babies need nurturing from an early age in learning for themselves. Proven results for all ages at

    Nojo Bedding Makes Planning A Nursery Easy

    Writen by LynnMarie S.

    If you are expecting a baby girl in your home soon then you are more than likely searching for pretty ways in which to decorate the nursery. Nojo baby bedding has some very adorable styles and designs to create a beautiful nursery fit for a princess.

    With Nojo baby bedding, you will be able to create a warm, loving, comfortable, and beautiful nursery without any hassles. You can go online and find the perfect Nojo baby bedding set, order, and have it delivered to your doorstep. You will not have to search the retail stores and malls for the best coordinating ensemble to keep your baby girl comfortable and safe.

    Razzle Dazzle by Nojo baby bedding is one of the most adorable sets you can find that will cuddle your baby and keep her safe warm the whole night through. This unique set is created with the bright colors of lavender, lime green, orange, and sweet small floral and dot prints. The 6-piece set comes complete with comforter, 4 sided bumper pad, fitted sheet, dust ruffle, diaper stacker and curtain panel. You can even add other items to create a sunny and bright nursery with coordinating accessories such as brilliantly colored flowery musical mobile, rocking chair pad, wall border and wall hanging.

    Adorable ducks is the theme featured with the Chickadee Nojo Baby bedding set. This beautiful set not only features cute ducks but also is created with the vibrant colors of pink and yellow tones. This set features a warm and cozy comforter, a protective bumper pad, sheet and dust ruffle. This is one design that is sure to please any little girl and give her many peaceful nights.

    If you would prefer colorful flowers then Nojo baby bedding offers Pink Petals. This is sweeter than you can imagine. This collection is created with textured fabrics, including striped knit and seersucker in pink and white. Other bedding items include green gingham check, solid white and a delicate pink floral print. Fancy white eyelet ruffle trim and little pink embroidered felt flowers enhance the overall beauty of the collection.

    The Pink Petals by Nojo baby bedding can be purchased in a complete set, which includes everything you need to your baby girl comfortable and cozy.

    Nojo baby bedding offers more options for either a boy or sets that will work perfectly for either a boy or girl. When you choose Nojo baby bedding you know you are choosing a name in baby bedding that parents have trusted for years for providing the newest designs, colors, safe, and quality products.

    You can find many Nojo baby bedding items online by searching. You can also find a few retailers that are offering huge discounts for many of the unique Nojo collections.

    Enjoy creating a wonderland filled with beautiful and exquisite designer Nojo baby bedding and have your little drifting off to sleep and sleeping safe and sound in her designer room created with Nojo baby bedding. Nojo has some very exclusive designs that you cannot purchase elsewhere to create a warm and loving nursery.

    About the Author

    LynnMarie is On-Line Editor for which is one of the top online retailers of Baby Bedding and carries a wonderful selection of NoJo Baby Bedding for boys and girls.

    Monday, October 20, 2008

    Sunday, October 19, 2008

    Thursday, October 16, 2008

    Tuesday, October 14, 2008

    Sunday, October 12, 2008

    Saturday, October 11, 2008

    Friday, October 10, 2008

    Thursday, October 9, 2008

    Wednesday, October 8, 2008

    Monday, October 6, 2008

    Saturday, October 4, 2008

    A Guide To Weaning Your Baby When And How Do You Do It

    Writen by Lisa Mills

    Lets start off by saying that all babies are different. There is no set age for weaning your baby. This article aims to give you some guidance. If your baby doesn't follow this method of weaning, don't worry; each baby will get there when they are good and ready.

    Why Do We Wean?
    Up to the age of 6 months, babies obtain all the nutrients they need from either breast or formula milk. Weaning is the process of replacing some of their milk with solid foods. Weaning can begin at any time between 4 and 6 months, although experts believe that the later we wean our babies the better it is for them. The whole process should last until your baby is about 12 months old. The reason we must wait until at least 4 months of age is because our babies' digestive system is not fully formed until this age. Their digestive systems are not able to process many types of foods before they reach 4 months. Early weaning is not a sign of advancement; it is not good for your baby and may cause problems.

    How Do We Wean?
    Until you start the process of weaning, your baby will only have had nipples, teats or the occasional plastic toy in their mouth. The whole process of eating solid foods is a new experience for them. The actual feel of a spoon in their mouths will be something completely different for them. The texture of food as opposed to milk on their taste buds will also be something they will take time to get used to.

