Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Baby Shower Ideas

Writen by Damian Sofsian

Baby showers are a beautiful way to celebrate the coming of a baby into the family. The baby shower party is thrown by friends or colleagues to get together with the mom-to-be and have a good time while bestowing gifts and good wishes on the mom as well as the baby. It can be a simple affair with a few close friends and family on an afternoon or it can be a big party with all the works including decorations, cakes, and games.

Planning a baby shower takes a lot of work. The hostess should ensure that the mom-to-be is as comfortable as possible and should take care that all the important people are invited. During the party, it is the hostess's duty to ensure that all the guests are comfortable. It is a good idea to serve a few appetizers when the guests start arriving. It is also important to know how the guest is related to the parents-to-be. There can also be a "Guest of Honor" who can be a grandparent or a god parent. The party can be based on a theme like nursery rhymes or anything else relating to babies. The party would be more interesting with a few games like Naming the Baby, Rice Bowl, and Baby Guests. Small prizes like potpourri, candles, and candy can be given to the winners.

The gift opening can also be a grand affair with someone taking down the details of each gift and who it is from. This will make sending "thank-you" notes easier for the mom. Baby showers also include favors which the mom gives to the guests. These may include small gifts like lotions or balms packed cutely in small bags. These are meant to say "thank you" to the guests for attending the baby shower. There are many websites that offer information as well as products for baby showers.

Baby Showers provides detailed information about baby showers, baby shower decorations, baby shower favors, and more. Baby Showers is affiliated with Personalized Baby Gifts.

Baby Furniture Finding The Right Repair And Refinishing Shop To Work On Your Wooden Family Heirloom

Writen by Lyle Kelly

There are many wonderful pieces of furniture you may want to use for the care of your child. I know that I sat in the same high chair my mother did and I remember how important those family antiques are to us. Over time these little treasures will go through the normal wear and tear of use, storage and moving. Often finishes can dull, wood can be dinged, scrapped and even broken. You want to keep the family heirloom looking its best but you're not the handy type. That means its time to find a good quality furniture repair and refinishing shop.

When looking for the right shop you need to do a little hunting. A good place to start is your local antique shop. Often the antique dealers will find a great refinisher by word of mouth in their community. In our shop, we would frequently do work for dealers at a reasonable discount so that they would put the good word out to their customers. No dealer will mention the wood workers name if he has not done consistent quality work. Despite the discount an antique dealer will not call you back if you ruin a $1200 lawyer's book case.

The internet and yellow pages are not a bad place to start your search, but advertising costs money, and I know from experience that they will have to pass a little of that cost onto their customers. A refinishers work it put out there for everyone to see, trust the word of mouth from your local antique dealers it's a pretty safe bet. Once you have a small list say 2 or 3 refinishers its time to shop.

I call it shopping for its goes without saying you want to get the best for your money and why should you settle? If your schedule allows try and plan for an unannounced visit to each of the refinishing shops on your list. Call then a head of time to check their hours of operation, but don't tell them you're coming by. It's better to have a look at the inside of their shop in as is conditions. There are a few things you should look for and I'll explain why they are important. First how clean is their shop? The simple fact is refinishing and repair is a messy business. You get covered with stain, saw dust, mineral spirits and just bout everything else to do with wood. It's important however to clean up after any process. If I'm cutting wood to repair a table leg or sanding the back of that high chair the wood dust must be cleaned up before I start to spray finish or apply stain. Little wood particles can be stirred up with simplest of movement covering your freshly sprayed finish or dusting over that new application of stain. Also, a dirty shop is not a very safe one.

When you meet the shop manager or owner ask if they have standard pricing on Labor or is it by the piece. Most any shop will want to see what type of repair it is before they mention price, but don't let them charge you an hourly rate. This can vary wildly from piece to piece and from my own experience I always worked on several different pieces in a day. Only the most organized shop will log each minute they work on your piece and in most cases this simply does not happen. You will usually get an "off the top of their head" number of hours which just isn't correct. If you bring the piece with you, get a written estimate for the completed repair/refinishing job. Any shop worth their salt will already have a good idea of the time and material that will go into a piece similar to your own. They will build plenty of wiggle room in the final estimate so don't let them come back and charge you more later. On that point I would suggest your read the fine print of the estimate. Some shops will allow for up to $150 dollars or more in unexpected repairs on top of the final price. You're not going to be around when the work is done, so make them stick to a final price or go some where else. In addition to this be aware of how much time the shop allows you to pickup your furniture. We on many occasions had to sell a client's furniture when after the first week we completed their piece we never saw them again. Work flow for a refinishing shop is fairly fast and room is limited. Your furniture will need to be moved not only so the shop can get paid, but they need to make room for the incoming pieces that are definitely on the way. Once the piece is completed most good shops will allow for 1 to 2 months of holding time. Don't get the wrong impression about shop owners though they will work with you, just keep in contact with them so they know you still intent to return and pick up your baby furniture.

Finally my last piece of advice will not sit well with some of my colleges. When you visit the shop find out or just look for what we call a "dip tank". When it comes to intricate cribs and high chairs the dip tank is the shop owner's best friend and your worst nightmare. Dip tanks are moderate to large vats filled with certain chemicals to strip away the finish, paint and or stain from a piece. One of the favorite ingredients of a dip tank is lye. Some refinishers love the dip tank for you can strip a way the old finish and stain in mere minutes. Some pieces such as a crib or high chair that have smaller more intricate pieces will be dipped a little longer to get into all the nooks and crannies. The primary problem is that the piece is fully immersed in the chemical which soaks deeply into the wood once the finish is removed. At first this does not seem like a problem. You can even pick up your newly stained refinished furniture and have it for weeks before you will even realize a problem. What happens is the chemicals that soaked into the wood will start to soften the glue holding the joints of your furniture together. In some cases I have received a piece with what my customer thought was a lose leg and with my hands just pulled the entire chair apart. I have seen this time and time again. I would avoid using a shop that strips with a dip tank. You may end up paying good money only to have the furniture repaired again just weeks later.

There are many alternatives to the dip tank that quality shops use. One is a spray and filter system. The piece sits in a shallow vat and is sprayed with the chemical stripper. Both finish and chemical drip off the piece and is collected in the vat. From there the chemical is drawn from the vat and filtered where it is pushed through the spray nozzle once again. This is an excellent system for many reasons. It's economical for the shop owner and its environmentally friendly for the shop can get many more uses out of the chemical batch before they have to recycle and purchase more. What will be more important to you is that only as much stripper is used as needed. This leaves little chance for it to soak deeply into the wood damaging the joints on your family's heirloom.

There are many good shops out there so worry little about finding one. Visit your local antique shops they will surely be in the know on who is doing the best refinishing and repair. Visit the potential shops in person and get a written estimate for their work. Ask to see pictures of what they have done. Take your time and be picky about who does the work and avoid those dip tank users they could do more harm than good.

Lyle has spent most of his life involved in wood working and many years in the family business of antique repair and restoration. His current project is , a site to promote the sale of safe high quality furniture for young children and babies. If you find this article useful please feel free to use it, but I ask that you maintain the URL to my current project.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Baby Einstein Party Supplies For Your Babys Party

Writen by Gail Leino

Invite the characters of the Baby Einstein DVD, Woof, Blue, Turtle and all the others to have fun at your baby's next party. Party Supplies can easily be found featuring these loveable and educational characters. Guests and the baby will find them more than interesting; they'll be good-hearted fun for everyone. While you're at it go ahead and play the Baby Einstein DVD on the television to provide some entertainment.

Lots of paper goods are available with these characters printed boldly on them. You can find napkins, cups, tablecloths, and plates featuring just one of the characters or all of them. If your baby loves that doggy, Woof, best then you can focus on him with delightful Woof napkins. Or you can get a package of paper plates with each one featuring a different character from Baby Einstein. If you love them all, get a package of plates the whole group of characters on each of them.

There are also party supplies geared more towards the adults at the party than the children. You'll find Baby Einstein Blowouts, loot bags and cone hats. Its fun to dress up the baby in a Baby Einstein Bib and cone hat, but it's really the adults at the party who have the fun wearing the cone hat and making noise on the blowout. Just be careful you don't upset the baby too much with all the noise you'll be making.

After the party is over and you've had a chance to look at and catalogue all the gifts your guests brought for the baby its time to send out thank you notes. Stay in touch with the Baby Einstein theme by making up and sending out Baby Einstein thank you notes. They'll remind the guests of what a great party they attended and give them a nice little keepsake for their memory albums.

Mrs. Party... Gail Leino is the internet's leading authority on selecting the best possible party supplies (, using proper etiquette, and living a healthy life while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. The Party Supplies Hut has lots of party ideas with hundreds of free coloring sheets, printable games, and free birthday party activities. Over 100 adorable Party Themes ( to fit your birthday celebration, holiday event, or "just because" parties is at the Party Theme Shop. Party themes include cartoon characters, sports, movie, TV shows, luau, western, holidays, and unique crazy fun theme ideas.

Monday, March 2, 2009

4 Tips For Taking Great Baby Pictures Even If Youre Not A Professional

Writen by Alexis Dawes

When my daughter Layla was born I had a hard time putting the camera down. And apparently I wasn't the only one. The cashier at the photo developing shop told me that new parents comprised a fairly sizable chunk of their business.

We can't help it! Babies are such beautiful creatures that you want to capture every new movement and every fleeting smile that comes along. (Even if that smile is attached to a smelly gas bubble!)

However the problem many parents have is that their lack of good photography skills can translate into pictures that are too dark, too bright, blurry, out of focus, uncentered, and so on. Perhaps this describes you.

If so, don't sweat it. These problems are easily fixable. An album full of mishaps can quickly be transformed by following these 4 tips...

1) When taking pictures of babies lying on their backs, stand directly over them and shoot straight down.

I used to take a solid color baby blanket and place it on the floor in a bright, sun filled room. When I was ready to take a picture I would put Layla on the blanket, and adjust it around her, making sure not to put her directly in the sunlight. Then I'd get on my knees right over her, aim straight down and snap away.

This technique will allow you to center the camera properly and you'll get some great close-up shots. The natural sunlight will often give you just enough light so your picture isn't too dark or too bright.

2) Capture a range of emotions.

Smiling babies are cute. But so are crying babies and pouting babies and messy babies and sleeping babies.

Be sure to take pictures of your little one in all phases of his or her emotion filled life. You'll be amazed at how truly beautiful they are in non-traditional picture taking situations.

3) Make bath time picture time.

While there are some babies who don't like water, most love it. They often become very expressive in the bath tub - laughing, cooing and splashing. So bath time often becomes a great opportunity to capture a few precious shots of your little one.

I've personally used the bathtub to document how Layla has changed over her 2+ years. Every couple of months I take a few close-up pictures of her in the bathtub. Then I take the best one and place it in a special section in the photo album.

It's truly amazing to see how her face changes so dramatically with each new picture.

4) If you use a disposable camera, choose a good one.

I purchased 3 dirt cheap disposable cameras before I had Layla. When we brought her home these were the ones we used for the first week of photo taking.

Boy was I disappointed! The pictures developed horribly. And as a new mommy with hormones still raging, you know how sad this made me. Those cuddly little moments can never be relived again.

I learned a good lesson though. You get what you pay for.

Now my disposable camera of choice is the Kodak Max HQ. It's one of the more pricey disposable cameras. However the quality is fantastic in comparison to other disposables I've used.

You can usually buy them inexpensively on eBay. Popular retailers like Target and Wal-Mart also run sales on them quite frequently.

About The Author

Alexis Dawes is a real mom (not a professional photographer) who runs the web site. Check out her free 20+ page tutorial that teaches parents how to take better pictures of their little one (

The United States Has The Greatest Number Of Child Rapes And Child Murders She Said

Writen by Lance Winslow

It is amazing how many people believe what they here on the news each night. They have two or three cases on the TV and everyone thinks that the world is coming to an end. One lady got onto a blog and stated that the United States of America was a terrible country because it had the greatest number of Child rapes and Child murders.

This is unbelievable slander against my country and I cannot believe an American would ever say that for it simply is not so. And further condemnation of my nation the blogger said; Should I Go on?

Yes, go on because you are completely incorrect? This statement; The "Greatest" Occurrences of Child Rape and Murder. Is a lie, perhaps we simply report all of ours, whereas it is such a common occurrence in other nations it goes without notice. Additionally the US is the third most populated nation in the world.

What do you call partial birth abortions of female babies in China? Silly anti-American commenter. Wouldn't that be the "greatest occurrence of children dying at the hands of their parents.?" Hmmm? The greatest number of murders do not occur in the United States, that is wrong.

Apparently many people believe it is okay to lie about the truth of what America is about. People believe it is okay to slander our country and all we have built in the greatest nation in the written recorded history of mankind. How can this be? How can people get on the Internet and slam the country that they live in like that. All I can take is it must be left over liberals who've lost the election. Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Solid Poo

Writen by Lisa Cole

If you had told me this time last year that I would find nappies and poo fascinating, I would have peered at you over my huge bloated pregnant stomach and snorted in disdain. Now I have a child who is just about to learn to crawl into things he shouldn't, I am almost nostalgic for his breastmilk-only poos. They came in a variety of colours, from orange through to brown with the occasional green thrown in for good measure. They rarely smelled bad and in my maddest, sleep deprived moments I entertained notions of Dulux colour-matching some of the prettier shades. I was used to the occasional leaking wrap and it was easy to wipe his bum with a bit of damp cotton wool.

Then came solids.

I started on his 6-month birthday and for the next two months tried to get him interested in lovingly prepared organic veg, steamed and squished through a sieve, mixed with breastmilk that I hated expressing, only to have it rejected with clamped lips and windmilling arms after the first spoonful. Occasionally though, he'd mangle a bit of rice cake into his mouth. For the first few weeks I watched his nappies avidly. When was his first solid poo going to arrive? How stinky was it going to be? Could I deal with it? There was a brief real poo celebration in the third week but that turned out to be page 237 of his dad's Maplins catalogue. I no longer got excited about it but kept up the daily routine of offering him tasty morsels.

I stopped the whole 'Where's the duck? Has he got a spoon? Gosh, how did that get into your mouth?' charade for a few days after a tummy bug and the next time I tried he grabbed the spoon and shovelled the banana in. At last! But the poos were still squishy, maybe one spoonful of food just wasn't enough. He liked banana so I mixed it with other things, sweet potatoes, carrots, apples and pears. This did the trick and soon he was eating two tiny meals a day. And the poos? Well, for the first couple of weeks they were a mixed bag. Some dark wholegrain mustard type ones, some a slimy orange wallpaper paste variety, some just the same as before. Gently dabbing his bum with cotton wool was a complete waste of time so I used wet flannels or J-cloths instead. To change the nappy of a wriggly child at this stage you need a large tarpaulin, a change of clothes for the baby, protective clothing for yourself, 3 or 4 trained helpers ideally including a professional children's entertainer and a non squeamish disposition.

But it didn't last long. After a month of eating 3 dinky meals a day he produces a very neat little lump of poo first thing in the morning and maybe one in the afternoon if he is in the mood. Lumps are actually easier to deal with. The nappy liner collects it all, the clean edges of the liner are a handy wipe, you can flush the lump away and compost or bin the liner. If I have my bad mother hat on and leave him for a while the lump is easy to remove but anything he has sat and squished in sets quickly so I try to change him soon, it saves bum scrubbing and arguments. My cotton wool days are over and the dirty J-Cloths just get thrown in the wash with everything else.

And the smell? Well, put it this way; you can tell when he needs changing!

Copyright Lisa Cole,

The Mothers Milk Marketing Board at sells pro-breastfeeding and gentle parenting advocacy slogan t-shirts and accessories for funky mums and kids.

Unique Baby Gifts

Writen by Damian Sofsian

It is fun to go shopping for babies, whether it be for clothes, furniture toys or any other baby-related item. There are so many gifts to chose from, it is guaranteed that you will find the perfect baby gift.

Gifts come from everyone including grandparents, parents, uncles, aunts, and friends who want to pamper the baby.

Of course, baby showers are very popular among the baby gift giving set. A popular gift for showers are unique gift basket loaded with goodies for the new life that is about to enter the world. One can even purchase crafty diaper cakes that are loaded with decorative, yet practical ornaments like pacifiers, diaper pins, teddy bears, etc. Other unique gifts include a photo frame that is shaped in different forms and contains about 10 to 14 frames. Such a gift would help in treasuring your childhood memories. There are cuddly blankets in the cutest of colors that come in all shapes and sizes. There are gifts that can serve a purpose for both mother and child like a comfortable rocking chair or a versatile stroller.

Stock or share certificates are one-of-a-kind gifts and a great way to start saving for baby. This can be framed and truly makes a great gift. Embroidered gifts are popular for babies and also make for a lovely functional gift. All sorts of baby items can be embroidered including booties, blankets, sweaters, bibs, pillows, towels and night wear.

Knitted items are also very popular and are often seen on babies in the form of sweaters, booties, blankets, etc.

Babies bring loads of joy and excitement to all families. So pamper your new arrival with unique gifts that are durable, of good quality and above all, functional.

Baby Gifts provides detailed information about baby gifts, baby gift registries, and more. Baby Gifts is affiliated with Games For Baby Showers.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Beauty Pageant For The Baby

Writen by Agust Hauksson

Baby beauty pageants are a fixture of the world we live in. Every parent feels as if their baby is one of the finest, with the cutest little nose, with the biggest eyes, or with the rosiest checks. However, it is important to remember, that only one can win, but there are always going to be additional pageants that can be entered.

If you want to enter a baby pageant

You want to have a few good shots of you baby on hand. If you are good with a camera, you can take all types of shots, in many different poses, in many different outfits, and if you like, you can take pictures of the baby in various settings, such as in the yard, in the bed, in the play area, or where they spend the most of their time.

To get in on a baby beauty pageant

You can enter baby pageants online and offline. Some are going to be called sweepstakes while, some are called pageants, and others are called contests. If you are searching a baby beauty pageant, a good place to start is usually where baby products are sold. Look on the packaging for new and exciting types of contests you can enter your beautiful baby in. Also, try searching online, where you will enter words such as baby contest, baby photos, baby pageant, and you will find a good number of listings where baby beauty pageants are being held right now. Pageants are for those, who are under one year old, but read the rules, of anything pageant you are going to enter, sometimes it could be higher!

What are the prizes?

Prizes in baby pageants will be depending on the particular contest or pageant you are entering. If you are entering a national contest, the prizes are most likely bigger and better. Don't forget about all those small ones, run by local malls, newspapers and even the mid sized magazines or hospitals though, the prizes can be grand and well worth the efforts. There are even baby pageants that are run by television shows, by newscasters, and by schools, or by the local libraries.

If your baby is getting a little older

Perhaps you have enjoyed all the fun in the baby pageants, as you baby was small and young, now your baby is getting older. Generally, baby pageants are geared for those who are under one year old. Toddler contests can be just as exciting. In addition, as your child begins to grow, you can find teen, and young adult contests as well.