    We recommend that to begin with you simply give them a teaspoon of food each day for few weeks. Good foods to begin with are potatoes, peas, bananas etc. Try different items each day. After a few weeks you can start to introduce another meal later in the day, followed by a third meal after a few more weeks. Remember to try small amounts. Your baby has had 4-6 months reliance on just milk and he will take time to get used to these new sensations.

    What To Feed Them?
    There are a variety of commercial baby foods available which contain all the right nutrients and vitamins to help your baby grow. However if you wish to be more in control of the ingredients, it is very simple to make your own. There are a few ingredients that should be avoided in your baby's first year, these include:
    Added salt – their kidneys are too immature to deal with it correctly. Honey, raw or uncooked eggs, processed sugars, unpasteurised cheese – risk of food poisoning. Nuts – risk of nut allergies. Cereals – only Gluten free cereals like rice and maize should be given. To prevent coeliac disease.

    From 4 – 6 months your baby should respond well to foods with a smooth texture that are simple and are easy to digest. Good examples are baby rice, pureed banana, pureed apples and other fruits.

    From 7 months on your baby should be enjoying 3 meals a day. Now you can introduce foods with a 'lumpier' texture as well as introducing foods your baby can eat with their fingers. Good examples are fruit, carrot sticks, slices of banana, mashed potato and soft biscuits like Rusks.

    From 9 months on your baby has become used to solid foods. The process of chewing their food is helping them develop facial muscles that aid expression and speech development. At this stage slightly hard foods will help them with the teething process. Foods like harder biscuits, slices of apple, white meat, pasta and rice are ideal.

    A quick look on the Internet will reveal many recipes for meals suitable for all stages of weaning your baby. If you don't have time to cook your own or would prefer to buy them ready made, there are no end of baby food suppliers out there.

    Hospital in Tennessee Thailand Hotels

    Ear Tubes For Toddlers

    Writen by Gabe Mirkin, M.D.

    Should your toddler have ear tubes inserted to help prevent ear infections? The inner ear is full of air and is connected to the outside through the eustachian tube that opens into the back of your mouth. Young children have narrow eustachian tubes that can close and fill with fluid that causes ear pressure and pain. If your doctor sees fluid causing the ear drum to bulge outward, he knows that the eustachian tube is closed and often prescribes antibiotics and a cortisone-type nasal spray. Antihistamines do not open eustachian tubes. Doctors sometimes remove tonsils and adenoids or give allergy injections, but these treatments have an extraordinarily high failure rate.

    Since the eustachian tube enlarges as a child grows, the tube usually opens by itself in time and it is rarely necessary to perform surgery. However, if the doctor feels that fluid in the drum can interfere with a child's hearing or school work or that permanent damage in possible, it is reasonable to relieve this pressure by punching a hole in the ear drum and inserting a tube to keep it open. Research shows that the buildup of fluid in the inner ear is probably caused by inactive cilia, the small hairs that line the eustachian tube and sweep fluid toward the mouth. Erythromycin antibiotics can stimulate the cilia, remove fluid from the inner ear and help to relieve the discomfort.

    Dr. Gabe Mirkin has been a radio talk show host for 25 years and practicing physician for more than 40 years; he is board certified in four specialties, including sports medicine. Read or listen to hundreds of his fitness and health reports at

    Free weekly newsletter on fitness, health, and nutrition.

    Hospital in Tennessee Thailand Hotels

    Friday, October 3, 2008

    How To Help Your Children Learn

    Writen by Jennifer Stewart

    We all want the very best for our children and that includes giving them the best possible start to their education. There is a great deal you, as a parent, can do to achieve this. Your priority should be to create an environment that is safe, loving and stimulating.


    As we get older, we tend to rely on our sense of sight, and maybe hearing, to learn. We read, we observe and we listen. Children touch, taste, smell, look and then listen.

    It's quite pointless to expect toddlers to learn by listening to you -- they're not being naughty when they gaze at you with those big eyes as you explain that it's wrong to spray your expensive perfume all over the bath (you spray the bath when you clean it, they're copying your actions -- they just haven't refined all the details yet).