Sometimes the winners of a beauty pageant will receive a savings bond, or toys, or perhaps a trip for the parents. Some baby beauty pageants will also give scholarships and future college funds for the children as well.

Copyright 2006 - Agust Hauksson. Agust is a regular contributor of articles to many online publications. Find more great information at:

Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia Bpd Or Chronic Lung Disease In Your Premature Baby

Writen by Sjona Lindquist

Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD) or Chronic Lung Disease is a problem that usually arises in premature babies born more than 4 weeks premature (under 36 weeks gestation), weighing less than 3 ½ pounds (<1500 grams), and within the first 4 weeks of birth. Premature babies born with BPD have lungs that do not work properly making breathing very difficult. Extra oxygen is required and many times a breathing machine (ventilator) is also needed. Premature babies develop BPD from immature lungs, high levels of oxygen, ventilators, infections, pneumonia, or other environmental sources that cause irritation to the lungs.

The breathing problems in these premature babies must be treated quickly because this can lead to low oxygen levels in the blood affecting the premature baby's brain, heart, liver, and kidneys. However, healthcare providers must be cautious about being too aggressive because some of the treatments can carry their own risk factors if used too freely or often. Many times the risks must be weighed to see which options are in the baby's best interest for survival -and that can change from moment to moment.

Some symptoms of BPD can include tachypnea, coughing, wheezing, chest retraction, see-saw like breathing, neck stretching, and episodes of blue skin. Doctors confirm the diagnosis and severity of BPD by using a chest x-ray, assessing the length of time oxygen is needed, and determining if lung injury has occurred. Treating BPD is tricky since there is no specific treatment or medicine that gets rid of it.

Treating the symptoms with oxygen, the infections with medicine, and keeping the premature baby well nourished with proper amounts of fluid will give the baby's lungs the chance to mature and heal. Sometimes a premature baby will seem to exhibit symptoms of BPD, but the diagnosis will be Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS). RDS -also known as Hyaline Membrane Disease, or Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome- is one of the most common lung problems in premature babies. Premature baby BPD (Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia) survivors tend to grow slower than usual, and be smaller than babies the same age.

Sjona Lindquist is a mom of 6 (1 angel) and she owns and operates ~ Preemie Store. ~ Preemie Store is a resource site and specialty shop for parents of premature babies. Lindquist's daughter was stillborn from a Strep B infection due to PROM (Premature Rupture of Membranes). In honor of her daughter, Michaela, she offers preemie support, bereavement support, and preemie clothes. Some of the products include micro preemie clothes, preemie bereavement gowns, and Preemie dresses. If a new preemie has entered your life or someone you love, drop by and visit us! Preemie Store

Friday, February 27, 2009

Under Carpet Heating In The Nursery To Help Your Baby Sleep Through The Night And More

Writen by Ingrid Weir

As new parents, we all want what's best for our babies. There are so many things to worry about, not the least of which are colds, allergies, sleeping through the night, and keeping their delicate skin soft and moisturized. So, you ask, what can I do to help with all of these dilemmas? The answer is a product that is little-known to the general public, called under carpet heating, which eliminates several problems with your traditional forced air heating systems that can result in all of these concerns and more.

Have you ever wondered why your children always have a cold or a runny nose? Your children spend most of their time very close to or on the floor. If you have ever laid down there with them, you may have noticed that it is much colder than a few feet higher, where we, as adults, are normally and may not notice as much. With traditional systems, heat is blown throughout the room, and it doesn't even reach the floor, where your baby or toddler is. The reason being, heat rises, and before it can even reach the floor, it starts rising to the ceiling, leaving your babies considerably colder than the adults in the room. With electric radiant underfloor heating, you can completely eliminate this problem. The soothing heat radiates from under your carpet, gently warming your baby or toddler, keeping them more comfortable, warmer, and therefore healthier.

Allergies are another concern with many parents. Once again, your traditional heating systems can be a culprit. Forced air systems are constantly circulating dust, dander, germs, bacteria, mold, mildew, and other environmental troublemakers. Even with the most expensive filters available, you are still circulating all of these potential allergens and contaminates around your home. By simply closing off your central heating vents and heating with electric radiant floor heating, you reduce these risks greatly. With nothing to circulate all of these allergens, everything just simply settles, and you can easily rid your home of these problems by simply dusting and vacuuming regularly.

Another issue that we, as parents, wrestle with is getting our babies to sleep through the night. Research shows that when we are at an ideal body temperature, we sleep better. If your extremities are cold, inhibiting the free flow of blood, your sleep hormones fail to kick in, and restless insomnia prevails. Scientists also speculate that some sleep disorders may be caused by poor circulation and an inability to widen blood vessels in the hands and feet, which can be corrected with temperature regulation. With radiant heat, you have a quiet, soothing warmth that gently warms your baby throughout the night. The result being a restful, peaceful sleep throughout the night.

An additional downfall to forced air heating that radiant heating does away with is the drying of the air and in return, your baby's skin. Forced air actually burns the air while it is heating it, removing most of its moisture content, causing your baby's skin to dry out and chafe. Radiant heat does not affect the moisture content of the air, saving you from having to buy a humidifier and applying lotions that can often times irritate your baby's skin anyway.

In conclusion, I am not saying that radiant heat is the answer to all of your problems or that forced air is evil. However, radiant heat is just another weapon that we, as parents, can put in our arsenal to combat some of the problems that we have had to endure for centuries (i.e. colds, allergies, insomnia, and skin care).

Ingrid Weir
Speedheat® US

For more information, visit or email at

How To Buy A Diaper Bag

Writen by Angie H

Begin by choosing a type of diaper bag.

Traditional Bag: The traditional diaper bags are available in a variety of sizes; smaller for quick trips to the store holding a bottle and a few diapers too, much larger holding changes of clothes, bottles and food holders and accessories to keep everything organized. The traditional diaper bag is normally rectangular in size and has long straps meant to be carried over the shoulder.

Tote: A diaper tote is smaller diaper bag that sometimes features less pockets and accessories than traditional diaper bags. A diaper tote commonly features two handles and is most similar looking to a woman's pocket book.

Backpack: The diaper backpack is the most common form of diaper bag preferred by new fathers. The diaper backpack most resembles the backpacks worn by children going to school or hikes on the trail.

Sling: The sling diaper bag features a single strap that is meant to be worn over the shoulder. The sling diaper bag has many of the same features as the backpack but with only one strap.

Messenger: The messenger diaper bag is newest form of diaper bag on the market today. The messenger diaper bag is meant to be worn over the shoulder and across the body with the weight of the bag distributed along the length of the back and not on the shoulders.

The basic features you will need:

Material: Choosing your diaper bag material is important because it will determine the longevity of the bag.

Changing Pad: Most diaper bags include a changing pad. It is very important to make sure that the changing pad can be cleaned easily by changing the cover or wiped clean.

Pockets: A variety of pockets are essential to holding, food, diapers, wipes and ointments and creams.

Bottle Holders: Bottle holders are a necessity in any diaper bag for keeping baby bottle from leaking and otherwise getting thrown around in the diaper bag.

Straps: It is important to look for padded straps when choosing a diaper bag stocked full of your baby's essentials.

How much will I spend?

Diaper bags range in price from $20 to even over $200, depending on the fabrics, materials and accessories included.

Having these basics on hand, will help you choose the perfect diaper bag to fit your busy lifestyle. Shopping for your new diaper bag could not easier - you no longer have to hunt around at your nearest baby store to get the best variety of diaper bags. Shopping online for diaper bags is the easiest and best way to get the largest variety and the most information about diaper bags on the market today. Whichever diaper bag you choose, be sure to keep it well stocked - and you and your baby will be happy during any outdoor adventure.

Angie S. is a baby products specialist with 9 years of experience in the baby products industry and mother of 3. She is the official baby products advisor for a leading e-commerce retailer of baby products online.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Nature Takes Care Of Babys Wholesome Nutrition

Writen by Yana Mikheeva

There is a well-known fact saying that "culinary habits" come from childhood. That is why parents should pay special attention to their child's nutrition. Food constraint can bring irreparable physical and psychological harm to a child. Parents' constant persuasion while their baby is eating can not only have negative effect on the process of digestion itself, but also may cause further food allergy. Is not it better to examine closely, listen to what child's organism needs, how, what and how many he wants to eat?

If baby's taste is not perverted and his metabolism is not affected yet, then you should be curious about what he wants to eat. Don't force your child to eat fast, it's better to develop a habit to chew food well. Then his alimentary canal will not have to "complete" the work his teeth and salivary glands haven't done. Speed of eating, temperature of food is his private affair, though.

You should not be afraid if your child refuses to eat at all. Don't panic. This means that something goes wrong in his organism and the Nature just suggests him a way of short-term hunger treatment. Show patience and tenacity. Very soon your child will come running to you asking to eat some certain food. You should not resort to any food encouragement, temptations, don't use sweets as a reward for his good behavior. While observing your child's choice of food you give to him, you can make important conclusions about his health condition and organism needs. And the main thing is that you should rely on your child's instinct. If you have succeeded not to spoil it yet, let him choose what, when, how many and in what combination and order he should eat or drink.

Quite often, food fermentation appears in alimentary canal, as a result of regular feeding with meat and bread, pap with milk and sugar, sweet pies. Frequently, this leads to child's tonsillitis, diarrhea, constipation, gastritis, un-reasoned rise in temperature and allergy.

When some parents overfeed their children, they pave the way for adiposity, which inevitably leads to a whole bouquet of sicknesses. You should not also forget about an important fact of the organism process of preparation for eating. A term "psychology of eating", meaning company, dining room atmosphere, its lighting and the music sounding in, can be included in the concept "culture of eating".

View Schedule of Including Vegetables and Fruits Into Your Baby Ration here

Yana Mikheeva is the creator of Baby Health Directory - Pregnancy, Birth, Parenting and Baby Care resources. Are you going to get pregnant? Visit our friendly resource and read information on pregnancy and parenting, painless childbirth, growth and development of a baby, baby health, safety, signs of pregnancy.

She also has All about women site where you can find articles on various subjects, such as: diets, receipts, health, cellulite, figure, aromatherapy, wholesome food, psychology of relationships, pregnancy, parenting, fashion and many others.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Top Ten Baby Presents Buy Baby Gift Items That Are Needed

Writen by Isaac Rubens

It is always difficult to come up with ideas regarding what to get when you need to buy baby gift items. Baby gifts are as much for the mother as for the baby since there are many items that a mother could use but cannot necessarily afford to buy. So, the next time a baby shower, a birthday party or a christening has to be attended, use the following list of ten ideas to buy baby gift items that will make an impression:

Top Ten Baby Gifts

Baby Toys - These are baby gifts that will never go out of style, and can be actually enjoyed by the baby instead of the parents. There are baby toys that are specifically designed for certain age groups. So, all one has to do is go to the market and buy a toy that is made for the appropriate age, which is put up on the cover or packing of the toy. But the best and the most liked baby toy is a teddy bear or other soft toy, which is appropriate for babies of all ages. So if there is confusion, it is best to buy baby gift toys that are soft and plush.

Baby Monitor - Baby safety is constantly on the minds of the parents. Baby monitors are a perfect solution to end this worry. Now it's possible to monitor and detect the movements, whining and breathing of the baby audibly and visually too. There are many different models of audio-only, audio/video, and motion-sensor baby monitors to choose from in a wide price range.

Baby Bath Care - Getting an expensive bath care set for the baby is the perfect way to show that you care about the welfare of the baby.

Baby Stroller - This a device that a parent cannot do without. It has to be bought anyway, so why not save the parents that much cash? Gift it instead of something that is completely unnecessary.

Baby Books - Gifting the baby with books, appropriate for his/her age, is always good. This actually helps in developing a joy of reading from a very young age. Pictures and colors fascinate the baby's eyes, so make sure your book has a lot of illustrations. Buy baby gift books that have thick, cardboard or other material for durability.

Baby Blankets and Sleep Kits - Getting a cozy baby blanket and other sleep accessories is a perfect way of celebrating the baby's arrival. These days, it is possible to customize the baby blankets. A personalized baby blanket is a truly unique gift. They are available in many colors, materials and designs. The next time you need to buy baby gift items, consider a personalized baby blanket!

Baby Clothes - Smart clothes for the baby will definitely make the parents happy, especially if it's the second child. The baby will be spared from using hand-me- downs! These days, baby clothing is given a lot of importance, and one is likely to find beautifully made baby clothes in the market, keeping in mind the contemporary trends in fashion. To buy baby gift items that are useful, always consider baby clothes.

Baby Bedding - This will include everything from the mattress to the blanket and pillows, as well as the mosquito netting.

Baby Bouncers - Baby bouncers are the baby's sitting place, where he/she can roll and bounce and have the time of his/her life. These are somewhat like a bean bag, with a belt, to ensure the safety of the baby. Buy baby gift bouncers or other mobile-type walker since parents need an item like this.

Baby Jewels - A jewel is a priceless gift that will be cherished for a lifetime. They also make a unique baby gift. There are many websites online which are dedicated to baby accessories that carry baby jewelry and have their items displayed online. They also ship and home deliver the items, so that you don't need to go out and purchase them.

When you have to buy baby gift items, the above choices are always winners!

Isaac Rubens makes it easy to find the perfect gift for that special baby. Visit buy baby gift for more great ideas and to receive other special offers.

Bedding Comfort For Your Baby

Writen by Hartley Lesser

Your baby is your life… the comfort, care and feeding of your child consumes much of your day and evening existence. There is so much to know, to be aware of, that even with all of the expert advice from family and friends, there's still a great deal to be learned, either through study of various resources, or through the daily experience of raising your child.

Most mothers and fathers would say the comfort of their baby is one of their prime concerns. Comfort is the baby's world, from the temperature in the home, their diapers, their cleanliness, their food and drink, their clothing and their baby bedding. All of these elements should be designed to ensure the safety and health of the child and to make their small world a happy and enjoyable place within which to grow.

Afternoon naps, breast-feeding, and nighttime sleep require coverings to keep the baby warm. These coverings must be soft enough to ensure a warm environment, resilient enough to withstand stains, and secure enough to prevent accidents. There are a number of elements to the selection of appropriate baby and crib bedding. Thankfully, there are a number of baby bedding sets now available that assist with the continual drain on your financial resources to ensure your baby's health.

When purchasing baby bed linens, highly advisable is to purchase four top and four bottom sheets. These can be of the fitted or flat varieties and are uniform in size. However, if you have a crib, cot, cot bed or Moses basket, sheet sizes differ. Make certain you know the size you need before you shop.

Try to obtain a minimum of four, high-quality blankets. Cold nights are not a pleasant reality for a baby. The best combinations for a baby blanket are those that offer breathability and warmth, such as cotton cellular blankets and fleece.

A sleeping bag is also a good alternative, but you'll need at least two of them. Babies have a tendency to wriggle at night. This can result in sheets and blankets being tossed all over the crib or bed, leaving the youngster cold. A sleeping bag ensures their comfort while restricting their movement. Plus, you won't need to purchase a top sheet or blanket.

If your child is at least one year old, you can obtain pillows and duvets. The duvet cover set and pillow are comfortable for your child and also assist in supporting his or her attempts to sit up. Be certain to remove cot bumpers if your child is at the sitting up stage.

For the newborn baby, crib bedding is what needs to be obtained. Again, the sizes are different than would be considered for a baby bed, and the baby's comfort must remain the parents' prime concern.

If you are traveling with your child, perhaps to see grandma and grandpa or a distant aunt or uncle, to include them in the joyful world of your child's existence, other considerations must be made for your baby's needs. There are now services that will ship all of your baby's needs to a specified address. This means Mom and Dad don't have to pack as though they are going on a safari with their child's food, diaper, and formula needs. Everything they require will be awaiting them when they reach their destination, whether a private home or a hotel room.

Baby-proofing the location where you will stay is another important element to keep in mind. From a cover clamp toilet lock to a sound monitor, a bi-fold door lock to cabinet slide locks, and those all important rail nets for indoor balconies or outdoor decks, all should be considered as critical to your baby or child's safety at your temporary location. Make certain you have information at hand as to where your child will be sleeping and either pack, or have delivered, the required baby or crib bedding to ensure his or her comfort.

Baby and crib bedding is one of those elements that cannot be overlooked. These items are critical to your continued success in rearing your baby in safety and comfort.

Baby Best Buy has been providing quality baby products, including baby bedding, cloth diapers, potty training equipment, and more, at discounted prices for many years. This company is able to offer such low prices because they purchase their inventory end-of-the-line direct from manufacturers, thus eliminating the middle-man.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Importance Of Baby Sleep

Writen by David Chandler

All living creatures need sleep. Sleeping gives people and all living creatures the time for the body to recuperate and regenerate. Lion's needs 16 to 18 hours of sleep, while primates, ten to twelve hours of sleep. Humans need on average six to eight hours sleep to rejuvenate. Human babies need a full eight hours of sleep and naps in between.

The body uses sleep as a way to regenerate cells and refresh the brain and overall aids in the development of our body, mind, and health. During our sleep, the human body can regenerate hair follicles, fingernails, toenails and even the outer covering of the skin. This happens because of the automatic pilot that is built into our bodies. People tend to think that the body only needs to recharge spent energy on the day's work but in truth the body works the regeneration cycle much faster when the brain does not control much action.

Babies therefore need their sleeping time to develop muscles, limbs, and skeletal structure. In order to achieve a good night's sleep for your baby, it is important that your baby have comfortable and inviting bedding. The secret to a good bed is one that feels just right. Beds that are to big may make your little one feel insecure. Your baby's bed should be cozy and offer security for them to get a good night sleep. Selecting the proper bedding should also be a concern. The bedding should be easy to touch and feel cozy. Bedding that is to stiff or even to fluffy decreases your baby's comfort level and therefore reduces his/her sleep time. We would want our babies to enjoy their beds and consider it a place of security.

Try to make your baby's sleeping experience a pleasant one. Bedding should be inviting to the eye. There are so many wonderful patterns and fabrics on the market today that choosing the right bedding should not be to difficult. Remember that your baby needs enough rest to stimulate his/her growth and development and when this is achieved, your baby can reach his full potential.

For more information about baby sleep, visit Baby Sleep

How To Make A Lovely Baby Shower Cake

Writen by Jessika Ryder

Baby shower cakes are terrific centerpieces for showers. Guests always laugh when they see one and the expectant mom is thrilled to receive a very useful gift. They're also called diaper cakes because diapers are the main ingredient. It is quite easy to make one. Check out the detailed instructions below.