    The best way to teach your children about their world is the most difficult for you. It involves letting them try to do things for themselves (always under your supervision, of course).

    When you're rushing to get to work, the temptation is to dress your toddlers, make the beds, tidy the room, pack the bags etc, while they remain passive recipients or observers. It takes much longer if you allow your toddlers to decide what they want to wear, to dress themselves, to begin making their beds and to pack their own bags. But if you deny them the opportunity to learn these things now, when they want to, you really have no-one to blame when they don't know how to look after themselves later (and when they don't want to do these things for themselves).


    Children learn by doing - it bears repeating.

    Children are also experts at the scientific method -- they observe their environment; they formulate hypotheses and they test these by carrying out experiments.

    The toddler throwing objects from a high chair isn't doing it out of malice, to make you prematurely grey! It's part of learning what happens if you drop different sized objects from a height; what happens if you put a bit of force behind the objects and throw them; what happens if you tip that plate of squishy cereal upside down; what happens to the milk if you pour it into the vegetables ...

    When your children become astrophysicists, they'll thank you for letting them conduct their early experiments in such a positive environment!


    It's not desirable to just let your children do whatever they want to do -- you need to provide firm guidelines from an early age about what is acceptable and what isn't. By setting these boundaries, and being consistent with them, you'll give your children a secure environment in which to carry out their experiments.

    Jennifer Stewart has a degree in English and History and taught senior High School for over twenty years. During that time, she was Head of Department, responsible for devising and implementing teaching programs, and for supervising young teachers. After leaving full-time teaching, she wrote (and now markets) writing courses for students and adults who want to improve their writing skills. Visit her website at

    Jennifer also offers professional writing services - copy writing, editing and proof reading for your web pages, press releases, technical booklets, newsletters, business proposals, reports or any other writing projects.

    Hospital in Tennessee Thailand Hotels

    Should A Toddler Wear Pullups While Potty Training

    Writen by Jackie G. Maxwell

    As a parent, you've learned a lot while your child moved from being an infant, to crawling, to the mobile stage of an active toddler. Now that they are older, and able to understand simple directions and associations, you're working towards the goal of "no more diapers". You'll get lots of tips and advice, some of which is valuable, and some that will leave you undecided about things like should a toddler wear pull-ups while potty training?

    Again, we go back to the disposable diaper versus cloth debate, although the sheer quantity of either is somewhat reduced by the age of 18-24 months, when most children are attempting to stay dry through the day and night. But the major question becomes one of convenience, versus what may be a better and more "natural" way to get your toddler into the bathroom when he or she needs to go.

    Wearing training pants, which are made extra thick and absorbent, is often a deterrent to the child who dislikes being wet. With cloth, the wetness stays close to the skin, where disposable paper-based products tend to draw the liquid away, and the child will play happily, even though their pull-ups are drenched.

    Even a young child can pull up an elastic-waisted pair of underpants, so there is nothing unique in the disposable version, except the cute patterns, and you can get those on training pants as well. What they pull down is not going to matter to a young child, as much as it does to the parent. So when it comes to wondering should a toddler wear pull-ups while potty training, consider the cost, convenience, and your success in having the child acknowledge "accidents", which will eventually prevent them from happening again.

    Visit and sign up for free weekly tips that will take the mystery and fear out of parenting your precious little one.

    Hospital in Tennessee Thailand Hotels

    Thursday, October 2, 2008

    Baby Shower Invitations Ideas

    Writen by Randy Wilson

    The first thing you need to do before you order invitations or make your own baby shower invitations is to decide on the theme of your party! You can choose from baby shower invitations ideas like teddy bears, ducks, baby bottles and diaper pins. And what colors do you want? Blue for boys, pink for girls, or yellow and green for the baby yet unseen?

    You need to consider the mother's personal style. Would she prefer bright and bold or subdued and sweet? If you're not sure, don't hesitate to get some input from those who know her best. Most of all what kind of baby shower invitations ideas would she like best? That's the thing that will be saved in the baby scrapbook for the rest of the child's life. After all, as much fun as it is for you to plan the baby shower, it is the mother and child who will cherish the special, once in a lifetime memory forever. So, plan well!

    Once you have decided the theme for your baby shower party. Designing the baby shower invitation is the first step in letting all the family, friends and co-workers know. So you want to make a great first impression. Using the baby shower invitations ideas will help make everything run smoothly, and that's the impression you want to give.