The ingredients for your baby shower cake

Here's the list of items you need for your cake:

  • Naturally, you'll need disposable diapers. How many? Assuming you want to make a medium size diaper cake, you'll need around 45 -- 55. You can't be sure of exactly how many until you make the cake. Any diapers left over can always be handed over to mommy-to-be.
  • Your baby shower cake needs a base. Get a platter of metal, cardboard, or other materials that are reasonably stiff. Choose one that's about 14" -- 16".
  • Buy a 10 foot length of 1" wide ribbon and about 60 to 80 feet of narrower ribbon. The latter is for tying individual diapers into rolls.
  • Every diaper cake needs a focal point. The most commonly used one is a baby bottle.
  • Rather than use an empty baby bottle, fill it with something edible. You could buy or make small chocolates shaped like various baby items, packed individually. Candies are another possible choice.
  • Get other cute, useful items for babies. Such as pacifiers, teething rings, bibs, socks, baby hair brushes, small sized soap and shampoo and so on.
  • Procure good quality, clear cellophane to provide the final wrapping. Get additional ribbons for tying bows at the top of the cellophane wrapping, if you so prefer.
  • Have adhesive tape available.

Baking the diaper cake -- putting it all together

While making a baby shower cake is quite easy, it does require a bit of patience. But the end result is certainly worth it! Plus the fact that you made it yourself creates a terrific impact.

While following through these instructions, have someone help you. It will get done faster.

The first thing to do is to tie each diaper individually into a roll. Cut a foot length of the narrow ribbon. Roll up a diaper and secure it by tying the ribbon around it. Do the same for all remaining diapers. If you're working alone, you may want to spread this out over more than one sitting.

Next, you'll create three tiers. You can vary the number of tiers to make a cake of the size you prefer.

We'll make the top tier first, which is the smallest. Fill the baby bottle with wrapped chocolates, candies or whatever other item you've obtained. Arrange rolled diapers around the bottle.

You'll use about 5 -- 7 diapers; place them around the bottle in a standing position. Pack them tightly. Secure the diapers into place by tying a length of narrow ribbon around them. That completes the top tier.

Next, create the middle tier using about 13 -- 18 diapers. Make a small circle of about 5 -- 8 diapers and tie them together like you did above. Then stand 13 -- 18 diapers in a circle around this smaller circle; secure them by tying a ribbon around them. This completes the middle tier of your cake.

To make the bottom tier, just repeat this process with about 25 -- 35 diapers.

Finishing the perfect baby shower cake

You're well on your way to making the perfect cake! By now, you should be able to anticipate the thrill of presenting it to mommy!

The next step is to secure the bottom tier onto the platter. Do this with pieces of adhesive tape. Don't use too much tape, because then the diapers become unusable. Next, fix the other two layers similarly one on top of the other. The tier with the bottle at the center goes on top, of course.

Put in all those adorable baby items you bought -- pacifiers, hair brush, teething ring, etc. Fix all of these onto the cake. How? Tuck them into the ribbons you used to secure each tier. Use additional ribbons if necessary.

And now, for the grand finale!

Transform your baby shower cake into a magical thing of beauty by using cellophane and ribbons. Spread a cellophane sheet on a flat surface, place the cake in the center. Gather up the edges of the cellophane and bunch it up artistically at the top (well, with as much art as you can manage -- it will look great anyway!). Use ribbons to tie a cute bow.

Now step back, and admire your creation! And be prepared for oohs and aahs from mom-to-be and guests at the baby shower!

About the Author

Jessika Ryder is a successful business writer and party enthusiast providing valuable information on baby showers. Her numerous articles provide tips on diaper cakes, party planning, etiquette and other aspects of these celebrations.

Monday, February 23, 2009

How To Buy A Baby Crib Online

Writen by Sarah Holmes, Ph.D.

A baby crib is one of the most expensive things you will buy for your new baby. You can always go to your local store to shop for a crib, but you may find that your options are limited in terms of finding the perfect baby crib. Plus, it is much easier to sit at home and shop at your own computer than to go from store to store looking at baby cribs. If you decide to shop online for a baby crib, there are a few things you should keep in mind. This article will review a few pointers that will help you safely buy a baby crib online.

It's All About Selection

One of the greatest things about online shopping is the selection! For example, if you decide that you want a round baby crib, your local store may not carry any at all. Through several online stores, you can find dozens of great round baby cribs made by several different manufacturers. While the wide range of choices may be overwhelming, it can be very useful when you are just trying to get an idea of the type of crib you want. You can review lots of different baby crib models in order to help you decide which baby crib features matter to you most (i.e., convertible, casters, both sides dropping down, etc.). Once you finalize the type of crib that you want, you are then ready for some serious price comparison shopping.

Compare Baby Crib Prices

You will be amazed to find that the very same baby crib may vary in price by several hundred dollars. That is because there are more than a dozen online stores that sell baby cribs. They all compete with each other meaning that you can get some a really good deal on a baby crib. They often offer free shipping, put their baby cribs on sale or offer "internet coupons" for a certain percentage off the total price. This is all to your advantage but requires you to shop around to find the best deal on a baby crib. One thing to look for is the shipping cost when comparing baby crib prices. One crib may be listed at a lower price but have a higher shipping charge. Make sure that you identify that actual shipping charges and take that into consideration when selecting the best priced baby crib. Many of the online stores will list the shipping cost right on the product page. If not, you may have to add it to you cart and "check out" to see what the shipping charges are.

Check the Online Store's Policies

The last thing you will want to do before finalizing your online purchase of a baby crib is to check the store's policy. You will want to make sure that it is easy to contact them by mail, email, and phone. If they do not provide this information, then you may not want to buy from them. You will also need to check out their shipping policies. Some will offer you a choice in shippers which may influence the shipping price. You will also want to check to see when they will ship the crib. Several online stores take 6 to 8 weeks to ship a baby crib. If time is short for you, you will have to select an online store that can ship the baby crib right away.

It is important to review the store's return policy. If you decide on ordering a custom made crib, the online store may not allow any returns. If this is the case, you will need to be 100% that this is the baby crib for you. Online stores may offer free exchanges or may require you to pay to send the crib back. These are all issues that are important to take into consideration when deciding on where to buy your baby crib. Also, if you do decide to order a specialized crib such as a round or corner crib, be sure to order a mattress and baby bedding. Regular stores don't usually carry these items and it's best to order them online as well.

With this information in mind, you should be able to find the best online deal for a new baby crib. You will definitely find the widest selection online and most likely the best deal on the perfect baby crib for your new baby.

Sarah Holmes, Ph.D. quit her full-time job in order to stay home with her baby girl. She created as a free resource to other new moms and dads. Her site compares prices on hundreds of baby cribs from more than 20 online stores allowing you to find the beset price with a click of a button. Her site also offers lots of information about the different types of cribs as well as all sorts of safety information about how to buy and use your new crib safely.

Picking The Perfect Name For Your Baby

Writen by Steve Edwards

One of the most important decisions you will make once you find you are pregnant is that of picking the perfect baby name. Everyone has their own idea of what a great name is, sometimes it is as simple as whatever is currently fashionable as per the top 10 names for the country in the year that the baby is born, sometimes it's a family name that honors a favorite relative, and sometimes it's just a name that the mother (or father) really likes.

The baby name chosen will occasionally carry certain cultural significance. This happens often in the case of popular baby names as they are fashionable for a certain period of time and then the trend changes and so you can put babies with those names into a certain decade. Television, and to a lesser extent movies, can influence these trends as certain television shows have characters with names which are "different" and which parents like so this is added to the list of potential baby names. There are exceptions to this however, as there are some baby names which are timeless and have been handed down generation to generation throughout the family.

Whether or not to choose the baby name before the baby is born is a matter for personal preference. There are parents who decide what their baby's name will be from the moment they have the pregnancy confirmed - and in some cases, they know what baby names they will choose before they are even pregnant! Then there are other parents who wait until the baby is born before naming it. Sometimes this is because they can't agree on a name, or because they haven't found one they like, or sometimes just because they want to wait to see how the baby looks before naming it.

Once the baby is born, there's still time to pick the perfect baby name for your baby. Even if the name was decided months before the birth, it's possible that having seen the baby, the name will change. When you see your baby for the first time, and hold it in your arms, you may decide that the name chosen doesn't seem to fit with the baby you are looking at. Maybe the baby has more delicate features than the robust name chosen suggests, or vice versa. It's also possible that there was someone instrumental in bringing the baby into the world that you want to honor by naming your baby after them - and this won't be known until after the birth occurs.

Take time to choose the perfect name for your baby, and don't be afraid to change your mind at the last minute if you feel it's not quite appropriate, after all the baby is going to wear that name a long time!

Are you looking for the perfect baby name then visit for baby name articles, tips, & advice.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Baby Shower Decorations Themed Items For A Unique Splash

Writen by Gail Leino

When looking for unique items for your Baby Shower decorations, try to look for the original in normal everyday things. Normal everyday things when related to a baby shower includes all things baby related, such as diapers, bottles, nuknuks, cribs, baby blankets and even toys.

It easy to pick up some large stuffed animals to place in the corners at your baby shower party and afterwards they can be sent home with the parents. Smaller stuffed animals can even be set up as a centerpiece on the buffet table. Baby bottles placed casually around the party or even tied with a piece of string and hung from the ceiling really add to the baby shower atmosphere.

If you are interested in a little challenge you can experiment with using balloons to make balloon babies. This one would take a little skill, but you can add to them by dressing them up in disposable diapers.

Those who are big fans of using traditional balloons, streamers and confetti can still use them in a unique way. One easy way of doing this is by picking out a color theme that's unusual for a baby shower. This theme can be black and white to hearken back to the idea of black and white photos. You can even take pictures at the event using black and white film in your camera. When you have them developed make up a little photo album and the photos themselves will always remind the parents of your special party theme.

Picking out a neon pink or blue color for the party theme if you happen to know the gender of the baby can add a unique flavor to the party. Have the party in the evening and hand out appropriately colored glow sticks. You can even get the larger ones and use them in decoration around the party area.

Mrs. Party... Gail Leino is the internet's leading authority on selecting the best possible party supplies, using proper etiquette and manners while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. Free Baby Shower Games, printable activities, party planning tips, menus, recipes, and party supplies to help complete your event.

Infant Car Seats What To Look For

Writen by LynnMarie S.

Infant car seats should be purchased for any baby who weighs less than 20 pounds. It can be more cost efficient to purchase an infant-toddler car seat that can be converted when the baby weighs more than 20 pounds. But all experts will agree that babies are safer in infant car seat because they are designed for the smaller baby to give support in all the necessary places. Your baby should be comfortable. You should get a car seat that has lots of cushioning and plenty of head support. The Graco infant car seat is one of the most popular car seats for infants and range in price from $80 to $170.

These are some things to look for when you are shopping for a car seat for your infant.

It should be easy to install. It is very important that the car seat is installed properly and according to the manufacturer's specifications. When buying a car seat, remember that simpler is better. If a car seat looks like it will be difficult to install, it probably is.

A smaller baby needs more adequate restraints to hold him in the seat. Look for infant seats that have a five point harness. These will have one strap for each of the baby's shoulders, one strap for each of his thighs, and one between his legs. These straps are safer for an infant since they are more adjustable than plastic shields or T-bar restraints.

Avoid car seats that require you to fasten the seatbelt in the rear of the seat. The seatbelt adjustment should be easy to reach.

It must have the right anchors. Starting in September 2002, all new infant safety seats had to be compatible with the LATCH system (LATCH is short for Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children). Rather than using a seatbelt to hold the infant seat in place, this system uses two anchors for the bottom of the seat and a one tether for the top of the seat. This makes installation of the seat easier and safer because the seat is attached directly to the car.

Babies are always a mess. Consider purchasing a seat with a removable infant car seat cover so that you can keep the car seat clean. It may be tough to find this feature because many car seats do not come with removable infant car seat covers. Be sure to check the car seat you are purchasing to see if the car seat cover can be removed.

The most important thing to consider what buying a car seat for your infant is safety. Remember, the car seat should be easy to install, have adequate restraints, and have the correct anchors for attaching it to the car.

About the Author

LynnMarie is On-Line Editor for which is one of the top online retailers of Graco Infant Car Seats including an extensive line of Infant Car Seats for infants and children.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Baby Shower Planning And Hosting

Writen by Criss White

Planning and organization are crucial to hosting a successful baby shower. Below are some important topics to consider when planning:

1) Who will host the shower?

The person that plans and hosts the shower can be anyone, but is usually someone who is close to the new or expecting mother. Normally, a close friend or family member will do all the preparations, but sometimes the new mother will help as well, particularly with the guest list. Sometimes a small group of friends can plan the event together.

In the event of a surprise baby shower, planning must occur more carefully and invitations should be sent out in secret. In this circumstance, people who are not as close to the new mother will be involved in acquiring supplies and getting the word out.

2) Who should be invited?

Be sure to invite all the mother's friends and family to the event. If planning a surprise party, make sure that everyone you tell helps spread the word. A close friend or family member may know most of the mother's friends, but it can also be helpful to ask co-workers and other friends to make sure that no one is left out.

Also, men are increasingly being included in these parties. An all women's shower can be different than a shower with both men and women, so the planner should consider these things as well.

If other young children will be in attendance, then make sure to plan events for them too. Not planning for children is a common oversight that adults make when planning parties of this nature. Baby shower games are a fun way for both children and adults to celebrate.

3) Where and when should the shower occur?

The party should be held at a location that is comfortable to the new mother. Oftentimes, the most common place to host a party is at a friend's or family member's home. In this case, the mother will not have to worry about cleaning up afterwards.

Sometimes, the party is hosted at the mother's place. This can be convenient as well because the mother doesn't have to go anywhere. Friends of the mother can help with the clean up afterwards.

For larger baby showers, banquet halls or other locations can be rented. Other places include parks, restaurants, catered dining rooms, or anywhere else that might be appropriate. It is okay to plan things differently as long as the mother and everyone else has a good time.

Most baby showers occur several weeks before the baby is due. Sometimes showers occur after the baby is born, which allows the guest to see the new baby. When to have the baby shower is entirely based on the preferences of the host and the mother.

Most showers occur on the weekends. Saturday is a popular day for these parties. They can occur in the afternoon or evening, depending on various factors, like people's schedules and how much you want to spend. Generally, dinner parties are more expensive than hosting lunch.

4) What activites should be planned?

There are many games and activities that can be planned in advance to make a baby shower memorable. Baby themed games are a fun way for everyone to celebrate a new baby. Do a search for "baby shower games" on the internet and you will find many games, some of which you can purchase and some that are free.

A short speech of congratulations is also a nice surprise for the new mother. If such a speech occurs, it is usually from a close friend or family member. A good time for congratulations is before eating lunch or dinner.

Finally, make some time before, between, and after events for everyone to mingle with the new or expecting mom.

5) What kind of food is appropriate?

The food at the party does not necessarily have to be baby-themed, although that can be a nice touch. The most common baby-themed food is baby shower diaper cake. Your local bakery can also make other items like cookies and pastries in the shape of baby blocks, pacifiers, rubber ducks, and other baby items. Or you can make them yourself. Most importantly, make sure to pick food that everyone will enjoy.

If you are hiring a caterer, then be sure to ask them about their ideas and experiences with baby showers. They may have some creative ideas that you may not have thought about.

6) Decorations and party favors.

Your local party supply store will probably have plenty of decorations for your baby shower. Specifically themed decorations can also be purchased online.

Buying party favors for your guests is always a nice way to say thank you for coming. These gifts for your guests can range from themed candies to more expensive keepsakes, including personalized items. Special prizes can also be given out for game winners or other people who have been important in the mother's life and during the pregnancy.

7) During the party.

Greet the guests when they arrive and have others help out if necessary to make sure everything runs smoothly. And finally, don't forget to have fun after all the planning and preparation.

Criss White is a professional web writer on baby and new mother topics for baby and pregnancy websites. For more articles on baby showers, check out our Baby Shower Ideas ( and more baby articles at Baby Lullaby.

Note: If you find this article useful, you may reprint it on your website, e-zine, or in your newsletter as long as the credits and resource box remain in tact and the hyperlinks stay active.

Safety First When Buying Baby Cribs

Writen by Roy Thomsitt

Probably the most important item of baby furniture in the nusery is the baby's crib. All the decor and furniture plays its part, of course, but much of that is for the convenience and visual pleasure of the parents, plus an element of teaching baby. While the crib can fulfil both those roles, it is also a place where your baby will be spending a great deal of time, and do much of her early growing up.

It is quite easy to make a baby comfortable lying down when first born, but as she grows you need to think beyond that. As she becomes mobile, safety becomes a major issue. She will also be tempted to chew the crib when she starts teething. For those reasons, you want to choose a design that prevents her getting out of the crib too easily, and also one that uses a non toxic paint.

It is difficult to imagine, when you first bring a newborn baby home, that before long they will be mobile, and if you have not had a baby before, then you may be taken by surprise. Even if she is not your first baby, a surprise or two may be in store.

When our baby daughter was born, I had to share her room during the day, as it was the only place I could have my computer for working. I was very lucky, as I saw an awful lot of her growing up, as she would spend much time in the crib, and when a bit older, would chat to me after each time she woke.

I will never forget one day when she was standing up in the crib, chatting to me in the usual way. I was expecting someone from the telephone company to come because of internet problems. A knock at the door sent me scurrying downstairs; our baby had never shown any inclination to climb out of the crib. As I reached the front door, I did hear a small thud upstairs, and assumed it was a toy thrust from the crib by Saffron. I led the two technicians back to the baby's room, but when I went in the room I was totally dumbfounded. Standing in front of me, on the floor, was a bemused baby, as still as a statue, staring up at me, with a very strange "what's happened to me Dad?" smile on her face.

It took a moment for the whole scene to actually register, but I picked her up, and put her back in the crib. She remained remarkably quiet for a long, long time, and she never did that again, so obviously did not find the "thud" part of the experience one she wanted to repeat. Incidentally, that was a well designed crib, but with an adventurous baby who is a born climber, there is not so much you can do to stop them once they reach a certain age. She was unharmed, but could so easily have hurt herself. Another thing to bear in mind as baby grows, is that toys left in the crib can become a hazard, as the baby will soon figure out that larger toys can be used as a step to make it easier to escape from the crib.

In choosing a crib, also be sure to buy one with easy access for you as parents. A drop side is very helpful, to make it easy to put the baby in, and get her out again. Some cribs can be very deep, so reaching down too far may not be appreciated in the middle of the night, when you just want to get baby fed and back to sleep; it is far easier to drop the side of the crib, and pick her out comfortably. With some cribs, you can also save money long term by choosing one that converts to a bed, so that is worth bearing in mind when working out your baby furniture budget.

This baby crib article was written by Roy Thomsitt, owner author of the Bouncing New Baby website. Also at the web stie you will find useful articles on baby rooms or nurseries and teaching baby.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Breast Pumps

Writen by Eric Morris

A breast pump is a mechanical device that can be used to extract milk for later use from a lactating woman. The way a breast pump works is similar to a milking machine used in commercial dairy production.