    Now let's get on with it, because those baby shower invitations need to be sent out weeks in advance to allow everyone time to shop for the perfect baby gifts and make travel plans if necessary. And you've got to figure in printing and delivery time as well. There is no time to waste.

    You've finally chosen your theme, colors and you're confident you know the mother's style. What important details should be included? First and foremost is the date and time of the event and the location. You may consider including a map to the location if necessary for out of town guests. Include the RSVP information and the places where mother and baby are registered.

    If the event is open to the guys, you need to say so. Otherwise, they will assume that this is a ladies only event. But having the guys around can be great fun! Don't rule it out as a possibility.

    Once you think you've got the details of the baby shower invitation down pat, it's time to decide whether you should create them yourself or look for a printer. Creating baby invitations yourself is always an option, but you may decide it's worth paying an expert for their services.

    They can help you make decisions about baby shower invitations ideas you may be less familiar with. Like font colors, paper styles, baby shower invitation wording, and matching accessories like envelopes, thank you notes, and baby birth announcements.

    If you decide to use a professional printing service, make sure you know what you're paying for up front. Let them know your budget, but be aware that they will try to add on services. Know before you go into the sale exactly what you will and will not pay for.

    Do you really want to pay for embossing or engraving or custom design? Do you want the heavier paper with accent ribbon that will cost more postage to mail as well as take longer to print and deliver? There are lots of choices for you and a little time spent in researching your options and asking good questions will go a long way and possibly save you money.

    Whatever you decide, make the mother to be a special keepsake with these wonderful baby shower invitations ideas. Perhaps frame an invitation and display it at the baby shower, and then let her take it home as a gift. Or find a picture of the expectant mother. Then tuck it along with the baby invitation into a new baby scrapbook.

    This will help get her started in saving all of her precious memories. She will be touched by your thoughtfulness. This is a special time in the mother's life, and you will be appreciated for all that you do to welcome the newborn into the world.

    © Copyright Randy Wilson, All Rights Reserved.

    Randy is owner of where you will find further tips on baby showers at and baby shower games at

    Hospital in Tennessee Thailand Hotels

    How To Find Bargains At Baby Super Stores

    Writen by Dave Poon

    Are you expecting a new baby, attending a baby shower party or simply looking for a gift for your adorable baby? The best place for you to shop for cute baby items is in a baby super store. There you can conveniently find everything for babies from baby socks to baby sleepwear, hats, sweaters, blankets, diapers, baby bath and shower products and even traveling bags where you an put all the baby's stuff in one place.

    Especially for all expectant parents, there's nothing more fun and exciting than buying layette items, bottles, crib, toys and other stuff for their soon to be born baby. This is especially true if the child is first-born. Couples won't mind getting so physically exhausted shopping around just to find the best items they can get for their baby. If you are an expectant mother yourself, perhaps you exactly feel the same thing.

    The good thing about the Internet nowadays is that you can now shop with ease online. Literally, it takes just a few clicks on your mouse to be able to buy everything that you need through the Internet. An online baby super offers great assortment of items for newly born babies and toddlers alike plus a whole lot of convenience a physical store may not be able to afford you. All you have to do is to browse the site for the products that you would want to buy and place your order in an instant.

    Shopping at online baby super stores saves you time and effort and most especially, a lot of money since you can compare prices without all the hassles of actually shopping around and make better decisions as to what items to buy. Moreover, you can also avail of great discounts and attractive deals on virtually all kinds of baby products in an online baby super store; thus, you can save literally big.

    Another thing, a baby super store also has services like baby gift registry. This allows you to control purchase of gifts for your baby by choosing the items (from what's available in the baby super store) that you would want to receive during the baby shower party. This list is shown to your guests as they purchase at the store the gifts for your baby. You can avail of this service in order to ensure that you are getting no less than what your baby needs and what you want for your baby. If you are having your second or third baby, a baby gift registry is perfect for you as your first born's clothes, crib, toys and other stuff may still be used by your next baby.

    Whether you are just setting up a nursery or looking for new clothing or layette items, feeding bottles, bathing supplies, toys and activity baby products like walkers and play centers, a baby super store can provide you with all your needs. Great selection of baby products coupled with the convenience brought by online shopping make an online baby super store certainly the greatest way for you and your baby to enjoy at the same time.