Extracted breast milk can be stored so that someone else can feed the baby by bottle. Sometimes the breasts produce more milk than the infant can consume. A breast pump can be used in these instances when the breasts become engorged preventing proper latching by the infant. Breast pumping relieves pressure in the breasts. Also, this can be used when some babies cannot latch properly for direct breastfeeding even though the mother desires the benefits of breast milk. A breast pump stimulates lactation in women and can be used to continue lactation to recover from pregnancy even when the pumped milk is not used.

Breast pumps come in a variety of models, the most popular being the manual pump where the woman can directly control the pressure and frequency of pumps and the battery-operated pumps. However, electrically powered pumps are presently gaining in popularity. Some breast pumps are designed so that the portion of the pump is the baby bottle used for feeding. Another popular design available on the market is the Hands-Free pump.

It is suggested to start using a breast pump to provide stimulation immediately after the delivery. A hospital-grade double electric breast pump can be used until the supply is well established. The hospital's NICU can provide the details regarding the renting of the hospital-grade breast pump. For the first couple of weeks it is advised to use a breast pump 8 to 10 times within a 24-hour period. Frequent stimulation establishes a good supply. So, initially, pump around the clock, although at night go for slightly longer periods between sessions. Initially, ten to twelve minutes per pumping session is enough. Even though much colostrum or milk is not expressed in the first few days, the supply will increase over the next several days with dedicated pumping.

The hospital's NICU will provide the instructions on storing and transporting the milk to the baby bottles. Please follow the guidelines to avoid passing infections to the baby. Sterile collection bottles and sterilized pump kit is a safe option. Even in the hospital, deliver the expressed breast milk as often as possible.

It is important to use the breast pump at least 6 to 8 times per day that the mother is able to start direct breastfeeding. Decrease the length of pumping by a couple of minutes if the supply becomes extremely large. However, frequent stimulation is necessary. Even when the baby's intake is low, as in the cases of premature babies, milk production needs to continue on as though the baby was born full-term.

Breast Pumps provides detailed information about breast pumps, breast pump reviews, and more. Breast Pumps is affiliated with Disposable Diapers.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Four Things I Learned About Potty Training A Strong Willed Child

Writen by Susan S. James

My daughter was immovable when it came to potty training: she didn't want to go potty, and that was that! She was four and a half and still using diapers, and I was at my wit's end. During the two years I spent trying, in one way or another, to get her to go potty, I learned four important and interesting things about potty training a strong willed child.

1. You can't force it. There are two things that you cannot force your child to do. You cannot force your child to eat, and you cannot force him to go potty. So no matter how much I praised, rewarded, begged, scolded, or guilt-tripped my daughter, she was only going to use the potty when she was good and ready. No amount of intervention on my part was going to change this immutable fact.

2. You know better than your doctor. During the two years I battled with my daughter over potty training, I took her to three different doctors and even to a social worker who specializes in children who are potty-resisters! Once we ruled out any physical or medical problems, every single professional I spoke with gave me a different opinion on why my daughter was resisting and what I should do about it. They all agreed on one thing – that my daughter and I were locked in a battle of wills, and I was losing the battle big time. But the advice I received was varied and often contradictory. I came to realize that I knew better than they did, because I knew my daughter.

3. Don't take it personally. I can't tell you how many hours I spent angry, frustrated, even in tears, because I couldn't get my daughter out of diapers. When she reached four and half, I felt like a failure as a mother. Don't fall into this way of thinking! Your child's unwillingness to go potty is no reflection on your parenting ability.

4. Eventually, your child will go (all children do). All children master the potty, and your child is no exception. If you have ruled out any physical or medical problems that may be preventing your child from mastering the potty, your child will surprise you one day.

My daughter was fully trained well before she turned five years old, and now that she is almost six, I still find it miraculous that she willingly goes to the bathroom without any reminders or accidents! It will happen for your child, too.

Susan S. James is a mother of two and the founder of the website Best Potty Training Tips where you can take a quiz to see if your child is ready for potty training, as well as ask questions and share tips with other parents.

The Scoop On Giving Your Baby Juice

Writen by Cassandra Germsheid

Many moms like to think that as soon as their baby turns 6 months of age, they should start giving them juice. But this couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, juice is NOT necessary for an infant. Here's why:

- Because of the sugars in juice, it can cause diarrhea.

- Too much juice can cause a child to be overweight or obese.

- Juice contains sugars and acids that can cause tooth decay.

- Giving your baby too much juice can hinder growth and development, and can cause malnutrition and anemia due to lack of nutrients like proteins and complex carbohydrates.

- If you are still breastfeeding, juice can cause your baby to nurse less.

Although juice contains Vitamin C, you don't want to give them too much. It should never be considered a supplement. If you must give your baby juice, consider these guidelines.

- Wait until your baby is at least 6 months old. But even then, babies at this age still do not require it.

- Dilute juice by at least half and half. Most grocery stores have a baby aisle with juice specially diluted for babies. These juices also contain more Vitamin C than regular juices, but are also more expensive.

- Never give your baby juice from a bottle. And never give them juice from a cup to suck on all day. This can cause tooth decay.

- Don't give your baby juice at bedtime.

- Babies shouldn't have more than 150ml (one half cup) of juice a day.

- Instead of giving fruits in liquid form, try giving them real fruit!

- If your baby is thirsty, give them water instead. If your baby doesn't like water, try flavoring the water with a little bit of juice.

- If you start feeding your baby water from the beginning, they won't naturally prefer juice instead of water.

I hope these tips will help you in your decision to feed your baby juice. If you are concerned about your baby's health, contact your physician.

Cassandra Germsheid is the owner of Baby Tips Online ( She is a stay at home mother but sometimes works part time for her local newspaper.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Things To Consider Before Buying A Baby High Chair

Writen by Tamara Williams

There are so many new features on modern High Chairs. Our Old wooden chairs never had such options. There are reclining to one-hand release trays to height adjustment and more. Here are a few things to consider before purchasing.


There may be many options and that is a matter of your personal requirements. Above all importance is Safety to your baby. Most Safety checked chairs will have a Label from the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association letting You know the seat is tested and safety certified.

When do I buy?

At the age that babies are eating solids usually 6 months of age. They do not really need a chair prior to that unless you want to have them a place to sit with family at the table. Often reclining High Chairs are best for small babies as they often sleep and can do so without their heads falling forward.


The last thing you want is an unsteady high chair. Choosing one with a wide base is best. Many modern chairs are coming with wider shaped legs and a lower center of gravity making them much more stable than older models. You can give the chairs you are looking at a good shake to see how it might stand up to an active family and baby.


Be sure to check and see if the high chairs belts are strong and durable as well as washable.

A harness 5 point or three point buckle is best to prevent baby sliding under the tray. Some come with molded piece between the legs. Avoid chairs with only a waist belt this poses danger of slipping and possible strangulation.

Seat Cushions comfortable?

With The amount of food that gets dropped onto the tray and seat it is good to find one that washes easy. Vinyl cushions are washable but look and feel to see if there are any sharp corners that can be felt by your fingers. Cushions should be easily removable and replaceable after washing.

Workable Tray?

The tray is an issue that is important to be able to get in and out easily and safely. Ask your self; would my Baby be able to reach releases to free the tray? Are there sharp areas or hinges that could pinch or hurt my baby's fingers? Trays with a high rim help keep food off the floor and on the tray accessible to baby who is learning basic motor skills.

Tamara Williams is a successful author and writer for Baby High chairs. Find out what are the best high chairs for your family needs.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Getting To Know Your Baby Babys Second Month Guide

Writen by Michelle Higgins

Time has flown. Your little bundle of joy has been a part of your home for more than four weeks now. The new dad and mum are now more relaxed, confident, and really enjoy their new responsibilities (at least most of the time). Here are a few pointers on what to expect in baby's second month.

Semblance of order

Baby is no longer attached to mom's breast all the time. A feed every 2-3 hours usually keeps her satisfied.

Spitting of milk after a feed is normal. Make sure you burp your baby after every feed.

Your two month-old baby most probably now sleeps 3-4 hours between nighttime feedings. She has definite waking hours during the day, which means mom and dad too can work out a routine.

She knows you!

In baby's second month, she focuses her eyes better, and can follow an object in an arc about six to eight inches from her face. She does not actually recognize your face, but definitely knows your touch, scent and voice. When you coo to her or talk in gentle soothing tones, she starts to make babbling sounds in response.

She enjoys smiling faces, smiles in return, and has a whole range of facial expressions.

I am a big(ger) girl now!

Baby has lost some of her early reflexes and has more control over her movements now. When placed on her stomach she can lift her head for brief periods. If your baby sucks her fists and fingers, let her enjoy the activity. It is too early to picture your two month-old walking to school with her thumb in her mouth.

Bath time can be playtime for your two-month old baby. Trimming baby's nails is best done after a bath (with tiny scissors/infant nail clippers).

To use or not to use

If you plan to introduce the bottle, baby's second month is the perfect time. Breast may be best. But if you have milk supply issues or have to go back to work, bottle-feeding might be necessary. A combination of both can work well too.

Whether to use a dummy or pacifier is a tough choice to make. Make sure baby's nursing patterns are well established before you do use one.

Hello Doctor

A regular well-baby check-up is scheduled in baby's second month. Your doctor will allay any doubts you have and discuss safety issues like placing baby on her back to sleep, the need for an infant car seat and all the other questions you have.

Your baby will get oral polio drops and some shots this month, most probably a combination of the triple antigen, Influenza and Hepatitis B. These shots usually cause a little fever, which can make some babies cranky. Your doctor will prescribe a fever medication for your baby.

Daddy's girl too!

Dads can involve themselves in every aspect of childcare though they tend to do most things differently. Dad holds baby in his own way, perhaps a little too firmly, but she loves it!