    Dave Poon is an accomplished writer who specializes in the latest in babies and toddlers. For more information regarding baby super store, please drop by at

    Hospital in Tennessee Thailand Hotels

    Wednesday, October 1, 2008

    Early Vs Late Potty Training

    Writen by Lora Jensen

    Many doctors and or psychologist will tell you to not potty train until your child is 3 or 4 years old. Some even say to not potty train the child at all; that they will potty train themselves when they are ready which they say is between the age of 4 and 5 years old. I personally don't know how and where they got their statistics because I have found the exact opposite.

    Through my many years of potty training I have found that parents that start introducing the idea of potty training to their children at a very young age have faster and easier success then those parents that wait until the child is much older.

    Children that are younger are more impressionable, they are not set in their ways. The closer to the age of three that a child gets, the more set in their ways they get. They become comfortable in their diaper and in how they do things.

    The older the child gets the harder and longer it takes parents to get their child potty trained. Children at this age know how to control the situation and they use their control. They are also very comfortable with the way things are so getting them to change is hard.

    I have found that most children at the age of 22 months old are ready to potty train and can be trained in as little as three days. At you can find a potty training guide that gives a fail proof test to test the readiness of your little one. If your little one can pass this easy test then they are ready to be potty trained.

    Why wait for a child to reach the age of 4? Why make it harder on you later? Why change diapers for another two years?

    Is your child already 3 or 4 years old? Well the good news is that it's not too late. You too can potty train in as little as three days. You might have a little more of a fight on your hands but it can be done!!

    Now, I'm not a doctor or a psychologist but I am a mother of 6 kids and I have had 8 foster kids. I have also successfully helped in potty training over 2100 children from around the world. I personally feel I'm an expert in Potty Training. So in my "expert" opinion I believe that if you potty train early you will have faster and easier success.

    Lora is the owner of

    Hospital in Tennessee Thailand Hotels

    Ten Great Ideas For A New Baby

    Writen by Scott Zak

    Mom's top 10 gift ideas – for Baby

    Ever wonder what the best gift would be for that new baby? You're not alone.

    There is not one perfect solution for everyone, and you'll definitely get different answers depending on who you ask. Look not further, because we went right to the expert for you – MOM!

    1. Diapers and Baby Wipes – For some, this may seem to practical, but the baby (and Mom) will no doubt need them – and they are going to need a lot of them! Don't be afraid to ask what brand the baby prefers.

    2. Diaper Bags – Mom's can never have enough diaper bags, especially today's active moms. And guess what, baby bags have gotten very fashionable. You will find many to choose from, so be sure to look around. A few thoughts:

    1)Choose a bag with compartments to store clothes, formula, bottles and baby food.

    2) If you go the 'fashion' route – be sure you find one that Mom will like. This can get tricky, so you may want to ask first.

    3. Onesies and sleepers – You can never have too many, just be sure to get the right size.

    4. Blankets - Pick one that is soft and washable. Every baby needs a special blanket (or a few), one that makes them feel at home, even when they are out.

    5. Carseat/Stroller Combination – Make it easy on Mom! Look for an infant that Mom can lift out of the car and quickly place direcgtly onto the stroller.

    6. Baby Swing – If you want to give a gift that will make everyone happy – especially Mom and Dad – give them a baby swing (or vibrating chair – OR BOTH). The motion and/or humming sound are a baby favorite – which makes them a parent favorite as well.

    7. Pack-and-play – Bring the crib with you, so Mom and Dad can enjoy themselves when it's time for baby to take a nap – or a break.

    8. Clothes – not only will most babies need several outfits a day, they will be growing out of them as quickly as you can buy them. Make sure you buy the right size, as many clothes may say '6 to 12 Months', but every baby is different, so check with Mom first.

    9. Gift Cards/Certificates – It may not be as personal as other gifts, but letting Mom choose the gift is going to be appreciated – remember, Mom told us so.

    10. Burp cloths and Bibs - Mom can never have too many bibs and burp cloths - especially during the first year. It will also save a bundle on dry cleaning for Mom and Dad's clothes.

    Scott Zak is a publisher of and

    Hospital in Tennessee Thailand Hotels