Baby's second month sees her turning from a cute unresponsive newborn into a tiny interactive person. Watch your little bundle of joy grow and learn a host of things along the way.

* About the author *

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Monday, February 16, 2009

To Invite Or Not To Invite The Dad To The Shower

Writen by Randy Wilson

Do you invite dad to the baby shower? As per the old tradition, the baby showers are "ladies only" celebrations and generally the dad did not attend them. However, he would arrive at the end of the baby shower to greet and thank all the baby shower guests and the hostess.

But these days, it's becoming more and more common to include men in the baby showers along with friends, spouses, and relatives. Again it is a personal choice. Only the hostess needs to decide whether you want a traditional "ladies only" shower with lots of "girly talks" and personal pregnancy stories. Or whether you're looking for a more non-traditional baby shower. Nothing is either wrong or right. But rather it is all about everyone enjoying themselves no matter what type of shower you want to host.

If you do plan on inviting the dad-to-be, it would be a good idea to know him better, his personality type, what food he likes, beverages, what his friends are like, availability etc. There are a few men who get pale by the mere thought of being around so many women. Especially knowing this is traditionally an all female event.

If you do decide to invite the father-to-be. Then it would be a kind gesture to also invite several of his male friends. You might also have some nice "manly" type food and beverages to make them more comfortable. After all, it takes a rather daring man to come to what is traditionally an all female event. It would also be a good idea to include some games that men and women both would enjoy.

For many reasons, the couple's shower (where men and women both are invited) is an appropriate way to celebrate a new baby.

First, the new daddy has as much reason to celebrate and to be congratulated as the mom-to-be. Second, daddy may enjoy opening the presents as much as mom, maybe more so. Thirdly, if the baby shower isn't held at their home, mommy will need dad to help load up the presents and drive her home. After all, she hasn't had the baby yet, and will probably be pretty tired by the end of the baby shower.

While this may be a new tradition, some men may actually enjoy the baby shower as much as the women. Although I doubt that most fathers-to-be would ever admit it to anyone, dad has to keep up that "macho" image after all.

It would be a nice touch to include gifts that are special for dad. Even though the gifts are usually gifts for the baby, and the occassional gift for the mom, dad wouldn't mind one or two for himself. Just don't let on that you know that. Let him keep his pride.

Generally, anyone who was invited to the wedding can be invited to the baby shower. Remember, this is a joyous celebration and you should spread joy, blessings and happiness to everyone that has an interest in the family.

© Copyright Randy Wilson, All Rights Reserved.

Randy has dozens more baby shower related articles such as Baby Shower Invitations and Baby Shower Games. Also has a blog: Baby Shower Planning.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Jogging Strollershow To Get Back In Shape

Writen by Linda Jenkinson

Add a little extra push and a jogging stroller to your exercise regime and you'll be back in top condition in no time! As well as single seat, many companies also offer double and triple seat models that are great for twins or toddlers. Jogging strollers come in a wide range of prices depending on the brand and the number and types of features of a particular model.

Aside from price, probably the most important feature to consider when comparing jogging strollers is the front wheel size. Although you can run behind any stroller, the small tires of traditional 4-wheel models make even a fast walk into a bumpy ride for baby. Unlike the traditional stroller, the 3-wheel jogging strollers are built to travel over grass, dirt, gravel and other rough terrain. Front wheel sizes range from 20+ inches to a standard 12-inch wheel. Large pneumatic (air-filled) wheels and suspension systems provide a smooth ride whatever the terrain. For joggers who prefer off-road running, many models are available with shock absorbers to add real cushioning to the bumps and dips in your route.

One factor to bear in mind is that typically, the larger wheel types have a wider turning ratio and are less maneuverable than smaller wheeled models. Although larger wheels aren't great for shopping the aisles in mall stores, they usually mean a smoother ride for baby over rough terrain.

• The larger 20-inch wheels are best for off road exercise and running. In addition to a more comfortable ride for baby, your exercise will feel smoother as you pass over curbs and bumps more easily.

• 16-inch wheel models are probably the most popular picks for joggers and power walkers who stick to the trails. Especially important if you're budget conscious, the smaller front wheel on these mid-sized jogging strollers make them more maneuverable for shopping but still provide baby with a smooth ride at exercise time.

• Even for a stroll through the park, you'll find that the slender jogger design of 12-inch wheel jogging strollers is superior. For shopping, you'll be down one aisle and down the next in a flash! Jogging strollers are also generally built with extra safety precautions for baby. For instance, many have features like a five point harness to keep your little one snug in place, front fenders to deflect dirt away from you and your little one, and adjustable canopies to keep the bright morning sun out of baby's eyes. Hand brakes, foot brakes, and parking brakes are also standard safety items on many jogging strollers.

Other features of jogging strollers include reclining seats that let baby sleep as fast on a morning run as he or she does during the car ride to your favorite running trail! In addition, some models have cup holders that hold water bottles for both you and baby, parent organizer trays, and pouches or pockets for storage of small items like keys, wallets, or baby toys.

Linda is mother and grandmother of two, she is author of the and the

Saturday, February 14, 2009

14 Steps To Reducing Your Infants Reflux

Writen by Roni MacLean

Many of the things listed below will help with your baby's discomfort and spitting up, eliminating the need for medication.


Positioning During and After Feeds

1. Keeping the child upright during and for at least thirty minutes after feeds can help to reduce reflux by allowing gravity to work at holding the food in their tummies. As well, after feeding, try to keep them as motionless as possible for at least thirty minutes after feeding. Formula fed babies may require longer periods since formula is digested slower than breastmilk.

A Word About Car Seats

2. Some car seats position baby in such a way that they hunched and slouched over, putting added pressure on their tummies which can increase reflux episodes. Look for a car seat that allows baby to be reclined enough that they aren't slouched yet, inclined enough that they are fairly upright.

Sleeping Position

3. As with positioning after feeding, keeping baby propped during sleep is essential when they have reflux. It can help reduce painful reflux episodes and reduce the risk of aspiration.

Prone vs. Supine (Front vs Back)

4. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends all babies sleep in the supine position (on their backs) because it has been shown to reduce the risk of SIDS. This is fine for babies with reflux as long as the baby is safely propped up to at least 30%, we found the higher baby is propped the better. Having said that, many babies with reflux prefer sleeping in the prone position (stomach), also elevated of course, and may have less reflux episodes in this position. Discuss this with your doctor and he can help decide if it's okay, and how to safely manage allowing baby to sleep in the prone position. It's very important to discuss this with the doctor before trying it as babies with reflux are already at an increased risk of SIDS.


5. Try carrying baby around as much as possible in a baby carrier through out the day. Carried babies tend to cry less and crying will make reflux worse, plus, it keeps baby upright.


Avoid Tight Clothing

6. Tight clothing, particularly clothing that's tight around baby's tummy, can make reflux worse by increasing pressure on the LES (lower esophageal sphincter). Make sure baby stays in loose fitting, elastic waists whenever possible.



7. Breastfeeding is definitely best for a baby with reflux because it is more hypoallergenic than formula and is digested twice as fast as formula. If breastfeeding is not chosen or not possible by the mother, formula changes can help some babies. If the baby has a milk or lactose allergy or intolerance giving the baby formula that is milk based can make reflux worse. Learn about the different types of formula available and discuss this possibility with your pediatrician.


8. Some babies with reflux will respond well to thickening their feeds with cereal. Thickening formula can help for a few reasons. The added weight of the cereal in the food helps to keep the food from splashing around in the baby's belly and can help keep it down. Babies who are having difficulty gaining weight may also benefit from the added calories. Generally, it's recommended that about one tablespoon of cereal should be added for every ounce of formula. If the formula isn't thick enough, it won't work. Also, some babies may react poorly to rice cereal which is generally the first tried, so adding oatmeal instead may work better for some babies. As always discuss this with your pediatrician before trying it.

Feeding Time

9. When and how much a baby is fed can also have an impact on their reflux. Smaller more frequent meals through out the day work much better than larger, less frequent meals. Also, avoid feeding baby right before bedtime, particularly if the baby is already a poor sleeper.


10. If you are breastfeeding, try eliminating the foods that can make reflux worse. Dairy products are a big offender, as is caffeine, fatty foods, spicy foods, citrus fruits. If eliminating these things seems to help, you can slowly (about one thing a week) start to introduce one thing at a time back into your diet and watch baby's reactions. This will help give you an idea of exactly what was making the reflux worse, so that you (hopefully) don't need to give up everything you love, just one or two things.


11. Stopping to burp baby frequently (at least after every ounce) during feedings can help.

Provide a Pacifier

12. Sucking on a pacifier or dummy, can increase saliva production. Saliva is alkaline which can help neutralize some of the acid that may come up.

Avoid Certain Foods and Liquids

13. More so for older children and babies, there are certain foods that are known to make reflux worse, as mentioned above. These should be avoided.


Infant Massage

14. Try infant massage, it's been shown to improve digestion and will help relax baby.

For more help, including treatments, how to know if medication is required, tips on propping baby and information about the different formulas available, visit

Roni MacLean

MacLean started researching reflux and GERD shortly after her daughter was born with GERD in May of 2000. She has spent the years following her daughter's birth learning everything she could. MacLean felt the need to reach out and help others going through what they had been through by sharing all that she had learned. Early in 2001 she launched as an informational website to help guide other parents. MacLean's dedication to the GERD community continues to this day. She has written the highly acclaimed, Life on the Reflux Roller Coaster, published in 2004, which was the first book ever published entirely on this subject. Currently, she dedicates all her spare time to the website that started it all, which has since grown into one of the best sources of information online.